mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 04:11:49 +03:00
1750 lines
58 KiB
1750 lines
58 KiB
:: :: ::
:::: /hoon/dojo/app :: ::::
:: :: ::
/? 309 :: arvo kelvin
/- sole, lens :: console structures
/+ sole :: console library
[. sole]
=, space:userlib
=, format
:: :: ::
:::: :: ::::
:: :: ::
=> |% :: external structures
++ house :: all state
$: $5
egg/@u :: command count
hoc/(map bone session) :: conversations
== ::
++ session :: per conversation
$: say/sole-share :: command-line state
dir/beam :: active path
poy/(unit dojo-project) :: working
{lib/(list hoof:ford) sur/(list hoof:ford)} :: lib+sur
var/(map term cage) :: variable state
old/(set term) :: used TLVs
buf/tape :: multiline buffer
== ::
++ dojo-command ::
$^ (pair dojo-sink dojo-source) :: route value
{$brev p/term} :: unbind variable
++ dojo-sink ::
$% {$flat p/path} :: atom to unix
{$pill p/path} :: noun to unix pill
:: {$tree p/path} :: noun to unix tree
{$file p/beam} :: save to clay
$: $http :: http outbound
p/?($post $put)
q/(unit knot)
{$poke p/goal} :: poke app
{$show p/?($0 $1 $2 $3)} :: print val+type+hoon
{$verb p/term} :: store variable
{$help p/(list term)} :: look up help
== ::
++ dojo-source :: construction node
$: p/@ud :: assembly index
q/dojo-build :: general build
== ::
++ dojo-build :: one arvo step
$% {$ur p/(unit knot) q/purl:eyre} :: http GET request
{$ge p/dojo-model} :: generator
{$dv p/path} :: core from source
{$ex p/hoon} :: hoon expression
{$sa p/mark} :: example mark value
{$as p/mark q/dojo-source} :: simple transmute
{$do p/hoon q/dojo-source} :: gate apply
{$tu p/(list dojo-source)} :: tuple
== ::
++ dojo-model :: data construction
$: p/dojo-server :: core source
q/dojo-config :: configuration
== ::
++ dojo-server :: numbered device
$: p/@ud :: assembly index
q/path :: gate path
== ::
++ dojo-config :: configuration
$: p/(list dojo-source) :: by order
q/(map term (unit dojo-source)) :: by keyword
== ::
++ dojo-project :: construction state
$: mad/dojo-command :: operation
num/@ud :: number of tasks
cud/(unit dojo-source) :: now solving
pux/(unit path) :: ford working
pro/(unit vase) :: prompting loop
per/(unit sole-edit) :: pending reverse
job/(map @ud dojo-build) :: problems
rez/(map @ud cage) :: results
== ::
++ bead {p/(set beam) q/cage} :: computed result
++ goal {p/ship q/term} :: flat application
++ clap :: action, user
$% {$peer p/path} :: subscribe
{$poke p/(cask)} :: apply
{$pull $~} :: unsubscribe
== ::
++ club :: action, system
$% {$peer p/path} :: subscribe
{$poke p/cage} :: apply
{$pull $~} :: unsubscribe
== ::
++ card :: general card
$% {$diff $sole-effect sole-effect} ::
{$send wire {ship term} clap} ::
$: $hiss
(unit knot)
{$hiss hiss:eyre}
{$exec wire @p (unit {beak silk:ford})} ::
{$deal wire sock term club} ::
{$info wire @p toro:clay} ::
== ::
++ move (pair bone card) :: user-level move
++ sign ::
$% {$made p/@uvH q/gage:ford} ::
{$unto p/cuft:gall} ::
== ::
-- ::
:: ::
:::: ::
:: ::
=, gall
|_ $: hid/bowl :: system state
house :: program state
== ::
++ he :: per session
|_ {moz/(list move) session} ::
++ dp :: dojo parser
++ dp-default-app %hood
++ dp-message :: %poke
|= {gol/goal mod/dojo-model} ^- dojo-command
[[%poke gol] [0 [%ge mod(q.p [q.gol q.p.mod])]]]
++ dp-command-line ;~(sfix dp-command (star ace) (just '\0a'))
++ dp-variable :: %verb or %brev
|* {sym/rule src/rule}
%+ cook
|= {a/term b/(unit dojo-source)}
^- dojo-command
?~(b [%brev a] [[%verb a] u.b])
;~(plug sym (punt src))
++ dp-command :: ++dojo-command
:: =< ;~(less |-(;~(pose (jest '|*') ;~(pfix next (knee ** |.(^$))))) .)
%+ knee *dojo-command |. ~+
;~ pose
;~ pfix bar
%+ cook dp-message
(stag [our.hid dp-default-app] dp-model)
;~ pfix col
%+ cook
|= {a/goal b/$^(dojo-model dojo-source)}
?@ -.b [[%poke a] b]
(dp-message a b)
;~ plug
;~ pose
;~(pfix bar dp-model)
;~(pfix ace dp-source)
;~ pfix tis
;~ pose
(dp-variable (jest %dir) ;~(pfix ace :(stag 0 %ex dp-rood)))
(dp-variable sym ;~(pfix ace dp-source))
;~ pfix fas
;~ pose
(dp-variable (cold %sur hep) ;~(pfix gap dp-hooves))
(dp-variable (cold %lib lus) ;~(pfix gap dp-hooves))
;~ pfix hax
;~ pose
;~ pfix ace
%+ cook
|= a/(list term)
[[%help a] 0 %ex [%cnts p=~[[%.y p=1]] q=~]]
(most col sym)
(easy [[%help ~] 0 %ex [%cnts p=~[[%.y p=1]] q=~]])
;~((glue ace) dp-sink dp-source)
(stag [%show %0] dp-source)
++ dp-sink
;~ pose
;~(plug (cold %file tar) dp-beam)
;~(plug (cold %flat pat) (most fas sym))
;~(plug (cold %pill dot) (most fas sym))
;~(plug (cold %http lus) (stag %post dp-iden-url))
;~(plug (cold %http hep) (stag %put dp-iden-url))
(stag %show (cook $?($1 $2 $3) (cook lent (stun [1 3] wut))))
++ dp-hooves :: hoof list
