mirror of https://github.com/ilyakooo0/urbit.git synced 2024-12-18 20:31:40 +03:00
2014-09-23 10:11:59 -07:00

95 lines
4.1 KiB

:: %musk, realm management
:::: /hoon/musk
!? 164
|= pit=vase
=> =~
:: structures
++ axle :: %musk state
$: %0 ::
all=(map ship axil) :: state by owner
== ::
++ axil ::
$: kid=(map ship girl) :: daughters
deq=(map narc ship) :: reverse address
siq=(map ship (list clan)) :: ship to clans
kes=(map clan (list ship)) :: clan to ships
== ::
++ clan ,@tas :: group identity
++ narc :: contact address
$: [%$ p=ship] :: urbit
[%m p=@t q=@t] :: email p@q
[%f p=@t] :: facebook
[%g p=@t] :: google
[%p p=@t] :: phone message
[%t p=@t] :: twitter
== ::
++ pony :: daughter status
$% [%cold ~] :: virginal
[%dead ~] :: written off
[%fake ~] :: virtual
[%free ~] :: downloaded
[%here ~] :: hosted
[%left p=(unit ship)] :: run away to
== ::
++ rank :: relative privilege
$? %0 :: enemy
%1 :: neighbor
%2 :: guest/customer
%3 :: friend/employee
%4 :: officer/family
%5 :: self/admin
== ::
++ girl ::
$: hop=pony :: status
tag=(unit ,@tas) :: petname
tip=rank :: rank
fig=(set narc) :: identities
loc=(unit ,[p=@da q=@ud r=clip]) :: last position
sym=(set ,[p=@ q=@uvH]) :: symmetric keys?
wyl=will :: crypto will
== ::
-- ::
. ==
=| axle
=* lex -
|= [now=@da eny=@ ski=sled] :: activate
^? :: opaque core
|% ::
++ call :: request
|= [hen=duct hic=(hypo (hobo kiss))]
^- [p=(list move) q=_..^$]
=> .(q.hic ?.(?=(%soft -.q.hic) q.hic ((hard kiss) p.q.hic)))
++ doze
|= [now=@da hen=duct]
^- (unit ,@da)
++ load :: highly forgiving
|= old=*
=+ lox=((soft axle) old)
^+ ..^$
?~ lox
~& %lunt-reset
..^$(+>- u.lox)
++ scry
|= [fur=(unit (set monk)) ren=@tas who=ship syd=desk lot=coin tyl=path]
^- (unit (unit (pair mark ,*)))
++ stay :: save w/o cache
++ take :: response
|= [tea=wire hen=duct hin=(hypo noun)]