
1991 lines
61 KiB

:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/talk/app :: ::
:: :: ::
::TODO rename to hall
::TODO master changes
::TODO char57 comments as line comments when regarding code.
::TODO avoid lark where possible
::TODO document what user-facing messages actually mean!
::TODO maybe have brokers accept reactions as well, redirect them to readers.
:: that way we can have foreign brokers react to our requests!
::TODO ::> to :> etc.
::TODO we can't do away with the default mailbox because we need it for things
:: like invite notifications etc. can we do better than request that apps
:: don't use it frivolously?
::TODO crash on pokes/peers we do not expect
/? 151 ::< hoon version
/- talk ::< structures
/+ talk, time-to-id ::< libraries
/= seed /~ !>(.)
[. talk]
=> ::> ||
::> || %arch
::> ||
::> data structures
++ state ::> broker state
$: stories/(map knot story) ::< conversations
outbox/(pair @ud (map @ud thought)) ::< urbit outbox
log/(map knot @ud) ::< logged to clay
nicks/(map ship knot) ::< nicknames
nik/(map (set partner) char) ::< bound circle glyphs
nak/(jug char (set partner)) ::< circle glyph lookup
== ::
++ story ::> wire content
$: count/@ud ::< (lent grams)
grams/(list telegram) ::< all messages
locals/group ::< local presence
remotes/(map partner group) ::< remote presence
shape/config ::< configuration
mirrors/(map circle config) ::< remote config
::TODO never gets updated. ::
sequence/(map partner @ud) ::< partners heard
known/(map serial @ud) ::< messages heard
== ::
++ river (pair point point) ::< stream definition
++ point ::> stream endpoint
$% {$ud p/@ud} ::< by number
{$da p/@da} ::< by date
== ::
++ move (pair bone card) ::< all actions
++ lime ::> diff fruit
$% {$talk-prize prize} ::
{$talk-rumor rumor} ::
{$talk-reaction reaction} ::
== ::
++ pear ::> poke fruit
$% {$talk-command command} ::
{$write-comment spur ship cord} ::
{$write-fora-post spur ship cord cord} ::
== ::
++ card ::> general card
$% {$diff lime} ::
{$info wire ship term nori} ::
{$peer wire dock path} ::
{$poke wire dock pear} ::
{$pull wire dock $~} ::
{$quit $~} ::
== ::
++ weir ::> parsed wire
$% {$repeat num/@ud hos/ship nom/knot} ::< messaging wire
{$friend nom/knot cir/circle} ::< subscription wire
== ::
::> ||
::> || %work
::> ||
::> functional cores and arms.
|_ {bol/bowl state}
++ prep ::< prepare state
::> adapts state.
|= old/(unit state)
^- (quip move ..prep)
?~ old
%- f-bake :- %more
[~ ..prep(+<+ u.old)]
::> ||
::> || %utility
::> ||
::> small utility functions.
++ strap |*({k/* v/*} (~(put by *(map _k _v)) k v)) ::< map key-value pair
::> ||
::> || %engines
::> ||
::> main cores.
++ ta ::< per transaction
::> thinker core, used for processing pokes into
::> deltas.
::TODO maybe rewrite all arms to produce (list delta)
:: instead of state? or nah?
|_ ::> moves: moves created by core operations.
deltas/(list delta)
++ ta-done ::< resolve core
::> produces the moves stored in ++ta's moves.
::> they are produced in reverse order because
::> ++ta-emil and ++ta-emit add them to the head of
::> the {moves}.
::> we don't produce any new state, because ++ta
::> doesn't make any changes to it itself.
^- (list delta)
(flop deltas)
::> ||
::> || %emitters
::> ||
::> arms that create outward changes.
++ ta-delta ::< emit a delta
::> adds a delta to the head of {deltas}.
|= dif/delta
%_(+> deltas [dif deltas])
++ ta-deltas ::< emit delta list
::> adds multiple deltas to the haad of {deltas}.
::> flops to stay consistent with ++ta-delta.
|= dis/(list delta)
%_(+> deltas (welp (flop dis) deltas))
++ ta-note ::< tell user
::> sends {msg} as an %app message to the user's
::> inbox.
|= msg/cord
%^ ta-action 0 %phrase
:- [[%& our.bol (main our.bol)] ~ ~]
[%app %talk-guardian msg]~
++ ta-evil ::< emit error
::> tracing printf and crash.
|= msg/cord
~| [%talk-ta-evil msg]
::> ||
::> || %data
::> ||
::> utility functions for data retrieval.
::TODO functions for getting readers or followers of a specific story from
:: the subs in sup.bol.
++ ta-know ::< story monad
::> produces a gill that takes a gate.
::> if the story {nom} exists, calls the gate with
::> a story core. if it doesn't, does nothing.
|= nom/knot
|= fun/$-(_so _ta)
^+ +>+>
=+ pur=(~(get by stories) nom)
?~ pur
::TODO crash instead?
%- ta-note
(crip "unknown story '{(trip nom)}'")
(fun ~(. so nom ~ u.pur))
::> ||
::> || %interaction-events
::> ||
::> arms that apply events we received.
++ ta-init ::< initialize app
::> populate state on first boot.
::> creates our default mailbox and journal.
%+ roll
^- (list {security knot cord})
:~ [%brown (main our.bol) 'default home']
[%green ~.public 'visible activity']
|= {{typ/security nom/knot des/cord} _ta}
%+ ta-action ost.bol
[%create nom des typ]
++ ta-apply ::< apply command
::> applies the command sent by {src}.
|= {src/ship cod/command}
^+ +>
?- -.cod
::> %review commands prompt us (as a circle host)
::> to verify and distribute messages.
(ta-think | src +.cod)
::> %burden commands ask us to add the sender as a
::> federator for the specified story, taking the
::> state it sent into account.
(ta-burden src +.cod)
::> %relief commands prompt us to relieve the
::> specified federators of their duty.
(ta-relieve src +.cod)
++ ta-burden ::< accept federator
::> adds {src} as a federator to story {nom},
::> integrating its state into the story.
|= {src/ship nom/knot cof/lobby pes/crowd gaz/(list telegram)}
%- (ta-know nom) |= sor/_so =< so-done
(so-burden:sor src cof pes gaz)
++ ta-relieve ::< remove federator
::> removes {who} as federators from story {nom}.
|= {src/ship nom/knot who/(set ship)}
%- (ta-know nom) |= sor/_so =< so-done
(so-relieve:sor src who)
++ ta-action ::< apply reader action
::> performs action sent by a reader.
|= {red/bone act/action}
^+ +>
=< work
::> ||
::> || %actions
::> ||
::> action processing core
::> ++work calls the appropriate action processing
::> arm. most use ++affect to retrieve the affected
::> story, reacting if it doesn't exist.