:(stag 0 %ex %clsg (most ;~(plug com gaw) dp-hoof))
++ dp-hoof :: ++ford-hoof hoon
;~ plug
:(stag %sand %f ;~(pose (cold %| tar) (easy %&)))
:(stag %sand %tas sym)
%- dp-hoon-punt
;~ (glue fas)
;~(pfix fas (sear dp-case-hoon nuck:so))
(stag %sand ;~(plug (cold %p sig) fed:ag))
++ dp-hoon-punt :: hoon of unit
|*(a/rule ;~(pose (stag [%bust %null] a) (easy [%bust %null])))
++ dp-case-hoon
|= a/coin ^- (unit hoon)
?. ?=({$~ case} a) ~
%+ some
[%rock %tas p.p.a]
[%sand p.a]
++ dp-source (stag 0 dp-build) :: ++dojo-source
++ dp-build :: ++dojo-build
%+ knee *dojo-build |. ~+
;~ pose
;~(plug (cold %ur lus) dp-iden-url)
;~(plug (cold %ge lus) dp-model)
;~(plug (cold %as pam) sym ;~(pfix ace dp-source))
;~(plug (cold %do cab) dp-hoon ;~(pfix ace dp-source))
++ dp-goal :: ++goal
%+ cook |=(a/goal a)
;~ pose
;~ plug
;~(pfix sig fed:ag)
;~(pose ;~(pfix fas sym) (easy dp-default-app))
%+ stag our.hid
;~(pose sym (easy dp-default-app))
++ dp-beam :: ++beam
%+ cook |=(a/path =+((de-beam a) ?^(- u [he-beak (flop a)])))
=+ vez=(vang | dp-path)
(sear plex:vez (stag %clsg poor:vez))
++ dp-iden-url
%+ cook
|=({a/(unit knot) b/purl:eyre} [`(fall a *knot) b])
++ dp-model ;~(plug dp-server dp-config) :: ++dojo-model
++ dp-path (en-beam he-beam) :: ++path
++ dp-server (stag 0 (most fas sym)) :: ++dojo-server
++ dp-hoon tall:(vang | dp-path) :: ++hoon
++ dp-rood :: 'dir' hoon
=> (vang | (en-beam dir))
;~ pose
=- ;~(pfix cen (stag %clsg -)) :: XX refactor ++scat
%+ sear |=({a/@ud b/tyke} (posh ~ ~ a b))
;~ pose
(cook |=(a/(list) [(lent a) ~]) (star cen))
++ dp-value :: ++dojo-source
;~ pose
(stag %sa ;~(pfix tar pam sym))
(stag %ex dp-hoon)
(stag %tu (ifix [sel ser] (most ace dp-source)))
++ dp-config :: ++dojo-config
;~ plug
(star ;~(pfix ace (stag 0 dp-value)))
%+ cook
~(gas by *(map term (unit dojo-source)))
%- star
;~ plug
;~(pfix com ace tis sym)
(punt ;~(pfix ace (stag 0 dp-value)))
++ dy :: project work
|_ dojo-project ::
++ dy-abet +>(poy `+<) :: resolve
++ dy-amok +>(poy ~) :: terminate
++ dy-ford :: send work to ford
|= {way/wire kas/silk:ford}
^+ +>+>
?> ?=($~ pux)
(he-card(poy `+>+<(pux `way)) %exec way our.hid `[he-beak kas])
++ dy-eyre :: send work to eyre
|= {way/wire usr/(unit knot) req/hiss:eyre}
^+ +>+>
?> ?=($~ pux)
(he-card(poy `+>+<(pux `way)) %hiss way usr %httr %hiss req)
++ dy-stop :: stop work
^+ +>
=. poy ~
?~ pux +>
%. [%txt "! cancel {<u.pux>}"]
he-diff:(he-card %exec u.pux our.hid ~)
++ dy-slam :: call by ford
|= {way/wire gat/vase sam/vase}
^+ +>+>
(dy-ford way `silk:ford`[%call [%$ %noun gat] [%$ %noun sam]])
++ dy-errd :: reject change, abet
|= {rev/(unit sole-edit) err/@u}
^+ +>+>
(he-errd(poy `+>+<) rev err)
++ dy-diff :: send effects, abet
|= fec/sole-effect
^+ +>+>
(he-diff(poy `+>+<) fec)
++ dy-rash :: send effects, amok
|= fec/sole-effect
^+ +>+>
(he-diff(poy ~) fec)
++ dy-init-command :: ++dojo-command
|= mad/dojo-command
^+ [mad +>]
?@ -.mad [mad +>.$]
=. q.mad
?+(-.p.mad q.mad $http [0 %as %mime q.mad])
=^ src +>.$ (dy-init-source q.mad)
[mad(q src) +>.$]
++ dy-init-source :: ++dojo-source
|= src/dojo-source
^+ [src +>]
=^ bul +> (dy-init-build q.src)
=: p.src num
q.src bul
[src +>.$(num +(num), job (~(put by job) -.src +.src))]
++ dy-init-source-unit :: (unit dojo-source)
|= urc/(unit dojo-source)
^+ [urc +>]
?~ urc [~ +>]
=^ src +> (dy-init-source u.urc)
[`src +>.$]
++ dy-init-build :: ++dojo-build
|= bul/dojo-build
^+ [bul +>]
?- -.bul
$ex [bul +>.$]
$dv [bul +>.$]
$sa [bul +>.$]
$as =^(mor +>.$ (dy-init-source q.bul) [bul(q mor) +>.$])
$do =^(mor +>.$ (dy-init-source q.bul) [bul(q mor) +>.$])
$ge =^(mod +>.$ (dy-init-model p.bul) [[%ge mod] +>.$])
$ur [bul +>.$]
$tu =^ dof +>.$
|- ^+ [p.bul +>.^$]
?~ p.bul [~ +>.^$]
=^ dis +>.^$ (dy-init-source i.p.bul)
=^ mor +>.^$ $(p.bul t.p.bul)
[[dis mor] +>.^$]
[[%tu dof] +>.$]
++ dy-init-model :: ++dojo-model
|= mol/dojo-model
^+ [mol +>]
=^ one +>.$ (dy-init-server p.mol)
=^ two +>.$ (dy-init-config q.mol)
[[one two] +>.$]
++ dy-init-server :: ++dojo-server
|= srv/dojo-server
=. p.srv num
[srv +>.$(num +(num), job (~(put by job) num [%dv [%gen q.srv]]))]
++ dy-init-config :: prepare config
|= cig/dojo-config
^+ [cig +>]
=^ ord +>.$ (dy-init-ordered p.cig)
=^ key +>.$ (dy-init-named q.cig)
[[ord key] +>.$]
++ dy-init-ordered :: (list dojo-source)
|= ord/(list dojo-source)
^+ [ord +>]
?~ ord [~ +>.$]
=^ fir +>.$ (dy-init-source i.ord)
=^ mor +>.$ $(ord t.ord)
[[fir mor] +>.$]
++ dy-init-named :: (map @tas dojo-src)
|= key/(map term (unit dojo-source))
^+ [key +>.$]
?~ key [~ +>.$]
=^ top +>.$ (dy-init-source-unit q.n.key)
=^ lef +>.$ $(key l.key)
=^ rit +>.$ $(key r.key)
[[[p.n.key top] lef rit] +>.$]
++ dy-init :: full initialize
^+ .
