:: :: :: :::: /hoon/talk/app :: :: :: :: :: /? 310 /- talk, sole /+ talk, sole, time-to-id, twitter /= seed /~ !>(.) :: :::: :: [. talk sole] => |% :: data structures ++ house {$5 house-5} :: full state ++ house-any :: app history $% {$3 house-3} :: 3: talk {$4 house-4} :: 4: talk {$5 house-5} :: 5: talk == :: ++ house-3 :: %+ cork house-4 |= house-4 :: modern house with +<(stories (~(run by stories) story-3)) :: old stories ++ house-4 :: %+ cork house-5 |= house-5 :: modern house with +<(shells (~(run by shells) shell-4)) :: no settings ++ house-5 :: $: stories/(map knot story) :: conversations general/(set bone) :: meta-subscribe outbox/(pair @ud (map @ud thought)) :: urbit outbox folks/(map ship human) :: human identities shells/(map bone shell) :: interaction state log/(map knot @ud) :: logged to clay nik/(map (set partner) char) :: bound station glyphs nak/(jug char (set partner)) :: station glyph lookup == :: ++ story-3 (cork story |=(story +<(|10 &11.+<))) :: missing glyphers ++ story :: wire content $: count/@ud :: (lent grams) grams/(list telegram) :: all history locals/(map ship (pair @da status)) :: local presence remotes/(map partner atlas) :: remote presence mirrors/(map station config) :: remote config sequence/(map partner @ud) :: partners heard shape/config :: configuration known/(map serial @ud) :: messages heard gramsers/(map bone river) :: message followers groupers/(set bone) :: presence followers cabalers/(set bone) :: config followers glyphers/(set bone) :: glyph followers == :: ++ shell :: console session $: her/ship :: client identity man/knot :: mailbox count/@ud :: messages shown say/sole-share :: console state active/(unit (set partner)) :: active targets passive/(set partner) :: passive targets owners/register :: presence mirror harbor/(map knot (pair posture cord)) :: stations mirror system/cabal :: config mirror settings/(set knot) :: frontend settings == :: ++ shell-4 (cork shell |=(shell +<(|8 &9.+<))) :: missing settings ++ river (pair point point) :: stream definition ++ point :: stream endpoint $% {$ud p/@ud} :: by number {$da p/@da} :: by date == :: ++ move (pair bone card) :: all actions ++ lime :: diff fruit $% {$talk-report report} :: {$sole-effect sole-effect} :: == :: ++ pear :: poke fruit $% {$talk-command command} :: {$write-comment spur ship cord} :: {$write-fora-post spur ship cord cord} :: == :: ++ card :: general card $% {$diff lime} :: {$info wire @p @tas nori} :: {$peer wire dock path} :: {$poke wire dock pear} :: {$pull wire dock $~} :: {$quit $~} :: == :: ++ weir :: parsed wire $% {$repeat p/@ud q/@p r/knot} :: {$friend p/knot q/station} :: == :: ++ work :: interface action $% {$number p/$@(@ud {@u @ud})} :: relative/absolute {$help $~} :: print usage info {$who p/where} :: presence {$what p/$@(char (set partner))} :: show bound glyph {$bind p/char q/(unit where)} :: {$join p/where} :: {$leave p/where} :: {$say p/(list speech)} :: {$eval p/cord q/twig} :: {$invite p/knot q/(list partner)} :: whitelist add {$banish p/knot q/(list partner)} :: blacklist add {$block p/knot q/(list partner)} :: blacklist add {$author p/knot q/(list partner)} :: whitelist add {$nick p/(unit ship) q/(unit cord)} :: {$set p/knot} :: {$unset p/knot} :: {$target p/where q/(unit work)} :: set active targets :: {$destroy p/knot} :: {$create p/posture q/knot r/cord} :: {$probe p/station} :: == :: ++ where (set partner) :: non-empty audience ++ sigh :: assemble label |= {len/@ud pre/tape yiz/cord} ^- tape =+ nez=(trip yiz) =+ lez=(lent nez) ?> (gth len (lent pre)) =. len (sub len (lent pre)) ?. (gth lez len) =. nez (welp pre nez) ?. (lth lez len) nez (runt [(sub len lez) '-'] nez) :(welp pre (scag (dec len) nez) "+") ++ glyphs `wall`~[">=+-" "}),." "\"'`^" "$%&@"] :: station char pool ++ peer-type :: stream requests =< apex |% ++ apex ?($a-group $f-grams $v-glyph $x-cabal) :: options ++ encode |=(a/apex ^-(char (end 3 1 a))) :: by first char ++ decode :: discriminate |= a/char ^- apex ?+ a ~|(bad-subscription-designator+a !!) $a %a-group $f %f-grams $v %v-glyph $x %x-cabal == -- -- |_ {hid/bowl house} ++ ra :: per transaction |_ moves/(list move) ++ sh :: per console |_ $: coz/(list command) :: talk actions she/shell == ++ sh-scad :: command parser =< work |% ++ expr :: [cord twig] |= tub/nail %. tub %+ stag (crip q.tub) wide:(vang & [&1:% &2:% (scot %da now.hid) |3:%]) :: ++ dare :: @dr %+ sear |= a/coin ?. ?=({$$ $dr @} a) ~ (some `@dr`+>.a) nuck:so :: ++ ship ;~(pfix sig fed:ag) :: ship ++ shiz :: ship set %+ cook |=(a/(list ^ship) (~(gas in *(set ^ship)) a)) (most ;~(plug com (star ace)) ship) :: ++ pasp :: passport ;~ pfix pat ;~ pose (stag %twitter ;~(pfix (jest 't') col urs:ab)) == == :: ++ stan :: station ;~ pose (cold [our.hid man.she] col) ;~(pfix cen (stag our.hid sym)) ;~(pfix fas (stag (sein our.hid) sym)) :: %+ cook |= {a/@p b/(unit term)} [a ?^(b u.b (main a))] ;~ plug ship (punt ;~(pfix fas urs:ab)) == == :: ++ parn :: partner ;~ pose (stag %& stan) (stag %| pasp) == ++ partners-flat :: collapse mixed list |= a/(list (each partner (set partner))) ^- (set partner) ?~ a ~ ?- -.i.a $& (~(put in $(a t.a)) p.i.a) $| (~(uni in $(a t.a)) p.i.a) == :: ++ para :: partners alias %+ cook partners-flat %+ most ;~(plug com (star ace)) (pick parn (sear sh-glyf glyph)) :: ++ parz :: non-empty partners %+ cook ~(gas in *(set partner)) (most ;~(plug com (star ace)) parn) :: ++ nump :: number reference ;~ pose ;~(pfix hep dem:ag) ;~ plug (cook lent (plus (just '0'))) ;~(pose dem:ag (easy 0)) == (stag 0 dem:ag) == :: ++ pore :: posture ;~ pose (cold %black (jest %channel)) (cold %white (jest %village)) (cold %green (jest %journal)) (cold %brown (jest %mailbox)) == :: ++ message ;~ pose ;~(plug (cold %eval hax) expr) :: %+ stag %say %+ most (jest '•') ;~ pose (stag %url aurf:urlp) :(stag %lin | ;~(pfix pat text)) :(stag %lin & ;~(less sem hax text)) == == :: ++ nick (cook crip (stun [1 14] low)) :: nickname ++ text (cook crip (plus (shim ' ' '~'))) :: bullets separating ++ glyph (mask "/\\\{( =+ zoc=(flop coz) |- ^+ +>+> ?~ zoc +>+>.$(shells (~(put by shells) ost.hid she)) $(zoc t.zoc, +>.$ (sh-deal i.zoc)) :: ++ sh-deal :: apply from shell |= cod/command ^+ +> ?- -.cod $design ?~ q.cod =. +>+>.$ (ra-config p.cod *config) +>.