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synced 2024-12-18 20:31:40 +03:00
181 lines
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181 lines
12 KiB
:: :::::::::::::::
:::: /hook/core/octo/ape :: :: :: build
:: :::::::::::::::
/- *sole :: structures
/+ sole :: libraries
:: :::::::::::::::
:::: :: :: :: logic
!: :::::::::::::::
=> |% :: board logic
++ board ,@ :: one-player bitfield
++ point ,[x=@ y=@] :: coordinate
++ game ,[who=? box=board boo=board] :: game state
++ icon |=(? ?:(+< 'X' 'O')) :: display at
++ bo :: per board
|_ bud=board ::
++ get |=(point =(1 (cut 0 [(off +<) 1] bud))) :: get point
++ off |=(point (add x (mul 3 y))) :: bitfield address
++ set |=(point (con bud (bex (off +<)))) :: set point
++ win %- lien :_ |=(a=@ =(a (dis a bud))) :: test for win
(rip 4 0wl04h0.4A0Aw.4A00s.0e070) :: with bitmasks
-- ::
++ go :: per game
|_ game ::
++ at |_ point :: per point
++ g +>+< :: game
++ k !|(x o) :: ok move
++ m ?.(k [| g] [& g:t:?:(who y p)]) :: move
++ o (~(get bo boo) +<) :: old at o
++ p .(boo (~(set bo boo) +<)) :: play at o
++ t .(who !who) :: take turn
++ v ?:(x (icon &) ?:(o (icon |) '.')) :: view
++ x (~(get bo box) +<) :: old at x
++ y .(box (~(set bo box) +<)) :: play at x
-- ::
++ res ?: ~(win bo box) `"{~[(icon &)]} wins" :: result
?: ~(win bo boo) `"{~[(icon |)]} wins" ::
?: =(511 (con boo box)) `"tie :-(" ~ ::
++ row |= y=@ :~ (add y '1') :: print row
' ' ~(v at y 0) ::
' ' ~(v at y 1) ::
' ' ~(v at y 2) ::
== ::
++ tab ~["+ 1 2 3" (row 0) (row 1) (row 2)] :: print table
-- ::
-- ::
:: :::::::::::::::
:::: :: :: :: agent
:: :::::::::::::::
=> |% :: arvo structures
++ axle ,[%1 eye=face but=tube gam=game] :: agent state
++ axon $?(axle [%0 eye=face gam=game]) :: historical state
++ card $% [%diff lime] :: update
[%quit ~] :: cancel
[%peer wire dock path] :: subscribe
[%pull wire dock ~]
== ::
++ face (pair (list ,@c) (map bone sole-share)) :: interface
++ lime $% [%sole-effect sole-effect] :: :sole update
[%octo-game game] :: :octo update
== ::
++ move (pair bone card) :: cause and action
++ mote (pair ship ,?) :: remote binding
++ tube (unit (pair ,? mote)) :: alive, remote
-- ::
=> |% :: parsers
++ colm (cook |=(a=@ (sub a '1')) (shim '1' '3')) :: row or column
++ come ;~(plug colm ;~(pfix fas colm)) :: coordinate
++ comb (pick come (punt ;~(pfix sig comp))) :: all command input
++ comp ;~(plug fed:ag ;~(pfix ace (flag %x %o))) :: login command
++ cope |=(? ?:(+< (stag %| (cold ~ sig)) comb)) :: with wait mode
-- ::
|_ [hid=hide moz=(list move) axle] :: per agent
++ et ::
|_ [from say=sole-share] :: per console client
++ abet +>(q.eye (~(put by q.eye) ost say)) :: continue
++ amok +>(q.eye (~(del by q.eye) ost)) :: discontinue
++ beep (emit %bel ~) :: bad user
++ cusp (cope wait) :: parsing rule
++ delt |= cal=sole-change :: input line change
=^ cul say (remit:sole cal good) ::
?~ cul (park:abet(p.eye buf.say) | ~) ::
abet:beep:(emit det/u.cul) ::
++ emit |= fec=sole-effect ^+ +> :: send effect
+>(moz [[ost %diff %sole-effect fec] moz]) ::
++ emil |= fex=(list sole-effect) :: send effects
?~(fex +> $(fex t.fex, +> (emit i.fex))) ::
++ good |=((list ,@c) -:(rose (tufa +<) cusp)) :: valid input
++ kick |= point :: move command
=^ dud gam ~(m ~(at go gam) +<) ::
?. dud abet:beep =+ mus=~(res go gam) ::