=^(dam . (dy-init-command mad) +(mad dam))
++ dy-hand :: complete step
|= cag/cage
^+ +>+>
?> ?=(^ cud)
(dy-step(cud ~, rez (~(put by rez) p.u.cud cag)) +(p.u.cud))
++ dy-meal :: vase to cage
|= vax/vase
?. &(?=(@ -.q.vax) ((sane %tas) -.q.vax))
~& %dy-meal-cage
(dy-rash %bel ~)
(dy-hand -.q.vax (slot 3 vax))
++ dy-made-edit :: sole edit
|= cag/cage
^+ +>+>
?> ?=(^ per)
?: ?| ?=(^ q.q.cag)
=((lent buf.say) q.q.cag)
!&(?=($del -.u.per) =(+(p.u.per) (lent buf.say)))
dy-abet(per ~)
(dy-errd(per ~) per q.q.cag)
++ dy-done :: dialog submit
|= txt/tape
?: |(?=(^ per) ?=(^ pux) ?=($~ pro))
~& %dy-no-prompt
(dy-diff %bel ~)
(dy-slam /dial u.pro !>(txt))
++ dy-cast
|* {typ/_* bun/vase}
|= a/vase ^- typ
~| [p.bun p.a]
?> (~(nest ut p.bun) & p.a)
;;(typ q.a)
++ dy-over :: finish construction
^+ +>
?: ?=({$show $3} -.mad)
(dy-rash %tan (dy-show-source q.mad) ~) :: XX separate command
?: ?=($brev -.mad)
=. var (~(del by var) p.mad)
=< dy-amok
?+ p.mad .
$?($eny $now $our) !!
$lib .(lib ~)
$sur .(sur ~)
$dir .(dir [[our.hid %home ud+0] /])
=+ cay=(~(got by rez) p.q.mad)
?- -.p.mad
=. var (~(put by var) p.p.mad cay)
~| bad-set+[p.p.mad p.q.cay]
=< dy-amok
?+ p.p.mad .
$eny ~|(%entropy-is-eternal !!)
$now ~|(%time-is-immutable !!)
$our ~|(%self-is-immutable !!)
.(lib ((dy-cast (list hoof:ford) !>(*(list hoof:ford))) q.cay))
.(sur ((dy-cast (list hoof:ford) !>(*(list hoof:ford))) q.cay))
$dir =+ ^= pax ^- path
=+ pax=((dy-cast path !>(*path)) q.cay)
?: ?=($~ pax) ~[(scot %p our.hid) %home '0']
?: ?=({@ $~} pax) ~[i.pax %home '0']
?: ?=({@ @ $~} pax) ~[i.pax i.t.pax '0']
=. dir (need (de-beam pax))
=- +>(..dy (he-diff %tan - ~))
rose+[" " `~]^~[leaf+"=%" (smyt (en-beam he-beak s.dir))]
(dy-inspect +.p.mad p.q.cay)
%- he-card(poy ~)
:* %deal
[our.hid p.p.p.mad]
%- he-card(poy ~) :*
(foal (en-beam p.p.mad) cay)
?^ q.q.cay
(dy-rash %tan [%leaf "not an atom"]~)
(dy-rash %sav p.p.mad q.q.cay)
(dy-rash %sag p.p.mad q.q.cay)
?> ?=($mime p.cay)
=+ mim=;;(mime q.q.cay)
=+ maf=(~(add ja *math:eyre) %content-type (en-mite:mimes:html p.mim))
(dy-eyre /show q.p.mad [r.p.mad p.p.mad maf ~ q.mim])
%+ dy-print cay
=+ mar=|.(?:(=(%noun p.cay) ~ [%rose [~ " " ~] >p.cay< ~]~))
?- p.p.mad
$0 ~
$1 [[%rose [~ " " ~] (skol p.q.cay) ~] (mar)]
$2 [[%rose [~ " " ~] (dy-show-type-noun p.q.cay) ~] (mar)]
++ dy-show |=(cay/cage (dy-print cay ~))
++ dy-print
|= {cay/cage tan/tang}
%+ dy-rash %tan
%- welp :_ tan
?+ p.cay [(sell q.cay)]~
$tang ;;(tang q.q.cay)
=+ hit=;;(httr:eyre q.q.cay)
=- (flop (turn `wall`- |=(a/tape leaf+(dash:us a ''))))
:- "HTTP {<p.hit>}"
%+ weld
(turn q.hit |=({a/@t b/@t} "{(trip a)}: {(trip b)}"))
:- i=""
t=(turn `wain`?~(r.hit ~ (to-wain:format q.u.r.hit)) trip)
++ dy-inspect
|= {topic/(list term) sut/type}
%+ dy-rash %tan
|^ ^- tang
=+ to-display=(find-item-in-type (flop topic) sut)
?~ to-display
[%leaf "Could not find help"]~
(flop (print-item u.to-display))
:> # %models
:> an overview of all named things in the type.
:> each item in the overview list is either a documentation for a sublist
:> or an association between a term and documentation for it.
++ overview (list overview-item)
:> in instance in the ++overview list.
++ overview-item
$% :> a header {doc} which will indent its {children}.
{$header doc/what children/overview}
:> an item in a list with {name} and {docs}.
{$item name/tape doc/what}
:> the part of a {type} being inspected.
++ item
$% :> overview of type
{$view items/overview}
:> inspecting a full core.
$: $core
children/(unit item)
:> inspecting a single arm on a core.
$: $arm
:> inspecting a single chapter on a core.
$: $chapter
:> inspecting a face and what's behind it.
$: $face
children/(unit item)
:> #
:> # %searching
:> #
:> functions which find what to print
:> returns the item to print while searching through {topic}.
:> this gate is called recursively to find the path {topic} in the type
:> {sut}. once it finds the correct part of the type, it switches to
:> ++build-inspectable-recursively to describe that part of the type.
