2021-10-05 23:58:59 -05:00

927 lines
26 KiB

/+ tiny
=> => tiny
:: Laconic bit
=| lac=?
:: Constants
:: Transfers on L1 to this address count as depositing to L2
++ deposit-address 0x1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111
++ log-names
:: Generated with (keccak-256:keccak:crypto (as-octs:mimes:html name))
:: OwnerChanged(uint32,address)
++ owner-changed
:: Activated(uint32)
++ activated
:: Spawned(uint32,uint32)
++ spawned
:: OwnershipTransferred(address,address)
++ ownership-transferred
:: EscapeRequested(uint32,uint32)
++ escape-requested
:: EscapeCanceled(uint32,uint32)
++ escape-canceled
:: EscapeAccepted(uint32,uint32)
++ escape-accepted
:: LostSponsor(uint32,uint32)
++ lost-sponsor
:: ChangedKeys(uint32,bytes32,bytes32,uint32,uint32)
++ changed-keys
:: BrokeContinuity(uint32,uint32)
++ broke-continuity
:: ChangedSpawnProxy(uint32,address)
++ changed-spawn-proxy
:: ChangedTransferProxy(uint32,address)
++ changed-transfer-proxy
:: ChangedManagementProxy(uint32,address)
++ changed-management-proxy
:: ChangedVotingProxy(uint32,address)
++ changed-voting-proxy
:: ChangedDns(string,string,string)
++ changed-dns
:: ApprovalForAll(address,address,bool)
++ approval-for-all
-- =>
:: Types
:: ethereum address, 20 bytes.
+$ address @ux
+$ nonce @ud
+$ dominion ?(%l1 %l2 %spawn)
+$ keys [=life suite=@ud auth=@ crypt=@]
++ orm ((on ship point) por)
++ point
$: :: domain
:: ownership
$= own
$: owner=[=address =nonce]
spawn-proxy=[=address =nonce]
management-proxy=[=address =nonce]
voting-proxy=[=address =nonce]
transfer-proxy=[=address =nonce]
:: networking
$= net
$: rift=@ud
sponsor=[has=? who=@p]
escape=(unit @p)
++ diff
$% [%nonce =ship =proxy =nonce]
[%tx =raw-tx err=(unit @tas)]
[%operator owner=address operator=address approved=?]
[%dns domains=(list @t)]
$: %point =ship
$% [%rift =rift]
[%keys =keys]
[%sponsor sponsor=(unit @p)]
[%escape to=(unit @p)]
[%owner =address]
[%spawn-proxy =address]
[%management-proxy =address]
[%voting-proxy =address]
[%transfer-proxy =address]
[%dominion =dominion]
== == ==
+$ state
$: %0
dns=(list @t)
+$ points (tree [ship point])
+$ operators (jug address address)
+$ effects (list diff)
+$ proxy ?(%own %spawn %manage %vote %transfer)
+$ roll (list raw-tx)
+$ raw-tx [sig=@ raw=octs =tx]
+$ tx [from=[=ship =proxy] skim-tx]
+$ skim-tx
$% [%transfer-point =address reset=?]
[%spawn =ship =address]
[%configure-keys encrypt=@ auth=@ crypto-suite=@ breach=?]
[%escape parent=ship]
[%cancel-escape parent=ship]
[%adopt =ship]
[%reject =ship]
[%detach =ship]
[%set-management-proxy =address]
[%set-spawn-proxy =address]
[%set-transfer-proxy =address]
+$ event-log
$: address=@ux
topics=(lest @ux)
+$ input
$: block=@ud
$% [%bat batch=@]
[%log =event-log]
== ==
:: ECDSA verifier.
:: Must keccak `dat` and recover the ethereum address which signed.
:: Must not crash. `v` will normally be between 0 and 3; if it is not,
:: should produce null.
