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Top-Level Pier Management
This is the code that starts the IO drivers and deals with communication
between the serf, the event log, and the IO drivers.
module Urbit.Vere.Pier
( booted
, runSerf
, resumed
, getSnapshot
, pier
, runPersist
, runCompute
, genBootSeq
import Urbit.Prelude
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import RIO.Directory
import Urbit.Arvo
import Urbit.King.App
import Urbit.Vere.Pier.Types
import Urbit.Vere.Stat
import Control.Monad.STM (retry)
import System.Environment (getExecutablePath)
import System.FilePath (splitFileName)
import System.Posix.Files (ownerModes, setFileMode)
import Urbit.EventLog.LMDB (EventLog)
import Urbit.EventLog.Event (buildLogEvent)
import Urbit.King.API (TermConn)
import Urbit.TermSize (TermSize(..), termSize)
import Urbit.Vere.Serf (Serf)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified System.Entropy as Ent
import qualified Urbit.EventLog.LMDB as Log
import qualified Urbit.King.API as King
import qualified Urbit.Noun.Time as Time
import qualified Urbit.Vere.Ames as Ames
import qualified Urbit.Vere.Behn as Behn
import qualified Urbit.Vere.Clay as Clay
import qualified Urbit.Vere.Eyre as Eyre
import qualified Urbit.Vere.Eyre.KingSubsite as Site
import qualified Urbit.Vere.Http.Client as Iris
import qualified Urbit.Vere.Serf as Serf
import qualified Urbit.Vere.Term as Term
import qualified Urbit.Vere.Term.API as Term
import qualified Urbit.Vere.Term.Demux as Term
-- Initialize pier directory. --------------------------------------------------
data PierDirectoryAlreadyExists = PierDirectoryAlreadyExists
deriving (Show, Exception)
setupPierDirectory :: FilePath -> RIO e ()
setupPierDirectory shipPath = do
-- shipPath will already exist because we put a lock file there.
alreadyExists <- doesPathExist (shipPath </> ".urb")
when alreadyExists $ do
throwIO PierDirectoryAlreadyExists
for_ ["put", "get", "log", "chk"] $ \seg -> do
let pax = shipPath </> ".urb" </> seg
createDirectoryIfMissing True pax
io $ setFileMode pax ownerModes
-- Load pill into boot sequence. -----------------------------------------------
data CannotBootFromIvoryPill = CannotBootFromIvoryPill
deriving (Show, Exception)
genEntropy :: MonadIO m => m Entropy
genEntropy = Entropy . fromIntegral . bytesAtom <$> io (Ent.getEntropy 64)
genBootSeq :: HasKingEnv e
=> Ship -> Pill -> Bool -> LegacyBootEvent -> RIO e BootSeq
genBootSeq _ PillIvory {} _ _ = throwIO CannotBootFromIvoryPill
genBootSeq ship PillPill {..} lite boot = do
ent <- io genEntropy
wyr <- wyrd
let ova = preKern ent <> [wyr] <> pKernelOva <> postKern <> pUserspaceOva
pure $ BootSeq ident pBootFormulae ova
ident = LogIdentity ship isFake (fromIntegral $ length pBootFormulae)
preKern ent =
[ EvBlip $ BlipEvArvo $ ArvoEvWhom () ship
, EvBlip $ BlipEvArvo $ ArvoEvWack () ent
postKern = [EvBlip $ BlipEvTerm $ TermEvBoot (1, ()) lite boot]
isFake = case boot of
Fake _ -> True
_ -> False
-- Write to the log. -----------------------------------------------------------
-- | Write a batch of jobs to the event log.
