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synced 2024-12-19 12:51:51 +03:00
506 lines
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506 lines
15 KiB
:: azimuth-rpc: command parsing and utilities
/- rpc=json-rpc, *aggregator
/+ naive, json-rpc, lib=naive-transactions
=> :: Utilities
+$ spawn-action
$? %escape
+$ proxy-action
$? %set-management-proxy
++ from-json
=, dejs-soft:format
++ keys
|= params=(map @t json)
^- (unit [encrypt=@ auth=@ crypto-suite=@ breach=?])
?~ data=(~(get by params) 'data') ~
%. u.data
%- ot
:~ ['encrypt' so]
['auth' so]
['crypto-suite' so]
['breach' bo]
++ data
++ address-transfer
|= params=(map @t json)
^- (unit [@ux ?])
?~ data=(~(get by params) 'data') ~
=; ans=(unit [add=(unit @ux) r=?])
?~ ans ~
?~ add.u.ans ~
(some [u.add.u.ans r.u.ans])
%. u.data
%- ot
~[['address' (cu to-hex so)] ['reset' bo]]
++ address-ship
|= params=(map @t json)
^- (unit [@p @ux])
?~ data=(~(get by params) 'data') ~
=; ans=(unit [ship=@p add=(unit @ux)])
?~ ans ~
?~ add.u.ans ~
(some [ship.u.ans u.add.u.ans])
%. u.data
%- ot
:~ ['ship' (su ;~(pfix ^sig fed:ag))]
['address' (cu to-hex so)]
++ address
|= params=(map @t json)
^- (unit @ux)
?~ data=(~(get by params) 'data') ~
=; ans=(unit (unit @ux))
?~(ans ~ u.ans)
%. u.data
(ot ['address' (cu to-hex so)]~)
++ ship
|= params=(map @t json)
^- (unit @p)
?~ data=(~(get by params) 'data') ~
%. u.data
(ot ['ship' (su ;~(pfix ^sig fed:ag))]~)
++ ship
|= params=(map @t json)
^- (unit @p)
?~ data=(~(get by params) 'ship') ~
%. u.data
(su ;~(pfix ^sig fed:ag))
++ address
|= params=(map @t json)
^- (unit @ux)
?~ data=(~(get by params) 'address') ~
=; ans=(unit (unit @ux))
?~(ans ~ u.ans)
((cu to-hex so) u.data)
++ sig
|= params=(map @t json)
^- (unit @ux)
?~ sig=(~(get by params) 'sig') ~
=; ans=(unit (unit @ux))
?~(ans ~ u.ans)
%. u.sig
(cu to-hex so)
++ from
|= params=(map @t json)
^- (unit [@p proxy:naive])
?~ from=(~(get by params) 'from') ~
%. u.from
%- ot
:~ ['ship' (su ;~(pfix ^sig fed:ag))]
['proxy' (cu proxy:naive so)]
++ hash
|= params=(map @t json)
^- (unit @ux)
?~ hash=(~(get by params) 'hash') ~
=; ans=(unit (unit @ux))
?~(ans ~ u.ans)
((cu to-hex so) u.hash)
++ raw
|= params=(map @t json)
^- (unit octs)
?~ raw=(~(get by params) 'raw') ~
=; ans=(unit (unit @ux))
?~ ans ~
?~ u.ans ~
(some (as-octs:mimes:html u.u.ans))
((cu to-hex so) u.raw)
++ to-json
=, enjs:format
++ pending
|= pending=(list pend-tx)
^- json
:- %a
%+ turn pending
|= pend-tx
^- json
%- pairs
:~ ['force' b+force]
:- 'raw-tx'
%- pairs
