|% :: +$ version [major=@ud minor=@ud patch=@ud] :: +$ glob (map path mime) :: +$ url cord :: $glob-location: How to retrieve a glob :: +$ glob-location $% [%http =url] [%ames =ship hash=@uvH] == :: $href: Where a tile links to :: +$ href $% [%glob base=term =glob-location] [%site =path] == :: $chad: State of a docket :: +$ chad $% :: Done [%glob =glob] [%site ~] :: Waiting [%install ~] [%suspend glob=(unit glob)] :: Error [%hung err=cord] == :: :: $charge: A realized $docket :: +$ charge $: =docket =chad == :: :: $clause: A key and value, as part of a docket :: :: Only used to parse $docket :: +$ clause $% [%title title=@t] [%info info=@t] [%color color=@ux] [%glob-http url=cord] [%glob-ames =ship hash=@uv] [%image =url] [%site =path] [%base base=term] [%version =version] [%website website=url] [%license license=cord] == :: :: $docket: A description of JS bundles for a desk :: +$ docket $: %1 title=@t info=@t color=@ux =href image=(unit url) =version website=url license=cord == :: +$ charge-update $% [%initial initial=(map desk charge)] [%add-charge =desk =charge] [%del-charge =desk] == --