Elliot Glaysher 4a0c2f0393 Skeleton implementation of Ames with galaxy lookup.
Needs to be moved to RIO so that I can get logging data about this.
2019-10-08 13:04:21 -07:00

252 lines
8.4 KiB

module Vere.Ames (ames) where
import UrbitPrelude
import Arvo hiding (Fake)
import Network.Socket hiding (recvFrom, sendTo)
import Network.Socket.ByteString
import Vere.Pier.Types
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Urbit.Ob as Ob
import qualified Urbit.Time as Time
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
data AmesDrv = AmesDrv
{ aIsLive :: IORef Bool
, aTurfs :: TVar [Turf]
, aGalaxies :: IORef (M.Map Galaxy (Async (), TQueue ByteString))
, aSocket :: Socket
, aWakeTimer :: Async ()
, aListener :: Async ()
, aSendingQueue :: TQueue (SockAddr, ByteString)
, aSendingThread :: Async ()
data NetworkMode = Fake | Real
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- data GalaxyInfo = GalaxyInfo { ip :: Ipv4, age :: Time.Unix }
-- deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- Utils -----------------------------------------------------------------------
galaxyPort :: NetworkMode -> Galaxy -> PortNumber
galaxyPort Fake (Galaxy g) = fromIntegral g + 31337
galaxyPort Real (Galaxy g) = fromIntegral g + 13337
listenPort :: NetworkMode -> Ship -> PortNumber
listenPort m s | s < 256 = galaxyPort m (fromIntegral s)
listenPort m _ = 0
localhost :: HostAddress
localhost = tupleToHostAddress (127,0,0,1)
okayFakeAddr :: AmesDest -> Bool
okayFakeAddr = \case
ADGala _ _ -> True
ADIpv4 _ p (Ipv4 a) -> a == localhost
destSockAddr :: NetworkMode -> AmesDest -> SockAddr
destSockAddr m = \case
ADGala _ g -> SockAddrInet (galaxyPort m g) localhost
ADIpv4 _ p a -> SockAddrInet (fromIntegral p) (unIpv4 a)
barnEv :: KingId -> Ev
barnEv inst =
EvBlip $ BlipEvNewt $ NewtEvBarn (fromIntegral inst, ()) ()
wakeEv :: Ev
wakeEv =
EvBlip $ BlipEvAmes $ AmesEvWake () ()
hearEv :: Time.Wen -> PortNumber -> HostAddress -> ByteString -> Ev
hearEv w p a bs =
EvBlip $ BlipEvAmes $ AmesEvHear () dest (MkBytes bs)
dest = ADIpv4 w (fromIntegral p) (Ipv4 a)
_turfText :: Turf -> Text
_turfText = intercalate "." . reverse . fmap unCord . unTurf
inst -- Process instance number.
who -- Which ship are we?
enqueueEv -- Queue-event action.
mPort -- Explicit port override from command line arguments.
We ignore the %turf arguments for now. We only have fake ships,
so we don't implement the DNS stuff yet.
TODO Handle socket exceptions in waitPacket
4096 is a reasonable number for recvFrom. Packets of that size are
not possible on the internet.
TODO log when `sendTo` sent fewer bytes than requested.
TODO verify that the KingIds match on effects.
ames :: KingId -> Ship -> Maybe Port -> QueueEv
-> ([Ev], Acquire (EffCb e NewtEf))
ames inst who mPort enqueueEv =
(initialEvents, runAmes)
initialEvents :: [Ev]
initialEvents = [barnEv inst]
runAmes :: Acquire (EffCb e NewtEf)
runAmes = do
drv <- mkAcquire start stop
pure (io . handleEffect drv)
start :: IO AmesDrv
start = do
vLiv <- newIORef False
vTurf <- newTVarIO []
vGalaxies <- newIORef mempty
time <- async runTimer
sock <- bindSock
hear <- async (waitPacket sock)
sendQueue <- newTQueueIO
sending <- async (sendingThread sendQueue sock)
pure $ AmesDrv vLiv vTurf vGalaxies sock time hear sendQueue sending
netMode :: NetworkMode
netMode = Fake
stop :: AmesDrv -> IO ()
stop (AmesDrv{..}) = do
galaxies <- readIORef aGalaxies
mapM_ (cancel . fst) galaxies
cancel aSendingThread
cancel aWakeTimer
cancel aListener
close' aSocket
runTimer :: IO ()
runTimer = forever $ do
threadDelay (300 * 1000000) -- 300 seconds
atomically (enqueueEv wakeEv)
bindSock :: IO Socket
bindSock = do