+$ verifier $-([dat=octs v=@ r=@ s=@] (unit address))
-- =>
++ debug
|* [meg=@t *]
?: lac
~> %slog.[0 meg]
++ parse-roll
|= batch=@
=| =roll
=| pos=@ud
=/ las (met 0 batch)
|- ^+ roll
?: (gte pos las)
(flop roll)
=/ parse-result (parse-raw-tx pos batch)
:: Parsing failed, abort batch
?~ parse-result
(debug %parse-failed ~)
=^ =raw-tx pos u.parse-result
$(roll [raw-tx roll])
++ parse-raw-tx
|= [pos=@ud batch=@]
^- (unit [raw-tx pos=@ud])
=^ sig pos (take 3 65)
=/ res=(unit [=tx pos=@ud]) parse-tx
?~ res ~
=/ dif (sub pos.u.res pos)
=/ len =>((dvr dif 8) ?>(=(0 q) p))
:- ~ :_ pos.u.res
[sig [len (cut 0 [pos dif] batch)] tx.u.res]
++ parse-tx
^- (unit [tx pos=@ud])
=^ from-proxy=@ pos (take 0 3)
?. ?=(?(%0 %1 %2 %3 %4) from-proxy) (debug %bad-proxy ~)
=/ =proxy
?- from-proxy
%0 %own
%1 %spawn
%2 %manage
%3 %vote
%4 %transfer
=^ pad pos (take 0 5)
=^ from-ship=ship pos (take 3 4)
=- ?~ res
`[[[from-ship proxy] skim-tx.u.res] pos.u.res]
^- res=(unit [=skim-tx pos=@ud])
=^ op pos (take 0 7)
?+ op (debug %strange-opcode ~)
=^ reset=@ pos (take 0)
=^ =address pos (take 3 20)
`[[%transfer-point address =(0 reset)] pos]
=^ pad=@ pos (take 0)
=^ =ship pos (take 3 4)
=^ =address pos (take 3 20)
`[[%spawn ship address] pos]
=^ breach=@ pos (take 0)
=^ encrypt=@ pos (take 3 32)
=^ auth=@ pos (take 3 32)
=^ crypto-suite=@ pos (take 3 4)
`[[%configure-keys encrypt auth crypto-suite =(0 breach)] pos]
%3 =^(res pos take-ship `[[%escape res] pos])
%4 =^(res pos take-ship `[[%cancel-escape res] pos])
%5 =^(res pos take-ship `[[%adopt res] pos])
%6 =^(res pos take-ship `[[%reject res] pos])
%7 =^(res pos take-ship `[[%detach res] pos])
%8 =^(res pos take-address `[[%set-management-proxy res] pos])
%9 =^(res pos take-address `[[%set-spawn-proxy res] pos])
%10 =^(res pos take-address `[[%set-transfer-proxy res] pos])
:: Take a bite
++ take
|= =bite
^- [@ @ud]
=/ =step
?@ bite (bex bite)
(mul step.bite (bex bloq.bite))
[(cut 0 [pos step] batch) (add pos step)]
:: Encode ship and address
++ take-address
^- [address @ud]
=^ pad=@ pos (take 0)
=^ =address pos (take 3 20)
[address pos]
:: Encode escape-related txs
++ take-ship
^- [ship @ud]
=^ pad=@ pos (take 0)
=^ other=ship pos (take 3 4)
[other pos]
++ proxy-from-point
|= [=proxy point]
^- [=address =nonce]
?- proxy
%own owner.own
%spawn spawn-proxy.own
%manage management-proxy.own
%vote voting-proxy.own
%transfer transfer-proxy.own
++ verify-sig-and-nonce
|= [=verifier chain-t=@t =state =raw-tx]
^- ?
=/ point (get-point state ship.from.tx.raw-tx)
?> ?=(^ point) :: we never parse more than four bytes for a ship
=/ need=[=address =nonce]
(proxy-from-point proxy.from.tx.raw-tx u.point)
:: We include a domain separator to avoid letting signatures be
:: accidentally reused with other applications. We include the name
:: UrbitID, a signature format version number, and the EIP-155 chain
:: ID.
:: We also include a nonce so that a transaction cannot be
:: rebroadcast.
