mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 20:01:32 +03:00
This is to aid the readability of higher-order molds. Now one can have |* a/mold {p/a q/a} instead of using $- directly. The old arvo ++mold becomes ++wind. Cards are like the mathematical dual to stack frames - they're instructions on whether to wind or unwind the implicit stack.
230 lines
7.3 KiB
230 lines
7.3 KiB
:: :: %behn, just a timer
!? 164
|= pit/vase
=> =~
++ sqeu |* {a/_* b/_*} :: binary skew queno
$: r/@u :: rank+depth
k/a :: priority
n/b :: value
c/(broq a b) :: children
== ::
++ broq |* {a/_* b/_*} :: brodal skew qeu
(list (sqeu a b)) ::
++ gift gift-behn :: out result <-$
++ kiss :: in request ->$
$% {$rest p/@da} :: cancel alarm
{$wait p/@da} :: set alarm
{$wake $~} :: timer activate
{$wegh $~} :: report memory
== ::
++ move {p/duct q/(wind note gift)} :: local move
++ note $~ :: out request $->
++ sign $~ :: in result $<-
++ clok (broq @da duct) :: stored timers
++ raze
|= tym/{p/clok q/clok}
^+ tym
?~ p.tym tym
?~ q.tym tym
?: (gth p:~(get up p.tym) p:~(get up q.tym)) :: killed nonexisting
~& [%snooze-lost del=p:~(get up q.tym) top=p:~(get up p.tym)]
$(q.tym ~(pop up q.tym))
?: =(~(get up p.tym) ~(get up q.tym))
$(tym [~(pop up p.tym) ~(pop up q.tym)])
++ up :: priority queue
=+ [key=@da val=duct]
=+ cmp=lte :: lte=min, gte=max
=> |%
++ link
|= {p/(sqeu key val) q/(sqeu key val)} :: link eq rank
^- (sqeu key val)
?> =(r.p r.q)
?: (cmp k.p k.q)
[r=+(r.p) k=k.p n=n.p c=[i=q t=c.p]]
[r=+(r.q) k=k.q n=n.q c=[i=p t=c.q]]
++ sink :: skew link
|= {p/(sqeu key val) q/(sqeu key val) r/(sqeu key val)}
^- (sqeu key val)
?: &((cmp k.q k.p) (cmp k.q k.r))
[r=+(r.q) k=k.q n=n.q c=[i=p t=[i=r t=c.q]]]
?: &((cmp k.r k.p) (cmp k.r k.q))
[r=+(r.r) k=k.r n=n.r c=[i=p t=[i=q t=c.r]]]
[r=+(r.q) k=k.p n=n.p c=[i=q t=[i=r t=~]]]
++ sert :: internal ins op
|= {p/(sqeu key val) q/(broq key val)}
^- (broq key val)
?~ q [p ~]
?> (lte r.p r.i.q)
?: (lth r.p r.i.q)
[i=p t=q]
$(p (link p i.q), q t.q)
++ uniq :: remove init dup
|= q/(broq key val)
?~ q ~
(sert i.q t.q)
++ meek :: unique meld
|= {p/(broq key val) q/(broq key val)}
^- (broq key val)
?~ p q
?~ q p
?: (lth r.i.p r.i.q)
[i.p $(p t.p)]
?: (lth r.i.q r.i.p)
[i.q $(q t.q)]
(sert (link i.p i.q) $(p t.p, q t.q))
++ mini :: getmin
|= q/(broq key val)
^- p/{(sqeu key val) (broq key val)}
?~ q ~|(%fatal-mini-empty !!)
?~ t.q [i=i.q t=~]
=+ [l r]=$(q t.q)
?: (cmp k.i.q k.l)
[i.q t.q]
[l [i.q r]]
++ spit :: split
|= {p/(broq key val) q/(list {k/key n/val}) r/(broq key val)}
^- {t/(broq key val) x/(list {k/key n/val})}
?~ r
[t=p x=q]
?: =(0 r.i.r)
$(q [[k=k.i.r n=n.i.r] q], r t.r)
$(p [i.r p], r t.r)
|_ a/(broq key val) :: public interface
++ put :: insert element
|= {k/key n/val}
^+ a
?~ a [i=[r=0 k=k n=n c=~] t=~]
?~ t.a [i=[r=0 k=k n=n c=~] t=a]
?: =(r.i.a r.i.t.a)
[i=(sink [r=0 k=k n=n c=~] i.a i.t.a) t=t.t.a]
[i=[r=0 k=k n=n c=~] t=a]
++ pop :: remove top
^+ a
=+ ?~ a ~|(%empty-broq-pop !!)
[l r]=(mini a)
=+ [t x]=(spit ~ ~ c.l)
=. a r
=. a (uni t)
(gas x)
++ gas
|= b/(list {k/key n/val})
^+ a
q:(roll b |=({{k/key n/val} q/_a} (put(a q) k n)))
++ tap
^- (list {k/key n/val})
?~ a ~
[get tap(a pop)]
++ get :: retrieve top
^- {p/key q/val}
?~ a ~|(%empty-broq-peek !!)
?~ t.a [k n]:i.a
=+ m=get(a t.a)
?.((cmp k.i.a p.m) m [k n]:i.a)
++ uni :: merge
|= q/(broq key val)
^+ a
(meek (uniq a) (uniq q))
. ==
=| $: $0 ::
tym/{p/clok q/clok} :: positive+negative
== ::
|= {now/@da eny/@ ski/sley} :: current invocation
|% :: poke+peek pattern
++ call :: handle request
|= $: hen/duct
hic/(hypo (hobo kiss))
^- {p/(list move) q/_..^$}
=> %= . :: XX temporary
^- kiss
?: ?=($soft -.q.hic)
:: ~& [%behn-call-soft (,@tas `*`-.p.q.hic)]
((hard kiss) p.q.hic)
?: (~(nest ut -:!>(*kiss)) | p.hic) q.hic
~& [%behn-call-flub (@tas `*`-.q.hic)]
((hard kiss) q.hic)
=^ mof tym
?- -.q.hic
=. q.tym (~(put up q.tym) p.q.hic hen)
=. tym (raze tym)
[~ tym]
=. p.tym (~(put up p.tym) p.q.hic hen)
=. tym (raze tym)
[~ tym]
|- ^+ [*(list move) tym]
=. tym (raze tym)
?: =([~ ~] tym) [~ tym] :: XX TMI
?: =(~ p.tym)
~& %weird-wake [~ tym]
=+ nex=~(get up p.tym)
?: (lte now p.nex) [~ tym]
=^ mof tym $(p.tym ~(pop up p.tym))
[[`move`[q.nex %give %wake ~] mof] tym]
:_ tym :_ ~
:^ hen %give %mass
:- %behn
:- %|
:~ tym+[%& tym]
[mof ..^$]
++ doze
|= {now/@da hen/duct}
^- (unit @da)
?~ p.tym ~
(some p:[~(get up p.tym)])
++ load
|= old/{$0 tym/{clok clok}}
^+ ..^$
..^$(tym tym.old)
++ scry
|= {fur/(unit (set monk)) ren/@tas his/ship syd/desk lot/coin tyl/path}
^- (unit (unit (pair mark *)))
=+ ^= liz
|- ^- (list {@da duct})
=. tym (raze tym)
?~ p.tym ~
[~(get up p.tym) $(p.tym ~(pop up p.tym))]
[~ ~ [%tank >liz<]]
++ stay [%0 tym]
++ take :: process move
|= {tea/wire hen/duct hin/(hypo sign)}
^+ [p=*(list move) q=..^$]