mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 07:30:23 +03:00
Start with |start %desk %app-name Everywhere in the kernel that we deal with marks, we infer the app it's connected to and use the marks from that desk. Also some light renaming in gall, especially path->wire and current-agent->yoke. Subsequent tasks: - Dojo needs a syntax to run generators and threads from other desks - The home desk should be split into at least a minimal base desk and big "userspace" desk. Dill's initialization logic should be updated to handle - |show-package, |install, and |uninstall should to be written - Clay should have smarter handling of system versions instead of just ignoring what's on each desk. It's not clear that this will work correctly when sys updates right now.
2188 lines
83 KiB
2188 lines
83 KiB
:: /sys/lull
:: %lull: arvo structures
=> ..part
++ lull %330
:: :: ::
:::: :: :: (1) models
:: :: ::
:: # %misc
:: miscellaneous systems types
:: +capped-queue: a +qeu with a maximum number of entries
++ capped-queue
|$ [item-type]
$: queue=(qeu item-type)
:: +clock: polymorphic cache type for use with the clock replacement algorithm
:: The +by-clock core wraps interface arms for manipulating a mapping from
:: :key-type to :val-type. Detailed docs for this type can be found there.
++ clock
|$ :: key-type: mold of keys
:: val-type: mold of values
[key-type val-type]
$: lookup=(map key-type [val=val-type fresh=@ud])
queue=(qeu key-type)
+$ deco ?(~ %bl %br %un) :: text decoration
+$ json :: normal json value
$@ ~ :: null
$% [%a p=(list json)] :: array
[%b p=?] :: boolean
[%o p=(map @t json)] :: object
[%n p=@ta] :: number
[%s p=@t] :: string
== ::
+$ life @ud :: ship key revision
+$ rift @ud :: ship continuity
+$ mime (pair mite octs) :: mimetyped data
+$ octs (pair @ud @) :: octet-stream
+$ sock (pair ship ship) :: outgoing [our his]
+$ stub (list (pair stye (list @c))) :: styled unicode
+$ stye (pair (set deco) (pair tint tint)) :: decos/bg/fg
+$ styl %+ pair (unit deco) :: cascading style
(pair (unit tint) (unit tint)) ::
+$ styx (list $@(@t (pair styl styx))) :: styled text
+$ tint $@ ?(%r %g %b %c %m %y %k %w %~) :: text color
[r=@uxD g=@uxD b=@uxD] :: 24bit true color
+$ turf (list @t) :: domain, tld first
:: ::::
:::: ++ethereum-types :: eth surs for jael
:: ::::
++ ethereum-types
:: ethereum address, 20 bytes.
++ address @ux
:: event location
+$ event-id [block=@ud log=@ud]
++ events (set event-id)
:: ::::
:::: ++azimuth-types :: az surs for jael
:: ::::
++ azimuth-types
=, ethereum-types
++ point
$: :: ownership
$= own
$: owner=address
:: networking
$= net
%- unit
$: =life
sponsor=[has=? who=@p]
escape=(unit @p)
:: spawning
$= kid
%- unit
$: spawn-proxy=address
spawned=(set @p) ::TODO sparse range, pile, see old jael ++py
+$ dnses [pri=@t sec=@t ter=@t]
++ diff-azimuth
$% [%point who=@p dif=diff-point]
[%dns dnses]
++ diff-point
$% [%full new=point] ::
[%owner new=address] :: OwnerChanged
[%activated who=@p] :: Activated
[%spawned who=@p] :: Spawned
[%keys =life =pass] :: ChangedKeys
[%continuity new=@ud] :: BrokeContinuity
[%sponsor new=[has=? who=@p]] :: EscapeAcc/LostSpons
[%escape new=(unit @p)] :: EscapeReq/Can
[%management-proxy new=address] :: ChangedManagementPro
[%voting-proxy new=address] :: ChangedVotingProxy
[%spawn-proxy new=address] :: ChangedSpawnProxy
[%transfer-proxy new=address] :: ChangedTransferProxy
:: +vane-task: general tasks shared across vanes
+$ vane-task
$~ [%born ~]
$% :: i/o device replaced (reset state)
[%born ~]
:: boot completed (XX legacy)
[%init ~]
:: trim state (in response to memory pressure)
[%trim p=@ud]
:: kernel upgraded
[%vega ~]
:: receive message via %ames
:: TODO: move .vane from $plea to here
[%plea =ship =plea:ames]
:: ::::
:::: ++http ::
:: ::::
:: http: shared representations of http concepts
++ http ^?
:: +header-list: an ordered list of http headers
+$ header-list
(list [key=@t value=@t])
:: +method: exhaustive list of http verbs
+$ method
:: +request: a single http request
+$ request
$: :: method: http method
:: url: the url requested
:: The url is not escaped. There is no escape.
:: header-list: headers to pass with this request
:: body: optionally, data to send with this request
body=(unit octs)
:: +response-header: the status code and header list on an http request
:: We separate these away from the body data because we may not wait for
:: the entire body before we send a %progress to the caller.
+$ response-header
$: :: status: http status code
:: headers: http headers
:: +http-event: packetized http
:: Urbit treats Earth's HTTP servers as pipes, where Urbit sends or
:: receives one or more %http-events. The first of these will always be a
:: %start or an %error, and the last will always be %cancel or will have
:: :complete set to %.y to finish the connection.
:: Calculation of control headers such as 'Content-Length' or
:: 'Transfer-Encoding' should be performed at a higher level; this structure
:: is merely for what gets sent to or received from Earth.
+$ http-event
$% :: %start: the first packet in a response
$: %start
:: response-header: first event information
:: data: data to pass to the pipe
data=(unit octs)
:: whether this completes the request
:: %continue: every subsequent packet
$: %continue
:: data: data to pass to the pipe
data=(unit octs)
:: complete: whether this completes the request
:: %cancel: represents unsuccessful termination
[%cancel ~]
:: +get-header: returns the value for :header, if it exists in :header-list
++ get-header
|= [header=@t =header-list]
^- (unit @t)
?~ header-list
?: =(key.i.header-list header)
$(header-list t.header-list)
:: +set-header: sets the value of an item in the header list
:: This adds to the end if it doesn't exist.
++ set-header
|= [header=@t value=@t =header-list]
^- ^header-list
?~ header-list
:: we didn't encounter the value, add it to the end
[[header value] ~]
?: =(key.i.header-list header)
[[header value] t.header-list]
[i.header-list $(header-list t.header-list)]
:: +delete-header: removes the first instance of a header from the list
++ delete-header
|= [header=@t =header-list]
^- ^header-list
?~ header-list
:: if we see it in the list, remove it
?: =(key.i.header-list header)
[i.header-list $(header-list t.header-list)]
:: +unpack-header: parse header field values
++ unpack-header
|^ |= value=@t
^- (unit (list (map @t @t)))
(rust (cass (trip value)) values)
++ values
%+ more
(ifix [. .]:(star ;~(pose ace (just '\09'))) com)
++ pairs
%+ cook
~(gas by *(map @t @t))
%+ most (ifix [. .]:(star ace) mic)
;~(plug token ;~(pose ;~(pfix tis value) (easy '')))
++ value
;~(pose token quoted-string)
++ token :: 7230 token
%+ cook crip
::NOTE this is ptok:de-purl:html, but can't access that here
%- plus
;~ pose
aln zap hax buc cen pam soq tar lus
hep dot ket cab tic bar sig
++ quoted-string :: 7230 quoted string
%+ cook crip
%+ ifix [. .]:;~(less (jest '\\"') doq)
%- star
;~ pose
;~(pfix bas ;~(pose (just '\09') ace prn))
;~(pose (just '\09') ;~(less (mask "\22\5c\7f") (shim 0x20 0xff)))
:: +simple-payload: a simple, one event response used for generators
+$ simple-payload
$: :: response-header: status code, etc
:: data: the data returned as the body
data=(unit octs)
:: ::::
:::: ++ames :: (1a) network
:: ::::
++ ames ^?