=/ prepared-data=octs
%: cad 3
(met 3 chain-t)^chain-t
:: Wallets which support personal_sign include this preamble to avoid
:: letting personal_sign be used to sign ethereum transactions
=/ signed-data=octs
=/ len (ud-to-ascii p.prepared-data)
%: cad 3
26^'\19Ethereum Signed Message:\0a'
(met 3 len)^len
=/ dress (verify-sig sig.raw-tx signed-data)
?~ dress
=(address.need u.dress)
:: Verify signature and produce signer address
++ verify-sig
|= [sig=@ txdata=octs]
^- (unit address)
:: Reversed of the usual r-s-v order because Ethereum integers are
:: big-endian
=^ v sig (take 3)
=^ s sig (take 3 32)
=^ r sig (take 3 32)
:: In Ethereum, v is generally 27 + recid, and verifier expects a
:: recid. Old versions of geth used 0 + recid, so most software
:: now supports either format. See:
:: https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/issues/2053
=? v (gte v 27) (sub v 27)
(verifier txdata v r s)
++ take
|= =bite
[(end bite sig) (rsh bite sig)]
:: ASCII-decimal encode
++ ud-to-ascii
|= n=@ud
?~ n '0'
=| l=(list @)
|- ^- @t
?~ n (rep 3 l)
=+ (dvr n 10)
$(n p, l [(add '0' q) l])
++ ship-rank
|= =ship
^- ?(%0 %1 %2 %3 %4)
?: (lth ship 0x100) %0
?: (lth ship 0x1.0000) %1
?: (lth ship 0x1.0000.0000) %2
?: (lth ship 0x1.0000.0000.0000.0000) %3
++ sein :: autoboss
|= who=ship
^- ship
=/ mir (ship-rank who)
?- mir
%0 who
%1 (end 3 who)
%2 (end 4 who)
%3 (end 5 who)
%4 (end 4 who)
:: Produces null only if ship is not a galaxy, star, or planet
++ get-point
|= [=state =ship]
^- (unit point)
=/ existing (get:orm points.state ship)
?^ existing
=| =point
=. who.sponsor.net.point (sein ship)
?+ (ship-rank ship) (debug %strange-point ~)
%0 `point(dominion %l1)
?(%1 %2)
=/ existing-parent $(ship (sein ship))
?~ existing-parent ~
:- ~
%= point
?- dominion.u.existing-parent
%l1 %l1
%l2 %l2
%spawn %l2
-- =>
:: Receive log from L1 transaction
++ receive-log
|= [=state log=event-log]
^- [effects ^state]
=* log-name i.topics.log
?: =(log-name activated:log-names) `state
?: =(log-name spawned:log-names) `state
?: =(log-name ownership-transferred:log-names) `state
?: =(log-name changed-dns:log-names)
?> ?=(~ t.topics.log)
=/ words (rip 8 data.log)
:: This is only true if each domain is <= 32 bytes
?. ?=([c=@ @ b=@ @ a=@ @ @ @ @ ~] words) `state
=* one &5.words
=* two &3.words
=* tri &1.words
=/ domains ~[(swp 3 one) (swp 3 two) (swp 3 tri)]
:- [%dns domains]~
state(dns domains)
?: =(log-name approval-for-all:log-names)
?> ?=([@ @ ~] t.topics.log)
=* owner i.t.topics.log
=* operator i.t.t.topics.log
=/ approved !=(0 data.log)
:- [%operator owner operator approved]~
=- state(operators -)
?: approved
(~(put ju operators.state) owner operator)
(~(del ju operators.state) owner operator)
:: The rest of the logs modify a particular ship, specified in the
:: second topic. We fetch it, and insert the modification back into
:: our state.
?> ?=([@ *] t.topics.log)
=* ship=@ i.t.topics.log
=/ the-point (get-point state ship)
?> ?=(^ the-point)
=* point u.the-point
:: Important to fully no-op on failure so we don't insert an entry
:: into points.state
=- ?~ res
[effects.u.res state(points (put:orm points.state ship new-point.u.res))]
^- res=(unit [=effects new-point=^point])
?: =(log-name changed-spawn-proxy:log-names)
?. ?=(%l1 -.point) ~
?> ?=([@ ~] t.t.topics.log)
=* to i.t.t.topics.log
:: Depositing to L2 is represented by a spawn proxy change on L1,
:: but it doesn't change the actual spawn proxy.
