mirror of
synced 2025-01-01 11:32:22 +03:00
This removes the %http-response special case from gall. In its place, we implement a subscription regime with the following steps: - Agent sends %connect to Eyre - Eyre pokes agent with %handle-http-response, including unique eyre-id - Agent passes %start-watching to Eyre with eyre-id and unique app-id - Eyre subscribes to agent on /http-response/app-id - Agent produces a %http-response-header fact followed by 0 or more %http-response-data facts and possibly a %http-response-cancel fact - Agent produces a %kick to close the subscription, which Eyre interprets as completion of the message. This works when there is data. There is currently a bug where if the response has no data in total (as in the case of a naked 404), no response will be sent. This also includes lib/http-handler, which implements a convenient interface for agents that want to respond immediately with all the data. This lets them avoid carrying extra state to keep track of pending requests. This should really have access to your state and the ability to change it. Perhaps a more minimalist design would be better: just keep track of the requests, then hand it off to +on-watch when eyre is ready to receive responses. It's not clear how to pass in the request data in +on-watch.
1139 lines
33 KiB
1139 lines
33 KiB
!: :: /vane/jael
:: :: %reference/0
!? 150
:: %jael: secrets and promises.
:: todo:
:: - communication with other vanes:
:: - actually use %behn for expiring secrets
:: - report %ames propagation errors to user
:: - nice features:
:: - scry namespace
:: - task for converting invites to tickets
|= pit/vase
=, pki:jael
=, able:jael
=, crypto
=, jael
=, ethereum
=, rpc
=, azimuth
=, point=point:able:jael
:: ::::
:::: # models :: data structures
:: ::::
:: the %jael state comes in two parts: absolute
:: and relative.
:: ++state-relative is subjective, denormalized and
:: derived. it consists of all the state we need to
:: manage subscriptions efficiently.
=> |%
+$ state :: all vane state
$: ver=$0 :: vane version
pki=state-pki ::
etn=state-eth-node :: eth connection state
== ::
+$ state-pki :: urbit metadata
$: $= own :: vault (vein)
$: yen=(set duct) :: trackers
sig=(unit oath) :: for a moon
tuf=(list turf) :: domains
boq=@ud :: boot block
nod=purl:eyre :: eth gateway
fak=_| :: fake keys
lyf=life :: version
jaw=(map life ring) :: private keys
== ::
$= zim :: public
$: yen=(jug duct ship) :: trackers
ney=(jug ship duct) :: reverse trackers
nel=(set duct) :: trackers of all
dns=dnses :: on-chain dns state
pos=(map ship point) :: on-chain ship state
== ::
== ::
+$ message :: message to her jael
$% [%nuke whos=(set ship)] :: cancel trackers
[%public-keys whos=(set ship)] :: view ethereum events
[%public-keys-result =public-keys-result] ::
== ::
+$ card :: i/o action
(wind note gift) ::
:: ::
+$ move :: output
[p=duct q=card] ::
:: ::
+$ note :: out request $->
$~ [%a %want *ship *path **] ::
$% $: %a :: to %ames
$>(%want task:able:ames) :: send message
== ::
$: %m :: to self
$>(%deal task:able:mall) :: set ethereum source
== ::
$: %j :: to self
$>(%listen task) :: set ethereum source
== ::
$: @tas ::
$% $>(%init vane-task) :: report install
== == == ::
:: ::
+$ peer-sign [=ship =udiff:point] ::
:: ::
+$ sign :: in result $<-
$~ [%a %woot *ship ~] ::
$% [%a $>(%woot gift:able:ames)] :: message result
$: %m ::
$> $? %onto ::
%unto ::
== ::
gift:able:mall ::
== ::
-- ::
:: ::::
:::: # light :: light cores
:: ::::
=> |%
:: :: ++ez
:::: ## ethereum^light :: wallet algebra
:: ::::
++ ez
:: simple ethereum-related utility arms.