:: $task: job for ames
:: Messaging Tasks
:: %hear: packet from unix
:: %heed: track peer's responsiveness; gives %clog if slow
:: %jilt: stop tracking peer's responsiveness
:: %plea: request to send message
:: System and Lifecycle Tasks
:: %born: process restart notification
:: %init: vane boot
:: %sift: limit verbosity to .ships
:: %spew: set verbosity toggles
:: %trim: release memory
:: %vega: kernel reload notification
+$ task
$% [%hear =lane =blob]
[%heed =ship]
[%jilt =ship]
$>(%plea vane-task)
$>(%born vane-task)
$>(%init vane-task)
[%sift ships=(list ship)]
[%spew veb=(list verb)]
[%stir arg=@t]
$>(%trim vane-task)
$>(%vega vane-task)
:: $gift: effect from ames
:: Messaging Gifts
:: %boon: response message from remote ship
:: %clog: notify vane that %boon's to peer are backing up locally
:: %done: notify vane that peer (n)acked our message
:: %lost: notify vane that we crashed on %boon
:: %send: packet to unix
:: System and Lifecycle Gifts
:: %turf: domain report, relayed from jael
+$ gift
$% [%boon payload=*]
[%clog =ship]
[%done error=(unit error)]
[%lost ~]
[%send =lane =blob]
[%turf turfs=(list turf)]
:::: :: (1a2)
++ acru $_ ^? :: asym cryptosuite
|% :: opaque object
++ as ^? :: asym ops
|% ++ seal |~([a=pass b=@] *@) :: encrypt to a
++ sign |~(a=@ *@) :: certify as us
++ sure |~(a=@ *(unit @)) :: authenticate from us
++ tear |~([a=pass b=@] *(unit @)) :: accept from a
-- ::as ::
++ de |~([a=@ b=@] *(unit @)) :: symmetric de, soft
++ dy |~([a=@ b=@] *@) :: symmetric de, hard
++ en |~([a=@ b=@] *@) :: symmetric en
++ ex ^? :: export
|% ++ fig *@uvH :: fingerprint
++ pac *@uvG :: default passcode
++ pub *pass :: public key
++ sec *ring :: private key
-- ::ex ::
++ nu ^? :: reconstructors
|% ++ pit |~([a=@ b=@] ^?(..nu)) :: from [width seed]
++ nol |~(a=ring ^?(..nu)) :: from ring
++ com |~(a=pass ^?(..nu)) :: from pass
-- ::nu ::
-- ::acru ::
:: $address: opaque atomic transport address to or from unix
+$ address @uxaddress
:: $verb: verbosity flag for ames
+$ verb ?(%snd %rcv %odd %msg %ges %for %rot)
:: $blob: raw atom to or from unix, representing a packet
+$ blob @uxblob
:: $error: tagged diagnostic trace
+$ error [tag=@tas =tang]
:: $lane: ship transport address; either opaque $address or galaxy
:: The runtime knows how to look up galaxies, so we don't need to
:: know their transport addresses.
+$ lane (each @pC address)
:: $plea: application-level message, as a %pass
:: vane: destination vane on remote ship
:: path: internal route on the receiving ship
:: payload: semantic message contents
+$ plea [vane=@tas =path payload=*]
:: +| %atomics
+$ bone @udbone
+$ fragment @uwfragment
+$ fragment-num @udfragmentnum
+$ message-blob @udmessageblob
+$ message-num @udmessagenum
+$ public-key @uwpublickey
+$ symmetric-key @uwsymmetrickey
:: +| %kinetics
:: $ack: positive ack, nack packet, or nack trace
+$ ack
$% [%ok ~]
[%nack ~]
[%naxplanation =error]
:: +| %statics
:: $ship-state: all we know about a peer
:: %alien: no PKI data, so enqueue actions to perform once we learn it
:: %known: we know their life and public keys, so we have a channel
+$ ship-state
$% [%alien alien-agenda]
[%known peer-state]
:: $alien-agenda: what to do when we learn a peer's life and keys
:: messages: pleas local vanes have asked us to send
:: packets: packets we've tried to send
:: heeds: local tracking requests; passed through into $peer-state
+$ alien-agenda
$: messages=(list [=duct =plea])
packets=(set =blob)
heeds=(set duct)
:: $peer-state: state for a peer with known life and keys
:: route: transport-layer destination for packets to peer
:: qos: quality of service; connection status to peer
:: ossuary: bone<->duct mapper
:: snd: per-bone message pumps to send messages as fragments
:: rcv: per-bone message sinks to assemble messages from fragments
:: nax: unprocessed nacks (negative acknowledgments)
:: Each value is ~ when we've received the ack packet but not a
:: nack-trace, or an error when we've received a nack-trace but
:: not the ack packet.
:: When we hear a nack packet or an explanation, if there's no
:: entry in .nax, we make a new entry. Otherwise, if this new
:: information completes the packet+nack-trace, we remove the
:: entry and emit a nack to the local vane that asked us to send
:: the message.
:: heeds: listeners for %clog notifications
+$ peer-state
$: $: =symmetric-key
route=(unit [direct=? =lane])
snd=(map bone message-pump-state)
rcv=(map bone message-sink-state)
nax=(set [=bone =message-num])
heeds=(set duct)
:: $qos: quality of service; how is our connection to a peer doing?
:: .last-contact: last time we heard from peer, or if %unborn, when
:: we first started tracking time
+$ qos
$~ [%unborn *@da]
[?(%live %dead %unborn) last-contact=@da]
:: $ossuary: bone<->duct bijection and .next-bone to map to a duct
:: The first bone is 0. They increment by 4, since each flow includes
:: a bit for each message determining forward vs. backward and a
:: second bit for whether the message is on the normal flow or the
:: associated diagnostic flow (for naxplanations).
:: The least significant bit of a $bone is:
:: 1 if "forward", i.e. we send %plea's on this flow, or
:: 0 if "backward", i.e. we receive %plea's on this flow.
:: The second-least significant bit is 1 if the bone is a
:: naxplanation bone, and 0 otherwise. Only naxplanation
:: messages can be sent on a naxplanation bone, as %boon's.
+$ ossuary
$: =next=bone
by-duct=(map duct bone)
by-bone=(map bone duct)
:: $message-pump-state: persistent state for |message-pump
:: Messages queue up in |message-pump's .unsent-messages until they
:: can be packetized and fed into |packet-pump for sending. When we
:: pop a message off .unsent-messages, we push as many fragments as
:: we can into |packet-pump, which sends every packet it eats.
:: Packets rejected by |packet-pump are placed in .unsent-fragments.
:: When we hear a packet ack, we send it to |packet-pump to be
:: removed from its queue of unacked packets.
:: When we hear a message ack (positive or negative), we treat that
:: as though all fragments have been acked. If this message is not
:: .current, then this ack is for a future message and .current has
:: not yet been acked, so we place the ack in .queued-message-acks.
