:: Pass-through Eyre driver :: /- spider, *aquarium /+ ethereum, azimuth, ph-io, util=ph-util, strandio =, strand=strand:spider |% +$ state $: logs=(list az-log) :: oldest logs first lives=(map ship [lyfe=life rut=rift]) tym=@da == :: +$ azimuth-command $% [%spawn =ship] [%create-ship =ship] [%breach =ship] == :: +$ az-log [topics=(lest @) data=@t] -- =; core ^- thread:spider |= args=vase =/ m (strand ,vase) ^- form:m ;< ~ bind:m (watch-our:strandio /effect/request %aqua /effect/request) :: need blits for raw-ship to check booted :: ;< ~ bind:m (watch-our:strandio /effect/blit %aqua /effect/blit) :: start timer to advance 10 blocks every 20 seconds ;< now=@da bind:m get-time:strandio =/ a-state=state [~ ~ (add now ~s40)] ;< ~ bind:m (send-wait:strandio tym.a-state) ;< ~ bind:m %- (main-loop:strandio ,_a-state) :~ |=(=state ~(handle-unix-effect core state)) |=(=state ~(handle-poke core state)) |=(=state ~(handle-wake core state)) pure:(strand ,state) == (pure:m *vase) :: |_ =state ++ handle-wake =/ m (strand ,_state) ^- form:m ;< ~ bind:m ((handle:strandio ,~) (take-wake:strandio `tym.state)) ~& >> 'spamming logs' ;< now=@da bind:m get-time:strandio =. tym.state (add now ~s40) ;< ~ bind:m (send-wait:strandio tym.state) (spam-logs 10) :: ++ handle-unix-effect =/ m (strand ,_state) ^- form:m ;< [her=ship =unix-effect] bind:m ((handle:strandio ,[ship unix-effect]) take-unix-effect:ph-io) ;< our=ship bind:m get-our:ph-io =/ card (router our her unix-effect) ?~ card (pure:m state) :: send in next event to avoid inverting subscription flow. real :: solution is probably for gall to drip subscription updates. :: ;< ~ bind:m (sleep:strandio ~s0) ;< ~ bind:m (send-raw-cards:strandio u.card ~) (pure:m state) :: ++ router |= [our=ship her=ship uf=unix-effect] ^- (unit card:agent:gall) =, enjs:format =/ ask (extract-request:util uf 'http://localhost:8545/') ?~ ask ~ ?~ body.request.u.ask ~ =/ req q.u.body.request.u.ask |^ ^- (unit card:agent:gall) =/ method (get-method req) ?: =(method 'eth_blockNumber') :- ~ %+ answer-request req s+(crip (num-to-hex:ethereum latest-block)) ?: =(method 'eth_getBlockByNumber') :- ~ %+ answer-request req :- %o =/ number (hex-to-num:ethereum (get-first-param req)) =/ hash (number-to-hash number) =/ parent-hash (number-to-hash ?~(number number (dec number))) %- malt ^- (list (pair term json)) :~ hash+s+(crip (prefix-hex:ethereum (render-hex-bytes:ethereum 32 hash))) number+s+(crip (num-to-hex:ethereum number)) 'parentHash'^s+(crip (num-to-hex:ethereum parent-hash)) == ?: =(method 'eth_getLogs') :- ~ %+ answer-request req ?^ (get-param-obj-maybe req 'blockHash') %- logs-by-hash (get-param-obj req 'blockHash') %+ logs-by-range (get-param-obj req 'fromBlock') (get-param-obj req 'toBlock') ~& [%ph-azimuth-miss req] ~ :: ++ latest-block (add launch:contracts:azimuth (dec (lent logs.state))) :: ++ get-single-req |= req=@t =/ batch ((ar:dejs:format same) (need (de-json:html req))) ?> ?=([* ~] batch) i.batch :: ++ get-id |= req=@t =, dejs:format %. (get-single-req req) (ot id+so ~) :: ++ get-method |= req=@t =, dejs:format ~| req=req %. (get-single-req req) (ot method+so ~) :: ++ get-param-obj |= [req=@t param=@t] =, dejs:format %- hex-to-num:ethereum =/ array %. (get-single-req req) (ot params+(ar (ot param^so ~)) ~) ?