:: +order-events: sort changes by block and log numbers
++ order-events
|= loz=(list (pair event-id diff-azimuth))
^+ loz
%+ sort loz
:: sort by block number, then by event log number,
::TODO then by diff priority.
|= [[[b1=@ud l1=@ud] *] [[b2=@ud l2=@ud] *]]
?. =(b1 b2) (lth b1 b2)
?. =(l1 l2) (lth l1 l2)
:: ::::
:::: # heavy :: heavy engines
:: ::::
=> |%
:: :: ++of
:::: ## main^heavy :: main engine
:: ::::
++ of
:: this core handles all top-level %jael semantics,
:: changing state and recording moves.
:: logically we could nest the ++su core within it, but
:: we keep them separated for clarity. the ++curd and
:: ++cure arms complete relative and absolute effects,
:: respectively, at the top level.
:: XX doc
:: a general pattern here is that we use the ++et core
:: to generate absolute effects (++change), then invoke
:: ++su to calculate the derived effect of these changes.
:: for ethereum-related events, this is preceded by
:: invocation of ++et, which produces ethereum-level
:: changes (++chain). these get turned into absolute
:: effects by ++cute.
:: arvo issues: should be merged with the top-level
:: vane interface when that gets cleaned up a bit.
=| moz/(list move)
=| $: $: :: our: identity
:: now: current time
:: eny: unique entropy
:: all vane state
:: lex: all durable state
:: moz: pending actions
=* lex ->
:: :: ++abet:of
++ abet :: resolve
[(flop moz) lex]
:: :: ++sein:of
++ emit
|= =move
+>.$(moz [move moz])
++ poke-watch
|= [hen=duct app=term =purl:eyre]
%- emit
:* hen
[our our]
!>([%watch (crip (en-purl:html purl))])
++ sein :: sponsor
|= who=ship
^- ship
:: XX save %dawn sponsor in .own.sub, check there
=/ pot (~(get by pos.zim.pki) who)
?: ?& ?=(^ pot)
?=(^ sponsor.u.pot)
(^sein:title who)
:: :: ++saxo:of
++ saxo :: sponsorship chain
|= who/ship
^- (list ship)
=/ dad (sein who)
[who ?:(=(who dad) ~ $(who dad))]
:: :: ++call:of
++ call :: invoke
|= $: :: hen: event cause
:: tac: event data
^+ +>
?- -.tac
:: boot from keys
:: $: $dawn
:: =seed
:: spon=ship
:: czar=(map ship [=rift =life =pass])
:: turf=(list turf)}
:: bloq=@ud
:: node=purl
:: ==
:: single-homed
~| [our who.seed.tac]
?> =(our who.seed.tac)
:: save our boot block
=. boq.own.pki bloq.tac
:: save our ethereum gateway (required for galaxies)
=. nod.own.pki
%+ fall node.tac
(need (de-purl:html 'http://eth-mainnet.urbit.org:8545'))
:: save our parent signature (only for moons)
=. sig.own.pki sig.seed.tac
:: load our initial public key
=. pos.zim.pki
=/ cub (nol:nu:crub:crypto key.seed.tac)
%+ ~(put by pos.zim.pki)
=/ spon-ship
=/ flopped-spon (flop spon.tac)
?~(flopped-spon ~ `ship.i.flopped-spon)
[1 lyf.seed.tac (my [lyf.seed.tac [1 pub:ex:cub]] ~) spon-ship]
:: our initial private key
=. lyf.own.pki lyf.seed.tac
=. jaw.own.pki (my [lyf.seed.tac key.seed.tac] ~)
:: XX save sponsor in .own.pki
:: XX reconcile with .dns.eth
:: set initial domains
=. tuf.own.pki turf.tac
:: our initial galaxy table as a +map from +life to +public
=/ spon-points=(list [ship point])
%+ turn spon.tac
|= [=ship az-point=point:azimuth]
~| [%sponsor-point az-point]
?> ?=(^ net.az-point)
:* ship
(malt [life.u.net.az-point 1 pass.u.net.az-point] ~)
?. has.sponsor.u.net.az-point
=/ points=(map =ship =point)
%- ~(run by czar.tac)
|= [=a=rift =a=life =a=pass]
^- point
[a-rift a-life (malt [a-life 1 a-pass] ~) ~]
=. points
(~(gas by points) spon-points)
=. +>.$
%- curd =< abet
(public-keys:~(feel su hen our pki etn) %full points)
:: start subscriptions
=. +>.$ (poke-watch hen %azimuth-tracker nod.own.pki)
=. +>.$
?- (clan:title our)
%- curd =< abet
(sources:~(feel su hen our pki etn) ~ [%| %azimuth-tracker])
=/ spon-ship
?> ?=(^ spon.tac)
=. +>.$
%- curd =< abet
%+ sources:~(feel su hen our pki etn)
(silt spon-ship ~)
[%| %azimuth-tracker]
%- curd =< abet
(sources:~(feel su hen our pki etn) ~ [%& spon-ship])
=. moz
%+ weld moz
:: order is crucial!