writeJobs :: EventLog -> Vector Job -> RIO e ()
writeJobs log !jobs = do
expect <- atomically (Log.nextEv log)
events <- fmap fromList $ traverse fromJob (zip [expect ..] $ toList jobs)
Log.appendEvents log events
fromJob :: (EventId, Job) -> RIO e ByteString
fromJob (expectedId, job) = do
unless (expectedId == jobId job) $ error $ show
("bad job id!", expectedId, jobId job)
pure $ buildLogEvent (jobMug job) (jobPayload job)
jobMug :: Job -> Mug
jobMug (RunNok (LifeCyc _ m _)) = m
jobMug (DoWork (Work _ m _ _)) = m
jobPayload :: Job -> Noun
jobPayload (RunNok (LifeCyc _ _ n)) = toNoun n
jobPayload (DoWork (Work _ _ d o)) = toNoun (d, o)
-- Acquire a running serf. -----------------------------------------------------
:: HasPierEnv e
=> TVar ((Atom, Tank) -> IO ())
-> FilePath
-> RAcquire e Serf
runSerf vSlog pax = do
env <- ask
serfProg <- io getSerfProg
Serf.withSerf (config env serfProg)
slog s = atomically (readTVar vSlog) >>= (\f -> f s)
config env serfProg = Serf.Config
{ scSerf = env ^. pierConfigL . pcSerfExe . to (maybe serfProg unpack)
, scPier = pax
, scFlag = env ^. pierConfigL . pcSerfFlags
, scSlog = slog
, scStdr = \txt -> slog (0, (textToTank txt))
, scDead = pure () -- TODO: What can be done?
getSerfProg :: IO FilePath
getSerfProg = do
(path, filename) <- splitFileName <$> getExecutablePath
pure $ case filename of
"urbit" -> path </> "urbit-worker"
"urbit-king" -> path </> "urbit-worker"
_ -> "urbit-worker"
-- Boot a new ship. ------------------------------------------------------------
:: TVar ((Atom, Tank) -> IO ())
-> Pill
-> Bool
-> Ship
-> LegacyBootEvent
-> RAcquire PierEnv (Serf, EventLog)
booted vSlog pill lite ship boot = do
rio $ bootNewShip pill lite ship boot
resumed vSlog Nothing
bootSeqJobs :: Time.Wen -> BootSeq -> [Job]
bootSeqJobs now (BootSeq ident nocks ovums) = zipWith ($) bootSeqFns [1 ..]
wen :: EventId -> Time.Wen
wen off = Time.addGap now ((fromIntegral off - 1) ^. from Time.microSecs)
bootSeqFns :: [EventId -> Job]
bootSeqFns = fmap nockJob nocks <> fmap ovumJob ovums
nockJob nok eId = RunNok $ LifeCyc eId 0 nok
ovumJob ov eId = DoWork $ Work eId 0 (wen eId) ov
:: HasPierEnv e
=> Pill
-> Bool
-> Ship
-> LegacyBootEvent
-> RIO e ()
bootNewShip pill lite ship bootEv = do
seq@(BootSeq ident x y) <- genBootSeq ship pill lite bootEv
logInfo "BootSeq Computed"
pierPath <- view pierPathL
rio (setupPierDirectory pierPath)
logInfo "Directory setup."
let logPath = (pierPath </> ".urb/log")
rwith (Log.new logPath ident) $ \log -> do
logInfo "Event log initialized."
jobs <- (\now -> bootSeqJobs now seq) <$> io Time.now
writeJobs log (fromList jobs)
logInfo "Finsihed populating event log with boot sequence"
-- Resume an existing ship. ----------------------------------------------------
:: TVar ((Atom, Tank) -> IO ())
-> Maybe Word64
-> RAcquire PierEnv (Serf, EventLog)
resumed vSlog replayUntil = do
rio $ logTrace "Resuming ship"
top <- view pierPathL
tap <- fmap (fromMaybe top) $ rio $ runMaybeT $ do
ev <- MaybeT (pure replayUntil)
MaybeT (getSnapshot top ev)
rio $ do
logTrace $ display @Text ("pier: " <> pack top)
logTrace $ display @Text ("running serf in: " <> pack tap)
log <- Log.existing (top </> ".urb/log")
serf <- runSerf vSlog tap
rio $ do
logInfo "Replaying events"
Serf.execReplay serf log replayUntil >>= \case
Left err -> error (show err)
Right 0 -> do
logInfo "No work during replay so no snapshot"
pure ()
Right _ -> do
logInfo "Taking snapshot"
io (Serf.snapshot serf)
pure (serf, log)
-- | Get a fake pier directory for partial snapshots.