$(stories (~(del by stories) p.cod)) +>(+> (ra-config p.cod u.q.cod)) :: $review +>(+> (ra-think | her.she +.cod)) $publish +>(+> (ra-think & her.she +.cod)) == :: ++ sh-fact :: send console effect |= fec/sole-effect ^+ +> +>(moves :_(moves [ost.hid %diff %sole-effect fec])) :: ++ sh-peep :: peer to path |= pax/path ^+ +> +>(+> (ra-subscribe her.she pax)) :: ++ sh-peer :: subscribe shell =< sh-prod %_ . +> =/ typ =+ (ly ~[%a-group %f-grams %x-cabal]) (rap 3 (turn - encode:peer-type)) (ra-subscribe:(ra-subscribe her.she ~) her.she [typ man.she ~]) == :: ++ sh-prod :: show prompt ^+ . %+ sh-fact %pro :+ & %talk-line ^- tape =+ ^= rew ^- (pair (pair @t @t) (set partner)) ?~ active.she [['(' ')'] passive.she] [['[' ']'] u.active.she] =+ cha=(~(get by nik) q.rew) ?^ cha ~[u.cha ' '] :: ~& [rew nik nak] =+ por=~(te-prom te man.she q.rew) (weld `tape`[p.p.rew por] `tape`[q.p.rew ' ' ~]) :: ++ sh-pact :: update active aud |= lix/(set partner) ^+ +> =+ act=?~(lix ~ `(sh-pare lix)) ?: =(active.she act) +>.$ sh-prod(active.she act) :: ++ sh-pare :: adjust target list |= paz/(set partner) ?: (sh-pear paz) paz (~(put in paz) [%& our.hid man.she]) :: ++ sh-pear :: hearback |= paz/(set partner) ?~ paz | ?| $(paz l.paz) $(paz r.paz) (~(has in sources.shape:(~(got by stories) man.she)) `partner`n.paz) == :: ++ sh-pass :: passive from aud |= aud/audience %- sh-poss %- ~(gas in *(set partner)) (turn (~(tap by aud)) |=({a/partner *} a)) :: ++ sh-poss :: passive update |= lix/(set partner) ?^ buf.say.she +>.$ =+ sap=(sh-pare lix) ?: =(sap passive.she) +>.$ sh-prod(passive.she sap) :: ++ sh-pest :: report listen |= tay/partner ^+ +> ?. ?=($& -.tay) +> =+ sib=(~(get by ham.system.she) `station`p.tay) ?. |(?=($~ sib) !?=($white p.cordon.u.sib)) +>.$ (sh-poss [tay ~ ~]) :: ++ sh-rend :: print on one line |= gam/telegram =+ lin=~(tr-line tr man.she (~(has in settings.she) %noob) gam) (sh-pass:(sh-fact %txt lin) q.q.gam) :: ++ sh-numb :: print msg number |= num/@ud ^+ +> =+ bun=(scow %ud num) %+ sh-fact %txt (runt [(sub 13 (lent bun)) '-'] "[{bun}]") :: ++ sh-glyf :: decode glyph |= cha/char ^- (unit (set partner)) =+ lax=(~(get ju nak) cha) ?: =(~ lax) ~ ?: ?=({* $~ $~} lax) `n.lax =+ grams=grams:(~(got by stories) man.she) |- ^- (unit (set partner)) ?~ grams ~ =+ pan=(silt (turn (~(tap by q.q.i.grams)) head)) ?: (~(has in lax) pan) `pan $(grams t.grams) :: ++ sh-repo-house-diff |= {one/shelf two/shelf} =| $= ret $: old/(list (pair knot (pair posture cord))) new/(list (pair knot (pair posture cord))) cha/(list (pair knot (pair posture cord))) == ^+ ret =. ret =+ eno=(~(tap by one)) |- ^+ ret ?~ eno ret =. ret $(eno t.eno) =+ unt=(~(get by two) p.i.eno) ?~ unt ret(old [i.eno old.ret]) ?: =(q.i.eno u.unt) ret ret(cha [[p.i.eno u.unt] cha.ret]) =. ret =+ owt=(~(tap by two)) |- ^+ ret ?~ owt ret =. ret $(owt t.owt) ?: (~(has by one) p.i.owt) ret ret(new [i.owt new.ret]) ret :: ++ sh-repo-atlas-diff |= {one/atlas two/atlas} =| $= ret $: old/(list (pair ship status)) new/(list (pair ship status)) cha/(list (pair ship status)) == ^+ ret =. ret =+ eno=(~(tap by one)) |- ^+ ret ?~ eno ret =. ret $(eno t.eno) =+ unt=(~(get by two) p.i.eno) ?~ unt ret(old [i.eno old.ret]) ?: =(q.i.eno u.unt) ret ret(cha [[p.i.eno u.unt] cha.ret]) =. ret =+ owt=(~(tap by two)) |- ^+ ret ?~ owt ret =. ret $(owt t.owt) ?: (~(has by one) p.i.owt) ret ret(new [i.owt new.ret]) ret :: ++ sh-repo-cabal-diff |= {one/(map station config) two/(map station config)} =| $= ret $: old/(list (pair station config)) new/(list (pair station config)) cha/(list (pair station config)) == ^+ ret =. ret =+ eno=(~(tap by one)) |- ^+ ret ?~ eno ret =. ret $(eno t.eno) =+ unt=(~(get by two) p.i.eno) ?~ unt ret(old [i.eno old.ret]) ?: =(q.i.eno u.unt) ret ret(cha [[p.i.eno u.unt] cha.ret]) =. ret =+ owt=(~(tap by two)) |- ^+ ret ?~ owt ret =. ret $(owt t.owt) ?: (~(has by one) p.i.owt) ret ret(new [i.owt new.ret]) ret :: ++ sh-repo-rogue-diff |= {one/(map partner atlas) two/(map partner atlas)} =| $= ret $: old/(list (pair partner atlas)) new/(list (pair partner atlas)) cha/(list (pair partner atlas)) == ^+ ret =. ret =+ eno=(~(tap by one)) |- ^+ ret ?~ eno ret =. ret $(eno t.eno) =+ unt=(~(get by two) p.i.eno) ?~ unt ret(old [i.eno old.ret]) ?: =(q.i.eno u.unt) ret ret(cha [[p.i.eno u.unt] cha.ret]) =. ret =+ owt=(~(tap by two)) |- ^+ ret ?~ owt ret =. ret $(owt t.owt) ?: (~(has by one) p.i.owt) ret ret(new [i.owt new.ret]) ret :: ++ sh-repo-whom-diff |= {one/(set partner) two/(set partner)} =| $= ret $: old/(list partner) new/(list partner) == ^+ ret =. ret =+ eno=(~(tap by one)) |- ^+ ret ?~ eno ret =. ret $(eno t.eno) ?: (~(has in two) i.eno) ret ret(old [i.eno old.ret]) =. ret =+ owt=(~(tap by two)) |- ^+ ret ?~ owt ret =. ret $(owt t.owt) ?: (~(has in one) i.owt) ret ret(new [i.owt new.ret]) ret :: ++ sh-repo-ship-diff |= {one/(set ship) two/(set ship)} =| $= ret $: old/(list ship) new/(list ship) == ^+ ret =. ret =+ eno=(~(tap by one)) |- ^+ ret ?~ eno ret =. ret $(eno t.eno) ?: (~(has in two) i.eno) ret ret(old [i.eno old.ret]) =. ret =+ owt=(~(tap by two)) |- ^+ ret ?~ owt ret =. ret $(owt t.owt) ?: (~(has in one) i.owt) ret ret(new [i.owt new.ret]) ret :: ++ sh-puss |= a/posture ^- tape ?- a $black "channel" $brown "mailbox" $white "village" $green "journal" == :: ++ sh-repo-config-exceptions |= {pre/tape por/posture old/(list ship) new/(list ship)} =+ out=?:(?=(?($black $brown) por) "try " "cut ") =+ inn=?:(?=(?($black $brown) por) "ban " "add ") =. +>.$ |- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ old +>.^$ =. +>.^$ $(old t.old) (sh-note :(weld pre out " " (scow %p i.old))) =. +>.$ |- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ new +>.^$ =. +>.^$ $(new t.new) (sh-note :(weld pre out " " (scow %p i.new))) +>.$ :: ++ sh-repo-config-sources |= {pre/tape old/(list partner) new/(list partner)} ^+ +> =. +>.$ |- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ old +>.^$ =. +>.^$ $(old t.old) (sh-note (weld pre "off {~(ta-full ta man.she i.old)}")) =. +>.$ |- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ new +>.^$ =. +>.^$ $(new t.new) (sh-note (weld pre "hey {~(ta-full ta man.she i.new)}")) +>.$ :: ++ sh-repo-config-show |= {pre/tape laz/config loc/config} ^+ +> =. +>.$ ?: =(caption.loc caption.laz) +>.$ (sh-note :(weld pre "cap " (trip caption.loc))) =. +>.$ %+ sh-repo-config-sources (weld (trip man.she) ": ") (sh-repo-whom-diff sources.laz sources.loc) ?: !=(p.cordon.loc p.cordon.laz) =. +>.