++ find-item-in-type
|= {topics/(list term) sut/type}
^- (unit item)
?~ topics
:: we have no more search path. return the rest as an overview
(build-inspectable-recursively sut)
?- sut
{$atom *} ~
{$cell *}
=+ lhs=$(sut p.sut)
?~ lhs
$(sut q.sut)
{$core *}
=+ core-docs=r.q.sut
?~ p.core-docs
:: todo: this core has no toplevel documentation. it might have
:: an arm though. check that next.
$(sut p.sut)
?: !=(i.topics u.p.core-docs)
:: the current topic isn't the toplevel core topic.
=+ arm=(find-arm-in-coil i.topics q.sut)
?~ arm
:: the current topic is neither the name of the core or an arm
:: on the core.
$(sut p.sut)
`[%arm (trip i.topics) p.u.arm q.u.arm p.sut]
?~ t.topics
:: we matched the core name and have no further search terms.
=* compiled-against (build-inspectable-recursively p.sut)
`[%core (trip i.topics) q.core-docs p.sut q.sut compiled-against]
:: search the core for chapters.
=/ tombs/(list (pair @ tomb)) ~(tap by q.s.q.sut)
^- (unit item)
?~ tombs
?~ p.p.q.i.tombs
:: this has no chapter name.
$(tombs t.tombs)
?: !=(i.t.topics u.p.p.q.i.tombs)
:: this isn't the topic.
$(tombs t.tombs)
`[%chapter (trip i.t.topics) q.p.q.i.tombs sut q.sut p.i.tombs]
{$face *}
?. ?=(term q.p.sut)
:: todo: is there something we could do if we have a tune?
?. =(i.topics q.p.sut)
:: this face has a name, but it's not the name we're looking for.
?~ t.topics
`[%face (trip q.p.sut) p.p.sut (build-inspectable-recursively q.sut)]
(find-item-in-type t.topics q.sut)
{$fork *}
=/ types/(list type) ~(tap in p.sut)
?~ types
=+ res=(find-item-in-type topics i.types)
?~ res
$(types t.types)
{$help *}
:: while we found a raw help, it's associated on the wrong side of a
:: set of topics. Walk through it instead of showing it.
(find-item-in-type t.topics q.sut)
{$hold *} $(sut (~(play ut p.sut) q.sut))
$noun ~
$void ~
:> changes a {type} into an {item}.
++ build-inspectable-recursively
|= sut/type
^- (unit item)
?- sut
{$atom *} ~
{$cell *}
%+ join-items
(build-inspectable-recursively p.sut)
(build-inspectable-recursively q.sut)
{$core *}
=* name (fall p.r.q.sut '')
=* compiled-against (build-inspectable-recursively p.sut)
`[%core (trip name) q.r.q.sut p.sut q.sut compiled-against]
{$face *}
?. ?=(term q.p.sut)
:: todo: can we do anything here if this face doesn't have a term?
=* compiled-against (build-inspectable-recursively q.sut)
`[%face (trip q.p.sut) p.p.sut compiled-against]
{$fork *}
=* types ~(tap in p.sut)
=* items (turn types build-inspectable-recursively)
(roll items join-items)
{$help *}
=* rest-type (build-inspectable-recursively q.sut)
?> ?=($docs -.p.sut)
`[%view [%header `+.p.sut (item-as-overview rest-type)]~]
{$hold *} $(sut (~(play ut p.sut) q.sut))
$noun ~
$void ~
:> combines two {(unit item)} together
++ join-items
|= {lhs/(unit item) rhs/(unit item)}
^- (unit item)
?~ lhs rhs
?~ rhs lhs
`[%view (weld (item-as-overview lhs) (item-as-overview rhs))]
:> changes an item into an overview.
++ item-as-overview
|= uit/(unit item)
^- overview
?~ uit ~
=+ itm=u.uit
?- itm
{$view *}
{$core *}
?~ name.itm
(item-as-overview children.itm)
:- [%item name.itm docs.itm]
(item-as-overview children.itm)
{$arm *}
[%item name.itm docs.itm]~
{$chapter *}
[%item name.itm docs.itm]~
{$face *}
?~ name.itm
[%item name.itm docs.itm]~
:> translate the internals of a core's {tomb} into an {overview}.
++ arms-as-overview
|= {a/(map term (pair what foot)) sut/type}
^- overview
%+ turn ~(tap by a)
|= (pair term (pair what foot))
=* doc (select-arm-docs p.q q.q sut)
[%item (weld "++" (trip p)) -.doc]
:> if {arm-name} is an arm in {c}, returns its documentation.
++ find-arm-in-coil
|= {arm-name/term con/coil}
^- (unit (pair what foot))
=/ tombs ~(tap by q.s.con)
?~ tombs
=+ item=(~(get by q.q.i.tombs) arm-name)
?~ item
$(tombs t.tombs)
[~ u.item]
:> returns an overview for a core's arms and chapters.
:> returns an overview for arms which are part of unnamed chapters,
:> and an overview of the named chapters.
++ arm-and-chapter-overviews
|= {sut/type con/coil core-name/tape}
^- {overview overview}
=| arm-docs/overview :< documented arms
=| chapter-docs/overview :< documented chapters
=/ tombs ~(tap by q.s.con)
?~ tombs
[(sort-overview arm-docs) (sort-overview chapter-docs)]
=* current q.i.tombs
?~ p.p.current
:: this chapter has no name. add all the foot documentation
:: to arm-docs.
=. arm-docs (weld arm-docs (arms-as-overview q.current sut))
$(tombs t.tombs)
:: this chapter has a name. add it to the list of chapters
=. chapter-docs
%+ weld chapter-docs
^- overview
[%item :(weld (trip u.p.p.current) ":" core-name) q.p.current]~
$(tombs t.tombs)
:> returns an overview of the arms in a specific chapter.
++ arms-in-chapter
|= {sut/type con/coil chapter-id/@}
^- overview
=* chapter-tomb (~(got by q.s.con) chapter-id)
(sort-overview (arms-as-overview q.chapter-tomb sut))
:> sort the items.
++ sort-overview
|= ovr/overview
^- overview
%+ sort ovr
|= {lhs/overview-item rhs/overview-item}
(aor (get-overview-name lhs) (get-overview-name rhs))
++ get-overview-name
|= ovr/overview-item
?- ovr
{$header *} ""
{$item *} name.ovr
++ what-from-type
|= sut/type
?+ sut ~
{$core *} q.r.q.sut
{$help *} ?>(?=($docs -.p.sut) `+.p.sut)
{$hold *} $(sut (~(play ut p.sut) q.sut))
:> #
:> # %printing
:> #
:> functions which display output of various types.
