
595 lines
14 KiB

:: group-store [landscape]:
:: Store groups of ships
:: group-store stores groups of ships, so that resources in other apps can be
:: associated with a group. The current model of group-store rolls
:: and invites inside this store for simplicity reasons, although
:: these should be prised apart in a future revision of group store.
:: ## Scry paths
:: /y/groups:
:: A listing of the current groups
:: /x/groups/[resource]:
:: The group itself
:: /x/groups/[resource]/join/[ship]:
:: A flag indicated if the ship is permitted to join
:: ## Subscription paths
:: /groups:
:: A stream of the current updates to the state, sending the initial state
:: upon subscribe.
:: ## Pokes
:: %group-action:
:: Modify the group. Further documented in /sur/group-store.hoon
/- *group
/+ store=group-store, default-agent, verb, dbug, resource, *migrate, agentio
+$ card card:agent:gall
+$ versioned-state
$% state-zero
+$ state-zero
[%0 *]
+$ state-one
$: %1
+$ state-two
$: %2
=| state-two
=* state -
%- agent:dbug
%+ verb |
^- agent:gall
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
group-core +>
gc ~(. group-core bowl)
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl)
++ on-init on-init:def
++ on-save !>(state)
++ on-load
|= =old=vase
=/ old !<(versioned-state old-vase)
?- -.old
%2 `this(state old)
%_ $
-.old %2
groups.old (groups-1-to-2 groups.old)
%0 $(old *state-two)
++ groups-1-to-2
|= =groups:groups-state-one
^+ ^groups
%- ~(run by groups)
|= =group:groups-state-one
=/ =tags
(tags-1-to-2 tags.group)
[members.group tags [policy hidden]:group]
++ tags-1-to-2
|= =tags:groups-state-one
^- ^tags
%- ~(gas by *^tags)
%+ murn
~(tap by tags)
|= [=tag:groups-state-one ships=(set ship)]
?^ tag ~
`[tag ships]
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card _this)
?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl)
=^ cards state
?+ mark (on-poke:def mark vase)
%sane (poke-sane:gc !<(?(%check %fix) vase))
?(%group-update-0 %group-action)
(poke-group-update:gc !<(update:store vase))
(poke-import:gc q.vase)
[cards this]
++ on-watch
|= =path
^- (quip card _this)
?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl)
?> ?=([%groups ~] path)
:_ this
[%give %fact ~ %group-update-0 !>([%initial groups])]~
++ on-leave on-leave:def
++ on-peek
|= =path
^- (unit (unit cage))
?+ path (on-peek:def path)
[%y %groups ~]
``noun+!>(`(set resource)`~(key by groups))
[%x %groups %ship @ @ ~]
=/ rid=(unit resource)
(de-path-soft:resource t.t.path)
?~ rid ~
``noun+!>(`(unit group)`(peek-group u.rid))
[%x %groups %ship @ @ %join @ ~]
=/ rid=(unit resource)
(de-path-soft:resource t.t.path)
=/ =ship
(slav %p i.t.t.t.t.t.t.path)
?~ rid ~
``noun+!>(`?`(peek-group-join u.rid ship))
[%x %export ~]
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:gall]
^- (quip card _this)
?. ?=([%try-rejoin @ *] wire)
(on-agent:def wire sign)
?> ?=(%poke-ack -.sign)
=/ rid=resource (de-path:resource t.t.wire)
?~ p.sign
=/ =cage
[%pull-hook-action !>([%add entity.rid rid])]
:_ this
[%pass / %agent [our.bowl %group-pull-hook] %poke cage]~
=/ nack-count=@ud (slav %ud i.t.wire)
=/ wakeup=@da
(add now.bowl (mul ~s1 (bex (min 19 nack-count))))
:_ this
[%pass wire %arvo %b %wait wakeup]~
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
^- (quip card _this)
?. ?=([%try-rejoin @ *] wire)
(on-arvo:def wire sign-arvo)
=/ =resource (de-path:resource t.t.wire)
=/ nack-count=@ud (slav %ud i.t.wire)
?> ?=([%behn %wake *] sign-arvo)
~? ?=(^ error.sign-arvo)
"behn errored in backoff timers, continuing anyway"
:_ this
[(try-rejoin:gc resource +(nack-count))]~
++ on-fail on-fail:def
|_ bol=bowl:gall
+* io ~(. agentio bol)
++ peek-group
|= rid=resource
^- (unit group)
(~(get by groups) rid)
++ peek-group-join
|= [rid=resource =ship]
^- ?
