section 3bD, JSON and XML
### ++moon
Mime type to `++cord`
++ moon :: mime type to text
|= myn=mite
%+ rap
|- ^- tape
?~ myn ~
?: =(~ t.myn) (trip i.myn)
(weld (trip i.myn) `tape`['/' $(myn t.myn)])
Renders a [mime]( type path with infix
`/` to a [cord]().
`myn` is a ++[mite](), a list of [@ta]().
~zod/try=> `@t`(moon /image/png)
~zod/try=> `@t`(moon /text/x-hoon)
~zod/try=> `@t`(moon /application/x-pnacl)
### ++perk
Parse cube with fork
++ perk :: parse cube with fork
|* a=(pole ,@tas)
?~ a fail
;~ pose
(cold -.a (jest -.a))
$(a +.a)
Parser generator. Produces a parser that succeeds upon encountering one
of the [`++term`]()s in a faceless list `a`.
A- perk is an arm used to parse one of a finite set of options, formally
a choice between terms: if you want to match "true" or "false", and
nothing else, (perk \~[%true %false]) produces the relevant parser,
whose result type is `?(%true %false)`. For more complicated
transformations, a combintation of ++sear and map ++get is recommended,
e.g. `(sear ~(get by (mo ~[[%true &] [%false |]]))) sym)` will have a
similar effect but produce `?(& |)` ,a loobean. However, constructions
such as `(sear (flit ~(has in (sa %true %false %other ~))) sym)` are
needlessly unwieldy.
`a` is a [`++pole`](), which is a [`++list`]() without [`%face`]()s
~zod/try=> (scan "ham" (perk %sam %ham %lam ~))
~zod/try=> (scan "ram" (perk %sam %ham %lam ~))
! {1 1}
! exit
### ++poja
JSON parser core
++ poja :: JSON parser core
=< |=(a=cord (rush a apex))
JSON parser core: parses a `++cord` `a` to the hoon structure for JSON,
a [`++json`]().
`a` is [`++cord`]().
~zod/try=> (poja '[1,2,3]')
[~ [%a p=~[[%n p=~.1] [%n p=~.2] [%n p=~.3]]]]
~zod/try=> (poja 'null')
[~ ~]
~zod/try=> (poja 'invalid{json')
### ++apex
Parse object
++ apex ;~(pose abox obox) :: JSON object
Top level parsing rule. Parses either a single JSON object, or an array
of JSON objects to a [`++json`](). See also: [`++abox`](), [`++obox`]().
A- this is now called ++tops, and ++apex is the old ++valu, which
apparently didn't make its way into the docs. Apologies for the
confusion, many things have been restructured in ++shell inconsistently
with current test:urbit.git
~zod/try=> (rash '[1,2]' apex:poja)
[%a p=~[[%n p=~.1] [%n p=~.2]]]
~zod/try=> (rash '{"sam": "kot"}' apex:poja)
[%o p={[p=~.sam q=[%s p=~.kot]]}]
~zod/try=> (rash 'null' apex:poja)
! {1 1}
! exit
### ++valu
Parse value
++ valu :: JSON value
%+ knee *json |. ~+
;~ pfix spac
;~ pose
(cold ~ (jest 'null'))
(jify %b bool)
(jify %s stri)
(cook |=(s=tape [%n p=(rap 3 s)]) numb)
Parsing rule. Parses JSON values to [`++json`]().
~zod/try=> (rash '[1,2]' valu:poja)
[%a p=~[[%n p=~.1] [%n p=~.2]]]
~zod/try=> (rash '{"sam": "kot"}' valu:poja)
[%o p={[p='sam' q=[%s p=~.kot]]}]
~zod/try=> (rash 'null' valu:poja)
~zod/try=> (rash '20' valu:poja)
[%n p=~.20]
~zod/try=> (rash '"str"' valu:poja)
[%s p=~.str]
~zod/try=> (rash 'true' valu:poja)
[%b p=%.y]
### ++abox
Parse array
++ abox (stag %a (ifix [sel (ws ser)] (more (ws com) valu)))
Parsing rule. Parses a JSON array with values enclosed within `[]` and
delimited by a `,`.
~zod/try=> (rash '[1, 2,4]' abox:poja)
[[%n p=~.1] ~[[%n p=~.2] [%n p=~.4]]]
JSON Objects
### ++pair
Parse key value pair
++ pair ;~(plug ;~(sfix (ws stri) (ws col)) valu)
Parsing rule. Parses a [`++json`]() from a JSON key-value pair of a
string and value delimited by `:`.
~zod/try=> (rash '"ham": 2' pair:poja)
['ham' [%n p=~.2]]
### ++obje
Parse array of objects
++ obje (ifix [(ws kel) (ws ker)] (more (ws com) pair))
Parsing rule. Parses a [`++json`]() from an array of JSON object
key-value pairs that are enclosed within `{}` and separated by `,`.
~zod/try=> (rash '{"ham": 2, "lam":true}' obje:poja)
[['ham' [%n p=~.2]] ~[['lam' [%b p=%.y]]]]
### ++obox
Parse boxed object
++ obox (stag %o (cook mo obje))
Parsing rule. Parses an array of JSON objects to a [`++json`]() map with
a tag of `%o`. See also: [`++json`]().
~zod/try=> (rash '{"ham": 2, "lam":true}' obox:poja)
[%o {[p='lam' q=[%b p=%.y]] [p='ham' q=[%n p=~.2]]}]
JSON Booleans
### ++bool
Parse boolean
++ bool ;~(pose (cold & (jest 'true')) (cold | (jest 'false')))
Parsing rule. Parses a string of either `true` or `false` to a
[`++json`]() boolean.
~zod/try=> (rash 'true' bool:poja)
~zod/try=> (rash 'false' bool:poja)
~zod/try=> (rash 'null' bool:poja)
! {1 1}
! exit
JSON strings
### ++stri
Parse string
++ stri
(cook crip (ifix [doq doq] (star jcha)))
Parsing rule. Parse a string to a [`++cord`](). A JSON string is a list
of characters enclosed in double quotes along with escaping `\`s, to a
[`++cord`](). See also [`++jcha`]().