:: %dill must init after %mall
:: the %give init (for unix) must be after %dill init
:: %jael init must be deferred (makes http requests)
^- (list move)
:~ [hen %give %init our]
[hen %slip %e %init our]
[hen %slip %d %init our]
[hen %slip %m %init our]
[hen %slip %c %init our]
[hen %slip %a %init our]
:: boot fake
:: [%fake =ship]
:: single-homed
?> =(our ship.tac)
:: fake keys are deterministically derived from the ship
=/ cub (pit:nu:crub:crypto 512 our)
:: our initial public key
=. pos.zim.pki
%+ ~(put by pos.zim.pki)
[rift=1 life=1 (my [`@ud`1 [`life`1 pub:ex:cub]] ~) `(^sein:title our)]
:: our private key
:: Private key updates are disallowed for fake ships,
:: so we do this first.
=. lyf.own.pki 1
=. jaw.own.pki (my [1 sec:ex:cub] ~)
:: set the fake bit
=. fak.own.pki &
:: initialize other vanes per the usual procedure
:: Except for ourselves!
=. moz
%+ weld moz
^- (list move)
:~ [hen %give %init our]
[hen %slip %e %init our]
[hen %slip %d %init our]
[hen %slip %m %init our]
[hen %slip %c %init our]
[hen %slip %a %init our]
:: set ethereum source
:: [%listen whos=(set ship) =source]
~& [%jael-listen whos source]:tac
%- curd =< abet
(sources:~(feel su hen our pki etn) [whos source]:tac)
:: cancel all trackers from duct
:: {$nuke whos=(set ship)}
=/ ships=(list ship)
%~ tap in
%- ~(int in whos.tac)
(~(get ju yen.zim.pki) hen)
=. ney.zim.pki
|- ^- (jug ship duct)
?~ ships
(~(del ju $(ships t.ships)) i.ships hen)
=. yen.zim.pki
|- ^- (jug duct ship)
?~ ships
(~(del ju $(ships t.ships)) hen i.ships)
=? nel.zim.pki ?=(~ whos.tac)
(~(del in nel.zim.pki) hen)
?^ whos.tac
%_ +>.$
yen.own.pki (~(del in yen.own.pki) hen)
:: update private keys
%- curd =< abet
(private-keys:~(feel su hen our pki etn) life.tac ring.tac)
:: update private keys
?. =(%earl (clan:title ship.tac))
~& [%not-moon ship.tac]
?. =(our (^sein:title ship.tac))
~& [%not-our-moon ship.tac]
%- curd =< abet
(~(new-event su hen our pki etn) [ship udiff]:tac)
:: watch public keys
:: [%public-keys ships=(set ship)]
%- curd =< abet
(~(public-keys ~(feed su hen our pki etn) hen) ships.tac)
:: seen after breach
:: [%meet our=ship who=ship]
:: XX should be a subscription
:: XX reconcile with .dns.eth
:: request domains
:: [%turf ~]
:: ships with real keys must have domains,
:: those with fake keys must not
~| [fak.own.pki tuf.own.pki]
?< =(fak.own.pki ?=(^ tuf.own.pki))
+>.$(moz [[hen %give %turf tuf.own.pki] moz])
:: learn of kernel upgrade
:: [%vega ~]
:: in response to memory pressure
:: [%trim p=@ud]
:: watch private keys
:: {$private-keys $~}
(curd abet:~(private-keys ~(feed su hen our pki etn) hen))
%_ +>
:_ moz
^- move
:^ hen %give %mass
^- mass
:+ %jael %|
:~ pki+&+pki
:: authenticated remote request
:: {$west p/ship q/path r/*}
=* her p.tac
=/ mes (message r.tac)
?- -.mes
:: cancel trackers