++ print-item
|= itm/item
^- tang
?- itm
{$view *} (print-overview items.itm)
{$core *} (print-core +.itm)
{$arm *} (print-arm +.itm)
{$chapter *} (print-chapter +.itm)
{$face *} (print-face +.itm)
:> renders the documentation for a full core.
++ print-core
|= {core-name/tape docs/what sut/type con/coil uit/(unit item)}
^- tang
=+ [arms chapters]=(arm-and-chapter-overviews sut con core-name)
;: weld
(print-header (trip (fall p.r.con '')) q.r.con)
:: todo: figure out how to display the default arm, which should
:: be rendered separately.
?~ arms
(print-overview [%header `['arms:' ~] arms]~)
?~ chapters
(print-overview [%header `['chapters:' ~] chapters]~)
=+ compiled=(item-as-overview uit)
?~ compiled
(print-overview [%header `['compiled against:' ~] compiled]~)
:> figures out which {what}s to use.
:> there are three places with a relevant {what}: the {arm-doc} on the
:> arm, the {what} in the computed type of the foot, and the {what} on
:> the product of the default arm when the computed type is a core.
++ select-arm-docs
|= {arm-doc/what f/foot sut/type}
:> the computed arm documentation and the product documentation.
^- {what what}
=+ foot-type=(~(play ut sut) p.f)
=/ raw-product/what (what-from-type foot-type)
=/ product-product/what
?. ?=({$core *} foot-type)
=* inner-type (~(play ut foot-type) [%limb %$])
(what-from-type inner-type)
?~ arm-doc
?~ raw-product
?~ arm-doc
:> renders the documentation for a single arm in a core.
++ print-arm
|= {arm-name/tape arm-doc/what f/foot sut/type}
:: todo: need to get the sample here. also hoist this to the general
:: core printing machinery, too.
=+ [main-doc product-doc]=(select-arm-docs arm-doc f sut)
%+ weld
(print-header arm-name main-doc)
?~ product-doc
%+ weld
`tang`[[%leaf ""] [%leaf "product:"] ~]
(print-header "" product-doc)
:> renders the documentation for a chapter in a core.
++ print-chapter
|= {name/tape doc/what sut/type con/coil chapter-id/@}
;: weld
(print-header name doc)
?~ doc
(print-sections q.u.doc)
=+ arms=(arms-in-chapter sut con chapter-id)
?~ arms
(print-overview [%header `['arms:' ~] arms]~)
:> renders the documentation for a face.
++ print-face
|= {name/tape doc/what children/(unit item)}
%+ weld
(print-header name doc)
?~ children
(print-item u.children)
:> returns a set of lines from a {chap}
++ print-header
|= {name/tape doc/what}
^- tang
?~ name
?~ doc
[%leaf "(Undocumented)"]~
%+ weld
`tang`[%leaf "{(trip p.u.doc)}"]~
(print-sections q.u.doc)
?~ doc
[%leaf name]~
%+ weld
`tang`[%leaf "{name}: {(trip p.u.doc)}"]~
(print-sections q.u.doc)
:> renders an overview as {tang}
++ print-overview
|= ovr/overview
^- tang
|^ (print-level ovr 0)
++ print-level
:> indentation: multiply by 2 to get number of spaces.
|= {ovr/overview indentation/@u}
^- tang
:> max-key-length: length of the longest {item} term.
=/ max-key-length (calculate-max-key-length ovr)
:> output: what we return
=| output/tang
?~ ovr
?- i.ovr
{$header *}
%= $
output ;: weld
?~ doc.i.ovr
`tang`[[%leaf ""] [%leaf "{(trip p.u.doc.i.ovr)}"] ~]
?~ doc.i.ovr
(print-sections q.u.doc.i.ovr)
(print-level children.i.ovr (add 1 indentation))
ovr t.ovr
{$item *}
=* rendered (render-item indentation max-key-length +.i.ovr)
%= $
output (weld output rendered)
ovr t.ovr
++ calculate-max-key-length
|= ovr/overview
^- @u
%- dy-longest-tape
(turn ovr get-overview-name)
:> renders a single item line with the given indentation level.
++ render-item
|= {indentation/@u max-key-length/@u name/tape doc/what}
^- tang
=+ spaces=(mul indentation 2)
=+ line=(weld (dy-build-space spaces) name)
=* line-len (lent line)
=* name-len (lent name)
=+ diff=(sub max-key-length name-len)
=? line (gth diff 0)
(weld line (dy-build-space diff))
=/ slogan/tape
?~ doc
(trip p.u.doc)
=? line !=(0 (lent slogan))
;: weld
" : "
(dy-truncate (sub 80 :(add 1 spaces line-len)) slogan)
[%leaf line]~
:> renders a list of sections as {tang}
:> prints the longform documentation.
++ print-sections
|= sections/(list sect)
^- tang
=| output/tang
?~ sections
=. output ;: weld
`tang`[%leaf ""]~
(print-section i.sections)
$(sections t.sections)
:> renders an individual {sect} to a {tang}
++ print-section
|= section/sect
^- tang
%+ turn section
|= pica
^- tank
?: p
[%leaf (trip q)]
[%leaf " {(trip q)}"]
:> truncates `t` down to `i` characters, adding an ellipsis.
++ dy-truncate
:: todo: when ~palfun's string library is landed, switch to his
:: implementation.
|= {i/@u t/tape}
^- tape
=+ t-len=(lent t)
?: (lth t-len i)
:(weld (scag (sub i 4) t) "...")
:> creates a tape of i spaces, used for padding.
++ dy-build-space
:: todo: when ~palfun's string library is landed, switch to his
:: implementation.
|= i/@u
^- tape
=| t/tape
?: =(0 i)
$(t (weld " " t), i (sub i 1))
:> returns the length of the longest tape in c.
++ dy-longest-tape
|= c/(list tape)
=| ret/@ud
?~ c
=+ l=(lent i.c)
?: (gth l ret)
$(ret l, c t.c)
$(c t.c)
++ dy-show-type-noun
|= a/type ^- tank
=- >[-]<
|- ^- $? $% {$atom @tas (unit @)}
{$cell _$ _$}
{$cube * _$}
{$face {what $@(term tune)} _$}
{$fork (set _$)}
{$hold _$ hoon}
wain :: "<|core|>"
$?($noun $void)
?+ a a
{?($cube $face) ^} a(q $(a q.a))
{$cell ^} a(p $(a p.a), q $(a q.a))
{$fork *} a(p (silt (turn ~(tap in p.a) |=(b/type ^$(a b)))))
{$help *} !!
