mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 20:01:32 +03:00
Extensive nonbreaching web API changes from Anton and Philip's trees.
Retroactive commit message for d030cde553
Grab fixes for busted ford caused by no-longer-busted ++lore
330 lines
9.5 KiB
330 lines
9.5 KiB
:: OAuth 1.0 %authorization header
:::: /hoon/oauth1/lib
/+ interpolate, hep-to-cab
++ keys cord:{key/@t sec/@t} :: app key pair
++ token :: user keys
$@ $~ :: none
$% {$request-token oauth-token/@t token-secret/@t} :: intermediate
{$access-token oauth-token/@t token-secret/@t} :: full
++ quay-enc (list tape):quay :: partially rendered query string
++ parse-url parse-url:interpolate
++ join
|= {a/cord b/(list cord)}
?~ b ''
(rap 3 |-([i.b ?~(t.b ~ [a $(b t.b)])]))
++ joint :: between every pair
|= {a/tape b/wall} ^- tape
?~(b b |-(?~(t.b i.b :(weld i.b a $(b t.b)))))
++ join-urle |=(a/(list tape) (joint "&" (turn a urle)))
:: query string in oauth1 'k1="v1", k2="v2"' form
++ to-header
|= a/quay ^- tape
%+ joint ", "
(turn a |=({k/@t v/@t} `tape`~[k '="' v '"'])) :: normalized later
:: partial tail:earn for sorting
++ encode-pairs
|= a/quay ^- quay-enc
%+ turn a
|= {k/@t v/@t} ^- tape
:(weld (urle (trip k)) "=" (urle (trip v)))
++ parse-pairs :: x-form-urlencoded
|= bod/(unit octs) ^- quay-enc
~| %parsing-body
?~ bod ~
(rash q.u.bod (more pam (plus ;~(less pam prn))))
++ post-quay
|= {a/purl b/quay} ^- hiss
=. b (quay:hep-to-cab b)
=- [a %post - ?~(b ~ (some (tact +:(tail:earn b))))]
(my content-type+['application/x-www-form-urlencoded']~ ~)
++ mean-wall !.
|= {a/term b/tape} ^+ !!
=- (mean (flop `tang`[>a< -]))
(turn (lore (crip b)) |=(c/cord leaf+(trip c)))
++ bad-response |=(a/@u ?:(=(2 (div a 100)) | ~&(bad-httr+a &)))
++ quay-keys |-($@(knot {$ $})) :: improper tree
++ grab-quay :: ?=({@t @t @t} (grab-quay r:*httr %key1 %key2 %key3))
|* {a/(unit octs) b/quay-keys}
=+ ~| bad-quay+a
c=(rash q:(need `(unit octs)`a) yquy:urlp)
~| grab-quay+[c b]
=+ all=(malt c)
%. b
|* b/quay-keys
?@ b ~|(b (~(got by all) b))
[(..$ -.b) (..$ +.b)]
|_ {(bale keys) tok/token}
++ consumer-key key:decode-keys
++ consumer-secret sec:decode-keys
++ decode-keys :: XX from bale w/ typed %jael
^- {key/@t sec/@t $~}
?. =(~ `@`key)
~| %oauth-bad-keys
((hard {key/@t sec/@t $~}) (lore key))
%+ mean-wall %oauth-no-keys
Run |init-oauth1 {<`path`dom>}
If necessary, obtain consumer keys configured for a oauth_callback of
{(trip oauth-callback)}
++ exchange-token
|= a/$@(@t purl) ^- hiss
(post-quay (parse-url a) ~)
++ request-token
|= a/$@(@t purl) ^- hiss
(post-quay (parse-url a) oauth-callback+oauth-callback ~)
++ our-host .^(hart %e /(scot %p our)/host/fake)
++ oauth-callback
~& [%oauth-warning "Make sure this urbit ".
"is running on {(earn our-host `~ ~)}"]
%- crip %- earn
%^ interpolate 'https://our-host/~/ac/:domain/:user/in'
:~ domain+(join '.' (flop dom))
user+(scot %ta usr)
++ auth-url
|= url/$@(@t purl) ^- purl
%+ add-query:interpolate url
%- quay:hep-to-cab
?. ?=({$request-token ^} tok)
~|(%no-token-for-dialog !!)
:- oauth-token+oauth-token.tok
?~(usr ~ [screen-name+usr]~)
++ grab-token-response
|= a/httr ^- {tok/@t sec/@t}
(grab-quay r.a 'oauth_token' 'oauth_token_secret')
++ identity
%+ weld
?~(usr "default identity for " "{(trip usr)}@")
(trip (join '.' (flop dom)))
++ check-screen-name
|= a/httr ^- ?
=+ nam=(grab-quay r.a 'screen_name')
?~ usr &
?: =(usr nam) &
=< |
%- %*(. slog pri 1)
(flop p:(mule |.(~|(wrong-user+[req=usr got=nam] !!))))
++ check-token-quay
|= a/quay ^+ %&
=. a (sort a aor)
?. ?=({{$'oauth_token' oauth-token/@t} {$'oauth_verifier' @t} $~} a)
~|(no-token+a !!)
?~ tok
%+ mean-wall %no-secret-for-token
Attempting to authorize {identity}
?. =(oauth-token.tok oauth-token.q.i.a)
~| wrong-token+[id=usr q.i.a]
~|(%multiple-tokens-unsupported !!)
