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synced 2025-01-03 04:40:50 +03:00
Make KingSubsite part of ServConf, handle 404 case more gracefully, make slog endpoint send SSE headers immediately. Remaining work mostly revolves around the slog endpoint's slog queue. It builds up even if nobody is listening, and only the first to pull from the queue gets to handle/emit the slog event.
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236 lines
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WAI Application for `eyre` driver.
# Request Lifecycles
- Requests come in, are given an identifier and are passed to a callback.
- When requests timeout, the identifier is passed to anothing callback.
- The server pulls response actions, and passes them to the associated
module Urbit.Vere.Eyre.Wai
( RespAct(..)
, RespApi(..)
, LiveReqs(..)
, ReqInfo(..)
, emptyLiveReqs
, routeRespAct
, rmLiveReq
, newLiveReq
, app
import Urbit.Prelude hiding (Builder)
import Urbit.Prelude (RIO)
import Data.Binary.Builder (Builder, fromByteString)
import Data.Bits (shiftL, (.|.))
import Data.Conduit (ConduitT, Flush(Chunk, Flush), yield)
import Network.Socket (SockAddr(..))
import System.Random (newStdGen, randoms)
import Urbit.Arvo (Address(..), Ipv4(..), Ipv6(..), Method)
import Urbit.Vere.Eyre.KingSubsite (KingSubsite, runKingSubsite)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
import qualified Network.Wai as W
import qualified Network.Wai.Conduit as W
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
data RespAct
= RAFull H.Status [H.Header] ByteString
| RAHead H.Status [H.Header] ByteString
| RABloc ByteString
| RADone
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data RespApi = RespApi
{ raAct :: RespAct -> STM Bool
, raKil :: STM ()
data LiveReqs = LiveReqs
{ reqIdSuply :: [Word64]
, activeReqs :: Map Word64 (Ship, RespApi)
data ReqInfo = ReqInfo
{ riAdr :: Address
, riMet :: H.StdMethod
, riUrl :: ByteString
, riHdr :: [H.Header]
, riBod :: ByteString
-- Live Requests Table -- All Requests Still Waiting for Responses -------------
emptyLiveReqs :: IO LiveReqs
emptyLiveReqs = io $ do
gen <- newStdGen
pure (LiveReqs (randoms gen) mempty)
routeRespAct :: Ship -> TVar LiveReqs -> Word64 -> RespAct -> STM Bool
routeRespAct who vLiv reqId act =
(lookup reqId . activeReqs <$> readTVar vLiv) >>= \case
Nothing -> pure False
Just (own, tv) -> do
if (who == own)
then raAct tv act
else pure False
rmLiveReq :: TVar LiveReqs -> Word64 -> STM ()
rmLiveReq var reqId = modifyTVar' var
$ \liv -> liv { activeReqs = deleteMap reqId (activeReqs liv) }
allocateReqId :: TVar LiveReqs -> STM Word64
allocateReqId var = do
LiveReqs supply tbl <- readTVar var
let loop :: [Word64] -> (Word64, [Word64])
loop [] = error "impossible"
loop (x:xs) | member x tbl = loop xs
loop (x:xs) | otherwise = (x, xs)
let (fresh, supply') = loop supply
writeTVar var (LiveReqs supply' tbl)
pure fresh
newLiveReq :: Ship -> TVar LiveReqs -> STM (Word64, STM RespAct)
newLiveReq who var = do
tmv <- newTQueue
kil <- newEmptyTMVar
nex <- allocateReqId var
LiveReqs sup tbl <- readTVar var
let waitAct = (<|>) (readTMVar kil $> RADone) (readTQueue tmv)
respApi = RespApi
{ raKil = putTMVar kil ()