:: || %utility
++ work ::< perform action
^+ ..ta-action
::TODO %. +.act
::TODO require deltas as product?
?- -.act
:: circle configuration
$create (action-create +.act)
$source (action-source +.act)
$depict (action-depict +.act)
$filter (action-filter +.act)
$permit (action-permit +.act)
$delete (action-delete +.act)
$enlist (action-enlist +.act)
$burden (action-burden +.act)
:: messaging
$convey (action-convey +.act)
$phrase (action-phrase +.act)
:: personal metadata
$status (action-status +.act)
:: changing shared ui
$glyph (action-glyph +.act)
$nick (action-nick +.act)
++ react ::< new reaction
|= rac/reaction
(ta-delta %react red rac)
++ affect ::< delta to story
|= {nom/knot dif/diff-story}
?: (~(has by stories) nom)
(impact nom dif)
%- react
[%fail (crip "no story {(trip nom)}") `act]
++ impact ::< delta for story
|= {nom/knot dif/diff-story}
(ta-delta %story nom dif)
::> || %circle-configuration
++ action-create ::< create story
::> creates a story with the specified parameters.
|= {nom/knot des/cord typ/security}
^+ ..ta-action
?. (~(has in stories) nom)
%^ impact nom %new
:* [[%& our.bol nom] ~ ~]
[| |]
[typ ~]
[[our.bol ~ ~] [our.bol ~ ~]]
%- react
[%fail (crip "{(trip nom)}: already exists") `act]
++ action-delete ::< delete + announce
::> delete story {nom}, optionally announcing the
::> event with message {mes}.
|= {nom/knot mes/(unit cord)}
^+ ..ta-action
=. ..ta-action ::TODO =?
?~ mes ..ta-action
%+ action-phrase
[[%& our.bol nom] ~ ~]
[%lin | u.mes]~
(affect nom %remove ~)
++ action-depict ::< change description
::> change description of story {nom} to {des}.
|= {nom/knot cap/cord}
(affect nom %config [our.bol nom] %caption cap)
++ action-filter ::< change message rules
::> replaces the story's current filter with the
::> specified one.
|= {nom/knot fit/filter}
(affect nom %config [our.bol nom] %filter fit)
++ action-permit ::< invite/banish
::> invite to/banish from story {nom} all {sis}.
|= {nom/knot inv/? sis/(set ship)}
=+ soy=(~(get by stories) nom)
?~ soy
%^ ta-delta %react red
[%fail (crip "no story {(trip nom)}") `act]
=/ wyt/? ?=(?($white $green) sec.con.shape.u.soy)
=/ add/? =(inv wyt)
(affect nom %config [our.bol nom] %permit add sis)
++ action-source ::< un/sub p to/from r
::> add/remove {pas} as sources for story {nom}.
|= {nom/knot sub/? pas/(set partner)}
(affect nom %config [our.bol nom] %source sub pas)
++ action-enlist ::< dis/allow federation
::> adds {sis} to story {nom}'s list of allowed
::> federators.
|= {nom/knot fed/? sis/(set ship)}
(affect nom %config [our.bol nom] %federal fed | sis)
++ action-burden ::< help federate
::> starts federating the specified circle. create
::> it locally if it doesn't yet exist.
::TODO make deltas instead.
::TODO ...but we'll still need to broadcast this move???
|= {hos/ship nom/knot}
^+ ..ta-action
:: update federation config.
:: we don't use the specialized so-arms for this because followers will
:: get notified once we receive updates from {hos} anyway.
=+ new=(~(has by stories) nom)
=. ..ta-action ::TODO =?
?. new ..ta-action
%^ impact nom %new
:* [[%& hos nom] ~ ~]
[[hos ~ ~] [hos ~ ~]]
=. ..ta-action ::TODO =?
?: new ..ta-action
(affect nom %config [our.bol nom] %federal & | [hos ~ ~])
=. ..ta-action ::TODO =?
?: new ..ta-action
(affect nom %config [our.bol nom] %federal & & [hos ~ ~])
::TODO shouldn't src-adding be included in %fed & & application?
=. ..ta-action ::TODO =?
?: new ..ta-action
(affect nom %config [our.bol nom] %source & [[%& hos nom] ~ ~])
:: send %burden command with story's current state.
(ta-delta %bear [hos nom])
::> || %messaging
++ action-convey ::< post exact
::> sends the messages provided in the action.
|= tos/(list thought)
(ta-think & our.bol tos)
++ action-phrase ::< post easy
::> sends the message contents provided in the
::> action, constructing the audience, generating a
::> serial and setting a timestamp.
|= {pas/(set partner) ses/(list speech)}
^+ ..ta-action
=- (ta-think & our.bol tos)
|- ^- tos/(list thought)
?~ ses ~
=^ sir eny.bol (uniq eny.bol)
:_ $(ses t.ses)
:+ sir
%- ~(gas by *audience)
%+ turn (~(tap in pas))
|=(p/partner [p *envelope %pending])
[now.bol ~ i.ses]
::> || %personal-metadata
++ action-status ::< our status update
::> for every story in the set, update our status.
::TODO accept (set circle). for locals, do directly.
:: for remotes, send command.
::TODO split interface into action-presence and
:: action-human.
|= {nos/(set knot) sat/status}
^+ ..ta-action
%- ~(rep in nos)
|= {k/knot _ta}
(affect k %status [%& our.bol k] our.bol %full sat)
::> || %changing-shared-ui
++ action-nick ::< new identity
::> assigns a new local identity ("nickname") to the
::> target ship.
|= {who/ship nic/cord}
^+ ..ta-action
?. =((~(get by nicks) who) `nic) ..ta-action ::< no change
(ta-delta %nick who nic)
++ action-glyph ::< bind a glyph
::> un/bind glyph {lif} to partners {pas}.
|= {lif/char pas/(set partner) bin/?}
(ta-delta %glyph bin lif pas)
::> ||
::> || %subscription-events
::> ||
::> arms that react to subscription events.
++ ta-subscribe ::< listen to
::> add her to a presence list if applicable.
|= {her/ship pax/path}
^+ +>
:: weird subscription path.
::TODO catch earlier, just pass nom instead of path?
:: also check story existence earlier maybe?
