2020-04-29 18:45:07 +10:00

211 lines
4.5 KiB

/- *chat-store
++ enjs
=, enjs:format
++ letter
|= =^letter
^- json
=, enjs:format
?- -.letter
(frond %text s+text.letter)
(frond %url s+url.letter)
%+ frond %code
%- pairs
:~ [%expression s+expression.letter]
[%output a+(turn output.letter tank)]
(frond %me s+narrative.letter)
++ envelope
|= =^envelope
^- json
%- pairs
:~ [%uid s+(scot %uv uid.envelope)]
[%number (numb number.envelope)]
[%author (ship author.envelope)]
[%when (time when.envelope)]
[%letter (letter letter.envelope)]
++ config
|= =^config
^- json
=, enjs:format
%- pairs
:~ [%length (numb length.config)]
[%read (numb read.config)]
++ configs
|= cfg=^configs
^- json
%+ frond %chat-configs
%- pairs
%+ turn ~(tap by cfg)
|= [pax=^path =^config]
^- [cord json]
[(spat pax) (^config config)]
++ inbox
|= box=^inbox
^- json
%+ frond %chat-initial
%- pairs
%+ turn ~(tap by box)
|= [pax=^path =mailbox]
^- [cord json]
:- (spat pax)
%- pairs
:~ [%envelopes [%a (turn envelopes.mailbox envelope)]]
[%config (config config.mailbox)]
++ update
|= upd=^update
^- json
%+ frond %chat-update
%- pairs
?: ?=(%message -.upd)
:- %message
%- pairs
:~ [%path (path path.upd)]
[%envelope (envelope envelope.upd)]
?: ?=(%messages -.upd)
:- %messages
%- pairs
:~ [%path (path path.upd)]
[%start (numb start.upd)]
[%end (numb end.upd)]
[%envelopes [%a (turn envelopes.upd envelope)]]
?: ?=(%read -.upd)
[%read (pairs [%path (path path.upd)]~)]
?: ?=(%create -.upd)
[%create (pairs [%path (path path.upd)]~)]
?: ?=(%delete -.upd)
[%delete (pairs [%path (path path.upd)]~)]
?: ?=(%config -.upd)
:- %config
%- pairs
:~ [%path (path path.upd)]
[%config (config config.upd)]
[*@t *json]
++ dejs
=, dejs:format
++ action
|= jon=json
^- ^action
=< (parse-json jon)
++ parse-json
%- of
:~ [%create create]
[%delete delete]
[%message message]
[%messages messages]
[%read read]
++ create
(ot [%path pa]~)
++ delete
(ot [%path pa]~)
++ message
%- ot
:~ [%path pa]
[%envelope envelope]
++ messages
%- ot
:~ [%path pa]
[%envelopes (ar envelope)]
++ read
(ot [%path pa] ~)
++ envelope
%- ot
:~ [%uid serial]
[%number ni]
[%author (su ;~(pfix sig fed:ag))]
[%when di]
[%letter letter]
++ letter
%- of
:~ [%text so]
[%url so]
[%code eval]
[%me so]
++ serial
^- $-(json ^serial)
(cu (cury slav %uv) so)
++ re :: recursive reparsers
|* {gar/* sef/_|.(fist:dejs-soft:format)}
|= jon/json
^- (unit _gar)
=- ~! gar ~! (need -) -
((sef) jon)
++ dank :: tank
^- $-(json (unit tank))
=, ^? dejs-soft:format
%+ re *tank |. ~+
%- of :~
palm+(ot style+(ot mid+sa cap+sa open+sa close+sa ~) lines+(ar dank) ~)
rose+(ot style+(ot mid+sa open+sa close+sa ~) lines+(ar dank) ~)
:: %exp speech
++ eval
::: extract contents of an %exp speech, evaluating
::: the {exp} if there is no {res} yet.
|= a=json
^- [cord (list tank)]
=, ^? dejs-soft:format
=+ exp=((ot expression+so ~) a)
%- need
?~ exp [~ '' ~]
:+ ~ u.exp
::NOTE when sending, if output is an empty list, chat-store will evaluate
(fall ((ot output+(ar dank) ~) a) ~)
++ inbox-to-configs
|= =inbox
^- configs
%- ~(run by inbox)
|= =mailbox
^- config