=/ ugroup
(~(get by groups) rid)
?~ ugroup
=* group u.ugroup
=* policy policy.group
?- -.policy
?| (~(has in pending.policy) ship)
(~(has in members.group) ship)
?! ?|
(~(has in banned.policy) ship)
(~(has in ban-ranks.policy) (clan:title ship))
++ poke-sane
|= input=?(%check %fix)
^- (quip card _state)
=; cards=(list card)
?: =(%check input)
~& cards
[cards state]
%+ roll ~(tap in ~(key by groups))
|= [rid=resource out=(list card)]
?. ?& =(entity.rid our.bol)
!(~(has in members:(~(got by groups) rid)) our.bol)
=/ =wire
sane+(en-path:resource rid)
=* poke-self ~(poke-self pass:io wire)
%+ weld out
:~ (poke-self group-update-0+!>([%add-members rid (silt our.bol ~)]))
(poke-self group-update-0+!>([%add-tag rid %admin (silt our.bol ~)]))
++ poke-import
|= arc=*
^- (quip card _state)
=/ sty=state-two
[%2 (remake-groups ;;((tree [resource tree-group]) +.arc))]
:_ sty
%+ roll ~(tap by groups.sty)
|= [[rid=resource grp=group] out=(list card)]
?: =(entity.rid our.bol)
%+ weld out
%+ roll ~(tap in members.grp)
|= [recipient=@p out=(list card)]
?: =(recipient our.bol)
:: TODO: figure out contacts integration
:_ out
(try-rejoin rid 0)
++ remake-groups
|= grps=(tree [resource tree-group])
^- ^groups
%- remake-map
(~(run by grps) remake-group)
++ remake-group
|= grp=tree-group
^- group
%= grp
members (remake-set members.grp)
tags (remake-jug tags.grp)
policy (remake-policy policy.grp)
+$ tree-group
$: members=(tree ship)
tags=(tree [tag (tree ship)])
+$ tree-policy
$% [%invite pending=(tree ship)]
[%open ban-ranks=(tree rank:title) banned=(tree ship)]
++ remake-policy
|= pl=tree-policy
^- policy
?- -.pl
%invite [%invite (remake-set pending.pl)]
%open [%open (remake-set ban-ranks.pl) (remake-set banned.pl)]
++ try-rejoin
|= [rid=resource nack-count=@ud]
^- card
=/ =cage
:- %group-update-0
!> ^- update:store
[%add-members rid (sy our.bol ~)]
=/ =wire
[%try-rejoin (scot %ud nack-count) (en-path:resource rid)]
[%pass wire %agent [entity.rid %group-push-hook] %poke cage]
++ poke-group-update
|= =update:store
^- (quip card _state)
?> (team:title our.bol src.bol)
?- -.update
%add-group (add-group +.update)
%add-members (add-members +.update)
%remove-members (remove-members +.update)
%add-tag (add-tag +.update)
%remove-tag (remove-tag +.update)
%change-policy (change-policy +.update)
%remove-group (remove-group +.update)
%expose (expose +.update)
%initial-group (initial-group +.update)
%initial [~ state]
:: +expose: unset .hidden flag
++ expose
|= [rid=resource ~]
^- (quip card _state)
=/ =group
(~(got by groups) rid)
=. hidden.group %.n
=. groups
(~(put by groups) rid group)
:_ state
(send-diff %expose rid ~)
:: +add-group: add group to store
:: no-op if group already exists
++ add-group
|= [rid=resource =policy hidden=?]
