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synced 2024-12-24 07:26:51 +03:00
`+story-list` produced janky indentation because the `$-(story wain)` functions encoded linefeeds in the cords of the wain and the printer doesn't like this. Story printing functions have been changed to produce pure wains without linefeeds.
149 lines
5.2 KiB
149 lines
5.2 KiB
:: story: log commits in order
/- *story
/+ lib=story
:- %say
|= $: [now=@da eny=@uvJ bec=beak]
[[~] =desk ~]
=/ our p.bec
=? desk =(*^desk desk) q.bec :: use current desk if user didn't provide
=/ cas r.bec :: use case from beak
=/ pax /(scot %p our)/[desk]/(scot cas)/story
?: !(~(has in .^((set ^desk) %cd /(scot %p our)/$/(scot %da now))) desk)
tang+[leaf+"Error: desk {<desk>} does not exist." ~]
?: !.^(? %cu pax)
tang+['Error: No story file found. Please use |story-init to create one.' ~]
=/ tak .^(tako:clay %cs /(scot %p our)/[desk]/(scot cas)/tako/~)
=/ yak .^(yaki:clay %cs /(scot %p our)/[desk]/(scot cas)/yaki/(scot %uv tak))
=/ tale .^(story %cx pax)
:- %tang
(story-read [our desk cas] yak tale)
:: Remarks:
:: There are two recursions in the logging process:
:: 1. the outer loop `commit-loop` threads down into each commit by ancestor
:: 2. the inner loop `ancestor-loop` threads left-to-right on reverse-ancestors
:: +story-read outputs a tang with the least-recent commits at the head
:: of the list, even though we want most-recent commits to print first.
:: But because dojo prints tangs in reverse, we don't flop the results.
++ story-read
|= [[our=ship syd=^desk cas=case] this-commit=yaki:clay tale=story]
^- tang
:: TODO factor out /(scot %p our)/[syd]/(scot cas)
%- head :: result from state
=| state=[result=tang mergebase=(unit tako:clay)]
^- _state
=* commit-loop $
=/ reverse-ancestors (flop p.this-commit)
=* ancestor-loop $
?- reverse-ancestors
:: stop here and return the current message
=/ msg=wain (msg-from-commit this-commit tale)
[(weld msg result.state) mergebase=~]
[tako:clay ~]
=/ parent i.reverse-ancestors
=/ parent-commit
.^(yaki:clay %cs /(scot %p our)/[syd]/(scot cas)/yaki/(scot %uv parent))
=/ msg
(msg-from-commit this-commit tale)
:: If there is a mergebase and we are visting it right now:
:: stop here and clear the mergebase.
:: skip adding the mergebase's msg itself,
:: because it will be added through the other branch.
:: Otherwise, record the current message if exists and recur.
?: ?&(?=(^ mergebase.state) =(u.mergebase.state r.this-commit))
[result=result.state mergebase=~]
commit-loop(this-commit parent-commit, result.state (weld msg result.state))
[tako:clay tako:clay ~]
:: mainline: ultimate base chain
:: nowline: relative mainline
:: sideline: side-chain, featurebranch
:: From the context of e, commit c is on its relative mainline, or nowline,
:: while commit d is on its sideline.
:: %base a--b-------------X :: mainline
:: %new \--c------e--/ :: nowline
:: %new2 \--d--/ :: sideline
=/ sideline i.reverse-ancestors
=/ mainline i.t.reverse-ancestors
:: XX base-tako ignores beak
=/ mergebases
.^ (list tako:clay) %cs
(scot %p our) syd (scot cas)
/base-tako/(scot %uv mainline)/(scot %uv sideline)
:: Take the first valid mergebase (by convention) if exists, else none
=/ next-mergebase
?~(mergebases ~ (some i.mergebases))
=/ sideline-commit
.^(yaki:clay %cs /(scot %p our)/[syd]/(scot cas)/yaki/(scot %uv sideline))
=/ mainline-commit
.^(yaki:clay %cs /(scot %p our)/[syd]/(scot cas)/yaki/(scot %uv mainline))
=/ msg=wain (msg-from-commit this-commit tale)
:: 1 - process current commit
:: 2 - recur and queue processing on all commits on the sideline
:: 3 - recur and queue processing on all commits on the mainline
:: Because mainline messages are cons'd to result last, they are
:: (by definition) towards the less recent side of the flopped list
=. state [result=(weld msg result.state) mergebase=next-mergebase] :: 1
=. state commit-loop(this-commit sideline-commit) :: 2
=. state commit-loop(this-commit mainline-commit) :: 3
[tako:clay tako:clay tako:clay *]
:: ~& "in 3+ ancestor commit"
=/ sideline i.reverse-ancestors
=/ nowline i.t.reverse-ancestors
=/ mergebases
.^ (list tako:clay) %cs
(scot %p our) syd (scot cas)
/base-tako/(scot %uv nowline)/(scot %uv sideline)
:: Take the first valid mergebase (by convention) if exists, else none
=/ next-mergebase ?~(mergebases ~ (some i.mergebases))
=/ sideline-commit
.^(yaki:clay %cs /(scot %p our)/[syd]/(scot cas)/yaki/(scot %uv sideline))
=. mergebase.state next-mergebase
=. state commit-loop(this-commit sideline-commit) :: downward
=. state ancestor-loop(reverse-ancestors t.reverse-ancestors) :: rightward
++ msg-from-commit
|= [commit=yaki:clay tale=story]
^- wain
=/ proses (~(get ju tale) r.commit)
?~ proses ~
%- flop :: fixes formatting reversal in dojo
(chapter-to-text:lib r.commit proses)