:~ ['sig' (numb sig.raw-tx)]
['tx' (tx:to-json tx.raw-tx)]
== ==
++ tx
|= =tx:naive
^- json
%- pairs
:~ ['tx' (parse-tx +.tx)]
:- 'from'
%- pairs
~[['ship' (ship ship.from.tx)] ['proxy' s+proxy.from.tx]]
++ parse-tx
|= tx=skim-tx:naive
^- json
%- pairs
:~ ['type' s+-.tx]
:- 'data'
%- pairs
?- -.tx
%transfer-point (en-transfer +.tx)
%spawn (en-spawn +.tx)
%configure-keys (en-keys +.tx)
%escape ~[(en-ship parent.tx)]
%cancel-escape ~[(en-ship parent.tx)]
%adopt ~[(en-ship ship.tx)]
%reject ~[(en-ship ship.tx)]
%detach ~[(en-ship ship.tx)]
%set-management-proxy ~[(en-address address.tx)]
%set-spawn-proxy ~[(en-address address.tx)]
%set-transfer-proxy ~[(en-address address.tx)]
== ==
++ en-ship |=(s=@p ship+(ship s))
++ en-address |=(a=@ux address+s+(crip "0x{((x-co:co 20) a)}"))
++ en-spawn |=([s=@p a=@ux] ~[(en-ship s) (en-address a)])
++ en-transfer |=([a=@ux r=?] ~[(en-address a) reset+b+r])
++ en-keys
|= [encrypt=@ auth=@ crypto-suite=@ breach=?]
^- (list [@t json])
:~ ['encrypt' (numb encrypt)]
['auth' (numb auth)]
['crypto-suite' (numb crypto-suite)]
['breach' b+breach]
++ txs
|= txs=(list tx:naive)
^- json
a+(turn txs |=(=tx:naive (tx:to-json tx)))
++ point
|= =point:naive
^- json
%- pairs
:~ ['dominion' s+dominion.point]
:- 'ownership'
%- pairs
=* own own.point
^- (list [@t json])
:~ ['owner' (ownership owner.own)]
['spawnProxy' (ownership spawn-proxy.own)]
['managementProxy' (ownership management-proxy.own)]
['votingProxy' (ownership voting-proxy.own)]
['transferProxy' (ownership transfer-proxy.own)]
:- 'network'
%- pairs
=* net net.point
:* ['rift' (numb rift.net)]
:- 'keys'
%- pairs
:~ ['life' (numb life.keys.net)]
['suite' (numb suite.keys.net)]
['auth' (numb auth.keys.net)]
['crypt' (numb crypt.keys.net)]
['rift' (numb rift.net)]
:- 'sponsor'
%- pairs
~[['has' b+has.sponsor.net] ['who' (ship who.sponsor.net)]]
?~ escape.net ~
['escape' (ship u.escape.net)]~
== ==
++ ownership
|= [=address:naive =nonce:naive]
^- json
%- pairs
:~ ['address' s+(crip "0x{((x-co:co 20) address)}")]
['nonce' (numb nonce)]
++ spawned
|= children=(list [@p @ux])
^- json
:- %a
%+ turn children
|= [child=@p addr=@ux]
%- pairs
:~ ['ship' (ship child)]
['address' s+(crip "0x{((x-co:co 20) addr)}")]
++ tx-status
|= =^tx-status
^- json
%- pairs
:~ ['status' s+status.tx-status]
:- 'pointer'
?~ pointer.tx-status ~
=* pointer u.pointer.tx-status
(ownership address.pointer nonce.pointer)
++ to-hex
|= =cord
^- (unit @ux)
=/ parsed=(unit (pair @ud @ux)) (de:base16:mimes:html cord)
?~ parsed
::~|(%non-hex-cord !!)
