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synced 2024-12-18 04:11:49 +03:00
Using websockets because it would be nice to eventually have a terminal in the Electron client. This is prototype-quality code. Using the built-in client/server from the `websockets` package, but that's just for testing.
192 lines
5.4 KiB
192 lines
5.4 KiB
module EventBrowser (run) where
import UrbitPrelude
import Arvo
import Data.Conduit
import Urbit.Time
import Vere.Pier.Types
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..))
import Vere.Log (EventLog)
import qualified Data.Conduit.Combinators as C
import qualified Vere.Log as Log
data Event = Event
{ num :: Word64
, mug :: Mug
, wen :: Wen
, ova :: Ev
deriving Show
data Input = Next | Prev | Quit | Trim | Effs | Init | Last
run :: HasLogFunc e => EventLog -> RIO e ()
run log = do
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
hSetEcho stdin False
logInfo $ displayShow (Log.identity log)
let cycle = fromIntegral $ lifecycleLen $ Log.identity log
las <- Log.lastEv log
loop cycle las las
failRead cur =
putStrLn ("ERROR: Failed to read event: " <> tshow cur)
input cyc las cur mFx = do
getInput las cur >>= \case
Next -> loop cyc las (succ cur)
Prev -> loop cyc las (pred cur)
Init -> loop cyc las 1
Last -> loop cyc las las
Quit -> pure ()
Trim -> trim cyc las cur mFx
Effs -> showEffects mFx >> input cyc las cur mFx
trim cyc las cur mFx = do
deleteFrom log las cur >>= \case
True -> loop cyc (pred cur) (pred cur)
False -> input cyc las cur mFx
loop cyc las 0 = loop cyc las 1
loop cyc las cur | cur > las = loop cyc las las
loop cyc las cur | cyc >= cur = do
putStrLn ""
putStrLn " [EVENT]"
putStrLn ""
putStrLn " Lifecycle Nock"
putStrLn ""
input cyc las cur (Just [])
loop cyc las cur = do
mEv <- peekEvent log cur
mFx <- peekEffect log cur
case mEv of
Nothing -> failRead cur
Just ev -> showEvent ev >> showEffectsTeaser mFx
input cyc las cur mFx
deleteFrom :: HasLogFunc e => EventLog -> Word64 -> Word64 -> RIO e Bool
deleteFrom log las cur = do
sure <- areYouSure
if sure then doDelete else abortDelete
pure sure
abortDelete = do
putStrLn "\n\n [ABORTED]\n"
putStrLn " Aborted delete, no events pruned.\n"
doDelete = do
Log.trimEvents log cur
putStrLn "\n\n [DELETED]\n"
putStrLn " It's gone forever!\n"
question =
if las == cur
then mconcat [ " This will permanently delete the last event (#"
, tshow las
, ")\n" ]
else mconcat [ " This will permanently delete all events in (#"
, tshow cur
, " - #"
, tshow las
, ")\n" ]
areYouSure = do
putStrLn "\n\n ARE YOU SURE????"
putStrLn ""
putStrLn question
putStr "(y|n) "
hFlush stdout
getChar <&> \case
'y' -> True
_ -> False
getInput :: Word64 -> Word64 -> RIO e Input
getInput las cur = do
putStr ("(" <> tshow cur <> "/" <> tshow las <> ") ")
hFlush stdout
getChar >>= \case
'j' -> pure Next
'k' -> pure Prev
'q' -> pure Quit
'f' -> pure Effs
'x' -> pure Trim
'0' -> pure Init
'G' -> pure Last
_ -> do putStrLn "\n"
putStrLn help
getInput las cur
help = unlines
[ " [HELP]"
, ""
, " k View the previous event"
, " j View the next event"
, " 0 View the first event"
, " G View the last event"
, " q Quit"
, " x Delete (only the last event)"
, " ? Show this help"
showEffectsTeaser :: Maybe FX -> RIO e ()
showEffectsTeaser Nothing = putStrLn " [No collected effects]\n"
showEffectsTeaser (Just []) = putStrLn " [No effects for this event]\n"
showEffectsTeaser (Just fx) = putStrLn $ mconcat
[ " ["
, tshow (length fx)
, " collected effects. Press 'f' to view]\n"
showEffects :: Maybe FX -> RIO e ()
showEffects Nothing = putStrLn " [No collected effects]\n"
showEffects (Just []) = putStrLn " [No effects for this event]\n"
showEffects (Just fx) = do
putStrLn "\n"
putStrLn " [EFFECTS]"
for_ fx $ \ef -> do
putStrLn ""
showEffect ef
putStrLn ""
showEffect :: Lenient Ef -> RIO e ()
showEffect (GoodParse ef) =
putStrLn $ unlines $ fmap (" " <>) $ lines $ pack $ ppShow ef
showEffect (FailParse n) =
putStrLn $ unlines $ fmap (" " <>) $ lines $ pack $ ppShow n
showEvent :: Event -> RIO e ()
showEvent ev = do
putStrLn "\n"
putStrLn " [EVENT]"
putStrLn ""
putStrLn $ unlines $ fmap (" " <>) $ lines $ pack $ ppShow (ova ev)
peekEffect :: HasLogFunc e => EventLog -> Word64 -> RIO e (Maybe FX)
peekEffect log eId = runMaybeT $ do
(id, bs) <- MaybeT $ runConduit (Log.streamEffectsRows log eId .| C.head)
guard (id == eId)
io $ cueBSExn bs >>= fromNounExn
peekEvent :: HasLogFunc e => EventLog -> Word64 -> RIO e (Maybe Event)
peekEvent log eId = runMaybeT $ do
octs <- MaybeT $ runConduit (Log.streamEvents log eId .| C.head)
noun <- io $ cueBSExn octs
(m,w,e) <- io $ fromNounExn noun
ovum <- fromNounExn e
pure (Event eId m w ovum)