?. ?=({$circle @ta *} pax) +>
%- (ta-know i.pax) |= sor/_so =< so-done
(so-attend:sor her %hear [~ ~])
++ ta-leave ::< subscription failed
::> removes {cir} from story {nom}'s followers.
|= {nom/knot cir/circle}
%- (ta-know nom) |= sor/_so =< so-done
(so-leave:sor %& cir)
++ ta-cancel ::< unsubscribe
::> drops {src}'s subscription. deduce the right way
::> to do this from the subscription path {pax}.
|= {src/ship pax/path}
^+ +>
::TODO catch earlier, just pass nom?
?. ?=({$circle @ta *} pax) +>
:: set ship status to %gone.
%- (ta-know i.pax) |= sor/_so =< so-done
(so-absent:sor src)
++ ta-hear ::< apply rumor
|= {det/knot src/partner dif/rumor}
^+ +>
?+ -.dif
~&([%ignoring-rumor -.dif] +>)
?. ?=($& -.src)
~&([%unexpected-rumor -.dif src] +>)
%- (ta-know det) |= sor/_so =< so-done
(so-hear-circle:sor p.src dif.dif)
::> ||
::> || %messaging
::> ||
::> arms for sending and processing messages.
++ ta-think ::< publish or review
::> consumes each thought.
|= {pub/? aut/ship tos/(list thought)}
^+ +>
?~ tos +>
$(tos t.tos, +> (ta-consume pub aut i.tos))
++ ta-consume ::< to each audience
::> conducts thought {tot} to each partner in its audience.
|= {pub/? aut/ship tot/thought}
=+ aud=(~(tap by aud.tot))
|- ^+ +>.^$
?~ aud +>.^$
$(aud t.aud, +>.^$ (ta-conduct pub aut p.i.aud tot))
++ ta-conduct ::< thought to partner
::> either publishes or records a thought.
|= {pub/? aut/ship pan/partner tot/thought}
^+ +>
?- -.pan
$& ::< circle partner
?: pub
?. (team our.bol aut)
%- ta-note
(crip "strange author {(scow %p aut)}")
=. aut our.bol
?: =(aut hos.p.pan)
(ta-record nom.p.pan hos.p.pan tot)
(ta-transmit p.pan tot)
?. =(our.bol hos.p.pan) +>
(ta-record nom.p.pan aut tot)
$| !! ::< passport partner
++ ta-record ::< add to story
::> add or update telegram {gam} in story {nom}.
|= {nom/knot gam/telegram}
%- (ta-know nom) |= sor/_so =< so-done
(so-learn:sor gam)
++ ta-transmit ::< send message
::> sends thought {tot} to {cir}.
::> stores it to the outbox to await confirmation.
|= {cir/circle tot/thought}
^+ +>
(ta-delta %out cir tot ~)
::> ||
::> || %stories
::> ||
::> arms for modifying stories.
++ so ::< story core
::> story core, used for doing work on a story.
|_ ::> nom: story name in {stories}.
::> acs: talk actions issued due to changes.
::> story is faceless to ease data access.
$: nom/knot
acs/(list action)
++ so-done ::< apply changes
::> put changed story back into the map and apply
::> actions.
^+ +>
::?: =(`+<+> (~(get by stories) nom))
:: ::TODO tmp
:: ~&(%illegal-change-story !!)
=. acs (flop acs)
|- ^+ +>+
?~ acs +>+
=. +>+ (ta-action ost.bol i.acs)
$(acs t.acs)
::> ||
::> || %emitters
::> ||
::> arms that create outward changes.
++ so-act ::< send action
::> stores a talk action.
|= act/action
^+ +>
+>(acs [act acs])
++ so-note ::< tell user
::> sends {msg} as an %app message to the user's
::> inbox.
|= msg/cord
^+ +>
%+ so-act %phrase
:- [[%& our.bol (main our.bol)] ~ ~]
[%app %talk-guardian msg]~
++ so-delta ::< send delta
|= dif/delta
^+ +>
+>(deltas [dif deltas])
++ so-delta-our ::< send delta of us
::> adds a delta about this story.
|= dif/diff-story
^+ +>
(so-delta %story nom dif)
::> ||
::> || %data
::> ||
::> utility functions for data retrieval.
++ so-pan [%& our.bol nom] ::< us as partner
++ so-cir [our.bol nom] ::< us as circle
++ so-right ::< is federator?
::> checks whether partner {pan} has authority
::> over this story.
|= pan/partner
?& ?=($& -.pan)
=(nom nom.p.pan)
(~(has in fes.fed.shape) hos.p.pan)
::> ||
::> || %interaction-events
::> ||
::> arms that apply events we received.
++ so-hear-circle ::< accept circle rumor
|= {src/circle dif/diff-story}
^+ +>
?. (~(has in src.shape) [%& src])
~&([%unexpected-rumor -.dif src] +>)
:: rumor from federator? apply to us.
=. src ::TODO =?
?: (so-right [%& src]) so-cir
?- -.dif
$new $(dif [%config src %full con.dif])
$grams (so-lesson gaz.dif)
$config :: ignore foreign mirrors.
?. |(=(src cir.dif) =(src so-cir)) +>
(so-delta-our dif)
$status :: ignore foreign remotes.
?. |(=([%& src] pan.dif) =(src so-cir)) +>
(so-delta-our dif)
$remove (so-delta-our %config src %remove ~)
++ so-burden ::< accept federator
::> if {src} is allowed to, have it federate this
::> story.
::> starts by assimilating {src}'s state into our
::> own (giving priority to local state), removing
::> redundant data, then sending updated state to
::> all followers.
|= {src/ship cof/lobby pes/crowd gaz/(list telegram)}
^+ +>
:: continue if permitted and not yet done.
?. (~(has in may.fed.shape) src) +>
?: (~(has in fes.fed.shape) src) +>
:: assimilate config.
=. +>
=+ nec=shape
:: adopt security list if they're similar.
=. ses.con.nec ::TODO =?
?. .= ?=(?($white $green) sec.con.nec)
?=(?($white $green) sec.con.loc.cof)
(~(uni in ses.con.nec) ses.con.loc.cof)
=. fes.fed.nec
(~(put in fes.fed.nec) src)
=. src.nec
(~(put in src.nec) [%& src nom])
::TODO maybe do more granular deltas later.
(so-delta-our %config so-cir %full nec)
:: assimilate presence and remotes.
::TODO!!! just delta my shit up famalam.
::TODO should totally just make an arm that calculates deltas given
:: old and new inputs.
::=. locals (~(uni by loc.pes) locals)
::=. remotes (~(uni by rem.pes) remotes)
::=. mirrors (~(uni by rem.cof) mirrors)
:::: remove redundant remotes.