:: [%nuke whos=(set ship)]
=. moz [[hen %give %mack ~] moz]
$(tac mes)
:: view ethereum events
:: [%public-keys whos=(set ship)]
=. moz [[hen %give %mack ~] moz]
$(tac mes)
:: receive keys result
:: [%public-keys-result =public-keys-result]
=. moz [[hen %give %mack ~] moz]
%- curd =< abet
(public-keys:~(feel su hen our pki etn) public-keys-result.mes)
++ take
|= [tea=wire hen=duct hin=sign]
^+ +>
?- hin
[%a %woot *]
?~ q.hin +>.$
?~ u.q.hin ~&(%ares-fine +>.$)
~& [%woot-bad p.u.u.q.hin]
~_ q.u.u.q.hin
::TODO fail:et
[%m %onto *]
~& [%jael-onto tea hin]
[%m %unto *]
?- +>-.hin
$kick ~|([%jael-unexpected-quit tea hin] !!)
?~ p.p.+>.hin
%- (slog leaf+"jael-bad-coup" u.p.p.+>.hin)
?~ p.p.+>.hin
%- (slog u.p.p.+>.hin)
~|([%jael-unexpected-reap tea hin] +>.$)
?> ?=([@ *] tea)
=* app i.tea
~! +>.hin
=/ =peer-sign ;;(peer-sign q.q.cage.p.+>.hin)
%. [hen tea app]
=< pump
%- curd =< abet
(~(new-event su hen our pki etn) peer-sign)
:: :: ++curd:of
++ curd :: relative moves
|= $: moz/(list move)
+>(pki pki, etn etn, moz (weld (flop moz) ^moz))
:: :: ++wind:of
++ pump
|= [hen=duct =wire app=term]
(emit [hen %pass wire %m %deal [our our] app %pump ~])
:: :: ++su
:::: ## relative^heavy :: subjective engine
:: ::::
++ su
:: the ++su core handles all derived state,
:: subscriptions, and actions.
:: ++feed:su registers subscriptions.
:: ++feel:su checks if a ++change should notify
:: any subscribers.
=| moz=(list move)
=| $: hen=duct
:: moz: moves in reverse order
:: pki: relative urbit state
=* pki ->+<
=* etn ->+>
++ this-su .
:: :: ++abet:su
++ abet :: resolve
[(flop moz) pki etn]
:: :: ++exec:su
++ emit
|= =move
+>.$(moz [move moz])
++ exec :: mass gift
|= {yen/(set duct) cad/card}
=/ noy ~(tap in yen)
|- ^+ this-su
?~ noy this-su
$(noy t.noy, moz [[i.noy cad] moz])
++ emit-peer
|= [app=term =path]
%- emit
:* hen
[app path]
[our our]
++ peer
|= [app=term whos=(set ship)]
?: =(~ whos)
(emit-peer app /)
=/ whol=(list ship) ~(tap in whos)
|- ^+ this-su
?~ whol this-su
=. this-su (emit-peer app /(scot %p i.whol))
$(whol t.whol)
++ public-keys-give
|= [yen=(set duct) =public-keys-result]
=+ yez=~(tap in yen)
|- ^+ this-su
?~ yez this-su
=* d i.yez
=. this-su
?. &(?=([[%a @ @ *] *] d) !=(%pubs i.t.i.d))
%- emit
[d %give %public-keys public-keys-result]
=/ our (slav %p i.t.i.d)
=/ who (slav %p i.t.t.i.d)
=/ =message [%public-keys-result public-keys-result]
%- emit
:^ d
^- note
[%a %want who /j/public-keys-result message]
$(yez t.yez)
++ get-source
|= who=@p
^- source
=/ ship-source (~(get by ship-sources.etn) who)
?^ ship-source
(~(got by sources) u.ship-source)
?: =((clan:title who) %earl)
[%& (^sein:title who)]
(~(got by sources) default-source.etn)
++ get-source-id
|= =source
^- [source-id _this-su]
=/ source-reverse (~(get by sources-reverse) source)
?^ source-reverse