{$core ^} `wain`/core
{$hold *} a(p $(a p.a))
++ dy-shown
$? hoon
$^ {dy-shown dy-shown}
$% {$ur (unit knot) purl:eyre}
{$dv path}
{$sa mark}
{$as mark dy-shown}
{$do hoon dy-shown}
{$ge path (list dy-shown) (map term (unit dy-shown))}
++ dy-show-source
|= a/dojo-source ^- tank
=- >[-]<
=+ `{@ bil/dojo-build}`a
|- ^- dy-shown
?- -.bil
$?($ur $dv $sa) bil
$ex ?. ?=({$cltr *} p.bil) p.bil
|- ^- hoon
?~ p.p.bil !!
?~ t.p.p.bil i.p.p.bil
[i.p.p.bil $(p.p.bil t.p.p.bil)]
$tu ?~ p.bil !!
?~ t.p.bil ^$(bil q.i.p.bil)
[^$(bil q.i.p.bil) $(p.bil t.p.bil)]
$as bil(q $(bil q.q.bil))
$do bil(q $(bil q.q.bil))
$ge :+ %ge q.p.p.bil
[(turn p.q.p.bil ..$) (~(run by q.q.p.bil) (lift ..$))]
++ dy-edit :: handle edit
|= cal/sole-change
^+ +>+>
=^ dat say (~(transceive sole say) cal)
?: |(?=(^ per) ?=(^ pux) ?=($~ pro))
~& %dy-edit-busy
=^ lic say (~(transmit sole say) dat)
(dy-diff %mor [%det lic] [%bel ~] ~)
(dy-slam(per `dat) /edit u.pro !>((tufa buf.say)))
++ dy-type :: sole action
|= act/sole-action
?- -.act
$det (dy-edit +.act)
$ret (dy-done (tufa buf.say))
$clr dy-stop
++ dy-cage |=(num/@ud (~(got by rez) num)) :: known cage
++ dy-vase |=(num/@ud q:(dy-cage num)) :: known vase
++ dy-silk-vase |=(vax/vase [%$ %noun vax]) :: vase to silk
++ dy-silk-sources :: arglist to silk
|= src/(list dojo-source) ^- silk:ford
%- dy-silk-vase
?~ src !>(~)
(slop (dy-vase p.i.src) $(src t.src))
++ dy-silk-config :: configure
|= {cay/cage cig/dojo-config}
^- {wire silk:ford}
?. (~(nest ut [%cell [%atom %$ ~] %noun]) | p.q.cay)
:: naked gate
?. &(?=({* $~} p.cig) ?=($~ q.cig))
~|(%one-argument !!)
:- /noun
:+ %call (dy-silk-vase q.cay)
(dy-silk-vase (dy-vase p.i.p.cig))
:: normal generator
:- ?+ -.q.q.cay ~|(%bad-gen ~_((sell (slot 2 q.cay)) !!))
$say /gent
$ask /dial
$get /scar
=+ gat=(slot 3 q.cay)
:+ %call (dy-silk-vase gat)
:+ (dy-silk-vase !>([now=now.hid eny=eny.hid bec=he-beak]))
(dy-silk-sources p.cig)
:+ %mute (dy-silk-vase (fall (slew 27 gat) !>(~)))
%+ turn ~(tap by q.cig)
|= {a/term b/(unit dojo-source)}
^- (pair wing silk:ford)
:- [a ~]
%- dy-silk-vase
?~(b !>([~ ~]) (dy-vase p.u.b))
++ dy-hoon-head :: dynamic state
:: todo: how do i separate the toplevel 'dojo state' comment?
:> dojo state
:> our: the name of this urbit
:> now: the current time
:> eny: a piece of random entropy
^- cage
:- %noun
=+ sloop=|=({a/vase b/vase} ?:(=(*vase a) b ?:(=(*vase b) a (slop a b))))
%+ sloop
%- ~(rep by var)
|= {{a/term @ b/vase} c/vase} ^- vase
(sloop b(p face+[[~ a] p.b]) c)
!>([our=our now=now eny=eny]:hid)
++ dy-made-dial :: dialog product
|= cag/cage
^+ +>+>
?. ?=(^ q.q.cag)
(dy-errd ~ q.q.cag)
=+ tan=((list tank) +2.q.q.cag)
=. +>+>.$ (he-diff %tan tan)
=+ vax=(spec (slot 3 q.cag))
?+ -.q.vax !!
?~ +.q.vax
~& %dy-made-dial-abort
(dy-rash %bel ~)
(dy-meal (slot 7 vax))
=< he-pone
%- dy-diff(pro `(slap (slot 7 vax) [%limb %q]))
=+ pom=(sole-prompt +<.q.vax)
[%pro pom(cad [':' ' ' cad.pom])]
++ dy-made-scar :: scraper product
|= cag/cage
^+ +>+>
?. ?=(^ q.q.cag)
(dy-errd ~ q.q.cag)
=+ tan=((list tank) +2.q.q.cag)
=. +>+>.$ (he-diff %tan tan)
=+ vax=(spec (slot 3 q.cag))
~_ (sell q.cag)
?+ -.q.vax !!
?~ +.q.vax
~& %dy-made-scar-abort
(dy-rash %bel ~)
(dy-meal (slot 7 vax))
=> .(vax (slap vax !,(*hoon ?>(?=($| -) .)))) :: XX working spec #72
=+ typ={$| (unit knot) hiss:eyre *}
=+ [~ usr hiz ~]=((dy-cast typ !>(*typ)) vax)
=. ..dy (he-diff %tan leaf+"< {(en-purl:html p.hiz)}" ~)
(dy-eyre(pro `(slap (slot 15 vax) limb+%r)) /scar usr hiz)
++ dy-sigh-scar :: scraper result
|= dat/cage
?~ pro
~& %dy-no-scraper
(dy-show dat)
(dy-slam(pux ~) /scar u.pro q.dat)
++ dy-made-gent :: generator product
|= cag/cage
(dy-meal q.cag)
++ dy-made-noun :: generator product
|= cag/cage
(dy-hand %noun q.cag)
++ dy-make :: build step
^+ +>
?> ?=(^ cud)
=+ bil=q.u.cud :: XX =*
?: ?=($ur -.bil)
(dy-eyre /hand p.bil [q.bil %get ~ ~])
%- dy-ford
^- (pair path silk:ford)
?- -.bil
$ge (dy-silk-config (dy-cage p.p.p.bil) q.p.bil)
$dv [/hand [%core he-beak (flop p.bil)]]
$ex [/hand (dy-mare p.bil)]
$sa [/hand [%bunt p.bil]]
$as [/hand [%cast p.bil [%$ (dy-cage p.q.bil)]]]
$do [/hand [%call (dy-mare p.bil) [%$ (dy-cage p.q.bil)]]]
$tu :- /hand
:- %$
:- %noun
|- ^- vase
?~ p.bil !!