(some q.u.parsed)
++ rpc-res
++ sponsor
|= [id=@t params=(map @t json) action=spawn-action]
^- [(unit cage) response:rpc]
?. (params:validate params)
[~ ~(params error:json-rpc id)]
=/ sig=(unit @ux) (sig:from-json params)
=/ from=(unit [@p proxy:naive]) (from:from-json params)
=/ raw=(unit octs) (raw:from-json params)
=/ data=(unit @p) (ship:data:from-json params)
?. &(?=(^ sig) ?=(^ from) ?=(^ raw) ?=(^ data))
[~ ~(parse error:json-rpc id)]
:_ [%result id s+'ok']
%- some
:- %aggregator-action
=; =skim-tx:naive
[%submit | u.sig %ful u.raw u.from skim-tx]
?- action
%escape [%escape u.data]
%cancel-escape [%cancel-escape u.data]
%adopt [%adopt u.data]
%reject [%reject u.data]
%detach [%detach u.data]
++ proxy
|= [id=@t params=(map @t json) action=proxy-action]
^- [(unit cage) response:rpc]
?. (params:validate params)
[~ ~(params error:json-rpc id)]
=/ sig=(unit @ux) (sig:from-json params)
=/ from=(unit [@p proxy:naive]) (from:from-json params)
=/ raw=(unit octs) (raw:from-json params)
=/ data=(unit @ux) (address:data:from-json params)
?. &(?=(^ sig) ?=(^ from) ?=(^ raw) ?=(^ data))
[~ ~(parse error:json-rpc id)]
:_ [%result id s+'ok']
%- some
:- %aggregator-action
=; =skim-tx:naive
[%submit | u.sig %ful u.raw u.from skim-tx]
?- action
%set-management-proxy [%set-management-proxy u.data]
%set-spawn-proxy [%set-spawn-proxy u.data]
%set-transfer-proxy [%set-transfer-proxy u.data]
++ validate
++ params
|= params=(map @t json)
^- ?
=((lent ~(tap by params)) 4)
++ get-point
|= [id=@t params=(map @t json) scry=$-(ship (unit point:naive))]
^- response:rpc
?. =((lent ~(tap by params)) 1)
~(params error:json-rpc id)
?~ ship=(~(get by params) 'ship')
~(params error:json-rpc id)
?~ ship=(rush (so:dejs:format u.ship) ;~(pfix sig fed:ag))
~(params error:json-rpc id)
?~ point=(scry u.ship)
~(params error:json-rpc id)
[%result id (point:to-json u.point)]
++ get-spawned
|= [id=@t params=(map @t json) scry=$-(ship (list [ship @ux]))]
^- response:rpc
?. =((lent ~(tap by params)) 1)
~(params error:json-rpc id)
?~ ship=(~(get by params) 'ship')
~(params error:json-rpc id)
?~ ship=(rush (so:dejs:format u.ship) ;~(pfix sig fed:ag))
~(params error:json-rpc id)
[%result id (spawned:to-json (scry u.ship))]
++ transfer-point
|= [id=@t params=(map @t json)]
^- [(unit cage) response:rpc]
?. (params:validate params)
[~ ~(params error:json-rpc id)]
=/ sig=(unit @ux) (sig:from-json params)
=/ from=(unit [ship @t]) (from:from-json params)
=/ raw=(unit octs) (raw:from-json params)
=/ data=(unit [@ux ?]) (address-transfer:data:from-json params)
?: |(?=(~ sig) ?=(~ from) ?=(~ raw) ?=(~ data))
[~ ~(parse error:json-rpc id)]
:_ [%result id s+'ok']
%- some
:- %aggregator-action
!>([%submit | u.sig %ful u.raw u.from %transfer-point u.data])
++ configure-keys
|= [id=@t params=(map @t json)]
^- [(unit cage) response:rpc]
?. (params:validate params)
[~ ~(params error:json-rpc id)]
=/ sig=(unit @ux) (sig:from-json params)
=/ from=(unit [ship @t]) (from:from-json params)
=/ raw=(unit octs) (raw:from-json params)
=/ data=(unit [encrypt=@ auth=@ crypto-suite=@ breach=?])
