2022-01-30 15:59:58 -05:00

114 lines
4.8 KiB

/- *story
/+ lib=story
:- %say
|= $: [now=@da eny=@uvJ bec=beak]
[[syd=desk ~] ~]
=/ our p.bec
=/ cas `case`[%da now]
=/ tale .^(story %cx /(scot %p our)/[syd]/(scot %da now)/story)
=/ current-tako .^(tako:clay %cs /(scot %p our)/[syd]/(scot cas)/tako/~)
=/ current-yaki .^(yaki:clay %cs /(scot %p our)/base/(scot cas)/yaki/(scot %uv current-tako))
:- %tang
(story-log current-yaki tale)
++ msg-from-commit
|= [commit=yaki:clay tale=story]
^- (unit cord)
=/ proses (~(get by tale) r.commit)
?~ proses ~
%- some
%- crip
;: welp
(tako-to-text:lib r.commit)
(proses-to-text:lib u.proses)
:: Remarks:
:: There are two recursions in the log file:
:: 1. the outer loop, `commit-loop` which threads downwards into each commit by ancestor
:: 2. the inner loop, `ancestor-loop`, which threads left-to-right on reverse-ancestors
++ story-log
|= [current-commit=yaki:clay tale=story]
^- tang
=/ our p.bec
=/ cas=case [%da now]
%- flop
%- head
=| state=[result=tang mergebase=(unit tako:clay)]
^- _state
=* commit-loop $
=/ reverse-ancestors (flop p.current-commit)
=* ancestor-loop $
?- reverse-ancestors
:: stop here and return the current message
=/ msg=(unit cord) (msg-from-commit current-commit tale)
[?~(msg result.state [u.msg result.state]) mergebase=~]
[tako:clay ~]
=/ parent=tako:clay i.reverse-ancestors
=/ parent-commit .^(yaki:clay %cs /(scot %p our)/base/(scot cas)/yaki/(scot %uv parent))
=/ msg (msg-from-commit current-commit tale)
:: proper logic is: if there is a mergebase and the current commit is the mergebase, stop. otherwise, continue
?: ?&(?=(^ mergebase.state) =(u.mergebase.state r.current-commit))
:: stop here and clear mergebase. we skip adding the mergebase's msg itself because it will be added through the other branch
[result=result.state mergebase=~]
commit-loop(current-commit parent-commit, state [?~(msg result.state [u.msg result.state]) mergebase.state])
[tako:clay tako:clay ~]
:: mainline: ultimate base chain
:: nextline: relative mainline
:: sideline: side-chain, featurebranch
:: From the context of e, commit c is on its relative mainline, or nowline, while commit d is on its sideline
:: %base a--b-------------X :: mainline
:: %new \--c------e--/ :: nowline
:: %new2 \--d--/ :: sideline
~& "in merge commit"
=/ sideline=tako:clay i.reverse-ancestors
=/ mainline=tako:clay i.t.reverse-ancestors
=/ mergebases .^((list tako:clay) %cs /(scot %p our)/base/(scot cas)/base-tako/(scot %uv mainline)/(scot %uv sideline))
=/ next-mergebase=(unit tako:clay) ?~(mergebases ~ (some i.mergebases)) :: take the first valid mergebase (by convention) if exists, else none
=/ sideline-commit=yaki:clay .^(yaki:clay %cs /(scot %p our)/base/(scot cas)/yaki/(scot %uv sideline))
=/ mainline-commit=yaki:clay .^(yaki:clay %cs /(scot %p our)/base/(scot cas)/yaki/(scot %uv mainline))
=/ msg=(unit cord) (msg-from-commit current-commit tale)
:: 1 - process current commit
:: 2 - recur and queue processing on all commits on the sideline
:: 3 - recur and queue processing on all commits on the mainline
:: Because mainline messages are cons'd to result last, they are
:: (by definition) towards the less recent side of the (resulting, flopped) list
=. state [result=?~(msg result.state [u.msg result.state]) mergebase=next-mergebase] :: 1
=. state commit-loop(current-commit sideline-commit) :: 2
=. state commit-loop(current-commit mainline-commit) :: 3
[tako:clay tako:clay tako:clay *]
~& "in 3+ ancestor commit"
:: take the first two (sideline/mainline). calculate that mergebase
:: recur through sideline (state-b). but instead of state-c line for mainline,
=/ sideline=tako:clay i.reverse-ancestors
=/ nowline=tako:clay i.t.reverse-ancestors
=/ mergebases .^((list tako:clay) %cs /(scot %p our)/base/(scot cas)/base-tako/(scot %uv nowline)/(scot %uv sideline))
=/ next-mergebase=(unit tako:clay) ?~(mergebases ~ (some i.mergebases)) :: take the first valid mergebase (by convention) if exists, else none
=/ sideline-commit=yaki:clay .^(yaki:clay %cs /(scot %p our)/base/(scot cas)/yaki/(scot %uv sideline))
=. mergebase.state next-mergebase
=. state commit-loop(current-commit sideline-commit)
=. state ancestor-loop(reverse-ancestors t.reverse-ancestors)