let ourPort = maybe (listenPort netMode who) fromIntegral mPort
s <- socket AF_INET Datagram defaultProtocol
() <- bind s (SockAddrInet ourPort localhost)
pure s
waitPacket :: Socket -> IO ()
waitPacket s = forever $ do
(bs, addr) <- recvFrom s 4096
wen <- Time.now
case addr of
SockAddrInet p a -> atomically (enqueueEv $ hearEv wen p a bs)
_ -> pure ()
handleEffect :: AmesDrv -> NewtEf -> IO ()
handleEffect drv@AmesDrv{..} = \case
NewtEfTurf (_id, ()) turfs -> do
writeIORef aIsLive True
atomically $ writeTVar aTurfs turfs
NewtEfSend (_id, ()) dest (MkBytes bs) -> do
whenM (readIORef aIsLive) (sendPacket drv netMode dest bs)
sendPacket :: AmesDrv -> NetworkMode -> AmesDest -> ByteString -> IO ()
sendPacket AmesDrv{..} Fake dest bs =
when (okayFakeAddr dest) $ do
atomically $ writeTQueue aSendingQueue ((destSockAddr Fake dest), bs)
sendPacket AmesDrv{..} Real (ADGala wen galaxy) bs = do
galaxies <- readIORef aGalaxies
queue <- case M.lookup galaxy galaxies of
Just (_, queue) -> pure queue
Nothing -> do
inQueue <- newTQueueIO
thread <- galaxyResolver galaxy aTurfs inQueue aSendingQueue
modifyIORef (aGalaxies) (M.insert galaxy (thread, inQueue))
pure inQueue
atomically $ writeTQueue queue bs
sendPacket AmesDrv{..} Real ip@(ADIpv4 _ _ _) bs =
atomically $ writeTQueue aSendingQueue ((destSockAddr Real ip), bs)
-- An outbound queue of messages. We can only write to a socket from one
-- thread, so coalesce those writes here.
sendingThread :: TQueue (SockAddr, ByteString) -> Socket -> IO ()
sendingThread queue socket = forever $ do
(dest, bs) <- atomically $ readTQueue queue
void $ sendTo socket bs dest
-- Asynchronous thread per galaxy which handles domain resolution, and can
-- block its own queue of ByteStrings to send.
-- Maybe perform the resolution asynchronously, injecting into the resolver
-- queue as a message.
-- TODO: Figure out how the real haskell time library works.
galaxyResolver :: Galaxy -> TVar [Turf] -> TQueue ByteString
-> TQueue (SockAddr, ByteString)
-> IO (Async ())
galaxyResolver galaxy turfVar incoming outgoing =
async $ loop Nothing Time.unixEpoch
loop :: Maybe SockAddr -> Time.Wen -> IO ()
loop lastGalaxyIP lastLookupTime = do
packet <- atomically $ readTQueue incoming
i <- checkIP lastGalaxyIP lastLookupTime
case i of
(Nothing, t) -> do
-- We've failed to lookup the IP. Drop the outbound packet
-- because we have no IP for our galaxy, including possible
-- previous IPs.
loop Nothing t
(Just ip, t) -> do
queueSendToGalaxy ip packet
loop (Just ip) t
checkIP :: Maybe SockAddr -> Time.Wen -> IO (Maybe SockAddr, Time.Wen)
checkIP lastIP lastLookupTime = do
current <- Time.now
if (Time.gap current lastLookupTime ^. Time.secs) < 300
then pure (lastIP, lastLookupTime)
else do
toCheck <- atomically $ readTVar turfVar
ip <- resolveFirstIP lastIP toCheck
timeAfterResolution <- Time.now
pure (ip, timeAfterResolution)
resolveFirstIP :: Maybe SockAddr -> [Turf] -> IO (Maybe SockAddr)
resolveFirstIP prevIP [] = do
-- print ("ames: czar at %s: not found (b)\n")
pure prevIP
resolveFirstIP prevIP (x:xs) = do
let hostname = buildDNS galaxy x
listIPs <- getAddrInfo Nothing (Just hostname) Nothing
case listIPs of
[] -> resolveFirstIP prevIP xs
(y:ys) -> pure $ Just $ addrAddress y
buildDNS :: Galaxy -> Turf -> String
buildDNS (Galaxy g) turf = name ++ "." ++ (unpack $ _turfText turf)
nameWithSig = Ob.renderPatp $ Ob.patp $ fromIntegral g
name = case stripPrefix "~" nameWithSig of
Nothing -> error "Urbit.ob didn't produce string with ~"
Just x -> (unpack x)
queueSendToGalaxy :: SockAddr -> ByteString -> IO ()
queueSendToGalaxy inet packet =
atomically $ writeTQueue outgoing (inet, packet)