=+ hed=(dy-vase p.i.p.bil)
?~ t.p.bil hed
(slop hed $(p.bil t.p.bil))
++ dy-hoon-mark :: XX architect
=+ ^= ope
|= gen/hoon ^- hoon
?: ?=(?($sggl $sggr) -.gen)
$(gen q.gen)
=+ ~(open ap gen)
?.(=(gen -) $(gen -) gen)
|= gen/hoon ^- (unit mark)
=. gen (ope gen)
?: ?=({$cnts {@ $~} $~} gen)
(bind (~(get by var) i.p.gen) head)
?. ?=($dtkt -.gen) ~
=. p.gen (ope p.gen)
?@ -.p.gen ~
?+ ~(feck ap p.p.gen) ~
{$~ $cx}
=+ gin=(ope q.p.gen)
?@ -.gin ~
=. q.gin (ope q.gin)
?^ -.q.gin $(gin q.gin)
=. p.gin (ope p.gin)
?. ?=({{?($rock $sand) @ @} {$rock $n $~}} gin)
(some q.p.gin)
++ dy-mare :: build expression
|= gen/hoon
^- silk:ford
=+ too=(dy-hoon-mark gen)
=- ?~(too - [%cast u.too -])
:+ %ride gen
:- [%$ dy-hoon-head]
[%plan he-beam blob+** [zuse sur lib ~ ~]]
++ dy-step :: advance project
|= nex/@ud
^+ +>+>
?> ?=($~ cud)
?: ?=({$show $3} -.mad)
?: =(nex num)
dy-make(cud `[nex (~(got by job) nex)])
++ he-dope :: sole user of ++dp
|= txt/tape ::
^- (each (unit (each dojo-command tape)) hair) :: prefix+result
=+ len=+((lent txt)) :: line length
=. txt (weld buf `tape`(weld txt "\0a")) ::
=+ vex=((full dp-command-line):dp [1 1] txt) ::
?: =(q.p.vex len) :: matched to line end
[%& ~] ::
?: =(p.p.vex +((lent (skim txt |=(a/@ =(10 a)))))) :: parsed all lines
[%& ~ ?~(q.vex [%| txt] [%& p.u.q.vex])] :: new buffer+complete
[%| p.p.vex (dec q.p.vex)] :: syntax error
++ he-duke :: ++he-dope variant
|= txt/tape
^- (each (unit (each dojo-command tape)) @ud)
=+ foy=(he-dope txt)
?- -.foy
$| [%| q.p.foy]
$& [%& p.foy]
++ he-easter :: hint messages
^+ .
=. egg +(egg)
=- ?~(msg ..he-diff (he-diff %tan leaf+u.msg ~))
^- msg/(unit tape)
?+ (clan:title our.hid) ~
$pawn ?+ egg ~
$5 `":: To request a planet, run |ask 'your@email.co'"
== ==
++ he-abet :: resolve
[(flop moz) %_(+> hoc (~(put by hoc) ost.hid +<+))]
++ he-abut :: discard
=> he-stop
[(flop moz) %_(+> hoc (~(del by hoc) ost.hid))]
++ he-beak -:he-beam
++ he-beam :: logical beam
^- beam
?. =(ud+0 r.dir) dir
dir(r [%da now.hid])
++ he-card :: emit gift
|= cad/card
^+ +>
%_(+> moz [[ost.hid cad] moz])
++ he-send
|= {way/wire him/ship dap/term cop/clap}
^+ +>
(he-card %send way [him dap] cop)
++ he-diff :: emit update
|= fec/sole-effect
^+ +>
(he-card %diff %sole-effect fec)
++ he-stop :: abort work
^+ .
?~(poy . ~(dy-stop dy u.poy))
++ he-peer :: subscribe to
|=(pax/path ?>(=(~ pax) he-prom))
++ he-pine :: restore prompt
^+ .
?^ poy .
++ he-errd :: reject update
|= {rev/(unit sole-edit) err/@u} ^+ +>
=+ red=(fall rev [%nop ~]) :: required for error location sync
=^ lic say (~(transmit sole say) red)
(he-diff %mor [%det lic] [%err err] ~)
++ he-pone :: clear prompt
^+ .
=^ cal say (~(transmit sole say) [%set ~])
(he-diff %mor [%det cal] ~)
++ he-prow :: where we are
^- tape
?: &(=(our.hid p.dir) =(%home q.dir) =([%ud 0] r.dir) =(~ s.dir)) ~
%+ weld
?: &(=(our.hid p.dir) =([%ud 0] r.dir))
(weld "/" (trip q.dir))
;: weld
"/" ?:(=(our.hid p.dir) "=" (scow %p p.dir))
"/" ?:(=(%home q.dir) "=" (trip q.dir))
"/" ?:(=([%ud 0] r.dir) "=" (scow r.dir))
?:(=(~ s.dir) "" (spud (flop s.dir)))
++ he-prom :: send prompt
%- he-diff
:- %pro
[& %$ (weld he-prow ?~(buf "> " "< "))]
++ he-made :: result from ford
|= {way/wire dep/@uvH reg/gage:ford}
^+ +>
?> ?=(^ poy)
=< he-pine
?- -.reg
$& %. p.reg
=+ dye=~(. dy u.poy(pux ~))
?+ way !!
{$hand $~} dy-hand:dye
{$dial $~} dy-made-dial:dye
{$gent $~} dy-made-gent:dye
{$noun $~} dy-made-noun:dye
{$scar $~} dy-made-scar:dye
{$edit $~} dy-made-edit:dye
$| (he-diff(poy ~) %tan p.reg)
$tabl !!
++ he-sigh :: result from eyre
|= {way/wire hit/httr:eyre}
^+ +>
?> ?=(^ poy)
=< he-pine
%. [%httr !>(hit)]
=+ dye=~(. dy u.poy(pux ~))
?+ way !!
