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module Main where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (atomically, newTVarIO)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TBMQueue
newtype Cpu st ev fx = Cpu { runCpu :: st -> ev -> (st, fx) }
data CpuApi ev st fx = CpuApi
{ caHalt :: IO ()
, caInput :: TBMQueue ev
, caOutput :: TBMQueue (st, fx)
dummyCpu :: Cpu () () ()
dummyCpu = Cpu $ (\() () -> ((), ()))
runCpuIO :: Cpu st ev fx
-> TVar st
-> TBMQueue ev
-> TBMQueue (st, fx)
-> IO ()
runCpuIO cpu vSt inp out =
forever $ atomically $ do
ev <- readTBMQueue inp >>= maybe (error "No more input") pure
st <- readTVar vSt
runCpu cpu st ev & \(st', fx) -> do
writeTVar vSt st'
writeTBMQueue out (st', fx)
runCpuThread :: Cpu st ev fx
-> st
-> IO (CpuApi ev st fx)
runCpuThread cpu init = do
inp <- newTBMQueueIO 1
out <- newTBMQueueIO 16
vSt <- newTVarIO init
tid <- forkIO (runCpuIO cpu vSt inp out)
let kill = do atomically (closeTBMQueue inp >> closeTBMQueue out)
killThread tid
pure (CpuApi kill inp out)
- When an event comes in:
- process the event
- persist the event
- run the effects
- Take a snapshot at any time.
main :: IO ()
main = do
cpuProc <- runCpuThread dummyCpu ()
caHalt cpuProc