:: If we hear a message ack before we've sent all the fragments for
:: that message, clear .unsent-fragments and have |packet-pump delete
:: all sent fragments from the message. If this early message ack was
:: positive, print it out because it indicates the peer is not
:: behaving properly.
:: If the ack is for the current message, have |packet-pump delete
:: all packets from the message, give the message ack back
:: to the client vane, increment .current, and check if this next
:: message is in .queued-message-acks. If it is, emit the message
:: (n)ack, increment .current, and check the next message. Repeat
:: until .current is not fully acked.
:: The following equation is always true:
:: .next - .current == number of messages in flight
:: At the end of a task, |message-pump sends a %halt task to
:: |packet-pump, which can trigger a timer to be set or cleared based
:: on congestion control calculations. When the timer fires, it will
:: generally cause a packet to be re-sent.
:: Message sequence numbers start at 1 so that the first message will
:: be greater than .last-acked.message-sink-state on the receiver.
:: current: sequence number of earliest message sent or being sent
:: next: sequence number of next message to send
:: unsent-messages: messages to be sent after current message
:: unsent-fragments: fragments of current message waiting for sending
:: queued-message-acks: future message acks to be applied after current
:: packet-pump-state: state of corresponding |packet-pump
+$ message-pump-state
$: current=_`message-num`1
unsent-messages=(qeu message-blob)
unsent-fragments=(list static-fragment)
queued-message-acks=(map message-num ack)
+$ static-fragment
$: =message-num
:: $packet-pump-state: persistent state for |packet-pump
:: next-wake: last timer we've set, or null
:: live: packets in flight; sent but not yet acked
:: metrics: congestion control information
+$ packet-pump-state
$: next-wake=(unit @da)
live=(tree [live-packet-key live-packet-val])
:: $pump-metrics: congestion control state for a |packet-pump
:: This is an Ames adaptation of TCP's Reno congestion control
:: algorithm. The information signals and their responses are
:: identical to those of the "NewReno" variant of Reno; the
:: implementation differs because Ames acknowledgments differ from
:: TCP's, because this code uses functional data structures, and
:: because TCP's sequence numbers reset when a peer becomes
:: unresponsive, whereas Ames sequence numbers only change when a
:: ship breaches.
:: A deviation from Reno is +fast-resend-after-ack, which re-sends
:: timed-out packets when a peer starts responding again after a
:: period of unresponsiveness.
:: If .skips reaches 3, we perform a fast retransmit and fast
:: recovery. This corresponds to Reno's handling of "three duplicate
:: acks".
:: rto: retransmission timeout
:: rtt: roundtrip time estimate, low-passed using EWMA
:: rttvar: mean deviation of .rtt, also low-passed with EWMA
:: num-live: how many packets sent, awaiting ack
:: ssthresh: slow-start threshold
:: cwnd: congestion window; max unacked packets
+$ pump-metrics
$: rto=_~s1
+$ live-packet
$: key=live-packet-key
+$ live-packet-key
$: =message-num
+$ live-packet-val
$: packet-state
+$ packet-state
$: last-sent=@da
:: $message-sink-state: state of |message-sink to assemble messages
:: last-acked: highest $message-num we've fully acknowledged
:: last-heard: highest $message-num we've heard all fragments on
:: pending-vane-ack: heard but not processed by local vane
:: live-messages: partially received messages
+$ message-sink-state
$: last-acked=message-num
pending-vane-ack=(qeu [=message-num message=*])
live-messages=(map message-num partial-rcv-message)
nax=(set message-num)
:: $partial-rcv-message: message for which we've received some fragments
:: num-fragments: total number of fragments in this message
:: num-received: how many fragments we've received so far
:: fragments: fragments we've received, eventually producing a $message
+$ partial-rcv-message
$: num-fragments=fragment-num
fragments=(map fragment-num fragment)
-- ::ames
:: ::::
:::: ++behn :: (1b) timekeeping
:: ::::
++ behn ^?
+$ gift :: out result <-$
$% [%doze p=(unit @da)] :: next alarm
[%wake error=(unit tang)] :: wakeup or failed
[%meta p=vase]
[%heck syn=sign-arvo] :: response to %huck
+$ task :: in request ->$
$~ [%vega ~] ::
$% $>(%born vane-task) :: new unix process
[%rest p=@da] :: cancel alarm
[%drip p=vase] :: give in next event
[%huck syn=sign-arvo] :: give back
$>(%trim vane-task) :: trim state
$>(%vega vane-task) :: report upgrade
[%wait p=@da] :: set alarm
[%wake ~] :: timer activate
-- ::behn
:: ::::
:::: ++clay :: (1c) versioning
:: ::::
++ clay ^?
+$ gift :: out result <-$
$% [%boon payload=*] :: ames response
[%croz rus=(map desk [r=regs w=regs])] :: rules for group
[%cruz cez=(map @ta crew)] :: permission groups
[%dirk p=@tas] :: mark mount dirty
[%ergo p=@tas q=mode] :: version update
[%hill p=(list @tas)] :: mount points
[%done error=(unit error:ames)] :: ames message (n)ack
[%mere p=(each (set path) (pair term tang))] :: merge result
[%note p=@tD q=tank] :: debug message
[%ogre p=@tas] :: delete mount point
[%rule red=dict wit=dict] :: node r+w permissions
[%writ p=riot] :: response
[%wris p=[%da p=@da] q=(set (pair care path))] :: many changes
== ::
+$ task :: in request ->$
$~ [%vega ~] ::
$% [%boat ~] :: pier rebooted
[%cred nom=@ta cew=crew] :: set permission group
[%crew ~] :: permission groups
[%crow nom=@ta] :: group usage
[%drop des=desk] :: cancel pending merge
[%info des=desk dit=nori] :: internal edit
$>(%init vane-task) :: report install
[%into des=desk all=? fis=mode] :: external edit
$: %merg :: merge desks
des=desk :: target
her=@p dem=desk cas=case :: source
how=germ :: method
== ::
$: %fuse :: merge many
des=desk :: target desk
bas=beak :: base desk
con=(list [beak germ]) :: merges
[%mont pot=term bem=beam] :: mount to unix
[%dirk des=desk] :: mark mount dirty
[%ogre pot=$@(desk beam)] :: delete mount point
[%park des=desk yok=yoki ran=rang] :: synchronous commit
[%perm des=desk pax=path rit=rite] :: change permissions
[%pork ~] :: resume commit
$>(%trim vane-task) :: trim state
$>(%vega vane-task) :: report upgrade
[%warp wer=ship rif=riff] :: internal file req
[%werp who=ship wer=ship rif=riff-any] :: external file req
$>(%plea vane-task) :: ames request
== ::
:::: :: (1c2)