[u.source-reverse this-su]
:- top-source-id.etn
%_ this-su
top-source-id.etn +(top-source-id.etn)
sources.etn (~(put by sources) top-source-id.etn source)
sources-reverse.etn (~(put by sources-reverse) source top-source-id.etn)
++ new-event
|= [=a=ship =a=udiff:point]
^+ this-su
=/ a-point=point (~(gut by pos.zim.pki) a-ship *point)
=/ a-diff=(unit diff:point) (udiff-to-diff:point a-udiff a-point)
?~ a-diff
(public-keys:feel %diff a-ship u.a-diff)
++ subscribers-on-ship
|= =ship
^- (set duct)
=/ specific-subs (~(get ju ney.zim) ship)
=/ general-subs=(set duct)
?: ?=(?(%czar %king %duke) (clan:title ship))
(~(uni in specific-subs) general-subs)
++ feed
|_ :: hen: subscription source
:: Handle subscription to public-keys
++ public-keys
|= whos=(set ship)
?: fak.own.pki
(public-keys:fake whos)
:: Subscribe to parent of moons
=. ..feed
=/ moons=(jug ship ship)
%- ~(gas ju *(jug spon=ship who=ship))
%+ murn ~(tap in whos)
|= who=ship
^- (unit [spon=ship child=ship])
?. =(%earl (clan:title who))
?: (~(has by ship-sources) who)
`[(^sein:title who) who]
=/ moonl=(list [spon=ship ships=(set ship)])
~(tap by moons)
|- ^+ ..feed
?~ moonl
?: =(our spon.i.moonl)
$(moonl t.moonl)
=. ..feed (sources:feel ships.i.moonl [%& spon.i.moonl])
$(moonl t.moonl)
:: Add to subscriber list
=. ney.zim
=/ whol=(list ship) ~(tap in whos)
|- ^- (jug ship duct)
?~ whol
(~(put ju $(whol t.whol)) i.whol hen)
=. yen.zim
%- ~(gas ju yen.zim)
%+ turn ~(tap in whos)
|= who=ship
[hen who]
=? nel.zim ?=(~ whos)
(~(put in nel.zim) hen)
:: Give initial result
=/ =public-keys-result
:- %full
?: =(~ whos)
%- my ^- (list (pair ship point))
%+ murn
~(tap in whos)
|= who=ship
^- (unit (pair ship point))
=/ pub (~(get by pos.zim) who)
?~ pub ~
?: =(0 life.u.pub) ~
`[who u.pub]
=. ..feed (public-keys-give (sy hen ~) public-keys-result)
:: Handle subscription to private-keys
++ private-keys
%_ ..feed
moz [[hen %give %private-keys [lyf jaw]:own] moz]
yen.own (~(put in yen.own) hen)
++ fake
?> fak.own.pki
++ public-keys
|= whos=(set ship)
=/ whol=(list ship) ~(tap in whos)
=/ passes
|- ^- (list [who=ship =pass])
?~ whol
=/ cub (pit:nu:crub:crypto 512 i.whol)
:- [i.whol pub:ex:cub]
$(whol t.whol)
=/ points=(list (pair ship point))
%+ turn passes
|= [who=ship =pass]
^- [who=ship =point]
[who [rift=1 life=1 (my [1 1 pass] ~) `(^sein:title who)]]
=. moz [[hen %give %public-keys %full (my points)] moz]
++ feel
:: Update public-keys
++ public-keys
|= =public-keys-result
^+ ..feel
?: ?=(%full -.public-keys-result)
=/ pointl=(list [who=ship =point])
~(tap by points.public-keys-result)
|- ^+ ..feel
?~ pointl
..feel(pos.zim (~(uni by pos.zim) points.public-keys-result))
:: if changing rift upward, then signal a breach
=? ..feel
=/ point
(~(get by pos.zim) who.i.pointl)
?& ?=(^ point)
(gth rift.point.i.pointl rift.u.point)