^- (quip card _state)
?< (~(has by groups) rid)
=| =group
=. policy.group policy
=. hidden.group hidden
=. tags.group
(~(put ju tags.group) %admin our.bol)
=. groups
(~(put by groups) rid group)
:_ state
(send-diff %add-group rid policy hidden)
:: +add-members: add members to group
++ add-members
|= [rid=resource new-ships=(set ship)]
^- (quip card _state)
=. groups
%+ ~(jab by groups) rid
|= group
%= +<
members (~(uni in members) new-ships)
?. ?=(%invite -.policy)
policy(pending (~(dif in pending.policy) new-ships))
:_ state
(send-diff %add-members rid new-ships)
:: +remove-members: remove members from group
:: no-op if group does not exist
++ remove-members
|= [rid=resource ships=(set ship)]
^- (quip card _state)
?. (~(has by groups) rid) [~ state]
=. groups
%+ ~(jab by groups) rid
|= group
%= +<
members (~(dif in members) ships)
tags (remove-tags +< ships)
:_ state
(send-diff %remove-members rid ships)
:: +add-tag: add tag to ships
:: crash if ships are not in group
++ add-tag
|= [rid=resource =tag ships=(set ship)]
^- (quip card _state)
=. groups
%+ ~(jab by groups) rid
|= group
?> ?=(~ (~(dif in ships) members))
+<(tags (merge-tags tags ships (sy tag ~)))
:_ state
(send-diff %add-tag rid tag ships)
:: +remove-tag: remove tag from ships
:: crash if ships are not in group or tag does not exist
++ remove-tag
|= [rid=resource =tag ships=(set ship)]
^- (quip card _state)
=. groups
%+ ~(jab by groups) rid
|= group
?> ?& ?=(~ (~(dif in ships) members))
(~(has by tags) tag)
%= +<
tags (dif-ju tags tag ships)
:_ state
(send-diff %remove-tag rid tag ships)
:: initial-group: initialize foreign group
++ initial-group
|= [rid=resource =group]
^- (quip card _state)
=. groups
(~(put by groups) rid group)
:_ state
(send-diff %initial-group rid group)
:: +change-policy: modify group access control
:: If the change will kick members, then send a separate
:: %remove-members diff after the %change-policy diff
++ change-policy
|= [rid=resource =diff:policy]
^- (quip card _state)
?. (~(has by groups) rid)
[~ state]
=/ =group
(~(got by groups) rid)
=^ cards group
?- -.diff
%open (open +.diff)
%invite (invite +.diff)
%replace (replace +.diff)
=. groups
(~(put by groups) rid group)
:_ state
%+ weld
(send-diff %change-policy rid diff)
++ open
|= =diff:open:policy
?- -.diff
%allow-ranks (allow-ranks +.diff)
%ban-ranks (ban-ranks +.diff)
%allow-ships (allow-ships +.diff)
%ban-ships (ban-ships +.diff)
++ invite
|= =diff:invite:policy
?- -.diff
%add-invites (add-invites +.diff)
%remove-invites (remove-invites +.diff)
++ allow-ranks
|= ranks=(set rank:title)
^- (quip card _group)
?> ?=(%open -.policy.group)
=. ban-ranks.policy.group
(~(dif in ban-ranks.policy.group) ranks)
++ ban-ranks
|= ranks=(set rank:title)
^- (quip card _group)
?> ?=(%open -.policy.group)
=. ban-ranks.policy.group
(~(uni in ban-ranks.policy.group) ranks)
++ allow-ships
|= ships=(set ship)
^- (quip card _group)
?> ?=(%open -.policy.group)
=. banned.policy.group
(~(dif in banned.policy.group) ships)
++ ban-ships
|= ships=(set ship)
^- (quip card _group)
?> ?=(%open -.policy.group)
=. banned.policy.group
(~(uni in banned.policy.group) ships)
=/ to-remove=(set ship)
(~(int in members.group) banned.policy.group)
:- ~[(poke-us %remove-members rid to-remove)]
++ add-invites
|= ships=(set ship)
^- (quip card _group)
?> ?=(%invite -.policy.group)
=. pending.policy.group
(~(uni in pending.policy.group) ships)
++ remove-invites
|= ships=(set ship)
^- (quip card _group)
?> ?=(%invite -.policy.group)
=. pending.policy.group
(~(dif in pending.policy.group) ships)
++ replace
|= =policy
^- (quip card _group)
=. policy.group
:: +remove-group: remove group from store
:: no-op if group does not exist
++ remove-group
|= [rid=resource ~]
^- (quip card _state)
?. (~(has by groups) rid)
=. groups
(~(del by groups) rid)
:_ state
(send-diff %remove-group rid ~)
:: TODO: move to +zuse
++ dif-ju
|= [=tags =tag remove=(set ship)]
=/ ships ~(tap in remove)
?~ ships
$(tags (~(del ju tags) tag i.ships), ships t.ships)
++ merge-tags
|= [=tags ships=(set ship) new-tags=(set tag)]
^+ tags
=/ tags-list ~(tap in new-tags)
?~ tags-list
=* tag i.tags-list
=/ old-ships=(set ship)
(~(gut by tags) tag ~)
%= $
tags-list t.tags-list
%+ ~(put by tags)
(~(uni in old-ships) ships)
++ remove-tags
|= [=group ships=(set ship)]
^- tags
%- malt
%+ turn
~(tap by tags.group)
|= [=tag tagged=(set ship)]
:- tag
(~(dif in tagged) ships)
++ poke-us
|= =action:store
^- card
[%pass / %agent [our.bol %group-store] %poke %group-action !>(action)]
:: +send-diff: update subscribers of new state
:: We only allow subscriptions on /groups
:: so just give the fact there.
++ send-diff
|= =update:store
^- (list card)
[%give %fact ~[/groups] %group-update-0 !>(update)]~