getSnapshot :: forall e . FilePath -> Word64 -> RIO e (Maybe FilePath)
getSnapshot top last = do
lastSnapshot <- lastMay <$> listReplays
pure (replayToPath <$> lastSnapshot)
replayDir = top </> ".partial-replay"
replayToPath eId = replayDir </> show eId
listReplays :: RIO e [Word64]
listReplays = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True replayDir
snapshotNums <- mapMaybe readMay <$> listDirectory replayDir
pure $ sort (filter (<= fromIntegral last) snapshotNums)
-- Run Pier --------------------------------------------------------------------
:: (Serf, EventLog)
-> TVar ((Atom, Tank) -> IO ())
-> MVar ()
-> [Ev]
-> RAcquire PierEnv ()
pier (serf, log) vSlog startedSig injected = do
let logId = Log.identity log :: LogIdentity
let ship = who logId :: Ship
-- TODO Instead of using a TMVar, pull directly from the IO driver
-- event sources.
computeQ :: TMVar RunReq <- newEmptyTMVarIO
persistQ :: TQueue (Fact, FX) <- newTQueueIO
executeQ :: TQueue FX <- newTQueueIO
saveSig :: TMVar () <- newEmptyTMVarIO
kingApi :: King.King <- King.kingAPI
termApiQ :: TQueue TermConn <- atomically $ do
q <- newTQueue
writeTVar (King.kTermConn kingApi) (Just $ writeTQueue q)
pure q
initialTermSize <- io $ termSize
(demux :: Term.Demux, muxed :: Term.Client) <- atomically $ do
res <- Term.mkDemux initialTermSize
pure (res, Term.useDemux res)
void $ acquireWorker "TERMSERV Listener" $ forever $ do
logInfo "TERMSERV Waiting for external terminal."
atomically $ do
ext <- Term.connClient <$> readTQueue termApiQ
Term.addDemux ext demux
logInfo "TERMSERV External terminal connected."
scryQ <- newTQueueIO
onKill <- view onKillPierSigL
-- Our call above to set the logging function which echos errors from the
-- Serf doesn't have the appended \r\n because those \r\n s are added in
-- the c serf code. Logging output from our haskell process must manually
-- add them.
let compute = putTMVar computeQ
let execute = writeTQueue executeQ
let persist = writeTQueue persistQ
let sigint = Serf.sendSIGINT serf
let scry = \g r -> do
res <- newEmptyMVar
atomically $ writeTQueue scryQ (g, r, putMVar res)
takeMVar res
-- Set up the runtime stat counters.
stat <- newStat
-- Set up the runtime subsite server and its capability to slog
-- and display stats.
siteSlog <- newTVarIO (const $ pure ())
runtimeSubsite <- Site.kingSubsite ship scry (renderStat stat) siteSlog
-- Slogs go to stderr, to the runtime subsite, and to the terminal.
env <- ask
atomically $ writeTVar vSlog $ \s@(_, tank) -> runRIO env $ do
atomically $ Term.slog muxed s
io $ readTVarIO siteSlog >>= ($ s)
logOther "serf" (display $ T.strip $ tankToText tank)
let err = atomically . Term.trace muxed . (<> "\r\n")
(bootEvents, startDrivers) <- do
env <- ask
siz <- atomically $ Term.curDemuxSize demux
let fak = isFake logId
drivers env ship fak compute scry (siz, muxed) err sigint stat runtimeSubsite
let computeConfig = ComputeConfig { ccOnWork = takeTMVar computeQ
, ccOnKill = onKill
, ccOnSave = takeTMVar saveSig
, ccOnScry = readTQueue scryQ
, ccPutResult = persist
, ccShowSpinner = Term.spin muxed
, ccHideSpinner = Term.stopSpin muxed
, ccLastEvInLog = Log.lastEv log
tSerf <- acquireWorker "Serf" (runCompute serf computeConfig)
doVersionNegotiation compute err
-- Run all born events and retry them until they succeed.