+$ aeon @ud :: version number
+$ ankh :: fs node (new)
$~ [~ ~]
$: fil=(unit [p=lobe q=cage]) :: file
dir=(map @ta ankh) :: folders
== ::
+$ beam [[p=ship q=desk r=case] s=path] :: global name
+$ beak [p=ship q=desk r=case] :: path prefix
+$ blob :: fs blob
$% [%delta p=lobe q=[p=mark q=lobe] r=page] :: delta on q
[%direct p=lobe q=page] :: immediate
== ::
:: +cable: a reference to something on the filesystem
:: face: the face to wrap around the imported file
:: file-path: location in clay
+$ cable
$: face=(unit term)
+$ care ?(%a %b %c %d %e %f %p %r %s %t %u %v %w %x %y %z) :: clay submode
+$ case :: ship desk case spur
$% [%da p=@da] :: date
[%tas p=@tas] :: label
[%ud p=@ud] :: number
== ::
+$ cass [ud=@ud da=@da] :: cases for revision
+$ crew (set ship) :: permissions group
+$ dict [src=path rul=real] :: effective permission
+$ dome :: project state
$: ank=ankh :: state
let=@ud :: top id
hit=(map @ud tako) :: changes by id
lab=(map @tas @ud) :: labels
== ::
+$ germ :: merge style
$? %init :: new desk
%fine :: fast forward
%meet :: orthogonal files
%mate :: orthogonal changes
%meld :: force merge
%only-this :: ours with parents
%only-that :: hers with parents
%take-this :: ours unless absent
%take-that :: hers unless absent
%meet-this :: ours if conflict
%meet-that :: hers if conflict
== ::
+$ lobe @uvI :: blob ref
+$ maki [p=@ta q=@ta r=@ta s=path] ::
+$ miso :: ankh delta
$% [%del ~] :: delete
[%ins p=cage] :: insert
[%dif p=cage] :: mutate from diff
[%mut p=cage] :: mutate from raw
== ::
+$ misu :: computed delta
$% [%del ~] :: delete
[%ins p=cage] :: insert
[%dif p=lobe q=cage] :: mutate from diff
== ::
+$ mizu [p=@u q=(map @ud tako) r=rang] :: new state
+$ moar [p=@ud q=@ud] :: normal change range
+$ moat [from=case to=case =path] :: change range
+$ mode (list [path (unit mime)]) :: external files
+$ mood [=care =case =path] :: request in desk
+$ mool [=case paths=(set (pair care path))] :: requests in desk
+$ nori :: repository action
$% [%& p=soba] :: delta
[%| p=@tas] :: label
== ::
+$ nuri :: repository action
$% [%& p=suba] :: delta
[%| p=@tas] :: label
== ::
+$ open $-(path vase) :: get prelude
+$ page (cask *) :: untyped cage
+$ plop blob :: unvalidated blob
+$ rang :: repository
$: hut=(map tako yaki) :: changes
lat=(map lobe blob) :: data
== ::
+$ rant :: response to request
$: p=[p=care q=case r=desk] :: clade release book
q=path :: spur
r=cage :: data
== ::
+$ rave :: general request
$% [%sing =mood] :: single request
[%next =mood] :: await next version
[%mult =mool] :: next version of any
[%many track=? =moat] :: track range
== ::
+$ real :: resolved permissions
$: mod=?(%black %white) ::
who=(pair (set ship) (map @ta crew)) ::
== ::
+$ regs (map path rule) :: rules for paths
+$ riff [p=desk q=(unit rave)] :: request+desist
+$ riff-any
$% [%1 =riff]
+$ rite :: new permissions
$% [%r red=(unit rule)] :: for read
[%w wit=(unit rule)] :: for write
[%rw red=(unit rule) wit=(unit rule)] :: for read and write
== ::
+$ riot (unit rant) :: response+complete
+$ rule [mod=?(%black %white) who=(set whom)] :: node permission
+$ rump [p=care q=case r=@tas s=path] :: relative path
+$ saba [p=ship q=@tas r=moar s=dome] :: patch+merge
+$ soba (list [p=path q=miso]) :: delta
+$ suba (list [p=path q=misu]) :: delta
+$ tako @ :: yaki ref
+$ toro [p=@ta q=nori] :: general change
++ unce :: change part
|* a=mold ::
$% [%& p=@ud] :: skip[copy]
[%| p=(list a) q=(list a)] :: p -> q[chunk]
== ::
++ urge |*(a=mold (list (unce a))) :: list change
+$ whom (each ship @ta) :: ship or named crew
+$ yoki (each yuki yaki) :: commit
+$ yuki :: proto-commit
$: p=(list tako) :: parents
q=(map path (each page lobe)) :: namespace
== ::
+$ yaki :: commit
$: p=(list tako) :: parents
q=(map path lobe) :: namespace
r=tako :: self-reference
t=@da :: date
== ::
:: +page-to-lobe: hash a page to get a lobe.
++ page-to-lobe |=(page (shax (jam +<)))
:: +make-yaki: make commit out of a list of parents, content, and date.
++ make-yaki
|= [p=(list tako) q=(map path lobe) t=@da]
^- yaki
=+ ^= has
%^ cat 7 (sham [%yaki (roll p add) q t])
(sham [%tako (roll p add) q t])
[p q has t]
:: $pile: preprocessed hoon source file
:: /- sur-file :: surface imports from /sur
:: /+ lib-file :: library imports from /lib
:: /= face /path :: imports built hoon file at path
:: /~ face type /path :: imports built hoon files from directory
:: /% face %mark :: imports mark definition from /mar
:: /$ face %from %to :: imports mark converter from /mar
:: /* face %mark /path :: unbuilt file imports, as mark
+$ pile
$: sur=(list taut)
lib=(list taut)
raw=(list [face=term =path])
raz=(list [face=term =spec =path])
maz=(list [face=term =mark])
caz=(list [face=term =mars])
bar=(list [face=term =mark =path])
:: $taut: file import from /lib or /sur
+$ taut [face=(unit term) pax=term]
:: $mars: mark conversion request
:: $tube: mark conversion gate
:: $nave: typed mark core
+$ mars [a=mark b=mark]
+$ tube $-(vase vase)
++ nave
|$ [typ dif]
++ diff |~([old=typ new=typ] *dif)
++ form *mark
++ join |~([a=dif b=dif] *(unit (unit dif)))
++ mash
|~ [a=[ship desk dif] b=[ship desk dif]]
*(unit dif)
++ pact |~([typ dif] *typ)
++ vale |~(noun *typ)
:: $dais: processed mark core
+$ dais
$_ ^|
|_ sam=vase
++ diff |~(new=_sam *vase)
++ form *mark
++ join |~([a=vase b=vase] *(unit (unit vase)))
++ mash
|~ [a=[ship desk diff=vase] b=[ship desk diff=vase]]
*(unit vase)
++ pact |~(diff=vase sam)
++ vale |~(noun sam)
++ get-fit
|= [bek=beak pre=@tas pax=@tas]
^- (unit path)
=/ paz (segments pax)
|- ^- (unit path)
?~ paz
=/ puz=path (snoc `path`[pre i.paz] %hoon)
=+ .^(=arch cy+[(scot %p p.bek) q.bek (scot r.bek) puz])
?^ fil.arch
$(paz t.paz)
:: +segments: compute all paths from :path-part, replacing some `/`s with `-`s
:: For example, when passed a :path-part of 'foo-bar-baz',
:: the product will contain:
:: ```
:: dojo> (segments 'foo-bar-baz')
:: ~[/foo-bar-baz /foo-bar/baz /foo/bar-baz /foo/bar/baz]
:: ```
++ segments
|= suffix=@tas
^- (list path)
=/ parser
(most hep (cook crip ;~(plug ;~(pose low nud) (star ;~(pose low nud)))))
=/ torn=(list @tas) (fall (rush suffix parser) ~[suffix])
%- flop
|- ^- (list (list @tas))
?< ?=(~ torn)
?: ?=([@ ~] torn)
%- zing
%+ turn $(torn t.torn)
|= s=(list @tas)
^- (list (list @tas))
?> ?=(^ s)
~[[i.torn s] [(crip "{(trip i.torn)}-{(trip i.s)}") t.s]]
-- ::clay
:: ::::
:::: ++dill :: (1d) console
:: ::::
++ dill ^?
