!: :: dill (4d), terminal handling :: |= pit/vase =, dill => |% :: interface tiles ++ gill (pair ship term) :: general contact -- :: => |% :: console protocol ++ all-axle ?(axle) :: ++ axle :: $: $0 :: hey/(unit duct) :: default duct dug/(map duct axon) :: conversations $= hef :: other weights $: a/(unit mass) :: b/(unit mass) :: c/(unit mass) :: e/(unit mass) :: f/(unit mass) :: g/(unit mass) :: j/(unit mass) :: == :: == :: ++ axon :: dill per duct $: ram/term :: console program tem/(unit (list dill-belt)) :: pending, reverse wid/_80 :: terminal width pos/@ud :: cursor position see/(list @c) :: current line == :: -- => :: |% :: protocol outward ++ mess :: $% {$dill-belt p/(hypo dill-belt)} :: == :: ++ move {p/duct q/(wind note gift:able)} :: local move ++ note-ames :: weird ames move $% {$wegh $~} :: == :: ++ note-behn :: $% {$wegh $~} :: == :: ++ note-clay :: $% {$merg p/@tas q/@p r/@tas s/case t/germ:clay} :: merge desks {$warp p/ship q/riff:clay} :: wait for clay hack {$wegh $~} :: {$perm p/desk q/path r/rite:clay} :: change permissions == :: ++ note-dill :: note to self, odd $% {$crud p/@tas q/(list tank)} :: {$heft $~} :: {$init p/ship} :: {$lyra p/@t q/@t} :: upgrade kernel {$text p/tape} :: {$veer p/@ta q/path r/@t} :: install vane {$verb $~} :: verbose mode == :: ++ note-eyre :: $% {$wegh $~} :: == :: ++ note-ford :: $% {$wegh $~} :: == :: ++ note-gall :: $% {$conf dock $load ship desk} :: {$deal p/sock q/cush:gall} :: {$wegh $~} :: == :: ++ note-jael :: $% $: %dawn :: boot from keys =seed:able:jael :: identity params spon=ship :: sponsor czar=(map ship [=life =pass]) :: galaxy table turf=(list turf) :: domains bloq=@ud :: block number node=(unit purl:eyre) :: gateway url snap=(unit snapshot:jael) :: head start == :: [%fake our=ship] :: boot fake [%wegh ~] == :: ++ note :: out request $-> $% {$a note-ames} :: {$b note-behn} :: {$c note-clay} :: {$d note-dill} :: {$e note-eyre} :: {$f note-ford} :: {$g note-gall} :: {$j note-jael} :: == :: ++ sign-ames :: $% {$nice $~} :: {$send p/lane:ames q/@} :: {$mass p/mass} :: == :: ++ sign-behn :: $% {$mass p/mass} :: == :: ++ sign-clay :: $% {$mere p/(each (set path) (pair term tang))} :: {$note p/@tD q/tank} :: {$writ p/riot:clay} :: {$mass p/mass} :: {$mack p/(unit tang)} :: == :: ++ sign-dill :: $% {$blit p/(list blit)} :: == :: ++ sign-eyre :: $% {$mass p/mass} :: == :: ++ sign-ford :: $% {$mass p/mass} :: == :: ++ sign-gall :: $% {$onto p/(each suss:gall tang)} :: {$unto p/cuft:gall} :: {$mass p/mass} :: == :: ++ sign-jael :: $% [%init p=ship] :: [%mass p=mass] == :: ++ sign :: in result $<- $% {$a sign-ames} :: {$b sign-behn} :: {$c sign-clay} :: {$d sign-dill} :: {$e sign-eyre} :: {$f sign-ford} :: {$g sign-gall} :: {%j sign-jael} :: == :::::::: :: dill tiles -- =| all/axle |= [our=ship now=@da eny=@uvJ ski=sley] :: current invocation => |% ++ as :: per cause =| moz/(list move) |_ [hen=duct axon] ++ abet :: resolve ^- {(list move) axle} [(flop moz) all(dug (~(put by dug.all) hen +<+))] :: ++ call :: receive input |= kyz/task:able ^+ +> ?