$ (sh-note :(weld pre "but " (sh-puss p.cordon.loc))) %^ sh-repo-config-exceptions (weld (trip man.she) ": ") p.cordon.loc [~ (~(tap in q.cordon.loc))] %^ sh-repo-config-exceptions (weld (trip man.she) ": ") p.cordon.loc (sh-repo-ship-diff q.cordon.laz q.cordon.loc) :: ++ sh-repo-cabal-changes |= $: laz/(map station config) old/(list (pair station config)) new/(list (pair station config)) cha/(list (pair station config)) == =. +>.$ |- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ new +>.^$ =. +>.^$ $(new t.new) =. +>.^$ (sh-pest [%& p.i.new]) %+ sh-repo-config-show (weld ~(sn-phat sn man.she p.i.new) ": ") [*config q.i.new] =. +>.$ |- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ cha +>.^$ =. +>.^$ $(cha t.cha) %+ sh-repo-config-show (weld ~(sn-phat sn man.she p.i.cha) ": ") [(~(got by laz) `station`p.i.cha) q.i.cha] +>.$ :: ++ sh-repo-cabal |= bal/cabal ^+ +> =+ laz=system.she =. system.she bal =. +>.$ %+ sh-repo-cabal-changes ham.laz (sh-repo-cabal-diff ham.laz ham.bal) (sh-repo-config-show "" loc.laz loc.bal) :: ++ sh-repo-house |= awl/(map knot (pair posture cord)) ^+ +> =+ dif=(sh-repo-house-diff harbor.she awl) =. harbor.she awl =. +>.$ |- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ old.dif +>.^$ =. +>.^$ $(old.dif t.old.dif) (sh-note "cut {(sh-puss p.q.i.old.dif)} %{(trip p.i.old.dif)}") =. +>.$ |- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ new.dif +>.^$ =. +>.^$ $(new.dif t.new.dif) =+ :* nam=(trip p.i.new.dif) por=(sh-puss p.q.i.new.dif) des=(trip q.q.i.new.dif) == (sh-note "new {por} %{nam}: {des}") =. +>.$ |- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ cha.dif +>.^$ =. +>.^$ $(cha.dif t.cha.dif) =+ :* nam=(trip p.i.cha.dif) por=(sh-puss p.q.i.cha.dif) des=(trip q.q.i.cha.dif) == (sh-note "mod %{nam}: {por}, {des}") +>.$ :: ++ sh-note :: shell message |= txt/tape ^+ +> (sh-fact %txt (runt [14 '-'] `tape`['|' ' ' (scag 64 txt)])) :: ++ sh-spaz :: print status |= saz/status ^- tape ['%' (trip p.saz)] :: ++ sh-repo-group-diff-here :: print atlas diff |= $: pre/tape $= cul $: old/(list (pair ship status)) new/(list (pair ship status)) cha/(list (pair ship status)) == == =. +>.$ |- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ old.cul +>.^$ =. +>.^$ $(old.cul t.old.cul) (sh-note (weld pre "bye {(scow %p p.i.old.cul)}")) =. +>.$ |- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ new.cul +>.^$ =. +>.^$ $(new.cul t.new.cul) %- sh-note (weld pre "met {(scow %p p.i.new.cul)} {(sh-spaz q.i.new.cul)}") =. +>.$ |- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ cha.cul +>.^$ %- sh-note (weld pre "set {(scow %p p.i.cha.cul)} {(sh-spaz q.i.cha.cul)}") +>.$ :: ++ sh-repo-group-here :: update local |= loc/atlas ^+ +> =+ cul=(sh-repo-atlas-diff p.owners.she loc) =. p.owners.she loc (sh-repo-group-diff-here "" cul) :: ++ sh-repo-group-there :: update foreign |= yid/(map partner atlas) =+ day=(sh-repo-rogue-diff q.owners.she yid) =+ dun=q.owners.she =. q.owners.she yid =. +>.$ |- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ old.day +>.^$ =. +>.^$ $(old.day t.old.day) (sh-note (weld "not " (~(ta-show ta man.she p.i.old.day) ~))) =. +>.$ |- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ new.day +>.^$ =. +>.^$ $(new.day t.new.day) =. +>.^$ (sh-note (weld "new " (~(ta-show ta man.she p.i.new.day) ~))) (sh-repo-group-diff-here "--" ~ (~(tap by q.i.new.day)) ~) =. +>.$ |- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ cha.day +>.^$ =. +>.^$ $(cha.day t.cha.day) =. +>.^$ (sh-note (weld "for " (~(ta-show ta man.she p.i.cha.day) ~))) =+ yez=(~(got by dun) p.i.cha.day) %+ sh-repo-group-diff-here "--" (sh-repo-atlas-diff yez q.i.cha.day) +>.$ :: ++ sh-repo-group |= ges/register ^+ +> =. +> (sh-repo-group-here p.ges) =. +> (sh-repo-group-there q.ges) +> :: ++ sh-repo-gram |= {num/@ud gam/telegram} ^+ +> ?: =(num count.she) =. +> ?:(=(0 (mod num 5)) (sh-numb num) +>) (sh-rend(count.she +(num)) gam) ?: (gth num count.she) =. +> (sh-numb num) (sh-rend(count.she +(num)) gam) +> :: ++ sh-repo-grams :: apply telegrams |= {num/@ud gaz/(list telegram)} ^+ +> ?~ gaz +> $(gaz t.gaz, num +(num), +> (sh-repo-gram num i.gaz)) :: ++ sh-repo-glyph :: apply binding |= nac/(jug char (set partner)) ^+ +> %_ sh-prod nak nac nik %- ~(gas by *(map (set partner) char)) =- (zing `(list (list {(set partner) char}))`-) %+ turn (~(tap by nac)) |= {a/char b/(set (set partner))} (turn (~(tap by b)) |=(c/(set partner) [c a])) == :: ++ sh-repo :: apply report |= rad/report ^+ +> :: ~& [%sh-repo rad] ?- -.rad $cabal (sh-repo-cabal +.rad) $grams (sh-repo-grams +.rad) $glyph (sh-repo-glyph +.rad) :: XX ever happens? $group (sh-repo-group +.rad) $house (sh-repo-house +.rad) == :: ++ sh-sane-chat :: sanitize chatter |= buf/(list @c) ^- (list sole-edit) ?~ buf ~ =+ isa==(i.buf (turf '@')) =+ [[pre=*@c cur=i.buf buf=t.buf] inx=0 brk=0 len=0 new=|] =* txt -< |^ ^- (list sole-edit) ?: =(cur (turf '•')) ?: =(pre (turf '•')) [[%del inx] ?~(buf ~ $(txt +.txt))] ?: new [(fix ' ') $(cur `@c`' ')] newline ?: =(cur `@`' ') =. brk ?:(=(pre `@`' ') brk inx) ?. =(64 len) advance :- (fix(inx brk) (turf '•')) ?: isa [[%ins +(brk) (turf '@')] newline(new &)] newline(new &) ?: =(64 len) =+ dif=(sub inx brk) ?: (lth dif 64) :- (fix(inx brk) (turf '•')) ?: isa [[%ins +(brk) (turf '@')] $(len dif, new &)] $(len dif, new &) [[%ins inx (turf '•')] $(len 0, inx +(inx), new &)] ?: |((lth cur 32) (gth cur 126)) [(fix '?') advance] ?: &((gte cur 'A') (lte cur 'Z')) [(fix (add 32 cur)) advance] advance :: ++ advance ?~(buf ~ $(len +(len), inx +(inx), txt +.txt)) ++ newline ?~(buf ~ $(len 0, inx +(inx), txt +.txt)) ++ fix |=(cha/@ [%mor [%del inx] [%ins inx `@c`cha] ~]) -- :: ++ sh-sane :: sanitize input |= {inv/sole-edit buf/(list @c)} ^- {lit/(list sole-edit) err/(unit @u)} =+ res=(rose (tufa buf) sh-scad) ?: ?=($| -.res) [[inv]~ `p.res] :_ ~ ?~ p.res ~ =+ wok=u.p.res |- ^- (list sole-edit) ?+ -.wok ~ $target ?~(q.wok ~ $(wok u.q.wok)) $say |- :: XX per line ?~ p.wok ~ ?: ?=($lin -.i.p.wok) (sh-sane-chat buf) $(p.wok t.p.wok) == :: ++ sh-slug :: edit to sanity |= {lit/(list sole-edit) err/(unit @u)} ^+ +> ?~ lit +> =^ lic say.she (~(transmit sole say.she) `sole-edit`?~(t.lit i.lit [%mor lit])) (sh-fact [%mor [%det lic] ?~(err ~ [%err u.err]~)]) :: ++ sh-stir :: apply edit |= cal/sole-change ^+ +> =^ inv say.she (~(transceive sole say.she) cal) =+ fix=(sh-sane inv buf.say.she) ?~ lit.fix +>.$ ?~ err.fix (sh-slug fix) :: just capital correction ?. &(?