(keys:data:from-json params)
?. &(?=(^ sig) ?=(^ from) ?=(^ raw) ?=(^ data))
[~ ~(parse error:json-rpc id)]
:_ [%result id s+'ok']
%- some
:- %aggregator-action
!>([%submit | u.sig %ful u.raw u.from %configure-keys u.data])
++ spawn
|= [id=@t params=(map @t json)]
^- [(unit cage) response:rpc]
?. (params:validate params)
[~ ~(params error:json-rpc id)]
=/ sig=(unit @ux) (sig:from-json params)
=/ from=(unit [@p proxy:naive]) (from:from-json params)
=/ raw=(unit octs) (raw:from-json params)
=/ data=(unit [@p @ux]) (address-ship:data:from-json params)
?. &(?=(^ sig) ?=(^ from) ?=(^ raw) ?=(^ data))
[~ ~(parse error:json-rpc id)]
:_ [%result id s+'ok']
%- some
:- %aggregator-action
!>([%submit | u.sig %ful u.raw u.from %spawn u.data])
++ escape sponsor:rpc-res
++ cancel-escape sponsor:rpc-res
++ adopt sponsor:rpc-res
++ detach sponsor:rpc-res
++ reject sponsor:rpc-res
++ management-proxy proxy:rpc-res
++ spawn-proxy proxy:rpc-res
++ transfer-proxy proxy:rpc-res
:: - readNonce(from=[ship proxy]) -> @ :: automatically increment for pending wraps
++ nonce
|= [id=@t params=(map @t json) scry=$-([ship proxy:naive] (unit @))]
^- response:rpc
?. =((lent ~(tap by params)) 1)
~(params error:json-rpc id)
?~ from=(from:from-json params)
~(parse error:json-rpc id)
?~ nonce=(scry u.from)
~(not-found error:json-rpc id)
[%result id (numb:enjs:format u.nonce)]
++ pending
:: FIXME: send raw-tx (i.e. tx with signature) instead?
:: - readPendingRoll() -> (list pend-tx)
++ all
|= [id=@t params=(map @t json) pending=(list pend-tx)]
^- response:rpc
?. =((lent ~(tap by params)) 0)
~(params error:json-rpc id)
[%result id (pending:to-json pending)]
:: - readPendingByShip(ship) -> (list pend-tx)
++ ship
|= [id=@t params=(map @t json) scry=$-(@p (list pend-tx))]
^- response:rpc
?. =((lent ~(tap by params)) 1)
~(params error:json-rpc id)
?~ ship=(ship:from-json params)
~(parse error:json-rpc id)
[%result id (pending:to-json (scry u.ship))]
:: - readPendingByAddress(address) -> (list pend-tx)
++ addr
|= [id=@t params=(map @t json) scry=$-(@ux (list pend-tx))]
^- response:rpc
?. =((lent ~(tap by params)) 1)
~(params error:json-rpc id)
?~ address=(address:from-json params)
~(parse error:json-rpc id)
[%result id (pending:to-json (scry u.address))]
++ status
|= [id=@t params=(map @t json) scry=$-(@ tx-status)]
^- response:rpc
?. =((lent ~(tap by params)) 1)
~(params error:json-rpc id)
?~ hash=(hash:from-json params)
~(parse error:json-rpc id)
[%result id (tx-status:to-json (scry u.hash))]
++ next-batch
|= [id=@t params=(map @t json) when=time]
^- response:rpc
?. =((lent ~(tap by params)) 0)
~(params error:json-rpc id)
[%result id (time:enjs:format when)]
:: ++ history
:: |= $: id=@t
:: params=(map @t json)
:: :: FIXME: use proper type from aggregator/index
:: ::
:: scry=$-([@p proxy:naive] (list tx:naive))
:: ==
:: ^- response:rpc
:: ?. =((lent ~(tap by params)) 1)
:: ~(params error:json-rpc id)
:: ?~ from=(from:from-json params)
:: ~(parse error:json-rpc id)
:: [%result id (txs:to-json (scry u.from))]