mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 03:44:34 +03:00
112 lines
3.9 KiB
112 lines
3.9 KiB
++ react-elems :: XX /~
~+ %- sa ^- (list term)
:~ %a %abbr %address %area %article %aside %audio %b %base
%bdi %bdo %big %blockquote %body %br %button %canvas %caption
%cite %code %col %colgroup %data %datalist %dd %del %details
%dfn %dialog %div %dl %dt %em %embed %fieldset %figcaption
%figure %footer %form %h1 %h2 %h3 %h4 %h5 %h6 %head %header
%hr %html %i %iframe %img %input %ins %kbd %keygen %label
%legend %li %link %main %map %mark %menu %menuitem %meta
%meter %nav %noscript %object %ol %optgroup %option %output %p
%param %picture %pre %progress %q %rp %rt %ruby %s %samp
%script %section %select %small %source %span %strong %style
%sub %summary %sup %table %tbody %td %textarea %tfoot %th
%thead %time %title %tr %track %u %ul %var %video %wbr
%circle %defs %ellipse %g %line %linear-gradient %mask %path
%pattern %polygon %polyline %radial-gradient %rect %stop %svg
%text %tspan
++ react-vale
~(has in react-elems)
++ react-to-json
|= src=manx ^- json
?: ?=(_:/(**) src)
(jape v.i.a.g.src)
=+ atr=(mo a.g.src)
?: (~(has by atr) [%urb %codemirror])
?> ?=([[%pre *] _:/(**) ~] src)
$(src ;codemirror(value "{v.i.a.g.i.c.src}");)
?: (~(has by atr) [%urb %exec]) :: runnable code attribute tag
?> ?=([[%pre *] _:/(**) ~] src) :: verify its only a text node
=* code v.i.a.g.i.c.src
%_ $
=+ =< result=(mule .)
!.(|.((slap !>(.) (ream (crip code))))) :: compile and run safely
=+ claz=?:(-.result "rancode" "failedcode")
;div(class "{claz}")
;+ ?: ?=(& -.result)
;code:"{~(ram re (sell p.result))}"
;* %+ turn p.result
|= a=tank
^- manx
;div:"{~(ram re a)}"
== ==
%- jobe :~
c/a/(turn c.src ..$)
gn/s/(mane-to-cord n.g.src)
=< ga/(jobe (turn a.g.src .))
|= [a=mane b=tape] ^- [cord json]
[?+(a (mane-to-cord a) %class 'className') (jape b)]
++ mane-to-cord |=(a=mane `cord`?@(a a (rap 3 -.a ':' +.a ~)))
:: generates React javascript XX deprecated
++ react-to-tape
|= src=manx ^- tape
?: (~(has by (mo a.g.src)) [%urb %codemirror])
?> ?=([[%pre *] _:/(**) ~] src)
$(src ;codemirror(value "{v.i.a.g.i.c.src}");)
?: (~(has by (mo a.g.src)) [%urb %exec]) :: runnable code attribute tag
?> ?=([[%pre *] _:/(**) ~] src) :: verify its only a text node
=* code v.i.a.g.i.c.src
=+ ^= result
(mule |.((slap !>(.) (ream (crip code))))) :: compile and run safely
?: ?=(%.y -.result) :: it was ok
=+ ^= new
;div(class "rancode")
;code:"{~(ram re (sell p.result))}"
$(src new)
=+ ^= error
;div(class "failedcode")
;* %+ turn
(scag (dec (lent p.result)) p.result) :: hide react trace
|= a=tank
^- manx
;div:"{~(ram re a)}"
$(src error)
;: weld
=* tan n.g.src
?^ tan !! :: namespaces unsupported
?: (react-vale tan)
"'{(trip tan)}'"
(trip tan)
", "
=- (pojo (jobe (turn a.g.src -)))
|= [a=mane b=tape]
=. a ?+(a a %class 'className')
?^(a !! [a (jape b)])
", "
=< ~(ram re %rose [", " "[" "]"] (turn c.src .))
|= a=manx
?: ?=(_:/(**) a)
leaf/(pojo (jape v.i.a.g.a))
leaf/^$(src a)