::=. remotes
:: %- ~(gas by *_remotes)
:: %+ murn (~(tap by remotes))
:: |= {p/partner g/group}
:: ^- (unit {partner group})
:: ?: ?& ?=($& -.p)
:: =(nom.p.p nom)
:: (~(has in fes.fed.shape) hos.p.p)
:: ==
:: ~
:: `[p g]
:::: remove redundant mirrors.
::=. mirrors
:: %- ~(gas by *_mirrors)
:: %+ murn (~(tap by mirrors))
:: |= {c/circle f/config}
:: ^- (unit {circle config})
:: ?: ?& =(nom.c nom)
:: (~(has in fes.fed.shape) hos.c)
:: ==
:: ~
:: `[c f]
:: finally, learn all grams.
(so-lesson gaz)
++ so-relieve ::< remove federator
::> if {src} is allowed to, removes {who} as
::> federators from this story.
|= {src/ship who/(set ship)}
^+ +>
?. (~(has in fes.fed.shape) src) +>
=+ wos=(~(uni in fes.fed.shape) who)
?~ wos +>.$
=. +>.$
(so-delta-our %config so-cir %federal | & wos)
%- so-delta-our
:+ %config so-cir
:+ %source |
%- ~(run in `(set ship)`wos) ::TODO? why need to cast?
|=(s/ship [%& s nom])
::> ||
::> || %changes
::> ||
::> arms that make miscelaneous changes to this story.
++ so-sources ::< change source
::> adds or removes {pas} from our sources.
|= {add/? pas/(set partner)}
^+ +>
=/ sus/(set partner)
%. src.shape
?:(add ~(dif in pas) ~(int in pas))
?~ sus +>.$
(so-delta-our %config so-cir %source add sus)
++ so-depict ::< change description
::> modifies our caption.
|= cap/cord
^+ +>
?: =(cap cap.shape) +>
(so-delta-our %config so-cir %caption cap)
++ so-filter ::< change message rules
::> modifies our filter.
|= fit/filter
^+ +>
?: =(fit fit.shape) +>
(so-delta-our %config so-cir %filter fit)
++ so-federate ::< change federators
::> adds or removes sis as active/allow
::> ({fed} y/n) federators.
|= {add/? fed/? sis/(set ship)}
=+ ses=?:(fed fes.fed.shape may.fed.shape)
=/ sus/(set ship)
%. ses
?:(add ~(dif in sis) ~(int in sis))
?~ sus +>.$
:: we also take care of the %src delta because we
:: want to keep delta application as simple as
:: possible.
=. +>.$ ::TODO =?
?. fed +>.$
%- so-delta-our
:+ %config so-cir
:+ %source add
%- ~(run in `(set ship)`sus) ::TODO weird casting need, depends on ?~
|= s/ship [%& s nom]
(so-delta-our %config so-cir %federal add fed sus)
++ so-delete ::< delete story
::> deletes this story. removes it from {stories}
::> and unsubscribes from all src.
(so-delta-our %remove ~)
++ so-attend ::< add local presence
::> add {her} status to this story's presence map.
|= {her/ship sat/status}
^+ +>
?: =(`sat (~(get by locals) her)) +>.$
(so-delta-our %status so-pan her %full sat)
++ so-absent ::< del local presence
|= her/ship
^+ +>
?. (~(has by locals) her) +>
(so-delta-our %status so-pan her %remove ~)
::> ||
::> || %subscriptions
::> ||
::> arms for starting and ending subscriptions
++ so-leave ::< unsub from source
::> delete {pan} from our sources.
|= pan/partner
^+ +>
?. (~(has in src.shape) pan) +>
(so-delta-our %config so-cir %source | [pan ~ ~])
++ so-start ::< subscribe follower
::> called upon subscribe. deduces the range of
::> {her} subscription from {pax}, then sends
::> the currently available part of it.
|= {her/ship pax/path}
^+ +>
:: read permissions
?. (so-visible her)
=. +> (so-delta %quit ost.bol)
%- so-note %- crip
"so-start permission denied {(scow %p her)}"
:: find grams range
=/ ruv/(unit river)
:: collapse unit list
%+ biff
%- zl:jo
%+ turn pax
;~(biff slay |=(a/coin `(unit dime)`?~(-.a a ~)))
|= paf/(list dime)
?~ paf
$(paf [%ud (sub (max 64 count) 64)]~)
?~ t.paf
$(t.paf [%da (dec (bex 128))]~)
?. ?=({{?($ud $da) @} {?($ud $da) @} $~} paf)
`[[?+(- . $ud .)]:i.paf [?+(- . $ud .)]:i.t.paf] ::XX arvo issue #366
?~ ruv
=. +>.$ (so-delta %quit ost.bol)
%- so-note %- crip
"so-start malformed path {~(ram re >pax<)}"
(so-first-grams u.ruv)
++ so-first-grams ::< beginning of stream
::> find all grams that fall within the river and
::> send them in a grams report to {ost.bol}.
|= riv/river
^+ +>
=; lab/{dun/? end/@u zeg/(list telegram)}
?. dun.lab +>.$
(so-delta %quit ost.bol)
=+ [end=count gaz=grams dun=| zeg=*(list telegram)]
|- ^- (trel ? @ud (list telegram))
?~ gaz [dun end zeg]
?: ?- -.q.riv :: after the end
$ud (lte p.q.riv end)
$da (lte p.q.riv wen.sam.tot.i.gaz)
:: if past the river, continue back, mark as done.
$(end (dec end), gaz t.gaz, dun &)
?: ?- -.p.riv :: before the start
$ud (lth end p.p.riv)
$da (lth wen.sam.tot.i.gaz p.p.riv)
:: if before the river, we're done searching.
[dun end zeg]
:: if in the river, add this gram and continue.
$(end (dec end), gaz t.gaz, zeg [i.gaz zeg])
::> ||
::> || %messaging
::> ||
::> arms for adding to this story's messages.
++ so-sane ::< sanitize
::> sanitize %lin speech according to our settings.
|= tot/thought
^- thought
?. ?=({$lin *} sep.sam.tot) tot
%_ tot
%- crip
%- tufa
%+ turn (tuba (trip msg.sep.sam.tot))
|= a/@c
:: always replace control characters.
?: |((lth a 32) =(a `@c`127))
:: if desired, remove uppercasing.
?: ?& !cus.fit.shape
(gte a 'A')
(lte a 'Z')
(add a 32)
:: if desired, replace non-ascii characters.
?: ?& !utf.fit.shape
(gth a 127)
++ so-lesson ::< learn messages
::> learn all telegrams in a list.
|= gaz/(list telegram)
^+ +>
?~ gaz +>
$(gaz t.gaz, +> (so-learn i.gaz))
++ so-learn ::< save/update message
::> store an incoming telegram, updating if it
::> already exists.
|= gam/telegram
^+ +>
:: check for write permissions.