~zod/try=> (rash '"ham"' stri:poja)
~zod/try=> (rash '"h\\nam"' stri:poja)
~zod/try=> (rash '"This be \\"quoted\\""' stri:poja)
'This be "quoted"'
### ++jcha
Parse char from string
++ jcha ;~(pose ;~(less doq bas prn) esca) :: character in string
Parsing rule. Parses either a literal or escaped character from a JSON
string to a [`++cord`]().
~zod/try=> (rash 'a' jcha:poja)
~zod/try=> (rash '!' jcha:poja)
~zod/try=> (rash '\\"' jcha:poja)
~zod/try=> (rash '\\u00a4' jcha:poja)
~zod/try=> (rash '\\n' jcha:poja)
### ++esca
Parse escaped char
++ esca :: Escaped character
;~ pfix bas
;~ pose
doq fas soq bas
(sear ~(get by `(map ,@t ,@)`(mo b/8 t/9 n/10 f/12 r/13 ~)) low)
;~(pfix (just 'u') (cook tuft qix:ab)) :: 4-digit hex to UTF-8
Parsing rule. Parses a backslash-escaped special character, low ASCII,
or UTF16 codepoint, to a [`++cord`]().
~zod/try=> (rash 'b' esca:poja)
! {1 1}
! exit
~zod/try=> (rash '\n' esca:poja)
~zod/try=> (rash '\\n' esca:poja)
~zod/try=> `@`(rash '\\r' esca:poja)
~zod/try=> (rash '\\u00c4' esca:poja)
~zod/try=> (rash '\\u00df' esca:poja)
JSON numbers
A- JSON numbers are stored as cords internally in lieu of full float
support, so ++numb and subarms are really more *validators* than parsers
per se.
### ++numb
Parse number
++ numb
;~ (comp twel)
(mayb (piec hep))
;~ pose
(piec (just '0'))
;~(plug (shim '1' '9') digs)
(mayb frac)
(mayb expo)
Parsing rule. Parses decimal numbers with an optional `-`, fractional
part, or exponent part, to a [`++cord`]().
~zod/try=> (rash '0' numb:poja)
~zod/try=> (rash '1' numb:poja)
~zod/try=> `tape`(rash '1' numb:poja)
~zod/try=> `tape`(rash '12.6' numb:poja)
~zod/try=> `tape`(rash '-2e20' numb:poja)
~zod/try=> `tape`(rash '00e20' numb:poja)
! {1 2}
! exit
### ++digs
Parse 1-9
++ digs (star (shim '0' '9'))
Parsing rule. Parses digits `0` through `9` to a [`++tape`]().
~zod/try=> (rash '' digs:poja)
~zod/try=> (rash '25' digs:poja)
~zod/try=> (rash '016' digs:poja)
~zod/try=> (rash '7' digs:poja)
### ++expo
Parse exponent part
++ expo :: Exponent part
;~ (comp twel)
(piec (mask "eE"))
(mayb (piec (mask "+-")))
Parsing rule. Parses an exponent to a [`++cord`](). An exponent is an
`e`, followed by an optional `+` or `-`, followed by digits.
~zod/try=> `tape`(rash 'e7' expo:poja)
~zod/try=> `tape`(rash 'E17' expo:poja)
~zod/try=> `tape`(rash 'E-4' expo:poja)
### ++frac
Fractional part
++ frac ;~(plug dot digs) :: Fractional part
Parsing rule. Parses a dot followed by digits to a [`++cord`]().
~zod/try=> (rash '.25' frac:poja)
[~~~. "25"]
~zod/try=> (rash '.016' frac:poja)
[~~~. "016"]
~zod/try=> (rash '.7' frac:poja)
[~~~. "7"]
### ++spac
Parse whitespace
++ spac (star (mask [`@`9 `@`10 `@`13 ' ' ~]))
Parsing rule. Parses a whitespace to a [`++tape`]().
~zod/try=> (scan "" spac:poja)
~zod/try=> (scan " " spac:poja)
" "
~zod/try=> `*`(scan `tape`~[' ' ' ' ' ' `@`9 ' ' ' ' `@`13] spac:poja)
[32 32 32 9 32 32 13 0]
~zod/try=> (scan " m " spac:poja)
! {1 4}
! exit
### ++ws
Allow prefix whitespace
++ ws |*(sef=_rule ;~(pfix spac sef))
Parser modifier. Produces a rule that allows for a whitespace before
applying `sef`.
`sef` is a [`++rule`]().
~zod/try=> (rash ' 4' digs:poja)
! {1 1}
! exit
~zod/try=> (rash ' 4' (ws digs):poja)
~zod/try=> (rash '''
''' (ws digs):poja)
### ++mayb
Maybe parse
++ mayb |*(bus=_rule ;~(pose bus (easy "")))
Parser modifier. Need to document, an example showing failure.
~zod/try=> (abox:poja 1^1 "not-an-array")
[p=[p=1 q=1] q=~]
~zod/try=> ((mayb abox):poja 1^1 "not-an-array")
[p=[p=1 q=1] q=[~ [p="" q=[p=[p=1 q=1] q="not-an-array"]]]]
### ++twel
Weld two tapes
++ twel |=([a=tape b=tape] (weld a b))
Concatenates two tapes, `a` and `b`, producing a `++tape`.
`a` is a [++tape]().
`b` is a [++tape]().
~zod/try=> (twel "sam" "hok"):poja
~[~~s ~~a ~~m ~~h ~~o ~~k]
~zod/try=> (twel "kre" ""):poja
~[~~k ~~r ~~e]
### ++piec
Parse char to list
++ piec
|* bus=_rule
(cook |=(a=@ [a ~]) bus)
Parser modifer. Parses an atom with `bus` and then wraps it in a
`bus` is a [`++rule`]().
~zod/try=> (scan "4" (piec:poja dem:ag))
[4 ~]
### ++pojo
Print JSON
++ pojo :: print json
|= val=json
^- tape
?~ val "null"
?- -.val
;: weld
=| rez=tape
|- ^+ rez
?~ p.val rez
$(p.val t.p.val, rez :(weld rez ^$(val i.p.val) ?~(t.p.val ~ ",")))
%b ?:(p.val "true" "false")
%n (trip p.val)
;: welp
%+ reel
(turn (trip p.val) jesc)
|=([p=tape q=tape] (welp +<))
;: welp
=+ viz=(~(tap by p.val) ~)
=| rez=tape
|- ^+ rez
?~ viz rez
%= $
viz t.viz
:(welp rez "\"" (trip p.i.viz) "\":" ^$(val q.i.viz) ?~(t.viz ~ ","))
Renders a `++json` `val` as a [++tape]().
