2021-11-08 21:56:47 -08:00

176 lines
5.5 KiB

:: eth-watcher: ethereum event log collector
/- spider, *eth-watcher
/+ strandio, ethio, azimuth
=, ethereum-types
=, jael
:: Main loop: get updates since last checked
|= args=vase
=+ !<([~ pup=watchpup] args)
=/ m (strand:strandio ,vase)
^- form:m
;< =latest=block bind:m (get-latest-block:ethio url.pup)
;< pup=watchpup bind:m (zoom pup number.id.latest-block)
=| vows=disavows
;< pup=watchpup bind:m (fetch-batches pup)
::?. eager.pup
(pure:m !>([vows pup]))
:: |- ^- form:m
:: =* loop $
:: ?: (gth number.pup number.id.latest-block)
:: (pure:m !>([vows pup]))
:: ;< =block bind:m (get-block-by-number:ethio url.pup number.pup)
:: ;< [=new=disavows pup=watchpup] bind:m (take-block pup block)
:: %= loop
:: pup pup
:: vows (weld vows new-disavows)
:: ==
:: Process a block, detecting and handling reorgs
++ take-block
|= [pup=watchpup =block]
=/ m (strand:strandio ,[disavows watchpup])
^- form:m
:: if this next block isn't direct descendant of our logs, reorg happened
?: &(?=(^ blocks.pup) !=(parent-hash.block hash.id.i.blocks.pup))
(rewind pup block)
=/ contracts (weld contracts.pup batchers.pup)
;< =new=loglist bind:m :: oldest first
(get-logs-by-hash:ethio url.pup hash.id.block contracts topics.pup)
%- pure:m
:- ~
%_ pup
number +(number.id.block)
pending-logs (~(put by pending-logs.pup) number.id.block new-loglist)
blocks [block blocks.pup]
:: Reorg detected, so rewind until we're back in sync
++ rewind
:: block: wants to be head of blocks.pup, but might not match
|= [pup=watchpup =block]
=/ m (strand:strandio ,[disavows watchpup])
=* blocks blocks.pup
=| vows=disavows
|- ^- form:m
=* loop $
:: if we have no further history to rewind, we're done
?~ blocks
(pure:m (flop vows) pup(blocks [block blocks]))
:: if target block is directly after "latest", we're done
?: =(parent-hash.block hash.id.i.blocks)
(pure:m (flop vows) pup(blocks [block blocks]))
:: next-block: the new target block
;< =next=^block bind:m
(get-block-by-number:ethio url.pup number.id.i.blocks)
=. pending-logs.pup (~(del by pending-logs.pup) number.id.i.blocks)
=. vows [id.block vows]
loop(block next-block, blocks t.blocks)
:: Zoom forward to near a given block number.
:: Zooming doesn't go forward one block at a time. As a
:: consequence, it cannot detect and handle reorgs. Only use it
:: at a safe distance -- 100 blocks ago is probably sufficient.
++ zoom
|= [pup=watchpup =latest=number:block]
=/ m (strand:strandio ,watchpup)
^- form:m
~& > [%zoom-start number.pup latest-number]
=/ zoom-margin=number:block 0 :: TODO: 30!
=/ zoom-step=number:block 100.000
?: (lth latest-number (add number.pup zoom-margin))
(pure:m pup)
=/ up-to-number=number:block
(min (add 10.000.000 number.pup) (sub latest-number zoom-margin))
~& > [%zooming number.pup up-to-number]
=* loop $
?: (gth number.pup up-to-number)
(pure:m pup(blocks ~))
=/ to-number=number:block
=; step
(min up-to-number (add number.pup step))
:: Between "launch" (6.784.800) and "public" (7.033.765) blocks,
:: there are a lot events belonging to all the pre-ethereum ships
:: being established on-chain. By reducing the step, we avoid crashing.
?. =(contracts:azimuth mainnet-contracts:azimuth)
?: ?| &((gte number.pup 6.951.132) (lth number.pup 6.954.242))
&((gte number.pup 7.011.857) (lth number.pup 7.021.881))
?: ?& (gte number.pup launch:mainnet-contracts:azimuth)
(lth number.pup public:mainnet-contracts:azimuth)
;< =loglist bind:m :: oldest first
%: get-logs-by-range:ethio
(weld contracts.pup batchers.pup)
=? pending-logs.pup ?=(^ loglist)
(~(put by pending-logs.pup) to-number loglist)
loop(number.pup +(to-number))
:: Fetch input for any logs in batchers.pup
++ fetch-batches
|= pup=watchpup
=/ m (strand:strandio ,watchpup)
=| res=(list [number:block loglist])
=/ pending=(list [=number:block =loglist]) ~(tap by pending-logs.pup)
|- ^- form:m
=* loop $
?~ pending
(pure:m pup(pending-logs (malt res)))
;< logs=(list event-log:rpc:ethereum) bind:m
(fetch-inputs pup loglist.i.pending)
=. res [[number.i.pending logs] res]
loop(pending t.pending)
:: Fetch inputs for a list of logs
++ fetch-inputs
|= [pup=watchpup logs=(list event-log:rpc:ethereum)]
=/ m (strand:strandio ,(list event-log:rpc:ethereum))
=| res=(list event-log:rpc:ethereum)
|- ^- form:m
=* loop $
?~ logs
(pure:m (flop res))
;< log=event-log:rpc:ethereum bind:m (fetch-input pup i.logs)
=. res [log res]
loop(logs t.logs)
:: Fetch input for a log
++ fetch-input
|= [pup=watchpup log=event-log:rpc:ethereum]
=/ m (strand:strandio ,event-log:rpc:ethereum)
^- form:m
?~ mined.log
(pure:m log)
?^ input.u.mined.log
(pure:m log)
?. (lien batchers.pup |=(=@ux =(ux address.log)))
(pure:m log)
;< res=transaction-result:rpc:ethereum bind:m
(get-tx-by-hash:ethio url.pup transaction-hash.u.mined.log)
(pure:m log(input.u.mined `(data-to-hex input.res)))
++ data-to-hex
|= data=@t
?~ data *@ux
?: =(data '0x') *@ux
(hex-to-num:ethereum data)