> ?=([* ~] array) i.array :: ++ get-param-obj-maybe |= [req=@t param=@t] ^- (unit @ud) =, dejs-soft:format =/ array %. (get-single-req req) (ot params+(ar (ot param^so ~)) ~) ?~ array ~ :- ~ ?> ?=([* ~] u.array) %- hex-to-num:ethereum i.u.array :: ++ get-first-param |= req=@t =, dejs:format =/ id %. (get-single-req req) (ot params+(at so bo ~) ~) -.id :: ++ answer-request |= [req=@t result=json] ^- card:agent:gall =/ resp %- crip %- en-json:html :- %a :_ ~ %- pairs :~ id+s+(get-id req) jsonrpc+s+'2.0' result+result == =/ events=(list aqua-event) :_ ~ :* %event her //http-client/0v1n.2m9vh %receive num.u.ask [%start [200 ~] `(as-octs:mimes:html resp) &] == :* %pass /aqua-events %agent [our %aqua] %poke %aqua-events !>(events) == :: ++ number-to-hash |= =number:block:jael ^- @ ?: (lth number launch:contracts:azimuth) (cat 3 0x5364 (sub launch:contracts:azimuth number)) (cat 3 0x5363 (sub number launch:contracts:azimuth)) :: ++ hash-to-number |= =hash:block:jael (add launch:contracts:azimuth (div hash 0x1.0000)) :: ++ logs-by-range |= [from-block=@ud to-block=@ud] %+ logs-to-json (max launch:contracts:azimuth from-block) ?: (lth to-block launch:contracts:azimuth) ~ %+ swag ?: (lth from-block launch:contracts:azimuth) [0 +((sub to-block launch:contracts:azimuth))] :- (sub from-block launch:contracts:azimuth) +((sub to-block from-block)) logs.state :: ++ logs-by-hash |= =hash:block:jael =/ =number:block:jael (hash-to-number hash) (logs-by-range number number) :: ++ logs-to-json |= [count=@ud selected-logs=(list az-log)] ^- json :- %a |- ^- (list json) ?~ selected-logs ~ :_ $(selected-logs t.selected-logs, count +(count)) %- pairs :~ 'logIndex'^s+'0x0' 'transactionIndex'^s+'0x0' :+ 'transactionHash' %s (crip (prefix-hex:ethereum (render-hex-bytes:ethereum 32 `@`0x5362))) :: :+ 'blockHash' %s =/ hash (number-to-hash count) (crip (prefix-hex:ethereum (render-hex-bytes:ethereum 32 hash))) :: :+ 'blockNumber' %s (crip (num-to-hex:ethereum count)) :: :+ 'address' %s (crip (address-to-hex:ethereum azimuth:contracts:azimuth)) :: 'type'^s+'mined' :: 'data'^s+data.i.selected-logs :+ 'topics' %a %+ turn topics.i.selected-logs |= topic=@ux ^- json :- %s %- crip %- prefix-hex:ethereum (render-hex-bytes:ethereum 32 `@`topic) == -- :: ++ handle-poke =/ m (strand ,_state) ^- form:m ;< =vase bind:m ((handle:ph-io ,vase) (take-poke:ph-io %azimuth-command)) =/ command !<(azimuth-command vase) ?- -.command %spawn (spawn +.command) %create-ship (raw-real-ship +.command) %breach (breach +.command) == :: ++ raw-real-ship |= who=ship =/ m (strand ,_state) ^- form:m =/ clan (clan:title who) ?- clan ?(%czar %king %duke) ;< ~ bind:m (raw-ship:ph-io who `(dawn who ~)) (pure:m state) :: ?(%earl %pawn) =/ spon=ship (^sein:title who) =/ cub :: hard-code a valid comet key for convenience so we don't have to mine :: ?: =(who ~bosrym-podwyl-magnes-dacrys--pander-hablep-masrym-marbud) %- nol:nu:crub:crypto 0w9N.5uIvA.Jg0cx.NCD2R.o~MtZ.uEQOB.9uTbp.6LHvg.0yYTP. 3q3td.T4UF0.d5sDL.JGpZq.S3A92.QUuWg.IHdw7.izyny.j9W92 (pit:nu:crub:crypto 512 (shaz (jam who life=1 %entropy))) =/ =seed:jael [who 1 sec:ex:cub ~] =/ =pass pub:ex:cub =/ com=tape =/ rank ?:(=(%earl clan) "moon" "comet") "|{rank} {(scow %p