(park:abet(gam ?^(mus *game gam)) %2 mus) ::
++ line =^ cal say (transmit:sole set/p.eye) :: update command
(emit %det cal) ::
++ make =+ dur=(rust (tufa p.eye) comb) ::
?~ dur abet:beep ::
=. + line(p.eye ~) ::
?-(+<.dur & (kick +>.dur), | (plan +>.dur)) ::
++ mean |=((unit tape) ?~(+< +> (emit txt/+<+))) :: optional message
++ play |= lev=?(%0 %1 %2) :: update by level
?-(lev %0 +>, %1 line, %2 line:show:prom) ::
++ plow |= [lev=?(%0 %1 %2) mus=(unit tape)] :: complete print
abet:(mean:(play lev) mus) ::
++ prom %^ emit %pro %& :- %octo :: update prompt
?: wait "(xir turn) " ::
": {~[(icon who.gam)]} to move (row/col): " ::
++ plan |= mut=(unit mote) :: peer command
?~ mut ?~(but abet:beep stop:abet) ::
?^(but abet:beep (link:abet u.mut)) ::
++ rend (turn `wall`~(tab go gam) |=(tape txt/+<)) :: table print
++ show (emit %mor rend) :: update board
++ sole ~(. cs say) :: console library
++ wait &(?=(^ but) !=(q.q.u.but who.gam)) :: waiting turn
++ work |= act=sole-action :: console input
?:(?=(%det -.act) (delt +.act) make) ::
-- ::
++ abet [(flop moz) .(moz ~)] :: resolve core
++ dump |=(mov=move %_(+> moz [mov moz])) :: send move
++ dish |=(cad=card (dump 0 cad)) :: forward move
++ flet |=(from ~(. et +< (~(got by q.eye) ost))) :: in old client
++ fret |=(from ~(. et +< *sole-share)) :: in new client
++ like |=(xir=ship |*(* [/octo [xir %octo] +<])) :: to friend
++ link |= mot=mote %- dish(but `[| mot]) :: subscribe to friend
peer/((like p.mot) /octo/[?:(q.mot %x %o)]) ::
++ pals %+ turn (pale hid (prix /sole)) |= sink :: per console
[[p=p.+< q=q.+<] r=(~(got by q.eye) p.+<)] ::
++ park |= [lev=?(%0 %1 %2) mus=(unit tape)] :: update all
=. +> ?:(=(%2 lev) push +>) ::
=+ pals ::
|- ^+ +>.^$ ?~ +< +>.^$ ::
$(+< t.+<, +>.^$ (~(plow et i.+<) lev mus)) ::
++ push =+ pey=(pale hid (prix /octo)) |- ^+ +> :: update friends
?~(pey +> $(pey t.pey, +> (sell p.i.pey))) ::
++ sell |=(ost=bone (dump ost %diff %octo-game gam)) :: update friend
++ stop (dish(but ~) pull/((like +>-.but) ~)) :: cancel subscribe
:: :::::::::::::::
:::: :: :: :: hooks
:: :::::::::::::::
++ diff-octo-game :: friend update
|= [then gam=game] =< abet ::
?. &(?=([~ %& *] but) =(src p.q.u.but)) +> ::
?: =(^gam gam) +> ::
(park(gam gam) %2 ~) ::
++ peer-octo :: linked by friend
|= [from pax=path] =< abet ::
=+ who==(%x -.pax) ::
?^ but (park %2 ~) :: [~ %& !who src]
(park:(link src !who) %2 `"link by {<src>}") ::
++ peer-sole :: console subscribe
|= [from *] =< abet ::
(plow:(fret +<-) %2 ~) ::
++ poke-sole-action :: console input
|= [from act=sole-action] =< abet ::
(work:(flet +<-) act) ::
++ poke-octo-move
|= [from wha=point] =< abet
=^ dud gam ~(m ~(at go gam) wha)
?> dud
=+ mus=~(res go gam) ::
(park(gam ?^(mus *game gam)) %2 mus)
++ prep |= [from old=(unit ,[(list move) axon])] :: initialize
=< abet ?~ old +> ::
=< (park %2 ~) ::
?- -.+>.old ::
%1 +>(+<+ u.old) ::
%0 +>(eye.+< eye.+>.old, gam.+< gam.+>.old)::
== ::
++ pull-octo ::
|= [from ~] =< abet ::
(park(but ~) %0 `"dropped") ::
++ pull-sole :: disconnect console
|= [from *] =< abet ::
amok:(flet +<-) ::
++ quit-octo :: unlinked by friend
|=([then ~] abet:(park(but ~) %0 `"removed")) ::
++ reap-octo :: linked to friend
|= [then saw=(unit tang)] =< abet ::
?> ?=([~ %| *] but) ::
?^ saw (park:stop %0 `"fail to {<src>}") ::
(park(p.u.but %&) %0 `"link to {<src>}") ::