=($del -.inv) =(+(p.inv) (lent buf.say.she))) +>.$ :: allow interior edits, deletes (sh-slug fix) :: ++ sh-lame :: send error |= txt/tape (sh-fact [%txt txt]) :: ++ sh-whom :: current audience ^- audience %- ~(gas by *audience) %+ turn (~(tap in ?~(active.she passive.she u.active.she))) |=(a/partner [a *envelope %pending]) :: ++ sh-tell :: add command |= cod/command %_(+> coz [cod coz]) :: ++ sh-twig-head ^- vase :: eval data !>(`{our/@p now/@da eny/@uvI}`[our.hid now.hid (shas %eny eny.hid)]) :: ++ sh-work :: do work |= job/work ^+ +> =+ roy=(~(got by stories) man.she) =< work |% ++ work ?- -.job $number (number +.job) $leave (leave +.job) $join (join +.job) $eval (eval +.job) $who (who +.job) $what (what +.job) $bind (bind +.job) $invite (invite +.job) $banish (banish +.job) $author (author +.job) $block (block +.job) $create (create +.job) $nick (nick +.job) $set (wo-set +.job) $unset (unset +.job) $target (target +.job) $probe (probe +.job) $help help $say (say +.job) == :: ++ activate :: from %number |= gam/telegram ^+ ..sh-work =+ tay=~(. tr man.she (~(has in settings.she) %noob) gam) =. ..sh-work (sh-fact tr-fact:tay) sh-prod(active.she `tr-pals:tay) :: ++ help (sh-fact %txt "see http://urbit.org/docs/using/messaging/") :: ++ glyph |= idx/@ =< cha %+ reel glyphs |= {all/tape ole/{cha/char num/@}} =+ new=(snag (mod idx (lent all)) all) =+ num=~(wyt in (~(get ju nak) new)) ?~ cha.ole [new num] ?: (lth num.ole num) ole [new num] :: ++ set-glyph |= {cha/char lix/(set partner)} =: nik (~(put by nik) lix cha) nak (~(put ju nak) cha lix) == %_ ..sh-work ..pa %- (ra-know man.she) |=(_pa pa-abet:(pa-report glyphers %glyph nak)) == :: ++ join :: %join |= pan/(set partner) ^+ ..sh-work =. ..sh-work =+ (~(get by nik) pan) ?^ - (sh-note "has glyph {}") =+ cha=(glyph (mug pan)) (sh-note:(set-glyph cha pan) "new glyph {}") =+ loc=loc.system.she %^ sh-tell %design man.she `loc(sources (~(uni in sources.loc) pan)) :: ++ leave :: %leave |= pan/(set partner) ^+ ..sh-work =+ loc=loc.system.she %^ sh-tell %design man.she `loc(sources (~(dif in sources.loc) pan)) :: ++ what :: %what |= qur/$@(char (set partner)) ^+ ..sh-work ?^ qur =+ cha=(~(get by nik) qur) (sh-fact %txt ?~(cha "none" [u.cha]~)) =+ pan=(~(tap in (~(get ju nak) qur))) ?: =(~ pan) (sh-fact %txt "~") =< (sh-fact %mor (turn pan .)) |=(a/(set partner) [%txt ]) :: XX ~(te-whom te man.she a) :: ++ who :: %who |= pan/(set partner) ^+ ..sh-work =+ foo=`(list (pair partner atlas))`(~(tap by q.owners.she)) =+ bar=`(list (pair partner atlas))`(sort foo aor) =< (sh-fact %mor (murn (sort (~(tap by q.owners.she) ~) aor) .)) |= {pon/partner alt/atlas} ^- (unit sole-effect) ?. |(=(~ pan) (~(has in pan) pon)) ~ =- `[%tan rose+[", " `~]^- leaf+~(ta-full ta man.she pon) ~] =< (murn (sort (~(tap by alt)) aor) .) |= {a/ship b/presence c/human} ^- (unit tank) :: XX names ?- b $gone ~ $hear `>a< $talk `>a< :: XX difference == :: ++ bind :: %bind |= {cha/char pan/(unit (set partner))} ^+ ..sh-work ?~ pan $(pan [~ ?~(active.she passive.she u.active.she)]) =+ ole=(~(get by nik) u.pan) ?: =(ole [~ cha]) ..sh-work (sh-note:(set-glyph cha u.pan) "bound {} {}") :: ++ invite :: %invite |= {nom/knot tal/(list partner)} ^+ ..sh-work !! :: ++ block :: %block |= {nom/knot tal/(list partner)} ^+ ..sh-work !! :: ++ author :: %author |= {nom/knot tal/(list partner)} ^+ ..sh-work !! :: ++ banish :: %banish |= {nom/knot tal/(list partner)} ^+ ..sh-work !! :: ++ create :: %create |= {por/posture nom/knot txt/cord} ^+ ..sh-work ?: (~(has in stories) nom) (sh-lame "{(trip nom)}: already exists") =. ..sh-work %^ sh-tell %design nom :- ~ :+ *(set partner) (end 3 64 txt) [por ~] (join [[%& our.hid nom] ~ ~]) :: ++ reverse-folks |= nym/knot ^- (list ship) %+ murn (~(tap by folks)) |= {p/ship q/human} ?~ hand.q ~ ?. =(u.hand.q nym) ~ [~ u=p] :: ++ nick :: %nick |= {her/(unit ship) nym/(unit cord)} ^+ ..sh-work ?: ?=({$~ $~} +<) %+ sh-fact %mor %+ turn (~(tap by folks)) |= {p/ship q/human} :- %txt ?~ hand.q "{

}:" "{

}: {}" ?~ nym ?> ?=(^ her) =+ asc=(~(get by folks) u.her) %+ sh-fact %txt ?~ asc "{} unbound" ?~ hand.u.asc "{}:" "{}: {}" ?~ her %+ sh-fact %mor %+ turn (reverse-folks u.nym) |= p/ship [%txt "{

}: {}"] %= ..sh-work folks ?~ u.nym (~(del by folks) u.her) (~(put by folks) u.her [true=~ hand=nym]) == :: ++ wo-set :: %set |= seg/knot ^+ ..sh-work ?~ seg %+ sh-fact %mor %+ turn (~(tap in settings.she)) |= s/knot [%txt (trip s)] %= ..sh-work settings.she (~(put in settings.she) seg) == :: ++ unset :: %unset |= neg/knot ^+ ..sh-work %= ..sh-work settings.she (~(del in settings.she) neg) == :: ++ target :: %target |= {pan/(set partner) woe/(unit ^work)} ^+ ..sh-work =. ..sh-pact (sh-pact pan) ?~(woe ..sh-work work(job u.woe)) :: ++ number :: %number |= num/$@(@ud {p/@u q/@ud}) ^+ ..sh-work =+ roy=(~(got by stories) man.she) |- ?@ num ?: (gte num count.roy) (sh-lame "{(scow %s (new:si | +(num)))}: no such telegram") =. ..sh-fact (sh-fact %txt "? {(scow %s (new:si | +(num)))}") (activate (snag num grams.roy)) ?. (gth q.num count.roy) ?~ count.roy (sh-lame "0: no messages") =+ msg=(deli (dec count.roy) num) =. ..sh-fact (sh-fact %txt "? {(scow %ud msg)}") (activate (snag (sub count.roy +(msg)) grams.roy)) (sh-lame "…{(reap p.num '0')}{(scow %ud q.num)}: no such telegram") :: ++ deli :: find number |= {max/@ud nul/@u fin/@ud} ^- @ud =+ dog=|-(?:(=(0 fin) 1 (mul 10 $(fin (div fin 10))))) =. dog (mul dog (pow 10 nul)) =- ?:((lte - max) - (sub - dog)) (add fin (sub max (mod max dog))) :: ++ probe :: inquire |= cuz/station ^+ ..sh-work ~& [%probe cuz] ..sh-work :: ++ eval :: run |= {txt/cord exe/twig} => |.([(sell (slap (slop sh-twig-head seed) exe))]~) =+ tan=p:(mule .) (say [%fat tank+tan exp+txt] ~) :: ++ say :: publish |= sep/(list speech) ^+ ..sh-work =- ..sh-work(coz ?~(tot coz :_(coz [%publish tot]))) |- ^- tot/(list thought) ?~ sep ~ =^ sir ..sh-work sh-uniq [[sir sh-whom [now.hid ~ i.sep]] $(sep t.sep)] -- :: ++ sh-done :: apply result =+ fix=(sh-sane [%nop ~] buf.say.she) ?^ lit.fix (sh-slug fix) =+ jub=(rust (tufa buf.say.she) sh-scad) ?~ jub (sh-fact %bel ~) %. u.jub =< sh-work =+ buf=buf.say.she =^ cal say.she (~(transmit sole say.she) [%set ~]) %- sh-fact :* %mor [%nex ~] [%det cal] ?. ?=({$';' *} buf) ~ :_ ~ [%txt (runt [14 '-'] `tape`['|' ' ' (tufa `(list @)`buf)])] == :: ++ sh-sole :: apply edit |= act/sole-action ^+ +> ?