`val` is a [`json`]().
~zod/try=> (pojo [%n '12.6'])
~zod/try=> (crip (pojo %n '12.6'))
~zod/try=> (crip (pojo %s 'samtel'))
~zod/try=> (crip (pojo %a ~[(jone 12) (jape "ha")]))
~zod/try=> (crip (pojo %a ~[(jone 12) ~ (jape "ha")]))
~zod/try=> (crip (pojo %o (mo sale/(jone 12) same/b/| ~)))
### ++poxo
Print XML
++ poxo :: node to tape
=< |=(a=manx `tape`(apex a ~))
|_ unq=? :: unq
Renders a `++manx` `a` as a [`++tape`]().
`a` is a [`++manx`]().
~zod/try=> (poxo ;div;)
~zod/try=> (poxo ;div:(p a))
~zod/try=> (poxo ;div:(p:"tree > text" a))
### ++apex
Inner XML printer
++ apex :: top level
|= [mex=manx rez=tape]
^- tape
?: ?=([%$ [[%$ *] ~]] g.mex)
(escp v.i.a.g.mex rez)
=+ man=`mane`n.g.mex
=. unq |(unq =(%script man) =(%style man))
=+ tam=(name man)
=. rez :(weld "" tam ">" rez)
=+ att=`mart`a.g.mex
:- '<'
%+ welp tam
=. rez ['>' (many c.mex rez)]
?~(att rez [' ' (attr att rez)])
Renders a `++manx` as a [`++tape](), appending a suffix`rez\`.
`rez` is a [`++tape`]().
~zod/try=> (apex:poxo ;div; "")
~zod/try=> (apex:poxo ;div:(p a) "").
~zod/try=> (apex:poxo ;div:(p a) "--sfix")
~zod/try=> (apex:poxo ;div:(p:"tree > text" a) "")
~zod/try=> (~(apex poxo &) ;div:(p:"tree > text" a) "")
### ++attr
Print attributes
++ attr :: attributes to tape
|= [tat=mart rez=tape]
^- tape
?~ tat rez
=. rez $(tat t.tat)
;: weld
(name n.i.tat)
(escp(unq |) v.i.tat '"' ?~(t.tat rez [' ' rez]))
Render XML attributes as a [`++tape`]().
`tat` is a [`++mart`]().
`rez` is a [`++tape`]().
~zod/try=> (attr:poxo ~ "")
~zod/try=> (crip (attr:poxo ~[sam/"hem" [%tok %ns]^"reptor"] ""))
'sam="hem" tok:ns="reptor"'
~zod/try=> (crip (attr:poxo ~[sam/"hem" [%tok %ns]^"reptor"] "|appen"))
'sam="hem" tok:ns="reptor"|appen'
### ++escp
Escape XML
++ escp :: escape for xml
|= [tex=tape rez=tape]
?: unq
(weld tex rez)
=+ xet=`tape`(flop tex)
|- ^- tape
?~ xet rez
%= $
xet t.xet
rez ?- i.xet
34 ['&' 'q' 'u' 'o' 't' ';' rez]
38 ['&' 'a' 'm' 'p' ';' rez]
39 ['&' '#' '3' '9' ';' rez]
60 ['&' 'l' 't' ';' rez]
62 ['&' 'g' 't' ';' rez]
* [i.xet rez]
Escapes the XML special characters `"`, `&`, `'`, `<`, `>`.
`tex`is a [`++tape`]().
`rez` is a [`++tape`]().
~zod/try=> (escp:poxo "astra" ~)
~[~~a ~~s ~~t ~~r ~~a]
~zod/try=> `tape`(escp:poxo "astra" ~)
~zod/try=> `tape`(escp:poxo "x > y" ~)
"x > y"
~zod/try=> `tape`(~(escp poxo &) "x > y" ~)
"x > y"
### ++name
Print name
++ name :: name to tape
|= man=mane ^- tape
?@ man (trip man)
(weld (trip `tape`[':' (trip])
Renders a `++mane` as a `++tape`.
`man` is a [`++mane`]().
~zod/try=> (name:poxo %$)
~zod/try=> (name:poxo %ham)
~zod/try=> (name:poxo %ham^%tor)
### ++many
Print node list
++ many :: nodelist to tape
|= [lix=(list manx) rez=tape]
|- ^- tape
?~ lix rez
(apex i.lix $(lix t.lix))
Renders multiple XML nodes as a [`++tape`]()
`lix` is a [`++list`]() of [`++manx`]().
`rez` is a [`++tape`]().
~zod/try=> (many:poxo ~ "")
~zod/try=> (many:poxo ;"hare" "")
~zod/try=> (many:poxo ;"hare;{lep}ton" "")
~zod/try=> ;"hare;{lep}ton"
[[[%~. [%~. "hare"] ~] ~] [[%lep ~] ~] [[%~. [%~. "ton"] ~] ~] ~]
### ++poxa
Parse XML
++ poxa :: xml parser
=< |=(a=cord (rush a apex))
Parses an XML node from a [`++cord`](), producing a unit [`++manx`]().
`a` is a [`++cord`]().
~zod/try=> (poxa '')
[~ [g=[n=%div a=~] c=~]]
~zod/try=> (poxa '
[~ [g=[n=%html a=~] c=~[[g=[n=%head a=~] c=~] [g=[n=%body a=~] c=~]]]]
~zod/try=> (poxa '')
[~ [g=[n=%script a=~[[n=%src v="/gep/hart.js"]]] c=~]]
~zod/try=> (poxa '<<<<')
### ++apex
Top level parser
++ apex
=+ spa=;~(pose comt whit)
%+ knee *manx |. ~+
%+ ifix [(star spa) (star spa)]
;~ pose
%+ sear |=([a=marx b=marl c=mane] ?.(=(c n.a) ~ (some [a b])))
;~(plug head (more (star comt) ;~(pose apex chrd)) tail)
Parses a node of XML, type [`++manx`]().