?. (so-admire aut.gam) +>.$
:: clean up the message to conform to our rules.
=. tot.gam (so-sane tot.gam)
=. aud.tot.gam
::> if we are in the audience, mark as received.
=+ ole=(~(get by aud.tot.gam) [%& our.bol nom])
?^ ole (~(put by aud.tot.gam) [%& our.bol nom] -.u.ole %received)
::> federated circles need to pretend ~src/nom
::> is also ~our/nom.
::TODO pass src through explicitly instead of
:: relying on src.bol.
=+ ole=(~(get by aud.tot.gam) [%& src.bol nom])
?~ ole aud.tot.gam
::> as described above, fake src into our.
=. aud.tot.gam (~(del by aud.tot.gam) [%& src.bol nom])
(~(put by aud.tot.gam) [%& our.bol nom] -.u.ole %received)
(so-delta-our %grams [gam ~])
::> ||
::> || %permissions
::> ||
::> arms relating to story permissions.
++ so-secure ::< change security mode
::> changes our security mode.
|= sec/security
^+ +>
?: =(sec sec.con.shape) +>
(so-delta-our %config so-cir %secure sec)
++ so-permit ::< invite/banish
::> update config to dis/allow ships permission.
|= {inv/? sis/(set ship)}
^+ +>
::> wyt: whitelist?
::> add: add to list?
=/ wyt/? ?=(?($white $green) sec.con.shape)
=/ add/? =(inv wyt)
=. +>.$
%- so-act
:- %phrase
%- ~(rep in sis)
|= {s/ship a/(set partner) t/(list speech)}
:- (~(put in a) [%& s (main s)])
[[%inv inv so-cir] t]
(so-delta-our %config so-cir %permit [add sis])
++ so-admire ::< accept from
::> checks {her} write permissions.
|= her/ship
^- ?
?- sec.con.shape
$black !(~(has in ses.con.shape) her) ::< channel, blacklist
$white (~(has in ses.con.shape) her) ::< village, whitelist
$green (~(has in ses.con.shape) her) ::< journal, whitelist
$brown !(~(has in ses.con.shape) her) ::< mailbox, blacklist
++ so-visible ::< display to
::> checks {her} read permissions.
|= her/ship
^- ?
?- sec.con.shape
$black !(~(has in ses.con.shape) her) ::< channel, blacklist
$white (~(has in ses.con.shape) her) ::< village, whitelist
$green & ::< journal, all
$brown (team our.bol her) ::< mailbox, our team
++ da ::< delta application
::> core for doing things, mostly applying deltas to
::> application state, but also dealing with events
::> that aren't pokes.
::> where appropriate, creates moves. those get
::> produced when finalizing with ++da-done.
|_ ::> moves: moves created by core operations.
moves/(list move)
++ da-done ::< resolve core
::> produces the moves stored in ++da's moves.
::> they are produced in reverse order because
::> ++da-emil and ++da-emit add them to the head of
::> the {moves}.
^- (quip move +>)
[(flop moves) +>]
::> ||
::> || %emitters
::> ||
::> arms that create outward changes.
++ da-emil ::< emit move list
::> adds multiple moves to the head of {moves}.
::> flops to stay consistent with ++ta-emit.
|= mol/(list move)
%_(+> moves (welp (flop mol) moves))
++ da-emit ::< emit a move
::> adds a move to the head of {moves}.
|= mov/move
%_(+> moves [mov moves])
++ da-react ::< send reaction
::> sends a talk-reaction diff to a reader.
::TODO send the delta instead! (remove bone from delta: always ost.bol?)
|= {red/bone rac/reaction}
%- da-emit
::TODO is diff the way to react to a poke?
[red %diff %talk-reaction rac]
++ da-bear ::< share burden
|= cir/circle
=+ soy=(~(got by stories) nom.cir)
%- da-emit
:* ost.bol
[hos.cir %talk-guardian]
:* %talk-command
[shape.soy mirrors.soy]
[locals.soy remotes.soy]
::> ||
::> || %data
::> ||
::> utility functions for data retrieval.
::TODO functions for getting readers or followers of a specific story from
:: the subs in sup.bol.
:: but maybe just on the outer core...
::> ||
::> || %change-application
::> ||
::> arms that change the application state.
++ da-change ::< apply delta
::> modifies application state according to the
::> change specified in {dif}.
|= dif/delta
^+ +>
?- -.dif
|- ^+ +>.^$
?~ mor.dif +>.^$
$(+>.^$ ^$(dif i.mor.dif), mor.dif t.mor.dif)
$out (da-change-out +.dif)
$done (da-change-done (~(tap by don.dif)))
$glyph (da-change-glyph +.dif)
$nick (da-change-nick +.dif)
$story (da-change-story +.dif)
$bear (da-bear +.dif)
$react (da-react +.dif)
$quit (da-emit [ost.dif %quit ~])
++ da-change-out ::< outgoing messages
|= {cir/circle out/(list thought)}
^+ +>
?~ out +>
=. +>
%+ da-emit ost.bol
:* %poke
/repeat/(scot %ud p.outbox)/(scot %p hos.cir)/[nom.cir]
[hos.cir %talk-guardian]
[%talk-command %review i.out ~]
$(p.outbox +(p.outbox), q.outbox (~(put by q.outbox) p.outbox i.out))
++ da-change-done ::< sent & receives msgs
|= don/(list {num/@ud who/partner gud/?})
^+ +>
?~ don +>
=+ oot=(~(get by q.outbox) num.i.don)
?~ oot ~|([%da-change-done-none num.i.don] !!)
=. aud.u.oot
=+ olg=(~(got by aud.u.oot) who.i.don)
%+ ~(put by aud.u.oot) who.i.don
:- -.olg
?:(gud.i.don %received %rejected)
=. +>.$
+>.$ ::TODO!!! da-think??????????
$(q.outbox (~(del by q.outbox) num.i.don))
::|= {num/@ud pan/partner fal/(unit tang)}
::=+ oot=(~(get by q.outbox) num)
::?~ oot ~|([%ta-repeat-none num] !!)
