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synced 2024-12-16 19:22:22 +03:00
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:: /=main=/bin/update/hoon
=> .(-< `who=@p`-<)
=> %= .
=> +
:: from pony.hoon, so we don't have to pull it to start subs
++ pomo |=([gud=gift bol=bowl] [[gud p.bol] q.bol])
++ pomp |=([tix=tape bol=bowl] (pomo la/leaf/tix bol))
++ posh :: pause until
|= end=@da
|= wop=$+(@da bowl)
^- bowl
:- ~ :- ~
:- ^- (list slip)
:~ [~ %wa end]
|= [now=@da pax=path nut=note]
(wop now)
++ merge
|= [gem=germ who=@p bos=@p est=time ran=rang]
|= [der=dome owr=dome des=desk]
^- gift
=+ sab=`saba`[bos des [0 let.der] der]
=+ lum=`(unit (unit mizu))`(~(auld ze est owr ran) gem who des sab est)
?~ lum
^- gift
:^ %la %rose [": " "" ""]
leaf/"{(trip des)} failed to apply, please rerun with a merge option"
(skol -:!>(_germ))
?~ u.lum
`gift`[%la %leaf "{(trip des)} is up to date"]
`gift`[%og des u.u.lum]
|= [est=time eny=@uw]
|= gem=$|([germ ~] ~)
=+ wen=(scot %da (need (slaw %da +>-:/===))) :: heinous
?: =(~zod who) [~ ~]
=+ bos==+(bos=(sein who) ?:(=(bos who) ~zod bos))
=+ syn=`(list ,@tas)`~[%main %try]
=+ ^= desks
%+ turn syn
|= des=desk
~& [%fetch des]
=+ der=((hard dome) .^(%cv /(scot %p bos)/[des]/[wen]))
=+ owr=((hard dome) .^(%cv /(scot %p who)/[des]/[wen]))
[der owr des]
%+ pomp "fetched new objects, merging"
%- (posh est) :: hack
|= tim=@da
=+ ran=((hard rang) .^(%cu /(scot %p who)/main/(scot %da tim))) :: global store
=+ gifts=`(list gift)`(turn desks (merge ?~(gem %fine -.gem) who bos est ran))
`bowl`[[[%la %leaf "updating..."] gifts] ~]