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module Language.Hoon.LL.Run where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (succ, union, intersect)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Lens.TH
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Data.Void
import Language.Hoon.IR.Ty (Ty, Nat, Sym, Hoon, HoonPath)
import Language.Hoon.LL.Types
import Control.Category ((>>>))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Language.Hoon.IR.Wing as Wing
import qualified Prelude
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
type Battery a = Map Sym (LL a)
data Val a
= VAtom !Nat
| VCell !(Val a) !(Val a)
| VCore !(Battery a) !(Val a)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- Lenses ----------------------------------------------------------------------
makePrisms ''Val
_VBool :: Prism' (Val a) Bool
_VBool = prism' mk get
mk True = VAtom 0
mk False = VAtom 1
get (VAtom 1) = pure False
get (VAtom 0) = pure True
get _ = Nothing
-- Value Manipulation ----------------------------------------------------------
succ :: Val a -> Either String (Val a)
succ = fmap (review _VAtom . (+1)) . mbErr notAtom . preview _VAtom
where notAtom = "Can't increment non-atom value."
isCell :: Val a -> Bool
isCell = \case
VAtom _ -> False
VCell _ _ -> True
VCore _ _ -> True -- bah
get :: LLPath -> Val a -> Either String (Val a)
get = go
go [] val = pure val
go (L:ds) (VCell l _) = go ds l
go (R:ds) (VCell _ r) = go ds r
go (Ctx:ds) (VCore _ c) = go ds c
go _ _ = Left "Failed to lookup LLPath in value"
edit :: LLPath -> Val a -> Val a -> Either String (Val a)
edit = go
go [] x v = pure x
go (L:ds) x (VCell l r) = VCell <$> edit ds l x <*> pure r
go (R:ds) x (VCell l r) = VCell <$> pure l <*> edit ds r x
go (Ctx:ds) x (VCore arms ctx) = VCore <$> pure arms <*> edit ds ctx x
go _ x _ = Left "LL.Run.edit: Bullshit edit"
-- Interpreter -----------------------------------------------------------------
mbErr :: String -> Maybe a -> Either String a
mbErr err = \case Nothing -> Left err
Just a -> pure a
fire :: (Eq a, Show a) => Sym -> Val a -> Either String (Val a)
fire nm = \case
k@(VCore batt ctx) -> mbErr noArm (Map.lookup nm batt) >>= runLL k
_ -> Left "Attempting to fire arm in non-core value"
noArm = unpack ("LL.Run.fire: Can't find arm " <> nm)
toBool :: Show a => Val a -> Either String Bool
toBool v = mbErr notBool (v ^? _VBool)
notBool = "Expected a bool, but got " <> show v
runLL :: (Eq a, Show a) => Val a -> LL a -> Either String (Val a)
runLL sut = r
r = \case
LAxis _ p -> get p sut
LFire _ a bat -> fire a sut -- TODO do we test whether bat is correct?
LSucc _ h -> r h >>= succ
LPair _ x y -> VCell <$> r x <*> r y
LAtom _ n -> pure (VAtom n)
LEdit _ w x y -> join (edit w <$> r x <*> r y)
LWith _ x y -> r x >>= flip runLL y
LCore _ b -> pure (VCore b sut)
LTest _ v t f -> r v >>= toBool >>= bool (r t) (r f)
LCelQ _ v -> review _VBool . isCell <$> r v
LEqlQ _ x y -> review _VBool <$> ((==) <$> r x <*> r y)