::=. q.outbox (~(del by q.outbox) num)
::=. aud.u.oot
:: =+ olg=(~(got by aud.u.oot) pan)
:: %+ ~(put by aud.u.oot) pan
:: :- -.olg
:: ?~ fal %received
:: ~> %slog.[0 u.fal]
:: %rejected
::(ta-think | our.bol u.oot ~)
++ da-change-glyph ::< un/bound glyph
|= {bin/? gyf/char pas/(set partner)}
^+ +>
?: bin
%_ +>
nik (~(put by nik) pas gyf)
nak (~(put ju nak) gyf pas)
=/ ole/(list (set partner))
?. =(pas ~) [pas ~]
(~(tap in (~(get ju nak) gyf)))
|- ^+ +>.^$
?~ ole +>.^$
%_ $
nik (~(del by nik) i.ole)
nak (~(del ju nak) gyf i.ole)
ole t.ole
++ da-change-nick ::< changed nickname
|= {who/ship nic/cord}
^+ +>
?: =('' nic)
$(nicks (~(del by nicks) who))
$(nicks (~(put by nicks) who nic))
::> ||
::> || %stories
::> ||
::> arms for modifying stories.
++ da-change-story ::< apply circle delta
|= {nom/knot dif/diff-story}
^+ +>
::TODO just ~(got by stories) everywhere in ++da, the
:: relevant checks should be made when constructing
:: the deltas.
?+ -.dif
sa-done:(~(sa-change sa nom (~(got by stories) nom)) dif)
$new (da-create nom +.dif)
$remove (da-delete nom)
++ da-create ::< configure story
::> creates story {nom} with config {con}.
|= {nom/knot con/config}
^+ +>
:: if it's a whitelisted circle, put us in it.
=. ses.con.con ::TODO =?
?: ?=(?($white $green) sec.con.con)
[our.bol ~ ~]
:: also ensure we're listed as a federator.
=. may.fed.con
(~(put in may.fed.con) our.bol)
=. fes.fed.con
(~(put in fes.fed.con) our.bol)
=< sa-done
%- ~(sa-change sa nom *story)
[%config [our.bol nom] %full con]
++ da-delete ::< delete story
::> calls the story core to delete story {nom}.
|= nom/knot
^+ +>
=. +>
%- da-emil
~(sa-delete sa nom (~(got by stories) nom))
+>(stories (~(del by stories) nom))
++ sa ::< story delta core
::> story core, used for doing work on a story.
|_ ::> nom: story name in {stories}.
::> story is faceless to ease data access.
$: nom/knot
++ sa-done ::< apply changes
::> put changed story back into the map.
+>(stories (~(put by stories) nom +<+))
::> ||
::> || %emitters
::> ||
::> arms that create outward changes.
++ sa-emil ::< emit move list
::> adds multiple moves to the head of {moves}.
::> flops to stay consistent with ++ta-emit.
|= mol/(list move)
%_(+> moves (welp (flop mol) moves))
++ sa-emit ::< emit a move
::> adds a move to the head of {moves}.
|= mov/move
%_(+> moves [mov moves])
++ sa-sauce ::< play cards
::> cards to moves.
|= {ost/bone cub/(list card)}
^- (list move)
(flop (turn cub |=(a/card [ost a])))
::> ||
::> || %delta-application
::> ||
::> arms for applying deltas.
++ sa-delete ::< deletion of story
(sa-abjure (~(tap in src.shape)))
++ sa-change ::< apply circle delta
::> we don't do checks for federation here, this
::> should have happened during delta generation.
|= dif/diff-story
^+ +>
%. dif
?+ -.dif
?: =(cir.dif [our.bol nom])
?: =(pan.dif [%& our.bol nom])
++ sa-change-local ::< apply our delta
|= dif/diff-story
^+ +>
?+ -.dif
~&([%unexpected-delta-local -.dif] !!)
|- ^+ +>.^$
?~ gaz.dif +>.^$
=. +>.^$ (sa-change-grams i.gaz.dif)
$(gaz.dif t.gaz.dif)
=. +>
%- sa-emil
(sa-config-effects shape dif.dif)
+>(shape (change-config shape dif.dif))
%_ +>
%+ ~(put by locals) who.dif
%+ change-status
(fall (~(get by locals) who.dif) *status)
++ sa-change-grams ::< save/update message
|= gam/telegram
^+ +>
=+ old=(~(get by known) uid.tot.gam)
?~ old
:: new message
%_ +>.$
grams [gam grams]
count +(count)
known (~(put by known) uid.tot.gam count)
:: changed message
=+ dex=(sub count u.old)
%_ +>.$
grams %+ welp
(scag (dec dex) grams)
[gam (slag dex grams)]
++ sa-change-remote ::< apply remote's delta
|= dif/diff-story
^+ +>
?+ -.dif
~&([%unexpected-delta-remote -.dif] !!)
?: ?=($remove -.dif.dif)
+>(mirrors (~(del by mirrors) cir.dif))
=/ new/config
%+ change-config
(fall (~(get by mirrors) cir.dif) *config)
+>.$(mirrors (~(put by mirrors) cir.dif new))
%_ +>.$
%+ ~(put by remotes) pan.dif
=+ ole=(fall (~(get by remotes) pan.dif) *group)
?: ?=($remove -.dif.dif) (~(del by ole) who.dif)
=+ old=(fall (~(get by ole) who.dif) *status)
(~(put by ole) who.dif (change-status old dif.dif))
++ sa-config-effects ::< config side-effects
|= {old/config dif/diff-config}
^- (list move)
?+ -.dif ~
$source (sa-source-effects src.old +.dif)
$permit (sa-permit-effects sec.con.old ses.con.old +.dif)
?. fed.dif ~
%^ sa-source-effects src.old add.dif
%- ~(run in sis.dif)
|= s/ship [%& s nom]
=* new cof.dif
:: deal with subscription changes.
=/ sem
.= ?=(?($white $green) sec.con.new)
?=(?($white $green) sec.con.old)
;: weld
(sa-source-effects src.old | (~(dif in src.old) src.new))
(sa-source-effects src.old & (~(dif in src.new) src.old))
?. sem ~
%^ sa-permit-effects sec.con.new ses.con.old
[| (~(dif in ses.con.old) ses.con.new)]
?. sem ~
%^ sa-permit-effects sec.con.new ses.con.old
[& (~(dif in ses.con.new) ses.con.old)]
::TODO maybe do federal source changes, but also take above source
:: changes into account: don't do doubles!
++ sa-source-effects ::< un/subscribe
|= {old/(set partner) add/? pas/(set partner)}
^- (list move)
=/ sus/(set partner)
%. old
?:(add ~(dif in pas) ~(int in pas))
%. (~(tap in `(set partner)`sus)) ::TODO *need* to cast?