- -.act $det (sh-stir +.act) $clr (sh-pact ~) $ret sh-done == :: ++ sh-uniq ^- {serial _.} [(shaf %serial eny.hid) .(eny.hid (shax eny.hid))] -- ++ ra-abed :: resolve core ^+ [*(list move) +>] :_ +> =+ ^= yop |- ^- (pair (list move) (list sole-effect)) ?~ moves [~ ~] =+ mor=$(moves t.moves) ?: ?& =(ost.hid p.i.moves) ?=({$diff $sole-effect *} q.i.moves) == [p.mor [+>.q.i.moves q.mor]] [[i.moves p.mor] q.mor] =+ :* moz=(flop p.yop) ^= foc ^- (unit sole-effect) ?~ q.yop ~ ?~(t.q.yop `i.q.yop `[%mor (flop `(list sole-effect)`q.yop)]) == ?~(foc moz [[ost.hid %diff %sole-effect u.foc] moz]) :: ++ ra-abet :: complete core ra-abed:ra-axel :: ++ ra-axel :: rebound reports ^+ . =+ ^= rey |- ^- (pair (list move) (list (pair bone report))) ?~ moves [~ ~] =+ mor=$(moves t.moves) ?. ?& (~(has by shells) `bone`p.i.moves) ?=({$diff $talk-report *} q.i.moves) == [[i.moves p.mor] q.mor] [p.mor [[p.i.moves +>.q.i.moves] q.mor]] =. moves p.rey =. q.rey (flop q.rey) ?: =(q.rey ~) + |- ^+ +> ?~ q.rey ra-axel =+ bak=(ra-back(ost.hid p.i.q.rey) q.i.q.rey) $(q.rey t.q.rey, +> bak(ost.hid ost.hid)) :: ++ ra-back |= rad/report ^+ +> sh-abet:(~(sh-repo sh ~ (~(got by shells) ost.hid)) rad) :: ++ ra-sole |= act/sole-action ^+ +> =+ shu=(~(get by shells) ost.hid) ?~ shu ~& :+ %ra-console-broken ost.hid ?:((~(has by sup.hid) ost.hid) %lost %unknown) +>.$ sh-abet:(~(sh-sole sh ~ u.shu) act) :: ++ ra-emil :: ra-emit move list |= mol/(list move) %_(+> moves (welp (flop mol) moves)) :: ++ ra-emit :: emit a move |= mov/move %_(+> moves [mov moves]) :: ++ ra-evil :: emit error |= msg/cord ~| [%ra-evil msg] !! :: ++ ra-house :: emit partners |= ost/bone %+ ra-emit ost.hid :+ %diff %talk-report :- %house %- ~(gas in *(map knot (pair posture cord))) %+ turn (~(tap by stories)) |=({a/knot b/story} [a p.cordon.shape.b caption.shape.b]) :: ++ ra-homes :: update partners =+ gel=general |- ^+ +> ?~ gel +> =. +> $(gel l.gel) =. +> $(gel r.gel) (ra-house n.gel) :: ++ ra-init :: initialize talk %+ roll ^- (list {posture knot cord}) :~ [%brown (main our.hid) 'default home'] [%green ~.public 'visible activity'] == |: [[typ=*posture man=*knot des=*cord] ..ra-init] ^+ ..ra-init %+ ra-apply our.hid :+ %design man :- ~ :- ~ [des [typ ~]] :: ++ ra-apply :: apply command |= {her/ship cod/command} ^+ +> ?- -.cod $design ?. =(her our.hid) (ra-evil %talk-no-owner) ?~ q.cod ?. (~(has by stories) p.cod) (ra-evil %talk-no-story) (ra-config(stories (~(del by stories) p.cod)) p.cod *config) (ra-config p.cod u.q.cod) :: $review (ra-think | her +.cod) $publish (ra-think & her +.cod) == :: ++ ra-config :: configure story |= {man/knot con/config} ^+ +> =+ :- neu=(~(has by stories) man) pur=(fall (~(get by stories) man) *story) =. +>.$ pa-abet:(~(pa-reform pa man pur) con) ?:(neu +>.$ ra-homes) :: ++ ra-base-hart .^(hart %e /(scot %p our.hid)/host/(scot %da now.hid)) ++ ra-fora-post |= {pax/path sup/spur hed/@t txt/@t} =. ..ra-emit %+ ra-emit ost.hid :* %poke /fora-post [our.hid %hood] [%write-fora-post sup src.hid hed txt] == =+ man=%posts ?: (~(has by stories) man) (ra-consume-fora-post man pax sup hed txt) =; new (ra-consume-fora-post:new man pax sup hed txt) =. ..ra-apply %+ ra-apply our.hid :+ %design man :- ~ :- ~ :- 'towards a community' [%brown ~] %^ ra-consume & our.hid :^ (shaf %init eny.hid) (my [[%& our.hid (main our.hid)] *envelope %pending] ~) now.hid [~ %app %tree 'receiving forum posts, ;join %posts for details'] :: ++ ra-consume-fora-post |= {man/knot pax/path sup/spur hed/@t txt/@t} ^+ +> =+ nam=?~(sup "" (trip i.sup)) :: file name =+ fra=(crip (time-to-id now.hid)) :: url fragment %^ ra-consume & src.hid :* (shaf %comt eny.hid) (my [[%& our.hid man] *envelope %pending] ~) now.hid (sy /fora-post eyre+pax ~) :- %mor :~ [%fat text+(lore:differ txt) [%url [ra-base-hart `pax ~] `fra]] [%app %tree (crip "forum post: '{(trip hed)}'")] == == :: ++ ra-comment |= {pax/path sup/spur txt/@t} =. ..ra-emit %+ ra-emit ost.hid :* %poke /comment [our.hid %hood] [%write-comment sup src.hid txt] == =+ man=%comments ?: (~(has by stories) man) (ra-consume-comment man pax sup txt) =; new (ra-consume-comment:new man pax sup txt) =. ..ra-apply %+ ra-apply our.hid :+ %design man :- ~ :- ~ :- 'letters to the editor' [%brown ~] %^ ra-consume & our.hid :^ (shaf %init eny.hid) (my [[%& our.hid (main our.hid)] *envelope %pending] ~) now.hid [~ %app %tree 'receiving comments, ;join %comments for details'] :: ++ ra-consume-comment |= {man/knot pax/path sup/spur txt/@t} ^+ +> =+ nam=?~(sup "" (trip i.sup)) :: file name =+ fra=(crip (time-to-id now.hid)) :: url fragment %^ ra-consume & src.hid :* (shaf %comt eny.hid) (my [[%& our.hid man] *envelope %pending] ~) now.hid (sy /comment eyre+pax ~) :- %mor :~ [%fat text+(lore:differ txt) [%url [ra-base-hart `pax ~] `fra]] [%app %tree (crip "comment on /{nam}")] == == :: ++ ra-know :: story monad |= man/knot |* fun/$-(_pa _+>) ^+ +>+> =+ pur=(~(get by stories) man) ?~ pur ~& [%ra-know-not man] :: XX should crash +>+>.$ (fun ~(. pa man u.pur)) :: ++ ra-diff-talk-report :: subscription update |= {man/knot cuz/station rad/report} %- (ra-know man) |= par/_pa =< pa-abet (pa-diff-talk-report:par cuz rad) :: ++ ra-quit :: subscription quit |= {man/knot cuz/station} %- (ra-know man) |= par/_pa =< pa-abet (pa-quit:par %& cuz) :: ++ ra-retry :: subscription resend |= {man/knot cuz/station} %- (ra-know man) |= par/_pa =< pa-abet (pa-acquire:par [%& cuz]~) :: ++ ra-coup-repeat :: |= {{num/@ud her/@p man/knot} saw/(unit tang)} (ra-repeat num [%& her man] saw) :: ++ ra-repeat :: remove from outbox |= {num/@ud pan/partner saw/(unit tang)} =+ oot=(~(get by q.outbox) num) ?~ oot ~|([%ra-repeat-none num] !!) =. q.outbox (~(del by q.outbox) num) =. q.u.oot =+ olg=(~(got by q.u.oot) pan) %+ ~(put by q.u.oot) pan :- -.olg ?~ saw %received ~> %slog.[0 u.saw] %rejected (ra-think | our.hid u.oot ~) :: ++ ra-cancel :: drop a bone |= {src/ship pax/path} ^+ +> ?. ?=({@ @ *} pax) +>(general (~(del in general) ost.hid)) %- (ra-know i.t.pax) |= par/_pa =< pa-abet (pa-notify:pa-cancel:par src %gone *human) :: ++ ra-human :: look up person |= her/ship ^- {human _+>} =^ who folks =+ who=(~(get by folks) her) ?^ who [u.who folks] =+ who=`human`[~ `(scot %p her)] :: XX do right [who (~(put by folks) her who)] [who +>.$] :: ++ ra-console :: console subscribe |= {her/ship pax/path} ^+ +> =+ man=`knot`?~(pax (main her) ?>(?