, raAct = \act -> tryReadTMVar kil >>= \case
Nothing -> writeTQueue tmv act $> True
Just () -> pure False
writeTVar var (LiveReqs sup (insertMap nex (who, respApi) tbl))
pure (nex, waitAct)
-- Random Helpers --------------------------------------------------------------
cookMeth :: W.Request -> Maybe Method
cookMeth = H.parseMethod . W.requestMethod >>> \case
Left _ -> Nothing
Right m -> Just m
reqAddr :: W.Request -> Address
reqAddr = W.remoteHost >>> \case
SockAddrInet _ a -> AIpv4 (Ipv4 a)
SockAddrInet6 _ _ a _ -> AIpv6 (mkIpv6 a)
_ -> error "invalid sock addr"
mkIpv6 :: (Word32, Word32, Word32, Word32) -> Ipv6
mkIpv6 (p, q, r, s) = Ipv6 (pBits .|. qBits .|. rBits .|. sBits)
pBits = shiftL (fromIntegral p) 0
qBits = shiftL (fromIntegral q) 32
rBits = shiftL (fromIntegral r) 64
sBits = shiftL (fromIntegral s) 96
reqUrl :: W.Request -> ByteString
reqUrl r = W.rawPathInfo r <> W.rawQueryString r
-- Responses -------------------------------------------------------------------
noHeader :: HasLogFunc e => RIO e a
noHeader = do
logError "Response block with no response header."
error "Bad HttpEvent: Response block with no response header."
dupHead :: HasLogFunc e => RIO e a
dupHead = do
logError "Multiple %head actions on one request"
error "Bad HttpEvent: Multiple header actions per on one request."
- Immediately yield all of the initial chunks
- Yield the data from %bloc action.
- Close the stream when we hit a %done action.
:: HasLogFunc e
=> e
-> ByteString
-> STM RespAct
-> ConduitT () (Flush Builder) IO ()
streamBlocks env init getAct = send init >> loop
loop = atomically getAct >>= \case
RAHead _ _ _ -> runRIO env dupHead
RAFull _ _ _ -> runRIO env dupHead
RADone -> pure ()
RABloc c -> send c >> loop
send "" = pure ()
send c = do
runRIO env (logDebug (display ("sending chunk " <> tshow c)))
yield $ Chunk $ fromByteString c
yield Flush
:: HasLogFunc e
=> (W.Response -> IO W.ResponseReceived)
-> STM RespAct
-> RIO e W.ResponseReceived
sendResponse cb waitAct = do
env <- ask
atomically waitAct >>= \case
RADone -> io $ cb $ W.responseLBS (H.mkStatus 444 "No Response") [] ""
RAFull s h b -> io $ cb $ W.responseLBS s h $ fromStrict b
RAHead s h b -> io $ cb $ W.responseSource s h $ streamBlocks env b waitAct
RABloc _ -> noHeader
liveReq :: Ship -> TVar LiveReqs -> RAcquire e (Word64, STM RespAct)
liveReq who vLiv = mkRAcquire ins del
ins = atomically (newLiveReq who vLiv)
del = atomically . rmLiveReq vLiv . fst
:: HasLogFunc e
=> e
-> Ship
-> TVar LiveReqs
-> (Word64 -> ReqInfo -> STM ())
-> (Word64 -> STM ())
-> KingSubsite
-> W.Application
app env who liv inform cancel sub req respond =
case W.pathInfo req of
("~_~":_) -> runKingSubsite sub req respond
_ ->
runRIO env $ rwith (liveReq who liv) $ \(reqId, respApi) -> do
bod <- io (toStrict <$> W.strictRequestBody req)
met <- maybe (error "bad method") pure (cookMeth req)
let adr = reqAddr req
hdr = W.requestHeaders req
url = reqUrl req
atomically $ inform reqId $ ReqInfo adr met url hdr bod
try (sendResponse respond respApi) >>= \case
Right rr -> pure rr
Left exn -> do
atomically (cancel reqId)
logError $ display ("Exception during request" <> tshow exn)
throwIO (exn :: SomeException)