+ -.kyz ~& [%strange-kiss -.kyz] +> $flow +> $harm +> $hail (send %hey ~) $belt (send `dill-belt`p.kyz) $text (from %out (tuba p.kyz)) $crud :: (send `dill-belt`[%cru p.kyz q.kyz]) (crud p.kyz q.kyz) $blew (send %rez p.p.kyz q.p.kyz) $heft heft $lyra (dump kyz) $veer (dump kyz) $verb (dump kyz) == :: ++ crud |= {err/@tas tac/(list tank)} =+ ^= wol ^- wall :- (trip err) (zing (turn (flop tac) |=(a/tank (~(win re a) [0 wid])))) |- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ wol +>.^$ $(wol t.wol, +>.^$ (from %out (tuba i.wol))) :: ++ dump :: pass down to hey |= git/gift:able ?> ?=(^ hey.all) +>(moz [[u.hey.all %give git] moz]) :: ++ done :: return gift |= git/gift:able +>(moz :_(moz [hen %give git])) :: ++ from :: receive belt |= bit/dill-blit ^+ +> ?: ?=($mor -.bit) |- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ p.bit +>.^$ $(p.bit t.p.bit, +>.^$ ^$(bit i.p.bit)) ?: ?=($out -.bit) %+ done %blit :~ [%lin p.bit] [%mor ~] [%lin see] [%hop pos] == ?: ?=($klr -.bit) %+ done %blit :~ [%lin (cvrt:ansi p.bit)] [%mor ~] [%lin see] [%hop pos] == ?: ?=($pro -.bit) (done(see p.bit) %blit [[%lin p.bit] [%hop pos] ~]) ?: ?=($pom -.bit) =. see (cvrt:ansi p.bit) (done %blit [[%lin see] [%hop pos] ~]) ?: ?=($hop -.bit) (done(pos p.bit) %blit [bit ~]) ?: ?=($qit -.bit) (dump %logo ~) (done %blit [bit ~]) :: ++ ansi |% ++ cvrt :: stub to (list @c) |= a/stub :: with ANSI codes ^- (list @c) %- zing %+ turn a |= a/(pair stye (list @c)) ^- (list @c) ;: weld ?: =(0 ~(wyt in p.p.a)) ~ `(list @c)`(zing (turn ~(tap in p.p.a) ef)) (bg p.q.p.a) (fg q.q.p.a) q.a ?~(p.p.a ~ (ef ~)) (bg ~) (fg ~) == :: ++ ef |=(a/^deco (scap (deco a))) :: ANSI effect :: ++ fg |=(a/^tint (scap (tint a))) :: ANSI foreground :: ++ bg :: ANSI background |= a/^tint %- scap =>((tint a) [+(p) q]) :: (add 10 fg) :: ++ scap :: ANSI escape seq |= a/$@(@ (pair @ @)) %- (list @c) :+ 27 '[' :: "\033[{a}m" ?@(a :~(a 'm') :~(p.a q.a 'm')) :: ++ deco :: ANSI effects |= a/^deco ^- @ ?- a ~ '0' $br '1' $un '4' $bl '5' == :: ++ tint :: ANSI colors (fg) |= a/^tint ^- (pair @ @) :- '3' ?- a $k '0' $r '1' $g '2' $y '3' $b '4' $m '5' $c '6' $w '7' ~ '9' == -- :: ++ heft %_ . moz :* [hen %pass /heft/ames %a %wegh ~] [hen %pass /heft/behn %b %wegh ~] [hen %pass /heft/clay %c %wegh ~] [hen %pass /heft/eyre %e %wegh ~] [hen %pass /heft/ford %f %wegh ~] [hen %pass /heft/gall %g %wegh ~] [hen %pass /heft/jael %j %wegh ~] moz == == :: XX move :: ++ sein |= who=ship ;; ship %- need %- need %- (sloy-light ski) [[151 %noun] %j our %sein da+now /(scot %p who)] :: ++ init :: initialize ~& [%dill-init our ram] ^+ . =. moz :_(moz [hen %pass / %c %merg %home our %base da+now %init]) . :: ++ mere :: continue init ~& [%dill-mere our ram] ^+ . =/ myt (flop (need tem)) =/ can (clan:title our) =. tem ~ =. moz :_(moz [hen %pass ~ %g %conf [[our ram] %load our %home]]) =. +> (sync %home our %base) =. +> ?: ?