wackEv <- EvBlip . BlipEvArvo . ArvoEvWack () <$> genEntropy
rio $ for_ (wackEv : bootEvents) $ \ev -> do
okaySig <- newEmptyMVar
let inject n = atomically $ compute $ RRWork $ EvErr ev $ cb n
-- TODO Make sure this dies cleanly.
cb :: Int -> WorkError -> IO ()
cb n | n >= 3 = error ("boot event failed: " <> show ev)
cb n = \case
RunOkay _ _ -> putMVar okaySig ()
RunSwap _ _ _ _ _ -> putMVar okaySig ()
RunBail _ -> inject (n + 1)
-- logTrace ("[BOOT EVENT]: " <> display (summarizeEvent ev))
io (inject 0)
let slog :: Text -> IO ()
slog txt = do
fn <- atomically (readTVar vSlog)
fn (0, textToTank txt)
drivz <- startDrivers
tExec <- acquireWorker "Effects" (router slog (readTQueue executeQ) drivz)
tDisk <- acquireWorkerBound "Persist" (runPersist log persistQ execute)
-- Now that the Serf is configured, the IO drivers are hooked up, their
-- starting events have been dispatched, and the terminal is live, we can now
-- handle injecting events requested from the command line.
for_ (zip [1..] injected) $ \(num, ev) -> rio $ do
logTrace $ display @Text ("Injecting event " ++ (tshow num) ++ " of " ++
(tshow $ length injected) ++ "...")
okaySig :: MVar (Either [Goof] ()) <- newEmptyMVar
let inject = atomically $ compute $ RRWork $ EvErr ev $ cb
cb :: WorkError -> IO ()
cb = \case
RunOkay _ _ -> putMVar okaySig (Right ())
RunSwap _ _ _ _ _ -> putMVar okaySig (Right ())
RunBail goofs -> putMVar okaySig (Left goofs)
io inject
takeMVar okaySig >>= \case
Left goof -> logError $ display @Text ("Goof in injected event: " <>
tshow goof)
Right () -> pure ()
let snapshotEverySecs = 120
void $ acquireWorker "Save" $ forever $ do
threadDelay (snapshotEverySecs * 1_000_000)
void $ atomically $ tryPutTMVar saveSig ()
putMVar startedSig ()
-- Wait for something to die.
let ded = asum
[ death "effects thread" tExec
, death "persist thread" tDisk
, death "compute thread" tSerf
atomically ded >>= \case
Left (tag, exn) -> logError $ displayShow (tag, "crashed", exn)
Right "compute thread" -> pure ()
Right tag -> logError $ displayShow (tag, "exited unexpectly")
atomically $ (Term.spin muxed) (Just "shutdown")
death :: Text -> Async () -> STM (Either (Text, SomeException) Text)
death tag tid = do
waitCatchSTM tid <&> \case
Left exn -> Left (tag, exn)
Right () -> Right tag
-- %wyrd version negotiation ---------------------------------------------------
data PierVersionNegotiationFailed = PierVersionNegotiationFailed
deriving (Show, Exception)
zuseVersion :: Word
zuseVersion = 420
wyrd :: HasKingEnv e => RIO e Ev
wyrd = do
king <- tshow <$> view kingIdL
let k = Wynn [("zuse", zuseVersion),
("lull", 330),
("arvo", 240),
("hoon", 140),
("nock", 4)]
sen = MkTerm king
v = Vere sen [Cord "king-haskell", Cord "1.0"] k
pure $ EvBlip $ BlipEvArvo $ ArvoEvWyrd () v
:: HasPierEnv e
=> (RunReq -> STM ())
-> (Text -> RIO e ())
-> RAcquire e ()
doVersionNegotiation compute stderr = do
ev <- rio wyrd
okaySig :: MVar (Either [Goof] FX) <- newEmptyMVar
let inject = atomically $ compute $ RRWork $ EvErr ev $ cb
cb :: WorkError -> IO ()
cb = \case
RunOkay _ fx -> putMVar okaySig (Right fx)
RunSwap _ _ _ _ fx -> putMVar okaySig (Right fx)
RunBail goofs -> putMVar okaySig (Left goofs)
rio $ stderr "vere: checking version compatibility"
io inject
takeMVar okaySig >>= \case
Left goof -> do
rio $ stderr "pier: version negotation failed"
logError $ display @Text ("Goof in wyrd event: " <> tshow goof)
throwIO PierVersionNegotiationFailed
Right fx -> do
-- Walk through the returned fx looking for a wend effect. If we find
-- one, check the zuse versions.