{$hand $~} dy-hand:dye
{$show $~} dy-show:dye
{$scar $~} dy-sigh-scar:dye
++ he-unto :: result from behn
|= {way/wire cit/cuft:gall}
^+ +>
?. ?=($coup -.cit)
~& [%strange-unto cit]
?~ p.cit
(he-diff %txt ">=")
(he-diff %tan u.p.cit)
++ he-like :: accept line
|= buf/(list @c)
=(%& -:(he-dope (tufa buf)))
++ he-stir :: apply change
|= cal/sole-change
^+ +>
:: ~& [%his-clock ler.cal]
:: ~& [%our-clock ven.say]
=^ dat say (~(transceive sole say) cal)
?. ?& ?=($del -.dat)
=(+(p.dat) (lent buf.say))
=+ foy=(he-dope (tufa buf.say))
?: ?=($& -.foy) +>.$
:: ~& [%bad-change dat ted.cal]
:: ~& [%our-leg leg.say]
(he-errd `dat q.p.foy)
++ he-plan :: execute command
|= mad/dojo-command
^+ +>
?> ?=($~ poy)
he-pine:(dy-step:~(dy-init dy %*(. *dojo-project mad mad)) 0)
++ he-done :: parse command
|= txt/tape
^+ +>
?~ txt
=< he-prom(buf ~)
%- he-diff
:~ %mor
[%txt "> "]
[%nex ~]
=+ doy=(he-duke txt)
?- -.doy
$| (he-errd ~ p.doy)
?~ p.doy
(he-errd ~ (lent txt))
=+ old=(weld ?~(buf "> " " ") (tufa buf.say))
=^ cal say (~(transmit sole say) [%set ~])
=. +>.$ (he-diff %mor txt+old nex+~ det+cal ~)
?- -.u.p.doy
$& (he-plan(buf ~) p.u.p.doy)
$| he-prom(buf p.u.p.doy)
++ he-type :: apply input
|= act/sole-action
^+ +>
?^ poy
he-pine:(~(dy-type dy u.poy) act)
?- -.act
$det (he-stir +.act)
$ret (he-done (tufa buf.say))
$clr he-pine(buf "")
++ he-lens
|= com/command:lens
^+ +>
=+ ^- source/dojo-source
=| num/@
=- ?. ?=($send-api -.sink.com) :: XX num is incorrect
:- 0
:+ %as `mark`(cat 3 api.sink.com '-poke')
:- 1
:+ %do
:^ %brtr [~ ~] [%base %noun]
:^ %clls [%rock %tas %post]
[%rock %$ endpoint.sink.com]
[%cnts ~[[%.y 6]] ~]
^= sor
|- ^- dojo-source
:- num
?- -.source.com
$data [%ex %sand %t data.source.com]
%+ rash command.source.com
(ifix [(punt gap) (punt gap)] dp-build:dp)
:- %ex
:* %dtkt
[%base %noun]
:+ %clhp
[%rock %tas %cx]
%+ rash pax.source.com
rood:(vang | /(scot %p our.hid)/home/(scot %da now.hid))
$url [%ur `~. url.source.com]
$api !!
:* %ex
[%wing ~[%json]]
:* %clsg
[%rock %tas %gx]
[%sand %ta (scot %p our.hid)]
[%sand %tas api.source.com]
[%sand %ta (scot %da now.hid)]
(turn endpoint.source.com |=(a/@t [%sand %ta a]))
$listen-api !!
:* %as mar.source.com
$(num +(num), source.com next.source.com)
:* %do
%+ rash code.source.com
tall:(vang | /(scot %p our.hid)/home/(scot %da now.hid))
$(num +(num), source.com next.source.com)
:- %tu
|- ^- (list dojo-source)
?~ next.source.com
=. num +(num)
:- ^$(source.com i.next.source.com)
$(next.source.com t.next.source.com)
=+ |- ^- sink/dojo-sink
?- -.sink.com
$stdout [%show %0]
$output-file $(sink.com [%command (cat 3 '@' pax.sink.com)])
$output-clay [%file (need (de-beam pax.sink.com))]
$url [%http %post `~. url.sink.com]
$to-api !!
$send-api [%poke our.hid api.sink.com]
$command (rash command.sink.com dp-sink:dp)
$app [%poke our.hid app.sink.com]
(he-plan sink source)
++ he-lame :: handle error
|= {wut/term why/tang}
^+ +>
%- (slog (flop `tang`[>%dojo-lame wut< why]))
?^ poy
he-pine:~(dy-amok dy u.poy)
he-pine :: XX give mean to original keystroke
++ prep
=+ session-4==+(*session _-(lib *(list), sur *(list)))
=+ session-1==+(*session-4 _-(poy *(unit)))
=+ session-0==+(*session-1 _[_say syd=desk * _|2.-])
:: ,_`..prep
=+ ^= hoze
$% {$0 p/(map bone session-0)}
{$1 p/(map bone session-1)}
{$2 p/(map bone session-1)}
{$3 p/(map bone session-4)}
{$4 p/@ q/(map bone session-4)}
|= old/(unit ?(house hoze)) ^+ [~ ..prep]
?~ old `..prep
?+ -.u.old !!
$4 $(-.u.old %5, q.u.old (~(run by q.u.old) |=(session-4 +<(sur ~, lib ~))))
$5 `..prep(+<+ u.old)
:: pattern: ++ foo |=(data he-abet:(~(he-foo he (~(got by hoc) ost)) data))
++ arm (arm-session ~ (~(got by hoc) ost.hid))
++ arm-session
|= {moz/(list move) ses/session}
=> ~(. he moz ses)
=- [wrap=- +]
|* he-arm/_he-type
|= _+<.he-arm
^- (quip move _..he)
he-abet:(he-arm +<)
++ peer-sole
~? !=(our.hid src.hid) [%dojo-peer-stranger ost.hid src.hid]
?> (team:title our.hid src.hid)
=^ moz .
?. (~(has by hoc) ost.hid) [~ .]
~& [%dojo-peer-replaced ost.hid]
~(he-abut he ~ (~(got by hoc) ost.hid))
=+ ses=%*(. *session -.dir [our.hid %home ud+0])
(wrap he-peer):(arm-session moz ses)
++ poke-sole-action
|= act/sole-action ~| poke+act %. act
(wrap he-type):arm
++ poke-lens-command
|= com/command:lens ~| poke-lens+com %. com
(wrap he-lens):arm
++ poke-json
|= jon/json
^- {(list move) _+>.$}
~& jon=jon
[~ +>.$]
++ made (wrap he-made):arm
++ sigh-httr (wrap he-sigh):arm
++ sigh-tang |=({a/wire b/tang} ~|(`term`(cat 3 'sigh-' -.a) (mean b)))
++ lame (wrap he-lame):arm
++ unto (wrap he-unto):arm
++ pull
|= {pax/path}
^- (quip move _+>)
=^ moz +> ~(he-abut he ~ (~(got by hoc) ost.hid))
[moz +>.$(hoc (~(del by hoc) ost.hid))]