~zod/try=> (rash '
' apex:xmlp)
[g=[n=%div a=~] c=~]
~zod/try=> (rash '
' apex:xmlp)
[g=[n=%html a=~] c=~[[g=[n=%head a=~] c=~] [g=[n=%body a=~] c=~]]]
~zod/try=> (rash '' apex:xmlp)
[g=[n=%script a=~[[n=%src v="/gep/hart.js"]]] c=~]
~zod/try=> (rash '<<<<' apex:xmlp)
! {1 2}
! exit
### ++attr
Parse XML attributes
++ attr :: attributes
%+ knee *mart |. ~+
%- star
;~ plug
;~(sfix name tis)
;~ pose
(ifix [doq doq] (star ;~(less doq escp)))
(ifix [soq soq] (star ;~(less soq escp)))
Parses the list of attributes inside the opening XML tag, which is zero
or more space-prefixed name to string values. Result type [`++mart`]()
~zod/try=> (rash '' attr:xmlp)
~zod/try=> (rash 'sam=""' attr:xmlp)
! {1 1}
! exit
~zod/try=> (rash ' sam=""' attr:xmlp)
~[[n=%sam v=""]]
~zod/try=> (rash ' sam="hek"' attr:xmlp)
~[[n=%sam v="hek"]]
~zod/try=> (rash ' sam="hek" res="actor"' attr:xmlp)
~[[n=%sam v="hek"] [n=%res v="actor"]]
~zod/try=> (rash ' sam=\'hek\' res="actor"' attr:xmlp)
~[[n=%sam v="hek"] [n=%res v="actor"]]
~zod/try=> (rash ' sam=\'hek" res="actor"' attr:xmlp)
! {1 23}
! exit
### ++chrd
Parse character data
++ chrd :: character data
%+ cook |=(a=tape ^-(mars :/(a)))
(plus ;~(less soq doq ;~(pose (just `@`10) escp)))
Parsing rule. Parses XML character data. Result type [`++mars`]()
~zod/try=> (rash 'asa' chrd:xmlp)
[g=[n=%$ a=~[[n=%$ v="asa"]]] c=~]
~zod/try=> (rash 'asa > are' chrd:xmlp)
[g=[n=%$ a=~[[n=%$ v="asa > are"]]] c=~]
~zod/try=> (rash 'asa > are' chrd:xmlp)
! {1 6}
! exit
### ++comt
Parses comments
++ comt :: comments
=- (ifix [(jest '')] (star -))
;~ pose
;~(less hep prn)
;~(less (jest '-->') hep)
Parsing rule. Parses XML comment blocks.
~zod/try=> (rash '' comt:xmlp)
" bye "
~zod/try=> (rash '' comt:xmlp)
" bye ><<<>< - - "
~zod/try=> (rash '-->' comt:xmlp)
! {1 18}
! exit
### ++escp
Parse (possibly) escaped char
++ escp
;~ pose
;~(less gal gar pam prn)
(cold '>' (jest '>'))
(cold '<' (jest '<'))
(cold '&' (jest '&'))
(cold '"' (jest '"'))
(cold '\'' (jest '''))
Parsing rule. Parses a nonspecial or escaped character. Result type
~zod/try=> (rash 'a' escp:xmlp)
~zod/try=> (rash 'ab' escp:xmlp)
! {1 2}
! exit
~zod/try=> (rash '.' escp:xmlp)
~zod/try=> (rash '!' escp:xmlp)
~zod/try=> (rash '>' escp:xmlp)
! {1 2}
! exit
~zod/try=> (rash '>' escp:xmlp)
~zod/try=> (rash '"' escp:xmlp)
### ++empt
Parse self-closing tag
++ empt :: self-closing tag
%+ ifix [gal (jest '/>')]
;~(plug ;~(plug name attr) (cold ~ (star whit)))
Parsing rule. Parses self-closing XML tags that end in `/>`.
~zod/try=> (rash '
' empt:xmlp)
[[%div ~] ~]
~zod/try=> (rash '
' empt:xmlp)
[[%pre ~[[n=%color v="#eeffee"]]] ~]
~zod/try=> (rash '
' empt:xmlp)
! {1 21}
! exit
### ++head
Parse opening tag
++ head :: opening tag
(ifix [gal gar] ;~(plug name attr))
Parsing rule. Parses the opening tag of an XML node. Result type
~zod/try=> (rash '' head:xmlp)
[n=%a a=~]
~zod/try=> (rash '' head:xmlp)
[n=%div a=~[[n=%mal v="tok"]]]
~zod/try=> (rash '
' head:xmlp)
! {1 16}
! exit
### ++name
Parse tag name
++ name :: tag name
%+ knee *mane |. ~+
=+ ^= chx
%+ cook crip
;~ plug
;~(pose cab alf)
(star ;~(pose cab dot alp))
;~(pose ;~(plug ;~(sfix chx col) chx) chx)
Parsing rule. Parses the name of an XML tag. Result type [`++mane`]()
~zod/try=> (scan "ham" name:xmlp)
~zod/try=> (scan "ham:tor" name:xmlp)
[%ham %tor]
~zod/try=> (scan "ham-tor" name:xmlp)
~zod/try=> (scan "ham tor" name:xmlp)
! {1 4}
! exit
### ++tail
Parse closing tag
++ tail (ifix [(jest '') gar] name) :: closing tag
Parsing rule. Parses an XML closing tag.
~zod/try=> (scan "
" tail:xmlp)
~zod/try=> (scan "" tail:xmlp)
~zod/try=> (scan ">" tail:xmlp)
! {1 3}
! exit
### ++whit
Parse whitespace, etc.
++ whit (mask ~[' ' `@`0x9 `@`0xa]) :: whitespace
Parsing rule. Parses newlines, tabs, and spaces.
~zod/try=> `@`(scan " " whit:xmlp)
~zod/try=> `@`(scan " " whit:xmlp)
! {1 2}
! exit
~zod/try=> `@`(scan "\0a" whit:xmlp)
~zod/try=> `@`(scan "\09" whit:xmlp)
~zod/try=> `@`(scan "\08" whit:xmlp)
! {1 1}
! exit
### ++jo
JSON reparsing core
++ jo :: json reparser
=> |% ++ grub (unit ,*)
++ fist $+(json grub)
Contains converters of ++json to [`++unit`]() well-typed structures.
