|% :: $test: a test with a fully resolved path :: +$ test [=path func=test-func] :: $test-arm: a test with a name (derived from its arm name in a test core) :: +$ test-arm [name=term func=test-func] :: $test-func: a single test, as a gate; sample is entropy, produces failures :: +$ test-func $-(@uvJ tang) -- |% :: +resolve-test-paths: add test names to file paths to form full identifiers :: ++ resolve-test-paths |= paths-to-tests=(map path (list test-arm)) ^- (list test) :: %- zing %+ turn ~(tap by paths-to-tests) |= [=path test-arms=(list test-arm)] ^- (list test) :: strip off leading 'tests' from :path :: =. path ?> ?=(^ path) ?> ?=(%tests i.path) t.path :: for each test, add the test's name to :path :: %+ turn test-arms |= =test-arm ^- test [(weld path /[name.test-arm]) func.test-arm] :: +get-test-arms: convert test arms to functions and produce them :: ++ get-test-arms |= [test-core-type=type test-core=*] ^- (list test-arm) :: =/ arms=(list @tas) (sort (sloe test-core-type) aor) :: %+ turn (skim arms has-test-prefix) |= name=term ^- test-arm :: ?> (~(nest ut (~(peek ut test-core-type) %free 6)) & p:!>((init-test))) :: ~| [%failed-to-compile-test-arm name] =/ run-arm=[=type =nock] (~(mint ut test-core-type) p:!>(*tang) [%limb name]) :: :- name ^- test-func :: |= eny=@uvJ ^- tang ((hard tang) .*(test-core(+6 (init-test eny)) nock.run-arm)) :: +has-test-prefix: does the arm define a test we should run? :: ++ has-test-prefix |= a=term ^- ? =((end 3 5 a) 'test-') :: +init-test: data initialized on a per-test basis :: ++ init-test |=(eny=@uvJ ~(. tester eny)) :: +tester: main testing core with helper arms to be used in tests :: :: TODO provide a lot more helper functions. :: ++ tester |_ eny=@uvJ :: +expect-eq: compares !>([expected actual]) and pretty-prints the result :: ++ expect-eq |= a=vase ^- tang ?@ q.a [palm+[": " ~ ~ ~]^~[>%ex-expected-pair< (sell a)]]~ ?: =(-.q.a +.q.a) ~ :~ palm+[": " ~ ~ ~]^~[leaf+"expected" (sell (slot 2 a))] palm+[": " ~ ~ ~]^~[leaf+"actual" (sell (slot 3 a))] == :: ++ expect-nu-eq |= [expected=vase actual=vase] ^- tang :: =| result=tang :: =? result !=(q.expected q.actual) %+ weld result ^- tang :~ [%palm [": " ~ ~ ~] [leaf+"expected" (sell expected) ~]] [%palm [": " ~ ~ ~] [leaf+"actual" (sell actual) ~]] == :: =? result !(~(nest ut p.actual) | p.expected) %+ weld result ^- tang :~ :+ %palm [": " ~ ~ ~] :~ [%leaf "failed to nest"] (~(dunk ut p.actual) %actual) (~(dunk ut p.expected) %expected) == == result :: +category: prepends a name to an error result; passes successes unchanged :: ++ category |= [a=tape b=tang] ^- tang ?: =(~ b) ~ :: test OK :- leaf+"in: '{a}'" (turn b |=(c=tank rose+[~ " " ~]^~[c])) -- --