+$ gift :: out result <-$
$% [%bbye ~] :: reset prompt
[%blit p=(list blit)] :: terminal output
[%burl p=@t] :: activate url
[%logo ~] :: logout
[%meld ~] :: unify memory
[%pack ~] :: compact memory
[%trim p=@ud] :: trim kernel state
== ::
+$ task :: in request ->$
$~ [%vega ~] ::
$% [%belt p=belt] :: terminal input
[%blew p=blew] :: terminal config
[%boot lit=? p=*] :: weird %dill boot
[%crop p=@ud] :: trim kernel state
[%crud p=@tas q=(list tank)] :: print error
[%flee session=~] :: unwatch session
[%flog p=flog] :: wrapped error
[%flow p=@tas q=(list gill:gall)] :: terminal config
[%hail ~] :: terminal refresh
[%heft ~] :: memory report
[%hook ~] :: this term hung up
[%harm ~] :: all terms hung up
$>(%init vane-task) :: after gall ready
[%meld ~] :: unify memory
[%noop ~] :: no operation
[%pack ~] :: compact memory
[%talk p=tank] ::
[%text p=tape] ::
[%view session=~] :: watch session blits
$>(%trim vane-task) :: trim state
$>(%vega vane-task) :: report upgrade
[%verb ~] :: verbose mode
[%knob tag=term level=?(%hush %soft %loud)] :: error verbosity
== ::
:::: :: (1d2)
+$ blew [p=@ud q=@ud] :: columns rows
+$ belt :: client input
$? bolt :: simple input
$% [%mod mod=?(%ctl %met %hyp) key=bolt] :: w/ modifier
[%txt p=(list @c)] :: utf32 text
::TODO consider moving %hey, %rez, %yow here ::
::TMP forward backwards-compatibility ::
:: ::
[%ctl p=@c] ::
[%met p=@c] ::
== == ::
+$ bolt :: simple input
$@ @c :: simple keystroke
$% [%aro p=?(%d %l %r %u)] :: arrow key
[%bac ~] :: true backspace
[%del ~] :: true delete
[%hit r=@ud c=@ud] :: mouse click
[%ret ~] :: return
== ::
+$ blit :: old blit
$% [%bel ~] :: make a noise
[%clr ~] :: clear the screen
[%hop p=@ud] :: set cursor position
[%klr p=stub] :: set styled line
[%lin p=(list @c)] :: set current line
[%mor ~] :: newline
[%sag p=path q=*] :: save to jamfile
[%sav p=path q=@] :: save to file
[%url p=@t] :: activate url
== ::
+$ dill-belt :: new belt
$% [%aro p=?(%d %l %r %u)] :: arrow key
[%bac ~] :: true backspace
[%cru p=@tas q=(list tank)] :: echo error
[%ctl p=@] :: control-key
[%del ~] :: true delete
[%hey ~] :: refresh
[%met p=@] :: meta-key
[%ret ~] :: return
[%rez p=@ud q=@ud] :: resize, cols, rows
[%txt p=(list @c)] :: utf32 text
[%yow p=gill:gall] :: connect to app
== ::
+$ dill-blit :: new blit
$% [%bel ~] :: make a noise
[%clr ~] :: clear the screen
[%hop p=@ud] :: set cursor position
[%klr p=stub] :: styled text
[%mor p=(list dill-blit)] :: multiple blits
[%pom p=stub] :: styled prompt
[%pro p=(list @c)] :: show as cursor+line
[%qit ~] :: close console
[%out p=(list @c)] :: send output line
[%sag p=path q=*] :: save to jamfile
[%sav p=path q=@] :: save to file
[%url p=@t] :: activate url
== ::
+$ flog :: sent to %dill
$% [%crop p=@ud] :: trim kernel state
[%crud p=@tas q=(list tank)] ::
[%heft ~] ::
[%meld ~] :: unify memory
[%pack ~] :: compact memory
[%text p=tape] ::
[%verb ~] :: verbose mode
== ::
-- ::dill
:: ::::
:::: ++eyre :: (1e) http-server
:: ::::
++ eyre ^?
+$ gift
$% :: set-config: configures the external http server
:: TODO: We need to actually return a (map (unit @t) http-config)
:: so we can apply configurations on a per-site basis
[%set-config =http-config]
:: response: response to an event from earth
[%response =http-event:http]
:: response to a %connect or %serve
:: :accepted is whether :binding was valid. Duplicate bindings are
:: not allowed.
[%bound accepted=? =binding]
+$ task
$~ [%vega ~]
$% :: initializes ourselves with an identity
$>(%init vane-task)
:: new unix process
$>(%born vane-task)
:: trim state (in response to memory pressure)
$>(%trim vane-task)
:: report upgrade
$>(%vega vane-task)
:: notifies us of the ports of our live http servers
[%live insecure=@ud secure=(unit @ud)]
:: update http configuration
[%rule =http-rule]
:: starts handling an inbound http request
[%request secure=? =address =request:http]
:: starts handling an backdoor http request
[%request-local secure=? =address =request:http]
:: cancels a previous request
[%cancel-request ~]
:: connects a binding to an app
[%connect =binding app=term]
:: connects a binding to a generator
[%serve =binding =generator]
:: disconnects a binding
:: This must be called with the same duct that made the binding in
:: the first place.
[%disconnect =binding]
:: notifies us that web login code changed
[%code-changed ~]
:: start responding positively to cors requests from origin
[%approve-origin =origin]
:: start responding negatively to cors requests from origin
[%reject-origin =origin]
:: +origin: request origin as specified in an Origin header
+$ origin @torigin
:: +cors-registry: origins categorized by approval status
+$ cors-registry
$: requests=(set origin)
approved=(set origin)
rejected=(set origin)
:: +outstanding-connection: open http connections not fully complete:
:: This refers to outstanding connections where the connection to
:: outside is opened and we are currently waiting on an app to
:: produce the results.
+$ outstanding-connection
$: :: action: the action that had matched
:: inbound-request: the original request which caused this connection
:: response-header: set when we get our first %start
response-header=(unit response-header:http)
:: bytes-sent: the total bytes sent in response
:: +authentication-state: state used in the login system
+$ authentication-state
$: :: sessions: a mapping of session cookies to session information
sessions=(map @uv session)
:: +session: server side data about a session
+$ session
$: :: expiry-time: when this session expires
:: We check this server side, too, so we aren't relying on the browser
:: to properly handle cookie expiration as a security mechanism.
:: channels: channels opened by this session
channels=(set @t)
:: TODO: We should add a system for individual capabilities; we should
:: mint some sort of long lived cookie for mobile apps which only has
:: access to a single application path.
:: channel-state: state used in the channel system
+$ channel-state
$: :: session: mapping between an arbitrary key to a channel
session=(map @t channel)
:: by-duct: mapping from ducts to session key
duct-to-key=(map duct @t)
:: +timer: a reference to a timer so we can cancel or update it.
+$ timer
$: :: date: time when the timer will fire
:: duct: duct that set the timer so we can cancel
:: channel-event: unacknowledged channel event, vaseless sign
+$ channel-event
$% $>(%poke-ack sign:agent:gall)
$>(%watch-ack sign:agent:gall)
$>(%kick sign:agent:gall)
[%fact =mark =noun]
:: channel: connection to the browser
:: Channels are the main method where a webpage communicates with Gall
:: apps. Subscriptions and pokes are issues with PUT requests on a path,
:: while GET requests on that same path open a persistent EventSource
:: channel.