A `fist` is a gate that produces a `grub`.
A `grub` is a unit of some JSON value.
### ++ar
Parse array to list
++ ar :: array as list
|* wit=fist
|= jon=json
?. ?=([%a *] jon) ~
%- zl
?~ p.jon ~
[i=(wit i.p.jon) t=$(p.jon t.p.jon)]
Reparser modifier. Reparses an array to the [`++unit`]() of a homogenous
[`++list`]() using `wit` to reparse every element.
`wit` is a [`++fist`](), a JSON reparser.
~zod/try=> :type; ((ar ni):jo a/~[n/'1' n/'2'])
[~ u=~[1 2]]
{[%~ u=it(@)] %~}
### ++at
Reparse array as tuple
++ at :: array as tuple
|* wil=(pole fist)
|= jon=json
?. ?=([%a *] jon) ~
=+ raw=((at-raw wil) p.jon)
?.((za raw) ~ (some (zp raw)))
Reparser generator. Reparses an array as a fixed-length tuple of
[`++unit`]()s, using a list of `++fist`s.
`wil` is a [`++pole`]() a [`face`]()less list of [`++fist`]()s.
~zod/try=> ((at ni so ni ~):jo a/~[n/'3' s/'to' n/'4'])
[~ u=[q=3 q=4]]
~zod/try=> :type; ((at ni so ni ~):jo a/~[n/'3' s/'to' n/'4'])
[~ u=[q=3 q=4]]
{{[%~ u=[q=@ @ta q=@]] %~} %~}
~zod/try=> ((at ni so ni ~):jo a/~[n/'3' s/'to' n/''])
### ++at-raw
Reparse array to tuple
++ at-raw :: array as tuple
|* wil=(pole fist)
|= jol=(list json)
?~ wil ~
:- ?~(jol ~ (-.wil i.jol))
((at-raw +.wil) ?~(jol ~ t.jol))
Reparser generator. Reparses a list of [`++json`]() to a tuple of
[`++unit`]() using `wil`.
`wil` is a [`++pole`](), a [face]()less list of [`++fist`]()s.
~zod/try=> ((at-raw ni ni bo ~):jo ~[s/'hi' n/'1' b/&])
[~ [~ 1] [~ u=%.y] ~]
### ++bo
Reparse boolean
++ bo :: boolean
|=(jon=json ?.(?=([%b *] jon) ~ [~ u=p.jon]))
Reparser modifier. Reparses a boolean to the [`++unit`]() of a
~zod/try=> (bo:jo [%b &])
[~ u=%.y]
~zod/try=> (bo:jo [%b |])
[~ u=%.n]
~zod/try=> (bo:jo [%s 'hi'])
### ++bu
Reparse boolean not
++ bu :: boolean not
|=(jon=json ?.(?=([%b *] jon) ~ [~ u=!p.jon]))
Reparser modifier. Reparses the inverse of a boolean to the [`++unit`]()
of a loobean.
~zod/try=> (bu:jo [%b &])
[~ u=%.n]
~zod/try=> (bu:jo [%b |])
[~ u=%.y]
~zod/try=> (bu:jo [%s 'hi'])
### ++cu
Reparse and transform
++ cu :: transform
|* [poq=$+(* *) wit=fist]
|= jon=json
(bind (wit jon) poq)
Reparser modifier. Reparses `jon` and slams the result through `wit`,
producing a [`++unit`]().
`wit` is a [`++fist`]().
`poq` is a [`gate`]() that accepts and returns a [noun]().
~zod/try=> ((cu dec ni):jo [%n '20'])
[~ 19]
~zod/try=> ((cu dec ni):jo [%b &])
### ++da
Reparse UTC date
++ da :: UTC date
|= jon=json
?. ?=([%s *] jon) ~
(bind (stud (trip p.jon)) |=(a=date (year a)))
Reparser modifier. Reparses a UTC date string to a [`++unit`]().
~zod/try=> (da:jo [%s 'Wed, 29 Oct 2014 0:26:15 +0000'])
[~ ~2014.10.29..00.26.15]
~zod/try=> (da:jo [%s 'Wed, 29 Oct 2012 0:26:15'])
[~ ~2012.10.29..00.26.15]
~zod/try=> (da:jo [%n '20'])
### ++di
Reparse millisecond date
++ di :: millisecond date
|= jon=json
%+ bind (ni jon)
|= a=@u ^- @da
(add ~1970.1.1 (div (mul ~s1 a) 1.000))
Reparser modifier. Reparses the javascript millisecond date integer to a
~zod/try=> (di:jo [%s '2014-10-29'])
~zod/try=> (di:jo [%n '1414545548325'])
[~ ~2014.10.29..01.19.08..5333.3333.3333.3333]
~zod/try=> (di:jo [%n '1414545615128'])
[~ ~2014.10.29..01.20.15..20c4.9ba5.e353.f7ce]
~zod/try=> (di:jo [%n '25000'])
[~ ~1970.1.1..00.00.25]
### ++mu
Reparse unit
++ mu :: true unit
|* wit=fist
|= jon=json
?~(jon (some ~) (bind (wit jon) some))
Reparser modifier. Reparses `wit` to a [`++unit`]().
A- JSON units are considered to be either JSON null or the requested
value, and are reparsed to results of \~ or (some {value}) respectively
`wit` is a [`++fist`]().
~zod/try=> ((mu ni):jo [%n '20'])
[~ [~ u=q=20]]
~zod/try=> ((mu ni):jo [%n '15'])
[~ [~ u=q=15]]
~zod/try=> ((mu ni):jo ~)
[~ u=~]
~zod/try=> ((mu ni):jo [%s 'ma'])
### ++ne
Reparse number as real
++ ne :: number as real
|= jon=json
^- (unit ,@rd)
XX Currently unimplemented
A- yup, this will eventually reparse a floating point atom, but
interfaces for the latter are not currently stable.
### ++ni
Reparse number as integer
++ ni :: number as integer
|= jon=json
?. ?=([%n *] jon) ~
(rush p.jon dem)
Reparser modifier. Reparses an integer representation to a [\`++unit]().