?:(add sa-acquire sa-abjure)
++ sa-permit-effects ::< notify permitted
|= {sec/security old/(set ship) add/? sis/(set ship)}
^- (list move)
=/ wyt ?=(?($white $green) sec)
=/ inv =(wyt add)
?: inv
::TODO %inv & speeches
::TODO %inv | speeches
(sa-eject sis)
::> ||
::> || %subscriptions
::> ||
::> arms for starting and ending subscriptions
++ sa-acquire ::< subscribe us
::> subscribes this story to each partner.
|= pas/(list partner)
%+ sa-sauce 0 :: subscription is caused by this app
%- zing
%+ turn pas
|= pan/partner
^- (list card)
::> subscribe starting at the last message we got,
::> or if we haven't gotten any yet, messages
::> from up to a day ago.
=+ num=(~(get by sequence) pan)
=+ old=(sub now.bol ~d1) :: XX full backlog
=+ ini=?^(num (scot %ud u.num) (scot %da old))
?- -.pan
$| !! ::< passport partner
$& ::< circle partner
:_ ~
:* %peer
/circle/[nom]/(scot %p hos.p.pan)/[nom.p.pan]
[hos.p.pan %talk-guardian]
++ sa-abjure ::< unsubscribe us
::> unsubscribes this story from each partner.
|= pas/(list partner)
%+ sa-sauce 0 :: subscription is caused by this app
%- zing
%+ turn pas
|= pan/partner
^- (list card)
?- -.pan
$| !! ::< passport partner
$& ::< circle partner
:_ ~
:* %pull
/friend/show/[nom]/(scot %p hos.p.pan)/[nom.p.pan]
[hos.p.pan %talk-guardian]
++ sa-eject ::< unsubscribe ships
::> removes ships {sis} from {followers}.
|= sis/(set ship)
^- (list move)
%+ turn (~(tap in (sa-unearth sis)))
|= {b/bone}
[b %quit ~]
++ sa-unearth ::< ships' bones
::> find the bones in {followers} that belong to
::> a ship in {sis}.
|= sis/(set ship)
^- (set bone)
%- ~(rep in sup.bol)
|= {{b/bone s/ship p/path} c/(set bone)}
?. ?& (~(has in sis) s)
?=({@tas *} p)
=(i.p nom)
(~(put in c) b)
::> ||
::> || %wire-parsing
::> ||
++ etch ::< parse wire
::> parses {wir}} to obtain either %friend with story
::> and circle or %repeat with message number,
::> source ship and story.
|= wir/wire
^- weir
?+ -.wir !!
?> ?=({$show @ @ @ $~} t.wir)
:^ %friend
(slav %p i.t.t.t.wir)
?> ?=({@ @ @ $~} t.wir)
:^ %repeat
(slav %ud i.t.wir)
(slav %p i.t.t.wir)
++ etch-friend ::< parse /friend wire
::> parses a /friend wire, call a gate with the result.
|= $: wir/wire
$= fun
$- {nom/knot cir/circle}
{(list move) _.}
=+ wer=(etch wir)
?>(?=($friend -.wer) (fun nom.wer cir.wer))
++ etch-repeat ::< parse /repeat wire
::> parses a /repeat wire, call gate with the result.
|= $: wir/wire
$= fun
$- {num/@ud src/ship nom/knot}
{(list move) _.}
=+ wer=(etch wir)
?>(?=($repeat -.wer) (fun num.wer hos.wer nom.wer))
::> ||
::> || %new-events
::> ||
::TODO make use of ++prey for filtering subs?
++ f-bake ::< apply state delta
::> applies a change to the application state,
::> producing side-effects.
|= dif/delta
^- (quip move +>)
=^ mos +>.$
da-done:(da-change:da dif)
:_ +>.$
:(welp mos (affection dif))
++ g-query ::< query on state
|= weg/(list coin)
::TODO how would the system know how to parse the path?
:: should we define that ourselves?
:: ...i just want to cast to ++query if i can.
::TODO should return (unit prize)? ie for /circle/non-existing
^- prize
?~ weg ~&(%empty-query !!)
?: =(i.weg [%$ %tas %reader])
[%reader nak nicks]
?: =(i.weg [%$ %tas %friend])
:- %friend
%- ~(gas in *(set circle))
%+ murn
=- (~(tap in src.shape.-))
(~(got by stories) (main our.bol))
|= p/partner
^- (unit circle)
?. ?=($& -.p) ~
[~ p.p]
?: ?& =(i.weg [%$ %tas %circle])
?=(^ t.weg)
?=({$$ p/$ta q/@ta} i.t.weg)
:- %circle
=+ soy=(~(got by stories) +>.i.t.weg)
:+ grams.soy ::TODO get using specified range.
[shape.soy mirrors.soy]
[locals.soy remotes.soy]
~&(%invalid-query !!)
++ i-change ::< delta to rumor
::TODO probably want to do "affected by" checks for every bone,
:: and just construct the rumor once.
|= {weg/(list coin) dif/delta}
^- (unit rumor)
?~ weg ~&(%empty-query !!)
?: =(i.weg [%$ %tas %reader])
:: changes to shared ui state apply.
?+ -.dif ~
$glyph `[%reader dif]
$nick `[%reader dif]
?: =(i.weg [%$ %tas %friend])
:: new or removed local stories apply.
::TODO include mailbox sources. check privacy flags.
?. ?=($story -.dif) ~
=/ add/(unit ?)
?+ -.dif.dif ~
$new `&
$remove `|
?~ add ~
`[%friend u.add [our.bol nom.dif]]
?: ?& =(i.weg [%$ %tas %circle])
?=(^ t.weg)
?=({$$ p/$ta q/@ta} i.t.weg)
?. ?=($story -.dif) ~
?. =(+>.i.t.weg nom.dif) ~
`[%circle dif.dif]
~&(%invalid-query !!)
++ affection ::< rumors to interested
::TODO probably want to do "affected by" checks for every bone,
:: and just construct the rumor once.
|= dif/delta
^- (list move)
%+ murn (~(tap by sup.bol))
|= {b/bone s/ship p/path}
^- (unit move)
=+ rum=(i-change (tmp-parse-path p) dif)
::TODO %quit bones that are done with their subscription.
:: ...but that would also require a ta-cancel call to remove
:: them from the presence list! how do?
?~ rum ~
`[b %diff %talk-rumor u.rum]
++ tmp-parse-path ::< ...
|= pax/path
^- (list coin)
?~ pax ~
:- [%$ %tas `@tas`i.pax]
?. =(%circle `@tas`i.pax) ~
?~ t.pax ~&(%invalid-circle-path !!)
:- [%$ %ta `@ta`i.t.pax]
::=+ tmp=((hard range) t.t.pax)
::?~ tmp ~
:::- hed.u.tmp
::?~ t.u.tmp ~
::[tal.u.t.u.tmp ~]
++ tmp-parse-peer-path ::< ...
|= pax/path
^- (pair knot circle)
?. ?=({$circle @ta @ta @ta *} pax)
~&(%invalid-peer-path !!)