who)}, =public-key {(scow %uw pass)}" ;< ~ bind:m (dojo:ph-io spon com) ;< ~ bind:m (raw-ship:ph-io who `(dawn who `seed)) (pure:m state) == :: ++ dawn |= [who=ship seed=(unit seed:jael)] ^- dawn-event:jael =/ spon=(list [ship point:azimuth]) %- flop |- ^- (list [ship point:azimuth]) =/ =ship (^sein:title who) =/ a-point=[^ship point:azimuth] =/ spon-spon [& (^sein:title ship)] =/ life-rift ~|([ship lives.state] (~(got by lives.state) ship)) =/ =life lyfe.life-rift =/ =rift rut.life-rift =/ =pass %^ pass-from-eth:azimuth (as-octs:mimes:html (get-public ship life %crypt)) (as-octs:mimes:html (get-public ship life %auth)) 1 :^ ship *[address address address address]:azimuth `[life=life pass rift spon-spon ~] ~ ?: ?=(%czar (clan:title ship)) [a-point]~ [a-point $(who ship)] =/ =seed:jael ?^ seed u.seed =/ life-rift (~(got by lives.state) who) =/ =life lyfe.life-rift [who life sec:ex:(get-keys who life) ~] :* seed spon get-czars ~[~['arvo' 'netw' 'ork']] 0 `(need (de-purl:html 'http://localhost:8545')) == :: :: Should only do galaxies :: ++ get-czars ^- (map ship [rift life pass]) %- malt %+ murn ~(tap by lives.state) |= [who=ship lyfe=life rut=rift] ?. =(%czar (clan:title who)) ~ %- some :^ who rut lyfe %^ pass-from-eth:azimuth (as-octs:mimes:html (get-public who lyfe %crypt)) (as-octs:mimes:html (get-public who lyfe %auth)) 1 :: ++ spawn |= who=@p =/ m (strand ,_state) ^- form:m ?< (~(has by lives.state) who) =. lives.state (~(put by lives.state) who [1 0]) =. logs.state %+ weld logs.state :~ %- changed-keys:lo :* who (get-public who 1 %crypt) (get-public who 1 %auth) 1 1 == == (spam-logs 10) :: ++ cycle-keys |= who=@p =/ m (strand ,_state) ^- form:m =/ prev (~(got by lives.state) who) =/ lyfe +(lyfe.prev) =. lives.state (~(put by lives.state) who [lyfe rut.prev]) =. logs.state %+ weld logs.state :_ ~ %- changed-keys:lo :* who (get-public who lyfe %crypt) (get-public who lyfe %auth) 1 lyfe == (pure:m state) :: ++ breach |= who=@p =/ m (strand ,_state) ^- form:m ;< =new=^state bind:m (cycle-keys who) =. state new-state =/ prev (~(got by lives.state) who) =/ rut +(rut.prev) =. lives.state (~(put by lives.state) who [lyfe.prev rut]) =. logs.state %+ weld logs.state [(broke-continuity:lo who rut) ~] (spam-logs 10) :: ++ spam-logs |= n=@ =/ m (strand ,_state) ^- form:m =* loop $ ?: =(n 0) (pure:m state) ;< =new=^state bind:m ?. (~(has by lives.state) ~fes) (spawn ~fes) (cycle-keys ~fes) =. state new-state loop(n (dec n)) :: ++ get-keys |= [who=@p lyfe=life] ^- acru:ames %+ pit:nu:crub:crypto 32 (can 5 [1 (scot %p who)] [1 (scot %ud lyfe)] ~) :: ++ get-public |= [who=@p lyfe=life typ=?(%auth %crypt)] =/ bod (rsh 3 pub:ex:(get-keys who lyfe)) =+ [enc=(rsh 8 bod) aut=(end 8 bod)] ?: =(%auth typ) aut enc :: :: Generate logs :: ++ lo =, azimuth-events:azimuth |% ++ broke-continuity |= [who=ship rut=rift] ^- az-log :- ~[^broke-continuity who] %- crip %- prefix-hex:ethereum (render-hex-bytes:ethereum 32 `@`rut) :: ++ changed-keys |= [who=ship enc=@ux aut=@ux crypto=@ud lyfe=life] ^- az-log :- ~[^changed-keys who] %- crip %- prefix-hex:ethereum ;: welp (render-hex-bytes:ethereum 32 `@`enc) (render-hex-bytes:ethereum 32 `@`aut) (render-hex-bytes:ethereum 32 `@`crypto) (render-hex-bytes:ethereum 32 `@`lyfe) == -- --