:: The EventSource API is a sequence number based API that browser provide
:: which allow the server to push individual events to the browser over a
:: connection held open. In case of reconnection, the browser will send a
:: 'Last-Event-Id: ' header to the server; the server then resends all
:: events since then.
+$ channel
$: :: channel-state: expiration time or the duct currently listening
:: For each channel, there is at most one open EventSource
:: connection. A 400 is issues on duplicate attempts to connect to the
:: same channel. When an EventSource isn't connected, we set a timer
:: to reap the subscriptions. This timer shouldn't be too short
:: because the
state=(each timer duct)
:: next-id: next sequence number to use
:: last-ack: time of last client ack
:: used for clog calculations, in combination with :unacked
:: events: unacknowledged events
:: We keep track of all events where we haven't received a
:: 'Last-Event-Id: ' response from the client or a per-poke {'ack':
:: ...} call. When there's an active EventSource connection on this
:: channel, we send the event but we still add it to events because we
:: can't assume it got received until we get an acknowledgment.
events=(qeu [id=@ud request-id=@ud =channel-event])
:: unacked: unacknowledged event counts by request-id
:: used for clog calculations, in combination with :last-ack
unacked=(map @ud @ud)
:: subscriptions: gall subscriptions by request-id
:: We maintain a list of subscriptions so if a channel times out, we
:: can cancel all the subscriptions we've made.
subscriptions=(map @ud [ship=@p app=term =path duc=duct])
:: heartbeat: sse heartbeat timer
heartbeat=(unit timer)
:: +binding: A rule to match a path.
:: A +binding is a system unique mapping for a path to match. A +binding
:: must be system unique because we don't want two handlers for a path;
:: what happens if there are two different actions for [~ /]?
+$ binding
$: :: site: the site to match.
:: A ~ will match the Urbit's identity site (your.urbit.org). Any
:: other value will match a domain literal.
site=(unit @t)
:: path: matches this prefix path
:: /~myapp will match /~myapp or /~myapp/longer/path
path=(list @t)
:: +action: the action to take when a binding matches an incoming request
+$ action
$% :: dispatch to a generator
[%gen =generator]
:: dispatch to an application
[%app app=term]
:: internal authentication page
[%authentication ~]
:: internal logout page
[%logout ~]
:: gall channel system
[%channel ~]
:: gall scry endpoint
[%scry ~]
:: respond with the default file not found page
[%four-oh-four ~]
:: +generator: a generator on the local ship that handles requests
:: This refers to a generator on the local ship, run with a set of
:: arguments. Since http requests are time sensitive, we require that the
:: generator be on the current ship.
+$ generator
$: :: desk: desk on current ship that contains the generator
:: path: path on :desk to the generator's hoon file
path=(list @t)
:: args: arguments passed to the gate
:: +http-config: full http-server configuration
+$ http-config
$: :: secure: PEM-encoded RSA private key and cert or cert chain
secure=(unit [key=wain cert=wain])
:: proxy: reverse TCP proxy HTTP(s)
:: log: keep HTTP(s) access logs
:: redirect: send 301 redirects to upgrade HTTP to HTTPS
:: Note: requires certificate.
:: +http-rule: update configuration
+$ http-rule
$% :: %cert: set or clear certificate and keypair
[%cert cert=(unit [key=wain cert=wain])]
:: %turf: add or remove established dns binding
[%turf action=?(%put %del) =turf]
:: +address: client IP address
+$ address
$% [%ipv4 @if]
[%ipv6 @is]
:: [%ames @p]
:: +inbound-request: +http-request and metadata
+$ inbound-request
$: :: authenticated: has a valid session cookie
:: secure: whether this request was encrypted (https)
:: address: the source address of this request
:: request: the http-request itself
+$ cred :: credential
$: hut=hart :: client host
aut=(jug @tas @t) :: client identities
orx=oryx :: CSRF secret
acl=(unit @t) :: accept-language
cip=(each @if @is) :: client IP
cum=(map @tas *) :: custom dirt
== ::
+$ epic :: FCGI parameters
$: qix=(map @t @t) :: query
ced=cred :: client credentials
bem=beam :: original path
== ::
+$ hart [p=? q=(unit @ud) r=host] :: http sec+port+host
+$ hate [p=purl q=@p r=moth] :: semi-cooked request
+$ hiss [p=purl q=moth] :: outbound request
+$ host (each turf @if) :: http host
+$ hoke %+ each [%localhost ~] :: local host
?(%. %. ::
+$ httq :: raw http request
$: p=meth :: method
q=@t :: unparsed url
r=(list [p=@t q=@t]) :: headers
s=(unit octs) :: body
== ::
+$ httr [p=@ud q=mess r=(unit octs)] :: raw http response
+$ math (map @t (list @t)) :: semiparsed headers
+$ mess (list [p=@t q=@t]) :: raw http headers
+$ meth :: http methods
$? %conn :: CONNECT
%delt :: DELETE
%get :: GET
%head :: HEAD
%opts :: OPTIONS
%post :: POST
%put :: PUT
%trac :: TRACE
== ::
+$ moth [p=meth q=math r=(unit octs)] :: http operation
+$ oryx @t :: CSRF secret
+$ pork [p=(unit @ta) q=(list @t)] :: fully parsed url
:: +prox: proxy notification
:: Used on both the proxy (ward) and upstream sides for
:: sending/receiving proxied-request notifications.
+$ prox
$: :: por: tcp port
:: sek: secure?
:: non: authentication nonce
+$ purf (pair purl (unit @t)) :: url with fragment
+$ purl [p=hart q=pork r=quay] :: parsed url
+$ quay (list [p=@t q=@t]) :: parsed url query
++ quer |-($@(~ [p=@t q=@t t=$])) :: query tree
+$ quri :: request-uri
$% [%& p=purl] :: absolute
[%| p=pork q=quay] :: relative
== ::
:: +reserved: check if an ipv4 address is in a reserved range
++ reserved
|= a=@if
^- ?
=/ b (flop (rip 3 a))
:: (software)
?. ?=([@ @ @ @ ~] b) &
?| :: (private)
=(10 i.b)
:: (carrier-grade NAT)
&(=(100 i.b) (gte i.t.b 64) (lte i.t.b 127))
:: (localhost)
=(127 i.b)
:: (link-local)
&(=(169 i.b) =(254 i.t.b))
:: (private)
&(=(172 i.b) (gte i.t.b 16) (lte i.t.b 31))
:: (protocol assignment)
&(=(192 i.b) =(0 i.t.b) =(0 i.t.t.b))
:: (documentation)
&(=(192 i.b) =(0 i.t.b) =(2 i.t.t.b))
:: (reserved, benchmark)
&(=(192 i.b) |(=(18 i.t.b) =(19 i.t.b)))
:: (documentation)
&(=(192 i.b) =(51 i.t.b) =(100 i.t.t.b))
:: (reserved, ex-anycast)
&(=(192 i.b) =(88 i.t.b) =(99 i.t.t.b))
:: (private)
&(=(192 i.b) =(168 i.t.b))
:: 203.0.113/24 (documentation)
&(=(203 i.b) =(0 i.t.b) =(113 i.t.t.b))
:: (multicast)
:: (reserved, future)
:: (broadcast)
(gte i.b 224)
:: +ipa: parse ip address
++ ipa
;~(pose (stag %ipv4 ip4) (stag %ipv6 ip6))
:: +ip4: parse ipv4 address
++ ip4
=+ byt=(ape:ag ted:ab)
(bass 256 ;~(plug byt (stun [3 3] ;~(pfix dot byt))))
:: +ip6: parse ipv6 address
++ ip6
%+ bass 0x1.0000
%+ sear
|= hexts=(list $@(@ [~ %zeros]))
^- (unit (list @))
:: not every list of hextets is an ipv6 address
=/ legit=?