++ auth
++ header
|= {auq/quay url/purl med/meth math bod/(unit octs)}
^- cord
=^ quy url [r.url url(r ~)] :: query string handled separately
=. auq (quay:hep-to-cab (weld auq computed-query))
=+ ^- qen/quay-enc :: semi-encoded for sorting
%+ weld (parse-pairs bod)
(encode-pairs (weld auq quy))
=+ bay=(base-string med url qen)
=+ sig=(sign signing-key bay)
=. auq ['oauth_signature'^(crip (urle sig)) auq]
(crip "OAuth {(to-header auq)}")
++ computed-query
^- quay
:~ oauth-consumer-key+consumer-key
oauth-nonce+(scot %uw (shaf %non eny))
oauth-timestamp+(rsh 3 2 (scot %ui (unt now)))
++ base-string
|= {med/meth url/purl qen/quay-enc} ^- tape
=. qen (sort qen aor)
%- join-urle
:~ (trip (cuss (trip `@t`med)))
(earn url)
(joint "&" qen)
++ sign
|= {key/cord bay/tape} ^- tape
(sifo (swap 3 (hmac key (crip bay))))
++ signing-key
%- crip
%- join-urle :~
(trip consumer-secret)
(trip ?^(tok token-secret.tok ''))
++ add-auth-header
|= {extra/quay request/{url/purl meth hed/math (unit octs)}}
^- hiss
:: =. url.request [| `6.000 [%& /localhost]] :: for use with unix nc
~& add-auth-header+(earn url.request)
%_ request
(~(add ja hed.request) %authorization (header:auth extra request))
:: expected semantics, to be copied and modified if anything doesn't work
++ standard
|* {done/* save/$-(token *)} :: save/$-(token _done)
++ save ^-($-(token _done) ^save) :: shadow(type canary)
++ core-move $^({sec-move _done} sec-move) :: stateful
:: use token to sign authorization header. expects:
:: ++ res res-handle-request-token :: save request token
:: ++ in (in-token-exhange 'http://...') :: handle callback
++ out-add-header
|= {request-url/$@(@t purl) dialog-url/$@(@t purl)}
|= a/hiss ^- $%({$send hiss} {$show purl})
?- tok
[%send (add-auth-header ~ (request-token request-url))]
{$access-token ^}
[%send (add-auth-header [oauth-token+oauth-token.tok]~ a)]
{$request-token ^}
[%show (auth-url dialog-url)]
:: If no token is saved, the http response we just got has a request token
++ res-handle-request-token
|= a/httr ^- core-move
?^ tok [%give a]
?. =(%true (grab-quay r.a 'oauth_callback_confirmed'))
~|(%callback-rejected !!)
=+ request-token=(grab-token-response a)
[[%redo ~] (save `token`[%request-token request-token])]
:: Exchange oauth_token in query string for access token. expects:
:: ++ bak bak-save-token :: save access token
++ in-exchange-token
|= exchange-url/$@(@t purl)
|= a/quay ^- sec-move
?> (check-token-quay a)
[%send (add-auth-header a (exchange-token exchange-url))]
:: If a valid access token has been returned, save it
++ bak-save-token
|= a/httr ^- core-move
?: (bad-response p.a)
[%give a] :: [%redo ~] :: handle 4xx?
?. (check-screen-name a)
[[%redo ~] (handle `token`~)]
=+ access-token=(grab-token-response a)
[[%redo ~] (save `token`[%access-token access-token])]
:::: Example "standard" sec/ core:
:: ::
:: :::: /hoon/my-api/com/sec
:: ::
:: /+ oauth1
:: ::
:: ::::
:: ::
:: |_ {bal/(bale keys:oauth1) tok/token:oauth1}
:: ++ aut (~(standard oauth1 bal tok) . |=(tok/token:oauth1 +>(tok tok)))
:: ++ out
:: %+ out-add-header:aut
:: request-token='https://my-api.com/request_token'
:: oauth-dialog='https://my-api.com/authorize'
:: ::
:: ++ res res-handle-request-token:aut
:: ++ in
:: %- in-exchagne-token:aut
:: exchange-url='https://my-api.com/access_token'
:: ::
:: ++ bak bak-save-token:aut
:: --
:::: Equivalent imperative code:
:: ::
:: :::: /hoon/my-api/com/sec
:: ::
:: /+ oauth1
:: ::
:: ::::
:: ::
:: |_ {bal/(bale keys:oauth1) tok/token:oauth1}
:: ++ aut ~(. oauth1 bal tok)
:: ++ out :: add header
:: =+ aut
:: |= req/hiss ^- $%({$send hiss} {$show purl})
:: ?~ tok
:: [%send (add-auth-header ~ (request-token 'https://my-api.com/request_token'))]
:: ?: ?=($request-token -.tok)
:: [%show (auth-url 'https://my-api.com/authorize')]
:: [%send (add-auth-header [oauth-token+ouath-token.tok]~ req)]
:: ::
:: ++ res :: handle request token
:: =+ aut
:: |= res/httr ^- $%({{$redo $~} _..res} {$give httr})
:: ?^ tok [%give a]
:: ?> =(%true (grab r.res 'oauth_callback_confirmed'))
:: =. tok [%request-token (grab-token-response res)]
:: [[%redo ~] ..res]
:: ::
:: ++ in :: exchange token
:: =+ aut
:: |= inp/quay ^- {$send hiss}
:: ?> (check-token-quay inp)
:: :- %send
:: (add-auth-header inp (exchange-token 'https://my-api.com/access_token'))
:: ::
:: ++ bak :: save token
:: =+ aut
:: |= bak/httr ^- $%({{$redo $~} _..bak} {$give httr})
:: ?: (bad-response bak) [%give bak]
:: =. tok [%access-token (grab-token-response res)]
:: [[%redo ~] ..bak]
:: --