=(?($czar $pawn) can) +> (sync %base (sein our) %kids) =. +> ?. ?=(?($duke $king $czar) can) +> :: make kids desk publicly readable, so syncs work. :: (show %kids):(sync %kids our %base) =. +> autoload =. +> peer |- ^+ +>+ ?~ myt +>+ $(myt t.myt, +>+ (send i.myt)) :: ++ into :: preinitialize |= gyl/(list gill) %_ +> tem `(turn gyl |=(a/gill [%yow a])) moz :_ moz [hen %pass / %c %warp our %base `[%sing %y [%ud 1] /]] == :: ++ send :: send action |= bet/dill-belt ?^ tem +>(tem `[bet u.tem]) %_ +> moz :_ moz [hen %pass ~ %g %deal [our our] ram %poke [%dill-belt -:!>(bet) bet]] == ++ peer %_ . moz :_(moz [hen %pass ~ %g %deal [our our] ram %peer /drum]) == :: ++ show :: permit reads on desk |= des/desk %_ +>.$ moz :_ moz [hen %pass /show %c %perm des / r+`[%black ~]] == :: ++ sync |= syn/{desk ship desk} %_ +>.$ moz :_ moz :* hen %pass /sync %g %deal [our our] ram %poke %hood-sync -:!>(syn) syn == == :: ++ autoload %_ . moz :_ moz :* hen %pass /autoload %g %deal [our our] ram %poke %kiln-start-autoload [%atom %n `~] ~ == == :: ++ pump :: send diff ack %_ . moz :_(moz [hen %pass ~ %g %deal [our our] ram %pump ~]) == :: ++ take :: receive |= sih/sign ^+ +> ?- sih {?($a $b $c $e $f $g $j) $mass *} (wegh -.sih p.sih) :: {$a $nice *} :: ~& [%take-nice-ames sih] +> :: [%j %init *] :: pass thru to unix :: +>(moz :_(moz [hen %give +.sih])) :: {$a $send *} +>(moz :_(moz [hen %give +.sih])) :: {$g $onto *} :: ~& [%take-gall-onto +>.sih] ?- -.+>.sih %| (crud %onto p.p.+>.sih) %& (done %blit [%lin (tuba "{}")]~) == :: {$g $unto *} :: ~& [%take-gall-unto +>.sih] ?- -.+>.sih $coup ?~(p.p.+>.sih +>.$ (crud %coup u.p.p.+>.sih)) $quit peer $reap ?~ p.p.+>.sih +>.$ (dump:(crud %reap u.p.p.+>.sih) %logo ~) $diff pump:(from ((hard dill-blit) q:`vase`+>+>.sih)) == :: {$c $note *} (from %out (tuba p.sih ' ' ~(ram re q.sih))) :: {$c $writ *} init :: {$c $mere *} ?: ?=(%& -.p.sih) mere (mean >%dill-mere-fail< >p.p.p.sih< q.p.p.sih) :: {$c $mack *} ?~ p.sih +>.$ (mean >%dill-clay-nack< u.p.sih) :: {$d $blit *} (done +.sih) == :: +wegh: receive a memory report from a vane and maybe emit full report :: ++ wegh |= {lal/?($a $b $c $e $f $g $j) mas/mass} ^+ +> :: update our listing of vane responses with this new one :: =. hef.all ?- lal $a ~?(?=(^ a.hef.all) %double-mass-a hef.all(a `mas)) $b ~?(?=(^ b.hef.all) %double-mass-b hef.all(b `mas)) $c ~?(?=(^ c.hef.all) %double-mass-c hef.all(c `mas)) $e ~?(?=(^ e.hef.all) %double-mass-e hef.all(e `mas)) $f ~?(?=(^ f.hef.all) %double-mass-f hef.all(f `mas)) $g ~?(?=(^ g.hef.all) %double-mass-g hef.all(g `mas)) $j ~?(?