~zod/try=> (ni:jo [%n '0'])
[~ q=0]
~zod/try=> (ni:jo [%n '200'])
[~ q=200]
~zod/try=> (ni:jo [%n '-2.5'])
~zod/try=> (ni:jo [%s '10'])
~zod/try=> (ni:jo [%b |])
~zod/try=> (ni:jo [%n '4'])
[~ q=4]
~zod/try=> (ni:jo [%a ~[b/& b/& b/& b/&]])
### ++no
Reparse number as text
++ no :: number as text
|= jon=json
?. ?=([%n *] jon) ~
(some p.jon)
Reparser modifier. Reparses a numeric representation to a [++cord]().
~zod/try=> (no:jo [%n '0'])
[~ u=~.0]
~zod/try=> (no:jo [%n '200'])
[~ u=~.200]
~zod/try=> (no:jo [%n '-2.5'])
[~ u=~.-2.5]
~zod/try=> (no:jo [%s '10'])
~zod/try=> (no:jo [%b |])
~zod/try=> (no:jo [%n '4'])
[~ u=~.4]
~zod/try=> (no:jo [%a ~[b/& b/& b/& b/&]])
### ++of
Reparse object to frond
++ of :: object as frond
|* wer=(pole ,[cord fist])
|= jon=json
?. ?=([%o [@ *] ~ ~] jon) ~
?~ wer ~
?: =(-.-.wer p.n.p.jon)
((pe -.-.wer +.-.wer) q.n.p.jon)
((of +.wer) jon)
Reparser generator. Reparses an object, succeeding if it corresponds to
one of the key-value pairs in `wer`.
`wer` is a [`++pole`](), a [`++face`]()less list of [`++cord`]() and
[`++fist`]() key-value pairs.
~zod/try=> ((of sem/sa som/ni ~):jo %o [%sem s/'hi'] ~ ~)
[~ [%sem "hi"]]
~zod/try=> ((of sem/sa som/ni ~):jo %o [%som n/'20'] ~ ~)
[~ [%som q=20]]
~zod/try=> ((of sem/sa som/ni ~):jo %o [%som s/'he'] ~ ~)
~zod/try=> ((of sem/sa som/ni ~):jo %o [%som s/'5'] ~ ~)
~zod/try=> ((of sem/sa som/ni ~):jo %o [%sem s/'5'] ~ ~)
[~ [%sem "5"]]
~zod/try=> ((of sem/sa som/ni ~):jo %o [%sem n/'2'] ~ ~)
~zod/try=> ((of sem/sa som/ni ~):jo %o [%sem b/&] ~ ~)
~zod/try=> ((of sem/sa som/ni ~):jo %a ~[s/'som' n/'4'])
~zod/try=> ((of sem/sa som/ni ~):jo %o [%sem s/'hey'] ~ [%sam s/'other value'] ~ ~)
### ++ot
Reparse object as tuple
++ ot :: object as tuple
|* wer=(pole ,[cord fist])
|= jon=json
?. ?=([%o *] jon) ~
=+ raw=((ot-raw wer) p.jon)
?.((za raw) ~ (some (zp raw)))
Reparser generator. For every key in `wer` that matches a key in the
[`++edge`], the fist in `wer` is applied to the corresponding value in
the [`++edge`](), the results of which are produced in a tuple.
`wer` is a [`++pole`]() of [`++cord`]() to [`++fist`]() key-value pairs.
~zod/try=> (jobe [%sem s/'ha'] [%som n/'20'] ~)
[%o p={[p='sem' q=[%s p=~.ha]] [p='som' q=[%n p=~.20]]}]
~zod/try=> ((ot sem/sa som/ni sem/sa ~):jo (jobe [%sem s/'ha'] [%som n/'20'] ~))
[~ u=["ha" q=20 "ha"]]
### ++ot-raw
++ ot-raw :: object as tuple
|* wer=(pole ,[cord fist])
|= jom=(map ,@t json)
?~ wer ~
=+ ten=(~(get by jom) -.-.wer)
[?~(ten ~ (+.-.wer u.ten)) ((ot-raw +.wer) jom)]
Reparser generator. Reparses a map `jom` using `wer`; for every key in
`wer` that matches a key in `map`, the corresponding `++fist` is applied
to the corresponding value in `jom`, the results of which are produced
in a tuple.
~zod/try=> ((ot-raw sem/sa som/ni sem/sa ~):jo (mo [%sem s/'ha'] [%som n/'20'] ~))
[[~ u="ha"] [~ q=20] [~ u="ha"] ~]
~zod/try=> ((ot-raw sem/sa som/ni sem/sa ~):jo (mo [%sem s/'ha'] [%som b/|] ~))
[[~ u="ha"] ~ [~ u="ha"] ~]
### ++om
Parse object to map
++ om :: object as map
|* wit=fist
|= jon=json
?. ?=([%o *] jon) ~
(zm ~(run by p.jon) wit)
Reparser modifier. Reparses a [`++json`]() object to a homogenous map
using `wit`.
`wit` is a [`++fist`]().
~zod/try=> ((om ni):jo (jobe [%sap n/'20'] [%sup n/'5'] [%sop n/'177'] ~))
[~ {[p='sup' q=q=5] [p='sop' q=q=177] [p='sap' q=q=20]}]
~zod/try=> ((om ni):jo (jobe [%sap n/'20'] [%sup n/'0x5'] [%sop n/'177'] ~))
### ++pe
Add prefix
++ pe :: prefix
|* [pre=* wit=fist]
(cu |*(a=* [pre a]) wit)
Reparser modifier. Adds a static prefix `pre` to the parse result of
`wit`. See also: [`++stag`]().
`pre` is a prefix [`noun`]().
~zod/try=> (ni:jo n/'2')
[~ q=2]
~zod/try=> (ni:jo b/|)
~zod/try=> ((pe %hi ni):jo n/'2')
[~ [%hi q=2]]
~zod/try=> ((pe %hi ni):jo b/|)
### ++sa
Reparse string to tape
++ sa :: string as tape
|= jon=json
?.(?=([%s *] jon) ~ (some (trip p.jon)))
Reparser modifier. Reparses a [`++json`]() string to a [`++tape`]().