=($~ t.pax) i.pax)) =+ ^= she ^- shell [her man 0 *sole-share ~ [[%& our.hid man] ~ ~] [~ ~] ~ *cabal ~] sh-abet:~(sh-peer sh ~ she) :: ++ ra-subscribe :: listen to |= {her/ship pax/path} ^+ +> :: ~& [%ra-subscribe ost.hid her pax] ?: ?=($~ pax) (ra-house(general (~(put in general) ost.hid)) ost.hid) ?. ?=({@ @ *} pax) (ra-evil %talk-bad-path) =+ vab=(~(gas in *(set peer-type)) (turn (rip 3 i.pax) decode:peer-type)) =+ pur=(~(get by stories) i.t.pax) ?~ pur ~& [%bad-subscribe-story-c i.t.pax] (ra-evil %talk-no-story) =+ soy=~(. pa i.t.pax u.pur) ?. (pa-visible:soy her) (ra-evil %talk-no-story) =^ who +>.$ (ra-human her) =. soy ?.((~(has in vab) %a-group) soy (pa-watch-group:soy her)) =. soy ?.((~(has in vab) %v-glyph) soy (pa-watch-glyph:soy her)) =. soy ?.((~(has in vab) %x-cabal) soy (pa-watch-cabal:soy her)) =. soy ?.((~(has in vab) %f-grams) soy (pa-watch-grams:soy her t.t.pax)) =. soy (pa-notify:soy her %hear who) pa-abet:soy :: ++ ra-think :: publish+review |= {pub/? her/ship tiz/(list thought)} ^+ +> ?~ tiz +> $(tiz t.tiz, +> (ra-consume pub her i.tiz)) :: ++ ra-normal :: normalize |= tip/thought ^- thought ?. ?=({$lin *} r.r.tip) tip %_ tip q.r.r %- crip %+ scag 64 %- tufa %+ turn (tuba (trip q.r.r.tip)) |= a/@c ?: &((gte a 'A') (lte a 'Z')) (add a 32) ?: |((lth a 32) (gth a 126)) `@`'?' a == :: ++ ra-consume :: consume thought |= {pub/? her/ship tip/thought} =. tip (ra-normal tip) =+ aud=(~(tap by q.tip) ~) |- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ aud +>.^$ $(aud t.aud, +>.^$ (ra-conduct pub her p.i.aud tip)) :: ++ ra-conduct :: thought to partner |= {pub/? her/ship tay/partner tip/thought} ^+ +> :: ~& [%ra-conduct pub her tay] ?- -.tay $& ?: pub =. her our.hid :: XX security! ?: =(her p.p.tay) (ra-record q.p.tay p.p.tay tip) (ra-transmit p.tay tip) ?. =(our.hid p.p.tay) +> (ra-record q.p.tay her tip) $| !! == :: ++ ra-record :: add to story |= {man/knot gam/telegram} %- (ra-know man) |= par/_pa =< pa-abet (pa-learn:par gam) :: ++ ra-transmit :: send to neighbor |= {cuz/station tip/thought} ^+ +> =. +> %+ ra-emit ost.hid :* %poke /repeat/(scot %ud p.outbox)/(scot %p p.cuz)/[q.cuz] [p.cuz %talk] [%talk-command `command`[%review tip ~]] == +>(p.outbox +(p.outbox), q.outbox (~(put by q.outbox) p.outbox tip)) :: ++ pa :: story core |_ $: man/knot story == ++ pa-abet ^+ +> +>(stories (~(put by stories) man `story`+<+)) :: ++ pa-admire :: accept from |= her/ship ^- ? ::?- -.cordon.shape :: %& (~(has in p.cordon.shape) her) :: %| !(~(has in p.cordon.shape) her) ::== & :: ++ pa-visible :: display to |= her/ship ^- ? ?- p.cordon.shape $black & $green & $brown (team our.hid her) $white (~(has in q.cordon.shape) her) == :: ++ pa-report :: update |= {wac/(set bone) caw/report} :: ~& [%pa-report man -.caw] ^+ +> ?~ wac +> =. +> $(wac l.wac) =. +> $(wac r.wac) :: ~& [%pa-report-cabal man shape] (pa-sauce n.wac [%diff %talk-report caw]~) :: ++ pa-watch-group :: subscribe presence |= her/ship ?. (pa-admire her) (pa-sauce ost.hid [%quit ~]~) =. groupers (~(put in groupers) ost.hid) (pa-report-group ost.hid ~ ~) :: ++ pa-watch-cabal :: subscribe config |= her/ship ?. (pa-admire her) ~& [%pa-admire-not her] (pa-sauce ost.hid [%quit ~]~) =. cabalers (~(put in cabalers) ost.hid) :: ~& [%pa-watch-cabal her man shape] (pa-sauce ost.hid [[%diff %talk-report %cabal shape mirrors] ~]) :: ++ pa-watch-glyph :: subscribe config |= her/ship ?. (pa-admire her) ~& [%pa-admire-not her] (pa-sauce ost.hid [%quit ~]~) =. glyphers (~(put in glyphers) ost.hid) (pa-report [ost.hid ~ ~] %glyph nak) :: ++ pa-report-group :: update presence |= vew/(set bone) %^ pa-report vew %group :_ remotes |- ^- atlas ?~ locals ~ [[p.n.locals q.q.n.locals] $(locals l.locals) $(locals r.locals)] :: ++ pa-report-cabal :: update config (pa-report cabalers %cabal shape mirrors) :: ++ pa-cabal |= {cuz/station con/config ham/(map station config)} ^+ +> =+ old=mirrors =. mirrors (~(put by mirrors) cuz con) ?: =(mirrors old) +>.$ pa-report-cabal :: ++ pa-diff-talk-report :: subscribed update |= {cuz/station rad/report} ^+ +> ?. (~(has in sources.shape) [%& cuz]) ~& [%pa-diff-unexpected cuz rad] +> ?+ -.rad ~|([%talk-odd-friend rad] !!) $cabal (pa-cabal cuz +.rad) $group (pa-remind [%& cuz] +.rad) $grams (pa-lesson q.+.rad) == :: ++ pa-quit :: stop subscription |= tay/partner pa-report-cabal(sources.shape (~(del in sources.shape) tay)) :: ++ pa-sauce :: send backward |= {ost/bone cub/(list card)} %_ +>.$ moves (welp (flop (turn cub |=(a/card [ost a]))) moves) == :: ++ pa-abjure :: unsubscribe move |= tal/(list partner) %+ pa-sauce 0 %- zing %+ turn tal |= tay/partner ^- (list card) ?- -.tay $| ~& tweet-abjure+p.p.tay !! :: $& ~& [%pa-abjure [our.hid man] [p.p.tay q.p.tay]] :_ ~ :* %pull /friend/show/[man]/(scot %p p.p.tay)/[q.p.tay] [p.p.tay %talk] ~ == == :: ++ pa-acquire :: subscribe to |= tal/(list partner) %+ pa-sauce 0 %- zing %+ turn tal |= tay/partner ^- (list card) =+ num=(~(get by sequence) tay) =+ old=(sub now.hid ~d1) :: XX full backlog =+ ini=?^(num (scot %ud u.num) (scot %da old)) =/ typ =+ (ly ~[%a-group %f-grams %x-cabal]) (rap 3 (turn - encode:peer-type)) ?- -.tay $| !! $& :: ~& [%pa-acquire [our.hid man] [p.p.tay q.p.tay]] :_ ~ :* %peer /friend/show/[man]/(scot %p p.p.tay)/[q.p.tay] [p.p.tay %talk] /[typ]/[q.p.tay]/[ini] == == :: ++ pa-reform :: reconfigure, ugly |= cof/config =+ ^= dif ^- (pair (list partner) (list partner)) =+ old=`(list partner)`(~(tap in sources.shape) ~) =+ new=`(list partner)`(~(tap in sources.cof) ~) :- (skip new |=(a/partner (~(has in sources.shape) a))) (skip old |=(a/partner (~(has in sources.cof) a))) =. +>.$ (pa-acquire p.dif) =. +>.$ (pa-abjure q.dif) =. shape cof pa-report-cabal :: ++ pa-cancel :: unsubscribe from :: ~& [%pa-cancel ost.hid] %_ . gramsers (~(del by gramsers) ost.hid) groupers (~(del in groupers) ost.hid) glyphers (~(del in glyphers) ost.hid) cabalers (~(del in cabalers) ost.hid) == :: ++ pa-notify :: local presence |= {her/ship saz/status} ^+ +> =+ ^= nol ?: =(%gone p.saz) (~(del by locals) her) (~(put by locals) her now.hid saz) ?: =(nol locals) +>.$ (pa-report-group(locals nol) groupers) :: ++ pa-remind :: remote presence |= {tay/partner loc/atlas rem/(map partner atlas)} =+ ^= buk =+ mer=(turn (~(tap by rem) ~) |=({* a/atlas} a)) |- ^- atlas ?~ mer loc =. loc $(mer t.mer) =+ dur=`(list (pair ship status))`(~(tap by i.mer) ~) |- ^- atlas ?~ dur loc =. loc $(dur t.dur) =+ fuy=(~(get by loc) p.i.dur) ?