%+ public-keys-give
(subscribers-on-ship who.i.pointl)
[%breach who.i.pointl]
%+ public-keys-give
(subscribers-on-ship who.i.pointl)
[%full (my i.pointl ~)]
?: ?=(%breach -.public-keys-result)
:: we calculate our own breaches based on our local state
=* who who.public-keys-result
=/ a-diff=diff:point diff.public-keys-result
=/ maybe-point (~(get by pos.zim) who)
=/ =point (fall maybe-point *point)
:: if changing rift upward, then signal a breach
=? ..feel
?& ?=(%rift -.a-diff)
(gth to.a-diff rift.point)
%+ public-keys-give
(subscribers-on-ship who)
[%breach who]
=. point
?- -.a-diff
%spon point(sponsor to.a-diff)
%rift point(rift to.a-diff)
%_ point
life life.to.a-diff
%+ ~(put by keys.point)
[crypto-suite pass]:to.a-diff
=. pos.zim (~(put by pos.zim) who point)
%+ public-keys-give
(subscribers-on-ship who)
?~ maybe-point
[%full (my [who point]~)]
[%diff who a-diff]
:: Update private-keys
++ private-keys
|= [=life =ring]
^+ ..feel
?: &(=(lyf.own life) =((~(get by jaw.own) life) `ring))
=. lyf.own life
=. jaw.own (~(put by jaw.own) life ring)
(exec yen.own [%give %private-keys lyf.own jaw.own])
:: Change sources for ships
++ sources
|= [whos=(set ship) =source]
^+ ..feel
?: ?=(%& -.source)
=/ send-message
|= =message
[hen %pass /public-keys %a %want p.source /j/public-keys message]
(emit (send-message %public-keys whos))
=^ =source-id this-su (get-source-id source)
=. ..feed
?~ whos
..feed(default-source.etn source-id)
=/ whol=(list ship) ~(tap in `(set ship)`whos)
=. ship-sources.etn
|- ^- (map ship ^source-id)
?~ whol
(~(put by $(whol t.whol)) i.whol source-id)
=. ship-sources-reverse.etn
%- ~(gas ju ship-sources-reverse.etn)
(turn whol |=(=ship [source-id ship]))
(peer p.source whos)
:: No-op
++ meet
|= [who=ship =life =pass]
^+ +>
:: ::::
:::: # vane :: interface
:: ::::
:: lex: all durable %jael state
=| lex/state
|= $: ::
:: our: identity
:: now: current time
:: eny: unique entropy
:: ski: namespace resolver
:: :: ++call
++ call :: request
|= $: :: hen: cause of this event
:: hic: event data
hic/(hypo (hobo task:able))
^- [(list move) _..^$]
=/ =task:able
?. ?=($soft -.q.hic)
(task:able p.q.hic)
=^ did lex
abet:(~(call of [our now eny] lex) hen task)
[did ..^$]
:: :: ++load
++ load :: upgrade
|= $: :: old: previous state
:: old/*
^+ ..^$
:: ..^$
..^$(lex old)
:: :: ++scry
++ scry :: inspect
|= $: :: fur: event security
:: ren: access mode
:: why: owner
:: syd: desk (branch)
:: lot: case (version)
:: tyl: rest of path
fur/(unit (set monk))
^- (unit (unit cage))
:: XX review for security, stability, cases other than now
?. =(lot [%$ %da now]) ~
?. =(%$ ren) [~ ~]
?+ syd
?. ?=([@ ~] tyl) [~ ~]
?. =([%& our] why)
[~ ~]
=/ who (slaw %p i.tyl)
?~ who [~ ~]
=/ sec (~(got by jaw.own.pki.lex) lyf.own.pki.lex)
=/ cub (nol:nu:crub:crypto sec)
:: XX use pac:ex:cub?