rio $ for_ fx $ \case
GoodParse (EfWend (Wynn xs)) -> case L.lookup "zuse" xs of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just zuseVerInWynn ->
if zuseVerInWynn /= zuseVersion
then do
rio $ stderr "pier: pier: version negotiation failed; downgrade"
throwIO PierVersionNegotiationFailed
pure ()
_ -> pure ()
-- Start All Drivers -----------------------------------------------------------
data Drivers = Drivers
{ dBehn :: BehnEf -> IO ()
, dIris :: HttpClientEf -> IO ()
, dEyre :: HttpServerEf -> IO ()
, dNewt :: NewtEf -> IO ()
, dSync :: SyncEf -> IO ()
, dTerm :: TermEf -> IO ()
:: HasPierEnv e
=> e
-> Ship
-> Bool
-> (RunReq -> STM ())
-> ScryFunc
-> (TermSize, Term.Client)
-> (Text -> RIO e ())
-> IO ()
-> Stat
-> Site.KingSubsite
-> RAcquire e ([Ev], RAcquire e Drivers)
drivers env who isFake plan scry termSys stderr serfSIGINT stat sub = do
let Stat{..} = stat
(behnBorn, runBehn) <- rio Behn.behn'
(termBorn, runTerm) <- rio (Term.term' termSys (renderStat stat) serfSIGINT)
(amesBorn, runAmes) <- rio (Ames.ames' who isFake statAmes scry stderr)
(httpBorn, runEyre) <- rio (Eyre.eyre' who isFake stderr sub)
(clayBorn, runClay) <- rio Clay.clay'
(irisBorn, runIris) <- rio Iris.client'
putStrLn ("ship is " <> tshow who)
let initialEvents = mconcat [behnBorn,clayBorn,amesBorn,httpBorn,irisBorn,termBorn]
let runDrivers = do
behn <- runBehn
term <- runTerm
ames <- runAmes
iris <- runIris
eyre <- runEyre
clay <- runClay
-- Sources lower in the list are starved until sources above them
-- have no events to offer.
acquireWorker "Event Prioritization" $ forever $ atomically $ do
let x = diEventSource
let eventSources = [x term, x clay, x behn, x iris, x eyre, x ames]
pullEvent eventSources >>= \case
Nothing -> retry
Just rr -> plan rr
pure $ Drivers
{ dTerm = diOnEffect term
, dBehn = diOnEffect behn
, dNewt = diOnEffect ames
, dIris = diOnEffect iris
, dEyre = diOnEffect eyre
, dSync = diOnEffect clay
pure (initialEvents, runDrivers)
pullEvent :: [STM (Maybe a)] -> STM (Maybe a)
pullEvent [] = pure Nothing
pullEvent (d:ds) = d >>= \case
Just r -> pure (Just r)
Nothing -> pullEvent ds
-- Route Effects to Drivers ----------------------------------------------------
router :: HasPierEnv e => (Text -> IO ()) -> STM FX -> Drivers -> RIO e ()
router slog waitFx Drivers {..} = do
kill <- view killPierActionL
let exit = io (slog "<<<shutdown>>>\r\n") >> atomically kill
let vega = io (slog "<<<reset>>>\r\n")
forever $ do
fx <- atomically waitFx
for_ fx $ \ef -> do
logEffect ef
case ef of
GoodParse (EfVega _ _ ) -> vega
GoodParse (EfExit _ _ ) -> exit
GoodParse (EfWend _ ) -> pure ()
GoodParse (EfVane (VEBehn ef)) -> io (dBehn ef)
GoodParse (EfVane (VEBoat ef)) -> io (dSync ef)
GoodParse (EfVane (VEClay ef)) -> io (dSync ef)
GoodParse (EfVane (VEHttpClient ef)) -> io (dIris ef)
GoodParse (EfVane (VEHttpServer ef)) -> io (dEyre ef)
GoodParse (EfVane (VENewt ef)) -> io (dNewt ef)
GoodParse (EfVane (VESync ef)) -> io (dSync ef)