=+ l=(lent hexts)
=+ c=|=(a=* ?=([~ %zeros] a))
?| &((lth l 8) ?=([* ~] (skim hexts c)))
&(=(8 l) !(lien hexts c))
?. legit ~
%- some
:: expand zeros
%- zing
%+ turn hexts
|= hext=$@(@ [~ %zeros])
?@ hext [hext]~
(reap (sub 9 (lent hexts)) 0)
:: parse hextets, producing cell for shorthand zeroes
|^ %+ cook
|= [a=(list @) b=(list [~ %zeros]) c=(list @)]
:(welp a b c)
;~ plug
(more col het)
(stun [0 1] cel)
(more col het)
++ cel (cold `%zeros ;~(plug col col))
++ het (bass 16 (stun [1 4] six:ab))
+$ rout [p=(list host) q=path r=oryx s=path] :: http route (new)
+$ user knot :: username
-- ::eyre
:: ::::
:::: ++gall :: (1g) extensions
:: ::::
++ gall ^?
+$ gift :: outgoing result
$% [%boon payload=*] :: ames response
[%done error=(unit error:ames)] :: ames message (n)ack
[%onto p=(each suss tang)] :: about agent
[%unto p=unto] ::
== ::
+$ task :: incoming request
$~ [%vega ~] ::
$% [%conf =desk dap=term] :: start agent
[%deal p=sock q=term r=deal] :: full transmission
[%goad force=? agent=(unit dude)] :: rebuild agent(s)
[%sear =ship] :: clear pending queues
[%fade dap=term style=?(%slay %idle %jolt)] :: put app to sleep
$>(%init vane-task) :: set owner
$>(%trim vane-task) :: trim state
$>(%vega vane-task) :: report upgrade
$>(%plea vane-task) :: network request
== ::
+$ bitt (map duct (pair ship path)) :: incoming subs
+$ boat :: outgoing subs
%+ map [=wire =ship =term] ::
[acked=? =path] ::
+$ bowl :: standard app state
$: $: our=ship :: host
src=ship :: guest
dap=term :: agent
== ::
$: wex=boat :: outgoing subs
sup=bitt :: incoming subs
== ::
$: act=@ud :: change number
eny=@uvJ :: entropy
now=@da :: current time
byk=beak :: load source
== == ::
+$ dude term :: server identity
+$ gill (pair ship term) :: general contact
+$ scar :: opaque duct
$: p=@ud :: bone sequence
q=(map duct bone) :: by duct
r=(map bone duct) :: by bone
== ::
+$ suss (trel dude @tas @da) :: config report
+$ well (pair desk term) ::
+$ neat
$% [%arvo =note-arvo]
[%agent [=ship name=term] =deal]
+$ deal
$% [%raw-poke =mark =noun]
+$ unto
$% [%raw-fact =mark =noun]
:: +agent: app core
++ agent
=< form
+$ step (quip card form)
+$ card (wind note gift)
+$ note
$% [%arvo =note-arvo]
[%agent [=ship name=term] =task]
+$ task
$% [%watch =path]
[%watch-as =mark =path]
[%leave ~]
[%poke =cage]
[%poke-as =mark =cage]
+$ gift
$% [%fact paths=(list path) =cage]
[%kick paths=(list path) ship=(unit ship)]
[%watch-ack p=(unit tang)]
[%poke-ack p=(unit tang)]
+$ sign
$% [%poke-ack p=(unit tang)]
[%watch-ack p=(unit tang)]
[%fact =cage]
[%kick ~]
++ form
$_ ^|
|_ bowl
++ on-init
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-save
++ on-load
|~ old-state=vase
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-poke
|~ [mark vase]
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-watch
|~ path
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-leave
|~ path
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-peek
|~ path
*(unit (unit cage))
++ on-agent
|~ [wire sign]
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-arvo
|~ [wire sign-arvo]
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
++ on-fail
|~ [term tang]
*(quip card _^|(..on-init))
-- ::gall
:: %iris http-client interface
++ iris ^?
:: +gift: effects the client can emit
+$ gift
$% :: %request: outbound http-request to earth
:: TODO: id is sort of wrong for this interface; the duct should
:: be enough to identify which request we're talking about?
[%request id=@ud request=request:http]
:: %cancel-request: tell earth to cancel a previous %request
[%cancel-request id=@ud]
:: %response: response to the caller
[%http-response =client-response]
+$ task
$~ [%vega ~]
$% :: system started up; reset open connections
$>(%born vane-task)
:: trim state (in response to memory pressure)
$>(%trim vane-task)
:: report upgrade
$>(%vega vane-task)
:: fetches a remote resource
[%request =request:http =outbound-config]
:: cancels a previous fetch
[%cancel-request ~]
:: receives http data from outside
[%receive id=@ud =http-event:http]
:: +client-response: one or more client responses given to the caller
+$ client-response
$% :: periodically sent as an update on the duct that sent %fetch
$: %progress
:: http-response-header: full transaction header
:: In case of a redirect chain, this is the target of the
:: final redirect.
:: bytes-read: bytes fetched so far
:: expected-size: the total size if response had a content-length
expected-size=(unit @ud)
:: incremental: data received since the last %http-progress
incremental=(unit octs)
:: final response of a download, parsed as mime-data if successful
[%finished =response-header:http full-file=(unit mime-data)]
:: canceled by the runtime system
[%cancel ~]
:: mime-data: externally received but unvalidated mimed data
+$ mime-data
[type=@t data=octs]
:: +outbound-config: configuration for outbound http requests
+$ outbound-config
$: :: number of times to follow a 300 redirect before erroring
:: Common values for this will be 3 (the limit most browsers use), 5
:: (the limit recommended by the http standard), or 0 (let the
:: requester deal with 300 redirects).
:: number of times to retry before failing
:: When we retry, we'll automatically try to use the 'Range' header
:: to resume the download where we left off if we have the
:: 'Accept-Range: bytes' in the original response.
:: +to-httr: adapts to old eyre interface
++ to-httr
|= [header=response-header:http full-file=(unit mime-data)]
^- httr:eyre
=/ data=(unit octs)
?~(full-file ~ `data.u.full-file)
[status-code.header headers.header data]
:: ::::
:::: ++jael :: (1h) security
:: ::::
++ jael ^?
