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High-Level Serf Interface
module Urbit.Vere.Serf
( withSerf
, execReplay
, collectFX
, module X
import Urbit.Prelude
import Data.Conduit
import Urbit.Vere.Pier.Types
import Urbit.Vere.Serf.IPC
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runResourceT)
import Urbit.Arvo (FX)
import Urbit.King.App.Class (HasStderrLogFunc(..))
import Urbit.EventLog.Event (parseLogEvent)
import qualified Data.Conduit.Combinators as CC
import qualified System.ProgressBar as PB
import qualified Urbit.EventLog.LMDB as Log
import qualified Urbit.Vere.Serf.IPC as X (Config (..), EvErr (..), Flag (..),
RunReq (..), Serf, WorkError (..),
run, sendSIGINT, snapshot, start,
withSerf :: HasLogFunc e => Config -> RAcquire e Serf
withSerf config = mkRAcquire startup kill
startup = do
(serf, st) <- io $ start config
logInfo (displayShow ("serf state", st))
pure serf
kill serf = do
void $ rio $ stop serf
:: forall e
. (HasLogFunc e, HasStderrLogFunc e)
=> Serf
-> Log.EventLog
-> Maybe Word64
-> RIO e (Either PlayBail Word)
execReplay serf log last = do
lastEventInSnap <- io (serfLastEventBlocking serf)
if lastEventInSnap == 0 then doBoot else doReplay
doBoot :: RIO e (Either PlayBail Word)
doBoot = do
logInfo "Beginning boot sequence"
let bootSeqLen = lifecycleLen (Log.identity log)
evs <- runConduit $ Log.streamEvents log 1
.| CC.take (fromIntegral bootSeqLen)
.| CC.mapM (fmap snd . parseLogEvent)
.| CC.sinkList
let numEvs = fromIntegral (length evs)
when (numEvs /= bootSeqLen) $ do
throwIO (MissingBootEventsInEventLog numEvs bootSeqLen)
logInfo $ display ("Sending " <> tshow numEvs <> " boot events to serf")
io (boot serf evs) >>= \case
Just err -> do
logInfo "Error on replay, exiting"
pure (Left err)
Nothing -> do
logInfo "Finished boot events, moving on to more events from log."
doReplay <&> \case
Left err -> Left err
Right num -> Right (num + numEvs)
doReplay :: RIO e (Either PlayBail Word)
doReplay = do
logTrace "Beginning event log replay"
lastEventInSnap <- io (serfLastEventBlocking serf)
last & \case
Nothing -> pure ()
Just lt -> logTrace $ display $
"User requested to replay up to event #" <> tshow lt
logLastEv :: Word64 <- atomically $ fromIntegral <$> Log.lastEv log
logTrace $ display $ "Last event in event log is #" <> tshow logLastEv
let replayUpTo = min (fromMaybe logLastEv last) logLastEv
let numEvs :: Int = fromIntegral replayUpTo - fromIntegral lastEventInSnap
when (numEvs < 0) $ do
throwIO (SnapshotAheadOfLog logLastEv lastEventInSnap)
incProgress <- logStderr (trackProgress (fromIntegral numEvs))
logTrace $ display $ "Replaying up to event #" <> tshow replayUpTo
logTrace $ display $ "Will replay " <> tshow numEvs <> " in total."
env <- ask
res <- runResourceT
$ runConduit
$ Log.streamEvents log (lastEventInSnap + 1)
.| CC.take (fromIntegral numEvs)
.| CC.mapM (fmap snd . parseLogEvent)
.| replay 5 incProgress serf
res & \case
Nothing -> pure (Right $ fromIntegral numEvs)
Just er -> pure (Left er)
logStderr :: HasStderrLogFunc e => RIO LogFunc a -> RIO e a
logStderr action = do
logFunc <- view stderrLogFuncL
runRIO logFunc action
:: HasLogFunc e
=> Word64
-> RIO e (Int -> IO ())
trackProgress = \case
0 -> pure $ const $ pure ()
num -> do
let style = PB.defStyle { PB.stylePostfix = PB.exact }
let refresh = 10
let init = PB.Progress 0 (fromIntegral num) ()
bar <- PB.newProgressBar style refresh init
env <- ask
let incr = PB.incProgress bar
pure (runRIO env . incr)
-- Collect FX ------------------------------------------------------------------
collectFX :: HasLogFunc e => Serf -> Log.EventLog -> RIO e ()
collectFX serf log = do
lastEv <- io (serfLastEventBlocking serf)
$ runConduit
$ Log.streamEvents log (lastEv + 1)
.| CC.mapM (parseLogEvent >=> fromNounExn . snd)
.| swim serf
.| persistFX log
persistFX :: MonadIO m => Log.EventLog -> ConduitT (EventId, FX) Void m ()
persistFX log = CC.mapM_ $ \(eId, fx) -> do
Log.writeEffectsRow log eId $ jamBS $ toNoun fx