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synced 2024-12-17 11:51:32 +03:00
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:: Test the pH of your aquarium. See if it's safe to put in real fish.
:: usage:
:: :aqua [%run-test %test-add]
:: TODO:
:: - Restore a fleet
:: - Compose tests
/- aquarium
/+ ph
=, aquarium
=, ph
=> $~ |%
+$ move (pair bone card)
+$ card
$% [%poke wire dock poke-type]
[%peer wire dock path]
[%pull wire dock ~]
[%diff diff-type]
+$ poke-type
$% [%aqua-events (list aqua-event)]
[%drum-start term term]
[%aqua-vane-control ?(%subscribe %unsubscribe)]
+$ diff-type
$% [%aqua-effects aqua-effects]
+$ state
$: %0
raw-test-cores=(map term raw-test-core)
test-cores=(map term test-core-state)
+$ test-core-state
$: hers=(list ship)
effect-log=(list [who=ship uf=unix-effect])
+$ other-state
=, gall
=/ vane-apps=(list term)
~[%aqua %aqua-ames %aqua-behn %aqua-dill %aqua-eyre]
|_ $: hid=bowl
++ this .
++ test-lib ~(. ^test-lib our.hid)
:: Tests that will be run automatically with :ph %run-all-tests
++ auto-tests
=, test-lib
%- malt
^- (list (pair term raw-test-core))
:- %boot-bud
(galaxy ~bud)
:- %add
^- raw-test-core
%+ compose-tests (galaxy ~bud)
%+ stateless-test
|_ now=@da
++ start
(dojo ~bud "[%test-result (add 2 3)]")
++ route
|= [who=ship uf=unix-effect]
(expect-dojo-output ~bud who uf "[%test-result 5]")
:- %hi
%+ compose-tests
%+ compose-tests
(galaxy ~bud)
(galaxy ~dev)
%+ stateless-test
|_ now=@da
++ start
(dojo ~bud "|hi ~dev")
++ route
|= [who=ship uf=unix-effect]
(expect-dojo-output ~bud who uf "hi ~dev successful")
:- %boot-planet
(planet ~linnup-torsyx)
:- %hi-grandparent
%+ compose-tests (planet ~linnup-torsyx)
%+ stateless-test
|_ now=@da
++ start
(dojo ~linnup-torsyx "|hi ~bud")
++ route
|= [who=ship uf=unix-effect]
(expect-dojo-output ~linnup-torsyx who uf "hi ~bud successful")
:- %second-cousin-hi
%+ compose-tests
%+ compose-tests (planet ~mitnep-todsut)
(planet ~haplun-todtus)
%+ stateless-test
|_ now=@da
++ start
(dojo ~haplun-todtus "|hi ~bud")
++ route
|= [who=ship uf=unix-effect]
(expect-dojo-output ~haplun-todtus who uf "hi ~bud successful")
:- %change-file
%+ compose-tests (galaxy ~bud)
(touch-file ~bud %home)
:- %child-sync
%+ compose-tests
%+ compose-tests
(star ~marbud)
(touch-file ~bud %base)
(check-file-touched ~marbud %home)
:: Tests that will not be run automatically.
:: Some valid reasons for not running a test automatically:
:: - Nondeterministic
:: - Depends on external services
:: - Is very slow
++ manual-tests
=, test-lib
%- malt
^- (list (pair term raw-test-core))
:~ :- %boot-from-azimuth
%+ compose-tests
%+ compose-tests
(raw-ship ~bud `(dawn:azimuth ~bud))
(touch-file ~bud %home)
:: %- assert-happens
:: :~
:: ==
++ install-tests
^+ this
=. raw-test-cores
(~(uni by auto-tests) manual-tests)
++ prep
|= old=(unit [@ tests=* rest=*])
^- (quip move _this)
~& jael=.^(noun %j /(scot %p our.hid)/code/(scot %da now.hid)/(scot %p our.hid))
=. this install-tests
?~ old
=/ new ((soft other-state) rest.u.old)
?~ new
`this(+<+>+> u.new)
++ publish-aqua-effects
|= afs=aqua-effects
^- (list move)
%+ murn ~(tap by sup.hid)
|= [b=bone her=ship pax=path]
^- (unit move)
?. ?=([%effects ~] pax)
`[b %diff %aqua-effects afs]
++ run-events
|= [lab=term what=(list ph-event)]