``[%noun !>((end 6 1 (shaf %pass (shax sec:ex:cub))))]
?. ?=([@ ~] tyl) [~ ~]
?. =([%& our] why)
[~ ~]
=/ who (slaw %p i.tyl)
?~ who [~ ~]
:: fake ships always have life=1
?: fak.own.pki.lex
``[%atom !>(1)]
?: =(u.who p.why)
``[%atom !>(lyf.own.pki.lex)]
=/ pub (~(get by pos.zim.pki.lex) u.who)
?~ pub ~
``[%atom !>(life.u.pub)]
?. ?=([@ ~] tyl) [~ ~]
?. =([%& our] why)
[~ ~]
=/ who (slaw %p i.tyl)
?~ who [~ ~]
:: fake ships always have rift=1
?: fak.own.pki.lex
``[%atom !>(1)]
=/ pos (~(get by pos.zim.pki.lex) u.who)
?~ pos ~
``[%atom !>(rift.u.pos)]
?. ?=([@ ~] tyl) [~ ~]
?. &(?=(%& -.why) =(p.why our))
[~ ~]
=/ lyf (slaw %ud i.tyl)
?~ lyf [~ ~]
?~ r=(~(get by jaw.own.pki.lex) u.lyf)
[~ ~]
[~ ~ %noun !>(u.r)]
?. ?=([@ @ ~] tyl) [~ ~]
?. &(?=(%& -.why) =(p.why our))
[~ ~]
=/ who (slaw %p i.tyl)
=/ lyf (slaw %ud i.t.tyl)
?~ who [~ ~]
?~ lyf [~ ~]
?: fak.own.pki.lex
=/ cub (pit:nu:crub:crypto 512 u.who)
:^ ~ ~ %noun
!> `deed:ames`[1 pub:ex:cub ~]
=/ rac (clan:title u.who)
?: ?=(%pawn rac)
?. =(u.who p.why)
[~ ~]
?. =(1 u.lyf)
[~ ~]
=/ sec (~(got by jaw.own.pki.lex) u.lyf)
=/ cub (nol:nu:crub:crypto sec)
=/ sig (sign:as:cub (shaf %self (sham [u.who 1 pub:ex:cub])))
:^ ~ ~ %noun
!> ^- deed:ames
[1 pub:ex:cub `sig]
=/ pub (~(get by pos.zim.pki.lex) u.who)
?~ pub
?: (gth u.lyf life.u.pub)
=/ pas (~(get by keys.u.pub) u.lyf)
?~ pas
:^ ~ ~ %noun
!> `deed:ames`[u.lyf pass.u.pas ~]
?. ?=([@ @ ~] tyl) [~ ~]
?. =([%& our] why)
[~ ~]
=/ who (slaw %p i.tyl)
=/ lyf (slaw %ud i.t.tyl)
?~ who [~ ~]
?~ lyf [~ ~]
?: (gth u.lyf lyf.own.pki.lex)
?: (lth u.lyf lyf.own.pki.lex)
[~ ~]
:: XX check that who/lyf hasn't been booted
=/ sec (~(got by jaw.own.pki.lex) u.lyf)
=/ moon-sec (shaf %earl (sham our u.lyf sec u.who))
=/ cub (pit:nu:crub:crypto 128 moon-sec)
=/ =seed [u.who 1 sec:ex:cub ~]
``[%seed !>(seed)]
?. ?=([@ ~] tyl) [~ ~]
?. =([%& our] why)
[~ ~]
=/ who (slaw %p i.tyl)
?~ who [~ ~]
:^ ~ ~ %atom
!> ^- ship
(~(sein of [our now eny] lex) u.who)
?. ?=([@ ~] tyl) [~ ~]
?. =([%& our] why)
[~ ~]
=/ who (slaw %p i.tyl)
?~ who [~ ~]
:^ ~ ~ %noun
!> ^- (list ship)
(~(saxo of [our now eny] lex) u.who)
?. ?=(~ tyl) [~ ~]
:^ ~ ~ %noun !>
?. ?=(~ tyl) [~ ~]
[~ ~ %noun !>(tuf.own.pki.lex)]
:: :: ++stay
++ stay :: preserve
:: :: ++take
++ take :: accept
|= $: :: tea: order
:: hen: cause
:: hin: result
hin/(hypo sign)
^- [(list move) _..^$]
=^ did lex abet:(~(take of [our now eny] lex) tea hen q.hin)
[did ..^$]