~zod/try=> (sa:jo s/'value')
[~ u="value"]
~zod/try=> (sa:jo n/'46')
~zod/try=> (sa:jo a/~[s/'val 2'])
### ++so
Reparse string to cord
++ so :: string as cord
|= jon=json
?.(?=([%s *] jon) ~ (some p.jon))
Reparser modifier. Reparses a string to a [`++cord`]().
~zod/try=> (so:jo s/'value')
[~ u=~.value]
~zod/try=> (so:jo n/'46')
~zod/try=> (so:jo a/~[s/'val 2'])
### ++su
Reparse string
++ su :: parse string
|* sab=rule
|= jon=json
?. ?=([%s *] jon) ~
(rush p.jon sab)
Reparser generator. Produces a reparser that applies `sab` to a string.
`sab` is a [`++rule`]().
~zod/try=> ((su:jo fed:ag) s/'zod')
[~ 0]
~zod/try=> ((su:jo fed:ag) s/'doznec')
[~ 256]
~zod/try=> ((su:jo fed:ag) s/'notship')
~zod/try=> ((su:jo fed:ag) n/'20')
### ++ul
Reparse null
++ ul |=(jon=json ?~(jon (some ~) ~)) :: null
Reparser modifier. Reparses a null value.
~zod/try=> (ul:jo `json`~)
[~ u=~]
~zod/try=> (ul:jo s/'null')
~zod/try=> (ul:jo b/|)
~zod/try=> (ul:jo b/&)
### ++za
Pole of nonempty units
++ za :: full unit pole
|* pod=(pole (unit))
?~ pod &
?~ -.pod |
(za +.pod)
Determines if `pod` contains no empty units, producing a loobean. Used
`pod` is a [`++pole`]() of [`++units`]().
~zod/try=> (za:jo ~[`1 `2 `3])
~zod/try=> (za:jo ~[`1 ~ `3])
### ++zl
Collapse unit list
++ zl :: collapse unit list
|* lut=(list (unit))
?. |- ^- ?
?~(lut & ?~(i.lut | $(lut t.lut)))
%- some
?~ lut ~
[i=u:+.i.lut t=$(lut t.lut)]
Produces a unit of the values of `lut` if every unit in `lut` is
nonempty. Otherwise, produces `~`. If any of the `++unit`s in `lut` are
empty, produces null.
`lut` is a [`++list`]() of [`++unit`]()s.
~zod/try=> (zl:jo `(list (unit))`~[`1 `2 `3])
[~ u=~[1 2 3]]
~zod/try=> (zl:jo `(list (unit))`~[`1 `17 `3])
[~ u=~[1 17 3]]
~zod/try=> (zl:jo `(list (unit))`~[`1 ~ `3])
### ++zp
Parses a
++ zp :: unit tuple
|* but=(pole (unit))
?~ but !!
?~ +.but
[u:->.but (zp +.but)]
Collapses a `++pole` of `++unit`s `but`, producing a tuple.
`but` is a [`++pole`]() of [`++unit`]().
~zod/try=> (zp:jo `(pole (unit))`~[`1 `2 `3])
[1 2 3]
~zod/try=> (zp:jo `(pole (unit))`~[`1 `17 `3])
[1 17 3]
~zod/try=> (zp:jo `(pole (unit))`~[`1 ~ `3])
! exit
### ++zm
Collapse unit map
++ zm :: collapse unit map
|* lum=(map term (unit))
?: (~(rep by lum) | |=([[@ a=(unit)] b=?] |(b ?=(~ a))))
(some (~(run by lum) need))
Produces a `++unit` of the map `lum` of term to `++unit` key value
pairs, with all of the nonempty values stripped of their `++unit`
wrappers. If any of the `++units` in `lum` are empty, `~` is produced.
See also: [`++zp`](), [`++zl`]().
`lum` is a map of [`++term`]() to [`++unit`]()s.
~zod/try=> (zm:jo `(map term (unit ,@u))`(mo a/`4 b/`1 c/`2 ~))
[~ {[p=%a q=4] [p=%c q=2] [p=%b q=1]}]
~zod/try=> (zm:jo `(map term (unit ,@u))`(mo a/`4 b/~ c/`2 ~))
~zod/try=> (~(run by `(map ,@t ,@u)`(mo a/1 b/2 c/3 ~)) (flit |=(a=@ (lth a 5))))
{[p='a' q=[~ u=1]] [p='c' q=[~ u=3]] [p='b' q=[~ u=2]]}
~zod/try=> (zm:jo (~(run by `(map ,@t ,@u)`(mo a/1 b/2 c/3 ~)) (flit |=(a=@ (lth a 5)))))
[~ {[p='a' q=1] [p='c' q=3] [p='b' q=2]}]
~zod/try=> (zm:jo (~(run by `(map ,@t ,@u)`(mo a/1 b/7 c/3 ~)) (flit |=(a=@ (lth a 5)))))
~zod/try=> (~(run by `(map ,@t ,@u)`(mo a/1 b/7 c/3 ~)) (flit |=(a=@ (lth a 5))))
{[p='a' q=[~ u=1]] [p='c' q=[~ u=3]] [p='b' q=~]}
### ++joba
`++json` from key-value pair
++ joba :: object from k-v pair
|= [p=@t q=json]
^- json
[%o [[p q] ~ ~]]
Produces a ++json object with one key.
`p` is a `@t` key.
`q` is a [`++json`]().
~zod/try=> (joba %hi %b |)
[%o p={[p='hi' q=[%b p=%.n]]}]
~zod/try=> (crip (pojo (joba %hi %b |)))
~zod/try=> (joba %hi (jone 2.130))
[%o p={[p='hi' q=[%n p=~.2130]]}]
~zod/try=> (crip (pojo (joba %hi (jone 2.130))))
### ++jobe
Object from key-value list
++ jobe :: object from k-v list
|= a=(list ,[p=@t q=json])
^- json
[%o (~(gas by *(map ,@t json)) a)]
Produces a `++json` object from a list `a` of key to `++json` values.
`a` is a [`++list`]() of [`++cord`]() to [`++json`]() values.
~zod/try=> (jobe a/n/'20' b/~ c/a/~[s/'mol'] ~)
[%o p={[p='a' q=[%n p=~.20]] [p='c' q=[%a p=~[[%s p=~.mol]]]] [p='b' q=~]}]
~zod/try=> (crip (pojo (jobe a/n/'20' b/~ c/a/~[s/'mol'] ~)))
### ++jape
`++json` string from tape
++ jape :: string from tape
|= a=tape
^- json
[%s (crip a)]
Produces a [`++json`]() string from a [`++tape`]().