=(^ j.hef.all) %double-mass-j hef.all(j `mas)) == :: if not all vanes have responded yet, no-op :: ?. ?& ?=(^ a.hef.all) ?=(^ b.hef.all) ?=(^ c.hef.all) ?=(^ e.hef.all) ?=(^ f.hef.all) ?=(^ g.hef.all) ?=(^ j.hef.all) == +>.$ :: clear vane reports from our state before weighing ourself :: :: Otherwise, the state of vanes printed after this one get absorbed :: into Dill's %dot catchall report. :: =/ ven=(list mass) ~[u.a u.b u.c u.e u.g u.f u.j]:hef.all => .(hef.all [~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~]) :: wegh ourself now that our state doesn't include other masses :: =/ self=mass :+ %dill %| :~ hey+&+hey.all dug+&+dug.all dot+&+all == :: produce the memory report for all vanes :: (done %mass %vanes %| [self ven]) -- :: ++ ax :: make ++as |= hen/duct ^- (unit _as) =/ nux (~(get by dug.all) hen) ?~ nux ~ (some ~(. as hen u.nux)) -- |% :: poke+peek pattern ++ call :: handle request |= $: hen=duct type=* wrapped-task=(hobo task:able) == ^+ [*(list move) ..^$] =/ task=task:able ?. ?=(%soft -.wrapped-task) wrapped-task ((hard task:able) p.wrapped-task) :: the boot event passes thru %dill for initial duct distribution :: ?: ?=(%boot -.task) ?> ?=(?(%dawn %fake) -.p.task) ?> =(~ hey.all) =. hey.all `hen =/ boot ((soft note-jael) p.task) ?~ boot ~| invalid-boot-event+hen !! :_(..^$ [hen %pass / %j u.boot]~) :: we are subsequently initialized. single-home :: ?: ?=(%init -.task) ?> =(~ dug.all) :: configure new terminal, setup :hood and %clay :: =* duc (need hey.all) =/ app %hood =/ see (tuba "") =/ zon=axon [app input=[~ ~] width=80 cursor=0 see] :: =^ moz all abet:(~(into as duc zon) ~) [moz ..^$] :: %flog tasks are unwrapped and sent back to us on our default duct :: ?: ?=(%flog -.task) ?~ hey.all [~ ..^$] :: this lets lib/helm send %heft a la |mass :: =? p.task ?=([%crud %hax-heft ~] p.task) [%heft ~] :: $(hen u.hey.all, wrapped-task p.task) :: a %sunk notification from %jail comes in on an unfamiliar duct :: ?: ?=(%sunk -.task) [~ ..^$] :: a %vega notification on kernel upgrade comes in on an unfamiliar duct :: ?: ?=(%vega -.task) [~ ..^$] :: =/ nus (ax hen) ?~ nus :: :hen is an unrecognized duct :: could be before %boot (or %boot failed) :: ~& [%dill-call-no-flow hen -.task] =/ tan ?:(?=(%crud -.task) q.task ~) [((slog (flop tan)) ~) ..^$] :: =^ moz all abet:(call:u.nus task) [moz ..^$] :: ++ load :: trivial |= old/all-axle ..^$(all old) :: ++ scry |= {fur/(unit (set monk)) ren/@tas why/shop syd/desk lot/coin tyl/path} ^- (unit (unit cage)) ?. ?=(%& -.why) ~ =* his p.why [~ ~] :: ++ stay all :: ++ take :: process move |= {tea/wire hen/duct hin/(hypo sign)} ^+ [*(list move) ..^$] =/ nus (ax hen) ?~ nus :: :hen is an unrecognized duct :: could be before %boot (or %boot failed) :: ~& [%dill-take-no-flow hen -.q.hin +<.q.hin] [~ ..^$] =^ moz all abet:(take:u.nus q.hin) [moz ..^$] --