+$ public-keys-result
$% [%full points=(map ship point)]
[%diff who=ship =diff:point]
[%breach who=ship]
:: ::
+$ gift :: out result <-$
$% [%done error=(unit error:ames)] :: ames message (n)ack
[%boon payload=*] :: ames response
[%private-keys =life vein=(map life ring)] :: private keys
[%public-keys =public-keys-result] :: ethereum changes
[%turf turf=(list turf)] :: domains
== ::
:: +seed: private boot parameters
+$ seed [who=ship lyf=life key=ring sig=(unit oath:pki)]
+$ task :: in request ->$
$~ [%vega ~] ::
$% [%dawn dawn-event] :: boot from keys
[%fake =ship] :: fake boot
[%listen whos=(set ship) =source] :: set ethereum source
::TODO %next for generating/putting new private key
[%meet =ship =life =pass] :: met after breach
[%moon =ship =udiff:point] :: register moon keys
[%nuke whos=(set ship)] :: cancel tracker from
[%private-keys ~] :: sub to privates
[%public-keys ships=(set ship)] :: sub to publics
[%rekey =life =ring] :: update private keys
$>(%trim vane-task) :: trim state
[%turf ~] :: view domains
$>(%vega vane-task) :: report upgrade
$>(%plea vane-task) :: ames request
[%step ~] :: reset web login code
== ::
+$ dawn-event
$: =seed
spon=(list [=ship point:azimuth-types])
czar=(map ship [=rift =life =pass])
turf=(list turf)
node=(unit purl:eyre)
++ block
=< block
+$ hash @uxblockhash
+$ number @udblocknumber
+$ id [=hash =number]
+$ block [=id =parent=hash]
:: Azimuth points form a groupoid, where the objects are all the
:: possible values of +point and the arrows are the possible values
:: of (list point-diff). Composition of arrows is concatenation,
:: and you can apply the diffs to a +point with +apply.
:: It's simplest to consider +point as the coproduct of three
:: groupoids, Rift, Keys, and Sponsor. Recall that the coproduct
:: of monoids is the free monoid (Kleene star) of the coproduct of
:: the underlying sets of the monoids. The construction for
:: groupoids is similar. Thus, the objects of the coproduct are
:: the product of the objects of the underlying groupoids. The
:: arrows are a list of a sum of the diff types of the underlying
:: groupoids. Given an arrow=(list diff), you can project to the
:: underlying arrows with +skim filtering on the head of each diff.
:: The identity element is ~. Clearly, composing this with any
:: +diff gives the original +diff. Since this is a category,
:: +compose must be associative (true, because concatenation is
:: associative). This is a groupoid, so we must further have that
:: every +point-diff has an inverse. These are given by the
:: +inverse operation.
++ point
=< point
+$ point
$: =rift
keys=(map life [crypto-suite=@ud =pass])
sponsor=(unit @p)
+$ key-update [=life crypto-suite=@ud =pass]
:: Invertible diffs
+$ diffs (list diff)
+$ diff
$% [%rift from=rift to=rift]
[%keys from=key-update to=key-update]
[%spon from=(unit @p) to=(unit @p)]
:: Non-invertible diffs
+$ udiffs (list [=ship =udiff])
+$ udiff
$: =id:block
$% [%rift =rift]
[%keys key-update]
[%spon sponsor=(unit @p)]
[%disavow ~]
== ==
++ udiff-to-diff
|= [=a=udiff =a=point]
^- (unit diff)
?- +<.a-udiff
%disavow ~|(%udiff-to-diff-disavow !!)
%spon `[%spon sponsor.a-point sponsor.a-udiff]
?. (gth rift.a-udiff rift.a-point)
~? !=(rift.a-udiff +(rift.a-point))
[%udiff-to-diff-skipped-rift a-udiff a-point]
`[%rift rift.a-point rift.a-udiff]
?. (gth life.a-udiff life.a-point)
~? !=(life.a-udiff +(life.a-point))
[%udiff-to-diff-skipped-life a-udiff a-point]
:^ ~ %keys
[life.a-point (~(gut by keys.a-point) life.a-point *[@ud pass])]
[life crypto-suite pass]:a-udiff
++ inverse
|= diffs=(list diff)
^- (list diff)
%- flop
%+ turn diffs
|= =diff
^- ^diff
?- -.diff
%rift [%rift to from]:diff
%keys [%keys to from]:diff
%spon [%spon to from]:diff
++ compose
(bake weld ,[(list diff) (list diff)])
++ apply
|= [diffs=(list diff) =a=point]
(roll diffs (apply-diff a-point))
++ apply-diff
|= a=point
|: [*=diff a-point=a]
^- point
?- -.diff
?> =(rift.a-point from.diff)
a-point(rift to.diff)
?> =(life.a-point life.from.diff)
?> =((~(get by keys.a-point) life.a-point) `+.from.diff)
%_ a-point
life life.to.diff
keys (~(put by keys.a-point) life.to.diff +.to.diff)
?> =(sponsor.a-point from.diff)
a-point(sponsor to.diff)
:: ::
:::: ::
:: ::
+$ source (each ship term)
+$ source-id @udsourceid
:: +state-eth-node: state of a connection to an ethereum node
+$ state-eth-node :: node config + meta
$: top-source-id=source-id
sources=(map source-id source)
sources-reverse=(map source source-id)
ship-sources=(map ship source-id)
ship-sources-reverse=(jug source-id ship)
== ::
:: ::
:::: ++pki:jael :: (1h2) certificates
:: ::::
++ pki ^?
::TODO update to fit azimuth-style keys
:: the urbit meta-certificate (++will) is a sequence
:: of certificates (++cert). each cert in a will
:: revokes and replaces the previous cert. the
:: version number of a ship is a ++life.
:: the deed contains an ++arms, a definition
:: of cosmetic identity; a semi-trusted parent,
:: which signs the initial certificate and provides
:: routing services; and a dirty bit. if the dirty
:: bit is set, the new life of this ship may have
:: lost information that the old life had.
+$ hand @uvH :: 128-bit hash
+$ mind [who=ship lyf=life] :: key identifier
+$ name (pair @ta @t) :: ascii / unicode
+$ oath @ :: signature
-- :: pki
-- :: jael
+$ gift-arvo :: out result <-$
$~ [%doze ~]
$% gift:ames
+$ task-arvo :: in request ->$
$% task:ames
+$ note-arvo :: out request $->
$~ [%b %wake ~]
$% [%a task:ames]
[%b task:behn]
[%c task:clay]
[%d task:dill]
[%e task:eyre]
[%g task:gall]
[%i task:iris]
[%j task:jael]
[%$ %whiz ~]
[@tas %meta vase]
:: full vane names are required in vanes
+$ sign-arvo :: in result $<-
$% [%ames gift:ames]
$: %behn
$% gift:behn
$>(%wris gift:clay)
$>(%writ gift:clay)
$>(%mere gift:clay)
$>(%unto gift:gall)
[%clay gift:clay]
[%dill gift:dill]
[%eyre gift:eyre]
[%gall gift:gall]
[%iris gift:iris]
[%jael gift:jael]
:: $unix-task: input from unix
+$ unix-task :: input from unix
$~ [%wake ~]
$% :: %dill: keyboard input
$>(%belt task:dill)
:: %dill: configure terminal (resized)
$>(%blew task:dill)
:: %clay: new process
$>(%boat task:clay)
:: %behn/%eyre/%iris: new process
$>(%born vane-task)
:: %eyre: cancel request
[%cancel-request ~]
:: %dill: reset terminal configuration
$>(%hail task:dill)
:: %ames: hear packet
$>(%hear task:ames)
:: %dill: hangup
$>(%hook task:dill)
:: %clay: external edit
$>(%into task:clay)
:: %eyre: learn ports of live http servers
$>(%live task:eyre)
:: %iris: hear (partial) http response
$>(%receive task:iris)
:: %eyre: starts handling an inbound http request
$>(%request task:eyre)
:: %eyre: starts handling an backdoor http request
$>(%request-local task:eyre)
:: %behn: wakeup
$>(%wake task:behn)
-- ::