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synced 2024-12-18 20:31:40 +03:00
158 lines
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158 lines
3.8 KiB
:: A Twitter API library.
:::: /hoon/twitter/lib
/? 314
/- twitter
/+ interpolate, hep-to-cab
=+ sur-twit:^twitter :: XX
=, eyre
=, mimes:html
=, html
=, format
=, html
=, chrono:userlib
:::: functions
++ join
|= {a/char b/(list @t)} ^- @t
%+ rap 3
?~ b ~
|-(?~(t.b b [i.b a $(b t.b)]))
++ valve :: produce request
|= {med/?($get $post) pax/path quy/quay}
^- hiss
=+ url=(scan "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/.json" auri:de-purl) :: base path
=. q.q.url (welp q.q.url pax)
=. r.url quy
^- hiss
?- med
$get [url med *math ~]
=+ hed=(my:nl content-type+['application/x-www-form-urlencoded']~ ~)
[url(r ~) med hed ?~(r.url ~ (some (as-octt +:(tail:en-purl r.url))))]
++ find-req
=+ all=doc-data-dry:reqs
|: a=-:$:endpoint:reqs ^- {?($get $post) path}
?~ all ~|(endpoint-lost+a !!) :: type error, should never happen
?: =(a -:$:typ.i.all)
$(all t.all)
:::: library
++ render :: response printers
=+ args:reqs
++ mean
|= {msg/@t num/@ud} ^- tank
rose+[": " `~]^~[leaf+"Error {<num>}" leaf+(trip msg)]
++ user-url
|: a=$:scr ^- purf
:_ ~
%^ into-url:interpolate 'https://twitter.com/:scr'
++ post-url
|: $:{a/scr b/tid} ^- purf
:_ ~
%^ into-url:interpolate 'https://twitter.com/:scr/status/:tid'
~[scr+a tid+(tid:print b)]
++ parse ^? :: text parsers
++ user (cook crip (plus ;~(pose aln cab)))
++ reparse :: json reparsers
=, parse
++ ce |*({a/$-(* *) b/fist:dejs} (cu:dejs |:(c=$:a c) b)) :: output type
++ fasp |*(a/{@tas *} [(hep-to-cab -.a) +.a])
++ mean (ot errors+(ar (ot message+so code+ni ~)) ~):dejs
++ post
=, ^?(dejs)
%+ ce post:sur-twit
%- ot
:~ id+ni
user+(ot (fasp screen-name+(su user)) ~)
(fasp created-at+(cu year (ci stud so)))
:: parse html escapes and newlines
text+(cu crip (su (star ;~(pose (just `@`10) escp:de-xml))))
++ usel
=, ^?(dejs)
%+ ce (list who/@ta)
=- (ot users+(ar -) ~)
(ot (fasp screen-name+(su user)) ~)
++ print
=+ args:reqs
++ tid |=(@u `@t`(rsh 3 2 (scot %ui +<)))
++ scr |=(@t +<)
++ lsc
|: a=$:$@(^scr ^lsc) ^- @t
?@(a `@t`a (join ',' a))
++ lid
|: a=$:$@(^tid (list ^tid)) ^- @t
?~ a ~|(%nil-id !!)
?@(a (tid a) (join ',' (turn `(list ^tid)`a tid)))
++ request
=< apex
=+ args:reqs
++ apex
|: $:{a/endpoint b/quay} ^- hiss
=+ [med pax]=(find-req -.a)
(valve med (cowl pax +.a b))
++ lutt |=(@u `@t`(rsh 3 2 (scot %ui +<)))
++ llsc
:: => args:reqs
|: a=$:$@(scr (list scr)) ^- @t
?@(a `@t`a (join ',' a))
++ llst
|= a/$@(@t (list @t)) ^- @t
?@(a `@t`a (join ',' a))
++ llid
:: =+ args:reqs
|: a=$:$@(tid (list tid)) ^- @t
?~ a ~|(%nil-id !!)
?@(a (lutt a) (join ',' (turn `(list tid)`a lutt)))
++ cowl :: handle parameters
|= $: pax/path
ban/(list param)
^- {path quay}
%+ into-path-partial:interpolate
(path:hep-to-cab pax)
=- (weld - quy)
%+ turn ban
|: p=$:param
^- {@t @t}
:- (hep-to-cab -.p)
?+ -.p p.p :: usually plain text
?($source-id $target-id) (tid:print p.p)
?($id $name $user-id) (lid:print p.p)
$screen-name (lsc:print p.p)