mirror of
synced 2024-12-30 10:27:11 +03:00
Flashes areas of the screen that get redrawn by blits a bright pink. Doesn't behave quite right in some scenarios (where the first blit isn't a cursor movement, or there is a %nel at the end of the buffer), but works sufficiently for the common cases.
130 lines
3.4 KiB
130 lines
3.4 KiB
import { Terminal } from 'xterm';
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver';
import { Blit, Stub, Stye } from '@urbit/api/term';
import { stye } from '../lib/stye';
export const csi = (cmd: string, ...args: number[]) => {
return '\x1b[' + args.join(';') + cmd;
export const showBlit = (term: Terminal, blit: Blit) => {
let out = '';
if ('mor' in blit) {
return blit.mor.map(b => showBlit(term, b));
} else if ('bel' in blit) {
out += '\x07';
} else if ('clr' in blit) {
out += csi('u');
} else if ('hop' in blit) {
if (typeof blit.hop === 'number') {
out += csi('H', term.rows, blit.hop + 1);
} else {
out += csi('H', blit.hop.y + 1, blit.hop.x + 1);
out += csi('s'); // save cursor position
} else if ('put' in blit) {
out += blit.put.join('');
out += csi('u');
} else if ('klr' in blit) {
out += blit.klr.reduce((lin: string, p: Stub) => {
lin += stye(p.stye);
lin += p.text.join('');
lin += csi('m', 0);
return lin;
}, '');
out += csi('u');
} else if ('nel' in blit) {
out += '\n';
} else if ('sag' in blit || 'sav' in blit) {
const sav = ('sag' in blit) ? blit.sag : blit.sav;
const name = sav.path.split('/').slice(-2).join('.');
const buff = Buffer.from(sav.file, 'base64');
const blob = new Blob([buff], { type: 'application/octet-stream' });
saveAs(blob, name);
} else if ('url' in blit) {
} else if ('wyp' in blit) {
out += '\r' + csi('K');
out += csi('u');
} else {
console.log('weird blit', blit);
export const showSlog = (term: Terminal, slog: string) => {
// set scroll region to exclude the bottom line,
// scroll up one line,
// move cursor to start of the newly created whitespace,
// set text to grey,
// print the slog,
// restore color, scroll region, and cursor.
term.write(csi('r', 1, term.rows - 1)
+ csi('S', 1)
+ csi('H', term.rows - 1, 1)
+ csi('m', 90)
+ slog
+ csi('m', 0)
+ csi('r')
+ csi('u'));
export const hasBell = (blit: Blit) => {
if ('bel' in blit) {
return true;
} else if ('mor' in blit) {
return blit.mor.some(hasBell);
} else {
return false;
// debug rendering
//NOTE doesn't behave nicely in the presence of eob %nel blits,
// because those aren't idempotent
const blotStye: Stye = { deco: [], back: { r: 255, g: 0, b: 255 }, fore: 'k' };
const blitToBlot = (blit: Blit): Blit => {
if ('mor' in blit) {
return { mor: blit.mor.map(blitToBlot) };
} else if ('put' in blit) {
return { klr: [{ text: blit.put, stye: blotStye }] };
} else if ('klr' in blit) {
return { klr: blit.klr.map((s: Stub) => {
return { text: s.text, stye: blotStye };
}) };
} else {
return blit;
const queue: {term: Terminal, blit: Blit}[] = [];
const renderFromQueue = () => {
const next = queue.shift();
if (!next) {
showBlit(next.term, next.blit);
if (0 === queue.length) {
setTimeout(renderFromQueue, 200);
export const showBlitDebug = (term: Terminal, blit: Blit) => {
const blot = blitToBlot(blit);
if (0 === queue.length) {
showBlit(term, blot);
queue.push({ term, blit });
setTimeout(renderFromQueue, 200);
} else {
queue.push({ term, blit: blot });
queue.push({ term, blit });