~ fuy (~(put by loc) p.i.dur q.i.dur) ?: =(`presence`p.q.i.dur `presence`p.u.fuy) loc ?- p.u.fuy $gone (~(del by loc) p.i.dur q.i.dur) $talk loc $hear (~(put by loc) p.i.dur q.i.dur) == =+ gub=(~(get by remotes) tay) :: ~& [%pa-remind tay gub buk] ?. |(?=($~ gub) !=(buk u.gub)) +>.$ =. remotes (~(put by remotes) tay buk) (pa-report-group groupers) :: ++ pa-start :: start stream |= riv/river ^+ +> =- :: ~& [%pa-start riv lab] =. +>.$ (pa-sauce ost.hid [[%diff %talk-report %grams q.lab r.lab] ~]) ?: p.lab (pa-sauce ost.hid [[%quit ~] ~]) +>.$(gramsers (~(put by gramsers) ost.hid riv)) ^= lab =+ [end=count gaz=grams dun=| zeg=*(list telegram)] |- ^- (trel ? @ud (list telegram)) ?~ gaz [dun end zeg] ?: ?- -.q.riv :: after the end $ud (lte p.q.riv end) $da (lte p.q.riv p.r.q.i.gaz) == $(end (dec end), gaz t.gaz) ?: ?- -.p.riv :: before the start $ud (lth end p.p.riv) $da (lth p.r.q.i.gaz p.p.riv) == [dun end zeg] $(end (dec end), gaz t.gaz, zeg [i.gaz zeg]) :: ++ pa-watch-grams :: subscribe messages |= {her/ship pax/path} ^+ +> ?. (pa-admire her) ~& [%pa-watch-grams-admire ~] (pa-sauce ost.hid [%quit ~]~) =+ ^= ruv ^- (unit river) %+ biff (zl:jo (turn pax ;~(biff slay |=(a/coin `(unit dime)`?~(-.a a ~))))) |= paf/(list dime) ?~ paf $(paf [%ud (sub (max 64 count) 64)]~) ?~ t.paf $(t.paf [%da (dec (bex 128))]~) ?. ?=({{?($ud $da) @} {?($ud $da) @} $~} paf) ~ `[[?+(- . $ud .)]:i.paf [?+(- . $ud .)]:i.t.paf] :: XX types :: ~& [%pa-watch-grams her pax ruv] ?~ ruv ~& [%pa-watch-grams-malformed pax] (pa-sauce ost.hid [%quit ~]~) (pa-start u.ruv) :: ++ pa-refresh :: update to listeners |= {num/@ud gam/telegram} ^+ +> =+ ^= moy |- ^- (pair (list bone) (list move)) ?~ gramsers [~ ~] :: ~& [%pa-refresh num n.gramsers] =+ lef=$(gramsers l.gramsers) =+ rit=$(gramsers r.gramsers) =+ old=[p=(welp p.lef p.rit) q=(welp q.lef q.rit)] ?: ?- -.q.q.n.gramsers :: after the end $ud (lte p.q.q.n.gramsers num) $da (lte p.q.q.n.gramsers p.r.q.gam) == [[p.n.gramsers p.old] [[p.n.gramsers %quit ~] q.old]] ?: ?- -.p.q.n.gramsers :: before the start $ud (gth p.p.q.n.gramsers num) $da (gth p.p.q.n.gramsers p.r.q.gam) == old :- p.old [[p.n.gramsers %diff %talk-report %grams num gam ~] q.old] =. moves (welp q.moy moves) |- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ p.moy +>.^$ $(p.moy t.p.moy, gramsers (~(del by gramsers) i.p.moy)) :: ++ pa-lesson :: learn multiple |= gaz/(list telegram) ^+ +> ?~ gaz +> $(gaz t.gaz, +> (pa-learn i.gaz)) :: ++ pa-learn :: learn message |= gam/telegram ^+ +> ?. (pa-admire p.gam) ~& %pa-admire-rejected +>.$ =. q.q.gam =+ ole=(~(get by q.q.gam) [%& our.hid man]) ?~ ole q.q.gam (~(put by q.q.gam) [%& our.hid man] -.u.ole %received) =+ old=(~(get by known) p.q.gam) ?~ old (pa-append gam) (pa-revise u.old gam) :: ++ pa-append :: append new |= gam/telegram ^+ +> %+ %= pa-refresh grams [gam grams] count +(count) known (~(put by known) p.q.gam count) == count gam :: ++ pa-revise :: revise existing |= {num/@ud gam/telegram} =+ way=(sub count num) ?: =(gam (snag (dec way) grams)) +>.$ :: no change =. grams (welp (scag (dec way) grams) [gam (slag way grams)]) (pa-refresh num gam) -- -- :: ++ sn :: station render core |_ {man/knot one/station} ++ sn-best :: best to show |= two/station ^- ? ?: =(our.hid p.one) ?: =(our.hid p.two) ?< =(q.one q.two) ?: =((main p.one) q.one) %& ?: =((main p.two) q.two) %| (lth q.one q.two) %& ?: =(our.hid p.two) %| ?: =(p.one p.two) (lth q.one q.two) (lth p.one q.one) :: ++ sn-curt :: render name in 14 |= mup/? ^- tape =+ rac=(clan p.one) =+ raw=(scow %p p.one) =. raw ?.(mup raw ['*' (slag 2 raw)]) ?- rac $czar (weld " " raw) $king (weld " " raw) $duke raw $earl ;: welp (scag 1 raw) (scag 6 (slag 15 raw)) "^" (scag 6 (slag 22 raw)) == $pawn :(welp (scag 7 raw) "_" (scag 6 (slag 51 raw))) == :: ++ sn-nick |. ^- tape =+ nym=(~(get by folks) p.one) ?~ nym (sn-curt |) ?~ hand.u.nym (sn-curt |) =+ raw=(trip u.hand.u.nym) =+ len=(sub 14 (lent raw)) (weld (reap len ' ') raw) :: ++ sn-phat :: render accurately ^- tape ?: =(p.one our.hid) ?: =(q.one man) ":" ['%' (trip q.one)] ?: =(p.one (sein our.hid)) ['/' (trip q.one)] =+ wun=(scow %p p.one) ?: =(q.one (main p.one)) wun :(welp wun "/" (trip q.one)) -- :: ++ ta :: partner core |_ {man/knot one/partner} ++ ta-beat :: more relevant |= two/partner ^- ? ?- -.one $& ?- -.two $| %& $& (~(sn-best sn man p.one) p.two) == :: $| ?- -.two $& %| $| ?: =(-.p.two -.p.one) (lth (mug +.p.one) (mug +.p.two)) (lth -.p.two -.p.one) == == ++ ta-best :: most relevant |=(two/partner ?:((ta-beat two) two one)) :: ++ ta-full (ta-show ~) :: render full width ++ ta-show :: render partner |= moy/(unit ?) ^- tape ?- -.one $& ?~ moy =+ cha=(~(get by nik) one ~ ~) =- ?~(cha - "'{u.cha ~}' {-}") ~(sn-phat sn man p.one) (~(sn-curt sn man p.one) u.moy) :: $| =+ ^= pre ^- tape ?- -.p.one $twitter "@t:" == ?~ moy (weld pre (trip p.p.one)) =. pre ?.(=(& u.moy) pre ['*' pre]) (sigh 14 pre p.p.one) == -- :: ++ te :: audience renderer |_ {man/knot lix/(set partner)} ++ te-best ^- (unit partner) ?~ lix ~ :- ~ |- ^- partner =+ lef=`(unit partner)`te-best(lix l.lix) =+ rit=`(unit partner)`te-best(lix r.lix) =. n.lix ?~(lef n.lix (~(ta-best ta man n.lix) u.lef)) =. n.lix ?~(rit n.lix (~(ta-best ta man n.lix) u.rit)) n.lix :: ++ te-deaf ^+ . :: except for self .(lix (~(del in lix) `partner`[%& our.hid man])) :: ++ te-maud ^- ? :: multiple audience =. . te-deaf !?=($@($~ {* $~ $~}) lix) :: ++ te-prom ^- tape :: render targets =. . te-deaf =+ ^= all %+ sort `(list partner)`(~(tap in lix)) |= {a/partner b/partner} (~(ta-beat ta man a) b) =+ fir=& |- ^- tape ?~ all ~ ;: welp ?:(fir "" " ") (~(ta-show ta man i.all) ~) $(all t.all, fir |) == :: ++ te-whom :: render sender (~(ta-show ta man (need te-best)) ~ te-maud) :: ++ ta-dire :: direct message |= pan/partner ^- ? ?& ?=($& -.pan) =(p.p.pan our.hid) :: =+ sot=(~(get by stories) q.p.pan) &(?=(^ sot) ?=($brown p.cordon.shape.u.sot)) == :: ++ te-pref :: audience glyph ^- tape =+ cha=(~(get by nik) lix) ?^ cha ~[u.cha ' '] ?. (lien (~(tap by lix)) ta-dire) "* " ?: ?