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synced 2025-01-07 07:30:23 +03:00
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module Language.Hoon.LL.Gen where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (union)
import Data.Bits (shift, finiteBitSize, countLeadingZeros)
import Language.Hoon.IR.Ty (Sym, Nat)
import Language.Hoon.LL.Types
import Language.Hoon.Nock.Types
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
axis :: LLPath -> Atom
axis = go . reverse
go [] = 1
go (L:ds) = 2 * go ds
go (R:ds) = 2 * go ds + 1
go (Ctx:ds) = 2 * go ds + 1
log2 :: Int -> Int
log2 x = finiteBitSize x - 1 - countLeadingZeros x
-- | The greatest power of two less than the argument
scale :: Int -> Int
scale x = shift (log2 x) 1
layoutPath :: Nat -> Nat -> LLPath
layoutPath 0 1 = []
layoutPath _ 1 = error "axis-fell"
layoutPath idx sz =
let midpoint = sz `quot` 2
in if idx <= midpoint
then L : layoutPath idx midpoint
else R : layoutPath (idx - midpoint) (sz - midpoint)
-- | The axis of an arm, as laid out in a battery
coreAxis :: Sym -> (Map Sym t) -> Maybe Atom
coreAxis a bat = do
i <- Map.lookupIndex a bat
let batPath = layoutPath i (Map.size bat)
pure (axis (L : batPath))
layOut :: Vector Noun -> Noun
layOut ns
| null ns = Atom 0
| length ns == 1 = Vector.head ns
| otherwise = Cell (layOut as) (layOut bs)
where (as, bs) = splitAt (length ns `quot` 2) ns
battery :: (Map Sym a) -> (a -> Maybe Noun) -> Maybe Noun
battery bat conv = layOut <$> Vector.fromList <$> Map.elems <$> traverse conv bat
generate :: LLTy -> Maybe Nock
generate = \case
LWith _ x (LFire _ s bat) -> do
ax <- coreAxis s bat
x' <- generate x
-- FIXME icky
pure (NNineInvoke ax x')
LWith _ x y -> NSevenThen <$> generate x <*> generate y
LAxis _ a -> pure (NZeroAxis (axis a))
LEdit _ a r x -> do
r' <- generate r
x' <- generate x
pure (NTenEdit (axis a, r') x')
LFire _ s bat -> do
ax <- coreAxis s bat
-- FIXME icky
pure (NNineInvoke ax (NZeroAxis 1))
LAtom _ n -> pure (NOneConst (Atom n))
LPair _ x y -> NCons <$> generate x <*> generate y
LCore _ arms -> do
b <- battery arms (fmap nockToNoun . generate)
pure (NCons (NOneConst b) (NZeroAxis 1))
LSucc _ x -> NFourSucc <$> generate x
LTest _ x y z -> NSixIf <$> generate x <*> generate y <*> generate z
LCelQ _ x -> NThreeIsCell <$> generate x
LEqlQ _ x y -> NFiveEq <$> generate x <*> generate y