:- i.t.pax
:- (slav %p i.t.t.pax)
++ leak ::< visible to
|= {who/ship weg/(list coin)}
^- ?
::?: ?=({$reader *} pax)
:: ?. (team our.bol her)
:: %- ta-note
:: (crip "foreign reader {(scow %p her)}")
:: (ta-welcome ost.bol t.pax)
:::: weird subscription path.
::?. ?=({@ *} pax)
:: (ta-evil %bad-path)
::=+ pur=(~(get by stories) i.pax)
::?~ pur
:: ::TODO send this to the subscriber! make them unsub!
:: %- ta-note
:: (crip "bad subscribe story '{(trip i.pax)}'")
::=+ soy=~(. so i.pax `(list action)`~ u.pur) :: nest-fail if no cast
:::: she needs read permissions to subscribe.
::?. (so-visible:soy her)
:: (ta-evil %no-story)
::> ||
::> || %poke-events
::> ||
++ poke-talk-command ::< accept command
::> incoming talk command. process it and update logs.
|= cod/command
^- (quip move +>)
=^ mos +>.$
%- f-bake :- %more
ta-done:(ta-apply:ta src.bol cod)
=^ mow +>.$
[(welp mos mow) +>.$]
++ poke-talk-action ::< accept action
::> incoming talk action. process it.
|= act/action
^- (quip move +>)
?. (team src.bol our.bol)
%- f-bake :- %more
=< ta-done
%- ta-note:ta %- crip
"talk-action stranger {(scow %p src.bol)}"
%- f-bake :- %more
ta-done:(ta-action:ta ost.bol act)
::> ||
::> || %subscription-events
::> ||
++ diff-talk-rumor ::< accept rumor
|= {wir/wire dif/rumor}
^- (quip move +>)
=^ mos +>.$
%- f-bake :- %more
::TODO parse wire to get source and target of change
=+ res=(tmp-parse-peer-path wir)
ta-done:(ta-hear:ta p.res [%& q.res] dif)
=^ mow +>.$
[(welp mos mow) +>.$]
++ peer ::< accept subscription
::> incoming subscription on {pax}.
|= pax/path
^- (quip move +>)
?: ?=({$sole *} pax) ~&(%talk-broker-no-sole !!)
=+ qer=(tmp-parse-path pax)
?. (leak src.bol qer) ~&(%peer-invisible !!)
=^ mos +>.$
%- f-bake :- %more
ta-done:(ta-subscribe:ta src.bol pax)
:_ +>.$
:_ mos
[ost.bol %diff %talk-prize (g-query qer)]
++ pull ::< unsubscribe
::> unsubscribes.
|= pax/path
^- (quip move +>)
%- f-bake :- %more
ta-done:(ta-cancel:ta src.bol pax)
++ reap-friend ::< subscription n/ack
::> if subscribing failed, update state to reflect
::> that.
::TODO this should deal with /reader subscriptions too.
|= {wir/wire fal/(unit tang)}
^- (quip move +>)
?~ fal [~ +>]
%+ etch-friend [%friend wir]
|= {nom/knot cir/circle}
=. u.fal [>%reap-friend-fail nom cir< u.fal]
%- (slog (flop u.fal))
%- f-bake :- %more
ta-done:(ta-leave:ta nom cir)
++ quit-friend ::< dropped subscription
::> gall dropped our subscription. resubscribe.
|= wir/wire
^- (quip move +>)
%+ etch-friend [%friend wir]
|= {nom/knot cir/circle}
::TODO do better
:_ +>.^$ :_ ~
:* 0
/circle/[nom]/(scot %p hos.cir)/[nom.cir]
[hos.cir %talk-guardian]
/circle/[nom.cir]/(sub now.bol ~h1)
++ coup-repeat ::< message n/ack
::> ack from ++ta-transmit. mark the message as
::> received or rejected.
|= {wir/wire fal/(unit tang)}
^- (quip move +>)
%+ etch-repeat [%repeat wir]
|= {num/@ud src/ship nom/knot}
(f-bake %done (strap num [%& src nom] ?=($~ fal)))
::> ||
::> || %logging
::> ||
++ poke-talk-save ::< save as log
::> stores the telegrams of story {nom} in a log file,
::> to be re-loaded by ++poke-talk-load.
|= nom/knot
^- (quip move +>)
=/ paf/path
/(scot %p our.bol)/home/(scot %da now.bol)/talk/[nom]/talk-telegrams
=+ grams:(~(got by stories) nom)
:_ +>.$
:_ ~
:* ost.bol
(foal paf [%talk-telegrams !>(-)])
++ poke-talk-load ::< load from log
::> loads the telegrams of story {nom} into our state,
::> as saved in ++poke-talk-save.
|= nom/knot
^- (quip move +>)
=/ grams
.^ (list telegram)
/(scot %p our.bol)/home/(scot %da now.bol)/talk/[nom]/talk-telegrams
=+ soy=(~(got by stories) nom)
:- ~
%= +>.$
%+ ~(put by stories) nom
soy(grams grams, count (lent grams))
++ poke-talk-log ::< start logging
::> starts logging story {nom}'s messages.
|= nom/knot
~& %talk-poke-log
^- (quip move +>)
:- [(log-to-file nom) ~]
%= +>.$
%+ ~(put by log) nom
count:(~(got by stories) nom)
++ poke-talk-unlog ::< stop logging
::> stops logging story {nom}'s messages.
|= nom/knot
^- (quip move +>)
:- ~
+>.$(log (~(del by log) nom))
++ log-all-to-file ::< update stories logs
::> for every story we're logging, (over)writes all
::> their grams to log files if new ones have arrived.
::TODO re-enable and test.
^- (quip move .)
?: & [~ .] :: XXX!!!!
:_ %_ .
%- ~(urn by log)
|= {nom/knot len/@ud}
count:(~(got by stories) nom)
%+ murn (~(tap by log))
|= {nom/knot len/@ud}
^- (unit move)
?: (gte len count:(~(got by stories) nom))
`(log-to-file nom)
++ log-to-file ::< update story log
::> logs all grams of story {nom} to a file.
|= nom/knot
^- move
=+ ^- paf/path
=+ day=(year %*(. (yore now.bol) +.t +:*tarp))
%+ tope [our.bol %home da+now.bol]
/talk-telegrams/(scot %da day)/[nom]/talk
=+ grams:(~(got by stories) nom)
[ost.bol %info /jamfile our.bol (foal paf [%talk-telegrams !>(-)])]