=({{$& ^} $~ $~} lix) ": " "; " -- :: ++ tr :: telegram renderer |_ $: man/knot nob/? who/ship sen/serial aud/audience wen/@da bou/bouquet sep/speech == ++ tr-fact ^- sole-effect :: activate effect ~[%mor [%tan tr-meta] tr-body] :: ++ tr-line ^- tape :: one-line print =+ txt=(tr-text =(who our.hid)) ?: =(~ txt) "" =+ ^= baw :: ?: oug :: ~(te-whom te man tr-pals) ?. nob (~(sn-curt sn man [who (main who)]) |) (~(sn-nick sn man [who (main who)])) (weld baw txt) :: ++ tr-meta ^- tang =. wen (sub wen (mod wen (div wen ~s0..0001))) :: round =+ hed=leaf+"{(scow %uv sen)} at {(scow %da wen)}" =+ =< paz=(turn (~(tap by aud)) .) |=({a/partner *} leaf+~(ta-full ta man a)) =+ bok=(turn (sort (~(tap in bou)) aor) smyt) [%rose [" " ~ ~] [hed >who< [%rose [", " "to " ~] paz] bok]]~ :: ++ tr-body |- ^- sole-effect ?+ -.sep tan+[>sep<]~ $exp tan+~[leaf+"# {(trip p.sep)}"] $lin tan+~[leaf+"{?:(p.sep "" "@ ")}{(trip q.sep)}"] $non tan+~ $app tan+~[rose+[": " ~ ~]^~[leaf+"[{(trip p.sep)}]" leaf+(trip q.sep)]] $url url+(crip (earf p.sep)) $mor mor+(turn p.sep |=(speech ^$(sep +<))) $fat [%mor $(sep q.sep) tan+(tr-rend-tors p.sep) ~] $api :- %tan :_ ~ :+ %rose [": " ~ ~] :~ leaf+"[{(trip id.sep)} on {(trip service.sep)}]" leaf+(trip body.sep) leaf+(earf url.sep) == == :: ++ tr-rend-tors |= a/torso ^- tang ?- -.a $name (welp $(a q.a) leaf+"={(trip p.a)}" ~) $tank +.a $text (turn (flop +.a) |=(b/cord leaf+(trip b))) == :: ++ tr-pals ^- (set partner) %- ~(gas in *(set partner)) (turn (~(tap by aud)) |=({a/partner *} a)) :: ++ tr-chow |= {len/@u txt/tape} ^- tape ?: (gth len (lent txt)) txt =. txt (scag len txt) |- ?~ txt txt ?: =(' ' i.txt) |-(['_' ?.(?=({$' ' *} t.txt) t.txt $(txt t.txt))]) ?~ t.txt "…" [i.txt $(txt t.txt)] :: ++ tr-both |= {a/tape b/tape} ^- tape ?: (gth (lent a) 62) (tr-chow 64 a) %+ weld a (tr-chow (sub 64 (lent a)) " {b}") :: ++ tr-text |= oug/? ^- tape ?+ -.sep ~&(tr-lost+sep "") $mor ?~ p.sep ~&(%tr-mor-empty "") |- ^- tape ?~ t.p.sep ^$(sep i.p.sep) (tr-both ^$(sep i.p.sep) $(p.sep t.p.sep)) :: $fat %+ tr-both $(sep q.sep) ?+ -.p.sep "..." $tank ~(ram re %rose [" " `~] +.p.sep) == :: $exp (tr-chow 66 '#' ' ' (trip p.sep)) $url =+ ful=(earf p.sep) ?: (gth 64 (lent ful)) ['/' ' ' ful] :+ '/' '_' =+ hok=r.p.p.p.sep ~! hok =- (swag [a=(sub (max 64 (lent -)) 64) b=64] -) ^- tape =< ?:(?=($& -.hok) (reel p.hok .) +:(scow %if p.hok)) |=({a/knot b/tape} ?~(b (trip a) (welp b '.' (trip a)))) :: $lin =+ txt=(trip q.sep) ?: p.sep =+ pal=tr-pals =. pal ?: =(who our.hid) pal (~(del in pal) [%& who (main who)]) (weld ~(te-pref te man pal) txt) ?: oug (weld "@ " txt) (weld " " txt) :: $app (tr-chow 64 "[{(trip p.sep)}]: {(trip q.sep)}") :: $api (tr-chow 64 "[{(trip id.sep)}@{(trip service.sep)}]: {(trip summary.sep)}") == -- :: ++ peer :: accept subscription |= pax/path ^+ [*(list move) +>] ~? !=(src.hid our.hid) [%peer-talk-stranger src.hid] :: ~& [%talk-peer src.hid ost.hid pax] ?: ?=({$sole *} pax) ?> (team our.hid src.hid) ~? (~(has by shells) ost.hid) [%talk-peer-replaced ost.hid pax] ra-abet:(ra-console:ra src.hid t.pax) :: ~& [%talk-peer-data ost.hid src.hid pax] ra-abet:(ra-subscribe:ra src.hid pax) :: ++ poke-talk-command :: accept command |= cod/command ^+ [*(list move) +>] :: ~& [%talk-poke-command src.hid cod] =^ mos +>.$ ra-abet:(ra-apply:ra src.hid cod) =^ mow +>.$ log-all-to-file [(welp mos mow) +>.$] :: ++ poke-sole-action :: accept console |= act/sole-action ra-abet:(ra-sole:ra act) :: ++ diff-talk-report :: |= {way/wire rad/report} ^- (quip move +>) =^ mos +>.$ %+ etch-friend way |= {man/knot cuz/station} ra-abet:(ra-diff-talk-report:ra man cuz rad) =^ mow +>.$ log-all-to-file [(welp mos mow) +>.$] :: ++ coup-repeat :: |= {way/wire saw/(unit tang)} %+ etch-repeat [%repeat way] |= {num/@ud src/@p man/knot} ra-abet:(ra-coup-repeat:ra [num src man] saw) :: ++ etch :: parse wire |= way/wire ^- weir ?+ -.way !! $friend ?> ?=({$show @ @ @ $~} t.way) [%friend i.t.t.way (slav %p i.t.t.t.way) i.t.t.t.t.way] :: $repeat ?> ?=({@ @ @ $~} t.way) [%repeat (slav %ud i.t.way) (slav %p i.t.t.way) i.t.t.t.way] == :: ++ etch-friend :: |= {way/wire fun/$-({man/knot cuz/station} {(list move) _.})} =+ wer=(etch way) ?>(?=($friend -.wer) (fun p.wer q.wer)) :: ++ etch-repeat :: |= {way/wire fun/$-({num/@ud src/@p man/knot} {(list move) _.})} =+ wer=(etch way) ?>(?=($repeat -.wer) (fun p.wer q.wer r.wer)) :: ++ reap-friend :: |= {way/wire saw/(unit tang)} ^- (quip move +>) ?~ saw [~ +>] %+ etch-friend [%friend way] |= {man/knot cuz/station} =. u.saw [>%reap-friend-fail man cuz< u.saw] %- (slog (flop u.saw)) ra-abet:(ra-quit:ra man cuz) :: ++ quit-friend :: |= way/wire %+ etch-friend [%friend way] |= {man/knot cuz/station} ra-abet:(ra-retry:ra man cuz) :: ++ pull :: |= pax/path ^+ [*(list move) +>] :: ~& [%talk-pull src.hid ost.hid pax] =^ moz +>.$ ra-abet:(ra-cancel:ra src.hid pax) [moz +>.$(shells (~(del by shells) ost.hid))] :: ++ log-all-to-file ^- (quip move .) ?: & [~ .] :: XXX!!!! :_ %_ . log %- ~(urn by log) |=({man/knot len/@ud} count:(~(got by stories) man)) == %+ murn (~(tap by log)) |= {man/knot len/@ud} ^- (unit move) ?: (gte len count:(~(got by stories) man)) ~ `(log-to-file man) :: ++ log-to-file |= man/knot ^- move =+ ^- paf/path =+ day=(year %*(. (yore now.hid) +.t +:*tarp)) %+ tope [our.hid %home da+now.hid] /talk-telegrams/(scot %da day)/[man]/talk =+ grams:(~(got by stories) man) [ost.hid %info /jamfile our.hid (foal paf [%talk-telegrams !>(-)])] :: ++ poke-talk-comment |= {pax/path sup/spur txt/@t} ^- (quip move +>) ra-abet:(ra-comment:ra pax sup txt) :: ++ poke-talk-fora-post |= {pax/path sup/spur hed/@t txt/@t} ^- (quip move +>) ra-abet:(ra-fora-post:ra pax sup hed txt) :: ++ poke-talk-save |= man/knot ^- (quip move +>) =+ paf=/(scot %p our.hid)/home/(scot %da now.hid)/talk/[man]/talk-telegrams =+ grams:(~(got by stories) man) [[ost.hid %info /jamfile our.hid (foal paf [%talk-telegrams !>(-)])]~ +>.$] :: ++ poke-talk-load |= man/knot =+ ^= grams .^ (list telegram) %cx /(scot %p our.hid)/home/(scot %da now.hid)/talk/[man]/talk-telegrams == =+ toy=(~(got by stories) man) [~ +>.$(stories (~(put by stories) man toy(grams grams, count (lent grams))))] :: ++ poke-talk-log |= man/knot ~& %poke-log ^- (quip move +>) :- [(log-to-file man) ~] +>.$(log (~(put by log) man count:(~(got by stories) man))) :: ++ poke-talk-unlog |= man/knot ^- (quip move +>) :- ~ +>.$(log (~(del by log) man)) :: ++ prep |= old/(unit house-any) ^- (quip move ..prep) ?~ old ra-abet:ra-init:ra |- ?- -.u.old $5 [~ ..prep(+<+ u.old)] $4 =< ^$(-.u.old %5, shells.u.old (~(run by shells.u.old) .)) |=(shell-4 `shell`+<(system [system settings=*(set knot)])) $3 =< ^$(-.u.old %4, stories.u.old (~(run by stories.u.old) .)) |=(story-3 `story`+<(cabalers [cabalers glyphers=*(set bone)])) == --