^- (quip move _this)
?: =(~ what)
=/ res
|- ^- (each (list aqua-event) $~)
?~ what
[%& ~]
?: ?=(%test-done -.i.what)
[%| ~]
=/ nex $(what t.what)
?: ?=(%| -.nex)
[%& `aqua-event`i.what p.nex]
?: ?=(%| -.res)
(cancel-test lab)
[[ost.hid %poke /running [our.hid %aqua] %aqua-events p.res]~ this]
:: Cancel subscriptions to ships
++ cancel-test
|= lab=term
^- (quip move _this)
=/ test (~(get by test-cores) lab)
?~ test
=. test-cores (~(del by test-cores) lab)
:_ this
%- zing
%+ turn hers.u.test
|= her=ship
^- (list move)
:~ [ost.hid %pull /[lab]/(scot %p her) [our.hid %aqua] ~]
:* ost.hid
[our.hid %aqua]
[%pause-events her]~
:: Should check whether we're already subscribed
++ subscribe-to-effects
|= [lab=@tas hers=(list ship)]
:_ this
%+ turn hers
|= her=ship
^- move
:* ost.hid
/[lab]/(scot %p her)
[our.hid %aqua]
/effects/(scot %p her)
:: Start the vane drivers
++ init-vanes
^- (list move)
%+ murn
`(list term)`[%aqua vane-apps]
|= vane-app=term
^- (unit move)
=/ app-started
.^(? %gu /(scot %p our.hid)/[vane-app]/(scot %da now.hid))
?: app-started
`[ost.hid %poke /start [our.hid %hood] %drum-start %home vane-app]
:: Restart the vane drivers' subscriptions
++ subscribe-vanes
^- (list move)
%+ turn
|= vane-app=term
[ost.hid %poke /init [our.hid vane-app] %aqua-vane-control %subscribe]
:: Pause all existing ships
++ pause-fleet
^- (list move)
:_ ~
:* ost.hid %poke /pause-fleet [our.hid %aqua] %aqua-events
%+ turn
.^((list ship) %gx /(scot %p our.hid)/aqua/(scot %da now.hid)/ships/noun)
|= who=ship
[%pause-events who]
:: User interface
++ poke-noun
|= arg=*
^- (quip move _this)
?+ arg ~|(%bad-noun-arg !!)
[init-vanes this]
[%run-test lab=@tas]
=/ res=[events=(list ph-event) new-state=raw-test-core]
~(start (~(got by raw-test-cores) lab.arg) now.hid)
=. test-cores (~(put by test-cores) lab.arg [ships . ~]:new-state.res)
=^ moves-1 this (subscribe-to-effects lab.arg ships.new-state.res)
=^ moves-2 this (run-events lab.arg events.res)
[:(weld init-vanes pause-fleet subscribe-vanes moves-1 moves-2) this]
[%print lab=@tas]
=/ log effect-log:(~(got by test-cores) lab.arg)
~& lent=(lent log)
~& %+ roll log
|= [[who=ship uf=unix-effect] ~]
?: ?=(?(%blit %doze) -.q.uf)
?: ?=(%ergo -.q.uf)
~& [who [- +<]:uf %omitted-by-ph]
~& [who uf]
:: Receive effects back from aqua
++ diff-aqua-effects
|= [way=wire afs=aqua-effects]
^- (quip move _this)
:: ~& [%diff-aqua-effect way who.afs]
?> ?=([@tas @ ~] way)
=/ lab i.way
=/ test-cor (~(get by test-cores) lab)
?~ test-cor
~& [%ph-dropping lab]
=+ |- ^- $: thru-effects=(list unix-effect)
events=(list ph-event)
?~ ufs.afs
[~ ~ u.test-cor]
=. effect-log.u.test-cor
[[who i.ufs]:afs effect-log.u.test-cor]
=+ ^- [thru=? events-1=(list ph-event) cor=_cor.u.test-cor]
(~(route cor.u.test-cor now.hid) who.afs i.ufs.afs)
=. cor.u.test-cor cor
=+ $(ufs.afs t.ufs.afs)
:+ ?: thru
[i.ufs.afs thru-effects]
(weld events-1 events)
=. u.test-cor cor
=. test-cores (~(put by test-cores) lab u.test-cor)
=/ moves-1 (publish-aqua-effects who.afs thru-effects)
=^ moves-2 this (run-events lab events)
[(weld moves-1 moves-2) this]
:: Subscribe to effects
++ peer-effects
|= pax=path
^- (quip move _this)
?. ?=(~ pax)
~& [%ph-bad-peer-effects pax]
:: Subscription cancelled
++ pull
|= pax=path
~& [%ph-unsubscribed pax ost.hid]