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synced 2024-12-21 22:01:46 +03:00
No longer allow lojack to be called independently, instead requiring logic to be inserted between hi- and lojack's io.
55 lines
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55 lines
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Terminal Driver
module Urbit.Vere.Term.Render
( clearScreen
, clearLine
, soundBell
, cursorMove
, cursorSave
, cursorRestore
, putCsi
, hijack
) where
import ClassyPrelude
import qualified System.Console.ANSI as ANSI
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
clearScreen :: MonadIO m => m ()
clearScreen = liftIO $ ANSI.clearScreen
clearLine :: MonadIO m => m ()
clearLine = liftIO $ ANSI.clearLine
soundBell :: MonadIO m => m ()
soundBell = liftIO $ putStr "\a"
--NOTE top-left-0-based coordinates
cursorMove :: MonadIO m => Int -> Int -> m ()
cursorMove r c = liftIO $ ANSI.setCursorPosition r c
cursorSave :: MonadIO m => m ()
cursorSave = liftIO ANSI.saveCursor
cursorRestore :: MonadIO m => m ()
cursorRestore = liftIO ANSI.restoreCursor
putCsi :: MonadIO m => Char -> [Int] -> m ()
putCsi c a = liftIO do
putStr "\x1b["
putStr $ pack $ mconcat $ intersperse ";" (fmap show a)
putStr $ pack [c]
hijack :: MonadIO m => Int -> IO () -> m ()
hijack h d = liftIO do
putCsi 'r' [1, h-1] -- set scroll region to exclude bottom line
putCsi 'S' [1] -- scroll up one line
cursorMove (h-2) 0 -- move cursor to empty space
putCsi 'r' [] -- reset scroll region
cursorRestore -- restory cursor position