GoodParse (EfVane (VETerm ef)) -> io (dTerm ef)
FailParse n -> logError $ display $ pack @Text (ppShow n)
-- Compute (Serf) Thread -------------------------------------------------------
logEvent :: HasLogFunc e => Ev -> RIO e ()
logEvent ev = do
--logInfo $ "<- " <> display (summarizeEvent ev)
logDebug $ "[EVENT]\n" <> display pretty
pretty :: Text
pretty = pack $ unlines $ fmap ("\t" <>) $ lines $ ppShow ev
logEffect :: HasLogFunc e => Lenient Ef -> RIO e ()
logEffect ef = do
--logInfo $ " -> " <> display (summarizeEffect ef)
logDebug $ display $ "[EFFECT]\n" <> pretty ef
pretty :: Lenient Ef -> Text
pretty = \case
GoodParse e -> pack $ unlines $ fmap ("\t" <>) $ lines $ ppShow e
FailParse n -> pack $ unlines $ fmap ("\t" <>) $ lines $ ppShow n
data ComputeConfig = ComputeConfig
{ ccOnWork :: STM RunReq
, ccOnKill :: STM ()
, ccOnSave :: STM ()
, ccOnScry :: STM (Gang, ScryReq, Maybe (Term, Noun) -> IO ())
, ccPutResult :: (Fact, FX) -> STM ()
, ccShowSpinner :: Maybe Text -> STM ()
, ccHideSpinner :: STM ()
, ccLastEvInLog :: STM EventId
runCompute :: forall e . HasKingEnv e => Serf.Serf -> ComputeConfig -> RIO e ()
runCompute serf ComputeConfig {..} = do
logDebug "runCompute"
let onRR = asum [ ccOnKill <&> Serf.RRKill
, ccOnSave <&> Serf.RRSave
, ccOnWork
, ccOnScry <&> \(g,r,k) -> Serf.RRScry g r k
vEvProcessing :: TMVar Ev <- newEmptyTMVarIO
void $ async $ forever (atomically (takeTMVar vEvProcessing) >>= logEvent)
let onSpin :: Maybe Ev -> STM ()
onSpin = \case
Nothing -> ccHideSpinner
Just ev -> do
ccShowSpinner (getSpinnerNameForEvent ev)
putTMVar vEvProcessing ev
let maxBatchSize = 10
io (Serf.run serf maxBatchSize ccLastEvInLog onRR ccPutResult onSpin)
-- Event-Log Persistence Thread ------------------------------------------------
data PersistExn = BadEventId EventId EventId
deriving Show
instance Exception PersistExn where
displayException (BadEventId expected got) =
unlines [ "Out-of-order event id send to persist thread."
, "\tExpected " <> show expected <> " but got " <> show got
:: forall e
. HasPierEnv e
=> EventLog
-> TQueue (Fact, FX)
-> (FX -> STM ())
-> RIO e ()
runPersist log inpQ out = do
dryRun <- view dryRunL
forever $ do
writs <- atomically getBatchFromQueue
events <- validateFactsAndGetBytes (fst <$> toNullable writs)
unless dryRun (Log.appendEvents log events)
atomically $ for_ writs $ \(_, fx) -> do
out fx
validateFactsAndGetBytes :: [Fact] -> RIO e (Vector ByteString)
validateFactsAndGetBytes facts = do
expect <- atomically (Log.nextEv log)
lis <- for (zip [expect ..] facts) $ \(expectedId, Fact eve mug wen non) ->
unless (expectedId == eve) $ do
throwIO (BadEventId expectedId eve)
pure $ buildLogEvent mug $ toNoun (wen, non)
pure (fromList lis)
getBatchFromQueue :: STM (NonNull [(Fact, FX)])
getBatchFromQueue = readTQueue inpQ >>= go . singleton
go acc = tryReadTQueue inpQ >>= \case
Nothing -> pure (reverse acc)
Just item -> go (item <| acc)