2019-12-19 08:11:59 -08:00

201 lines
6.0 KiB

TODO Support 32-bit archetectures.
TODO Support Big Endian.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Werror #-}
module Noun.Atom
( Atom(..)
, atomBitWidth#, wordBitWidth#, wordBitWidth
, takeBitsWord, bitWidth
, atomBytes, bigNatWords, atomWords
) where
import ClassyPrelude
import Control.Lens hiding (Index)
import Data.Bits (shiftL, shiftR, (.&.), (.|.))
import GHC.Exts (sizeofByteArray#, Ptr(Ptr))
import GHC.Int (Int(..))
import GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals (BigNat(..), bigNatToWord, sizeofBigNat#)
import GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals (indexBigNat#)
import GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals (byteArrayToBigNat#, wordToBigNat, zeroBigNat)
import GHC.Natural (Natural(..))
import GHC.Prim (clz#, minusWord#, plusWord#)
import GHC.Prim (Word#, int2Word#, subIntC#, timesWord#)
import GHC.Word (Word(..))
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BS
import qualified Data.Primitive.ByteArray as Prim
import qualified Data.Primitive.Types as Prim
import qualified Data.Vector.Primitive as VP
import qualified Foreign.ForeignPtr.Unsafe as Ptr
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
type Atom = Natural
wordBitWidth# :: Word# -> Word#
wordBitWidth# w = minusWord# 64## (clz# w)
wordBitWidth :: Word -> Word
wordBitWidth (W# w) = W# (wordBitWidth# w)
bigNatBitWidth# :: BigNat -> Word#
bigNatBitWidth# nat =
lswBits `plusWord#` ((int2Word# lastIdx) `timesWord#` 64##)
(# lastIdx, _ #) = subIntC# (sizeofBigNat# nat) 1#
lswBits = wordBitWidth# (indexBigNat# nat lastIdx)
atomBitWidth# :: Atom -> Word#
atomBitWidth# (NatS# gl) = wordBitWidth# gl
atomBitWidth# (NatJ# bn) = bigNatBitWidth# bn
bitWidth :: Num a => Atom -> a
bitWidth a = fromIntegral (W# (atomBitWidth# a))
{-# INLINE takeBitsWord #-}
takeBitsWord :: Int -> Word -> Word
takeBitsWord wid wor = wor .&. (shiftL 1 wid - 1)
A `Pill` is a bytestring without trailing zeros.
newtype Pill = Pill { unPill :: ByteString }
instance Eq Pill where
(==) x y = (x ^. pillBS) == (y ^. pillBS)
instance Show Pill where
show = show . view pillBS
strip :: (IsSequence seq, Int ~ Index seq, Eq (Element seq), Num (Element seq))
=> seq -> seq
strip buf = take (len - go 0 (len - 1)) buf
len = length buf
go n i | i < 0 = n
| 0 == unsafeIndex buf i = go (n+1) (i-1)
| otherwise = n
pillBS :: Iso' Pill ByteString
pillBS = iso to from
to :: Pill -> ByteString
to = strip . unPill
from :: ByteString -> Pill
from = Pill . strip
bigNatWords :: Iso' BigNat (VP.Vector Word)
bigNatWords = iso to from
to (BN# bArr) = VP.Vector 0 (I# (sizeofByteArray# bArr) `div` 8)
(Prim.ByteArray bArr)
from v@(VP.Vector off (I# len) (Prim.ByteArray buf)) =
case VP.length v of
0 -> zeroBigNat
1 -> wordToBigNat (case VP.unsafeIndex v 0 of W# w -> w)
n -> if off /= 0 then error "words2Nat: bad-vec" else
byteArrayToBigNat# buf len
natWords :: Iso' Natural (VP.Vector Word)
natWords = naturalBigNat . bigNatWords
naturalBigNat :: Iso' Natural BigNat
naturalBigNat = iso to from
to = \case NatS# w -> wordToBigNat w
NatJ# bn -> bn
from bn = case sizeofBigNat# bn of 0# -> 0
1# -> NatS# (bigNatToWord bn)
_ -> NatJ# bn
-- TODO This assumes 64-bit words
packedWord :: Iso' ByteString Word
packedWord = iso to from
from wor = reverse $ fromList $ go 0 []
go i acc | i >= 8 = acc
go i acc | otherwise = go (i+1) (fromIntegral (shiftR wor (i*8)) : acc)
to buf = go 0 0
top = min 8 (length buf)
i idx off = shiftL (fromIntegral $ BS.index buf idx) off
go acc idx = if idx >= top then acc else
go (acc .|. i idx (8*idx)) (idx+1)
wordsToBytes :: VP.Vector Word -> VP.Vector Word8
wordsToBytes (VP.Vector off sz buf) =
VP.Vector (off*8) (sz*8) buf
bsToWords :: ByteString -> VP.Vector Word
bsToWords bs =
VP.generate (1 + length bs `div` 8) $ \i ->
view packedWord (BS.drop (i*8) bs)
TODO Support Big-Endian
bytesBS :: Iso' (VP.Vector Word8) ByteString
bytesBS = iso to from
to :: VP.Vector Word8 -> ByteString
to (VP.Vector off sz buf) =
unsafePerformIO $ do
fp <- BS.mallocByteString sz
let Ptr a = Ptr.unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fp -- Safe b/c returning fp
Prim.copyByteArrayToAddr (Prim.Addr a) buf 0 sz
pure (BS.PS fp off sz)
from :: ByteString -> VP.Vector Word8
from bs = VP.generate (length bs) (BS.index bs)
pillWords :: Iso' Pill (VP.Vector Word)
pillWords = iso toVec fromVec
toVec = view (pillBS . to bsToWords)
fromVec = view (to wordsToBytes . bytesBS . from pillBS)
atomWords :: Iso' Atom (VP.Vector Word)
atomWords = natWords
pill :: Iso' Atom Pill
pill = iso toAtom fromPill
toAtom = view (natWords . from pillWords)
fromPill = view (pillBS . to bsToWords . from natWords)
atomBytes :: Iso' Atom ByteString
atomBytes = pill . pillBS