~zod/try=> (jape ~)
[%s p=~.]
~zod/try=> (jape "lam")
[%s p=~.lam]
~zod/try=> (crip (pojo (jape "lam")))
~zod/try=> (crip (pojo (jape "semtek som? zeplo!")))
'"semtek som? zeplo!"'
### ++jone
`++json` number from unigned
++ jone :: number from unsigned
|= a=@u
^- json
:- %n
?: =(0 a) '0'
(crip (flop |-(^-(tape ?:(=(0 a) ~ [(add '0' (mod a 10)) $(a (div a 10))])))))
Produces a `++json` number from an unsigned atom.
`a` is a [`@u`]().
~zod/try=> (jone 1)
[%n p=~.1]
~zod/try=> (pojo (jone 1))
~zod/try=> (jone 1.203.196)
[%n p=~.1203196]
~zod/try=> (pojo (jone 1.203.196))
### ++jesc
Escape JSON character
++ jesc
|= a=@ ^- tape
?+ a [a ~]
10 "\\n"
34 "\\\""
92 "\\\\"
Produces a `++tape` of an escaped [`++json`]() character `a`.
`a` is an [`++atom`]()
~zod/try=> (jesc 'a')
~zod/try=> (jesc 'c')
~zod/try=> (jesc '\\')
~zod/try=> (jesc '"')
### ++scanf
Formatted scan
++ scanf :: formatted scan
|* [tape (pole ,_:/(*$&(_rule tape)))]
=> .(+< [a b]=+<)
(scan a (parsf b))
Scan with `;"`-interpolated parsers.
A- here there be monsters, monsters of my making. But the basic idea is
you use `;"` (which currently is parsed by sail but shouldn't be) to mix
literal text and [++rule]s, and apply this to text which is a
correspending mixture of aforementioned literals and sections parsable
by the relevant rules. ++parsf is the parser form that combines a
tape-rule mix into one big ++rule, ++norm being a parsf internal that
winnows the `;"` result into a list of discriminate literals and rules,
and ++bill doing the actual composing: ++\$:parsf just adds a layer that
collapses the result list to a tuple, such that (scanf "foo 1 2 bar"
;"foo {dem} {dem} bar") parses [1 2] and not [1 2 \~].
~zod/try=> `[p=@ud q=@ud]`(scanf "Score is 5 to 2" [;"Score is {n} to {n}"]:n=dim:ag)
[p=5 q=2]
~zod/try=> =n ;~(pfix (star (just '0')) (cook |=(@ud +<) dim:ag))
~zod/try=> (scanf "2014-08-12T23:10:58.931Z" ;"{n}\-{n}\-{n}T{n}:{n}:{n}.{n}Z")
[2.014 8 12 23 10 58 931]
~zod/try=> =dat (scanf "2014-08-12T23:10:58.931Z" ;"{n}\-{n}\-{n}T{n}:{n}:{n}.{n}Z")
~zod/try=> `@da`(year `date`dat(- [%& -.dat], |6 ~[(div (mul |6.dat (bex 16)) 1.000)]))
### ++parsf
++ parsf :: make parser from:
|^ |* a=(pole ,_:/(*$&(_rule tape))) :: ;"chars{rule}chars"
%- cook :_ (bill (norm a))
|* (list)
?~ +< ~
?~ t i
[i $(+< t)]
`parsf` generates a `_rule` from a tape with rules embedded in it,
literal sections being matched verbatim. The parsed type is a tuple of
the embedded rules' results.
Two intermediate arms are used:
#### ++norm
:: .= (norm [;"{n}, {n}"]:n=dim:ag) ~[[& dim] [| ", "] [& dim]]:ag
++ norm
|* (pole ,_:/(*$&(_rule tape)))
?~ +< ~
=> .(+< [i=+<- t=+<+])
:_ t=$(+< t)
=+ rul=->->.i
^= i
?~ rul [%| p=rul]
?~ +.rul [%| p=rul]
?@ &2.rul [%| p=;;(tape rul)]
[%& p=rul]
`norm` converts a `;"` pole of `[[%~. [%~. ?(tape _rule)] ~] ~]` into a
more convenient list of discriminated tapes and rules.
#### ++bill
:: .= (bill ~[[& dim] [| ", "] [& dim]]:ag)
:: ;~(plug dim ;~(pfix com ace ;~(plug dim (easy)))):ag
++ bill
|* (list (each ,_rule tape))
?~ +< (easy ~)
?: ?=(| -.i) ;~(pfix (jest (crip p.i)) $(+< t))
%+ cook |*([* *] [i t]=+<)
;~(plug p.i $(+< t))
`bill` builds a parser out of rules and tapes, ignoring the literal
sections and producing a list of the rules' results.
### ++taco
++ taco :: atom to octstream
|= tam=@ ^- octs
[(met 3 tam) tam]
An [octs] contains a length, to encode trailing zeroes.
~zod/try=> (taco 'abc')
[p=3 q=6.513.249]
~zod/try=> `@t`6.513.249
### ++tact
++ tact :: tape to octstream
|= tep=tape ^- octs
(taco (rap 3 tep))
octs from tape
~zod/try=> (tact "abc")
[p=3 q=6.513.249]
~zod/try=> `@t`6.513.249
### ++tell
++ tell :: wall to octstream
|= wol=wall ^- octs
=+ buf=(rap 3 (turn wol |=(a=tape (crip (weld a `tape`[`@`10 ~])))))
[(met 3 buf) buf]
octs from wall
~zod/try=> (tell ~["abc" "line" "3"])
[p=11 q=12.330.290.663.108.538.769.039.969]
~zod/try=> `@t`12.330.290.663.108.538.769.039.969
### ++txml
++ txml :: string to xml
|= tep=tape ^- manx
[[%$ [%$ tep] ~] ~]
Tape to xml CDATA node
~zod/try=> (txml "hi")
[g=[n=%$ a=~[[n=%$ v="hi"]]] c=~]
~zod/try=> (txml "larton bestok")
[g=[n=%$ a=~[[n=%$ v="larton bestok"]]] c=~]