?: =(deposit-address to)
:+ ~ [%point ship %dominion %spawn]~
point(dominion %spawn)
:+ ~ [%point ship %spawn-proxy to]~
point(address.spawn-proxy.own to)
?: =(log-name escape-accepted:log-names)
?> ?=([@ ~] t.t.topics.log)
=* parent=@ i.t.t.topics.log
=/ parent-point (get-point state parent)
?> ?=(^ parent-point)
?: ?=(%l2 -.u.parent-point) ~
:+ ~ [%point ship %sponsor `parent]~
point(escape.net ~, sponsor.net [%& parent])
?: =(log-name lost-sponsor:log-names)
?> ?=([@ ~] t.t.topics.log)
=* parent=@ i.t.t.topics.log
:: If the sponsor we lost was not our actual sponsor, we didn't
:: actually lose anything.
?. =(parent who.sponsor.net.point) ~
=/ parent-point (get-point state parent)
?> ?=(^ parent-point)
:: We can detach even if the child is on L2, as long as the parent
:: is on L1.
?: ?=(%l2 -.u.parent-point) ~
:+ ~ [%point ship %sponsor ~]~
point(has.sponsor.net %|)
:: The rest can be done by any ship on L1, even if their spawn proxy
:: is set to L2
?: ?=(%l2 -.point) ~
?: =(log-name escape-requested:log-names)
?> ?=([@ ~] t.t.topics.log)
=* parent=@ i.t.t.topics.log
=/ parent-point (get-point state parent)
?> ?=(^ parent-point)
:+ ~ [%point ship %escape `parent]~
point(escape.net `parent)
?: =(log-name escape-canceled:log-names)
?> ?=([@ ~] t.t.topics.log)
=* parent=@ i.t.t.topics.log
=/ parent-point (get-point state parent)
?> ?=(^ parent-point)
:+ ~ [%point ship %escape ~]~
point(escape.net ~)
?: =(log-name broke-continuity:log-names)
?> ?=(~ t.t.topics.log)
=* rift=@ data.log
:+ ~ [%point ship %rift rift]~
point(rift.net rift)
?: =(log-name changed-keys:log-names)
?> ?=(~ t.t.topics.log)
=/ =keys
:* life=(cut 8 [0 1] data.log)
suite=(cut 8 [1 1] data.log)
auth=(cut 8 [2 1] data.log)
crypt=(cut 8 [3 1] data.log)
:+ ~ [%point ship %keys keys]~
point(keys.net keys)
?: =(log-name owner-changed:log-names)
?> ?=([@ ~] t.t.topics.log)
=* to i.t.t.topics.log
:: Depositing to L2 is represented by an ownership change on L1,
:: but it doesn't change who actually owns the ship.
?: =(deposit-address to)
:+ ~ [%point ship %dominion %l2]~
point(dominion %l2)
:+ ~ [%point ship %owner to]~
point(address.owner.own to)
?: =(log-name changed-transfer-proxy:log-names)
?> ?=([@ ~] t.t.topics.log)
=* to i.t.t.topics.log
:+ ~ [%point ship %transfer-proxy to]~
point(address.transfer-proxy.own to)
?: =(log-name changed-management-proxy:log-names)
?> ?=([@ ~] t.t.topics.log)
=* to i.t.t.topics.log
:+ ~ [%point ship %management-proxy to]~
point(address.management-proxy.own to)
?: =(log-name changed-voting-proxy:log-names)
?> ?=([@ ~] t.t.topics.log)
=* to i.t.t.topics.log
:+ ~ [%point ship %voting-proxy to]~
point(address.voting-proxy.own to)
(debug %unknown-log ~)
:: Receive batch of L2 transactions
++ receive-batch
|= [=verifier chain-id=@ud =state batch=@]
=/ chain-t (ud-to-ascii chain-id)
=/ =roll (parse-roll batch)
|- ^- [effects ^state]
?~ roll
[~ state]
:: Verify signature, else skip tx
?. (verify-sig-and-nonce verifier chain-t state i.roll)
%+ debug %l2-sig-failed
=^ effects state $(roll t.roll)
:_ state
[[%tx i.roll `%sig-or-nonce-failed] effects]
:: Increment nonce, even if it later fails
=^ effects-1 points.state (increment-nonce state from.tx.i.roll)
:: Process tx
=^ effects-2 state
=/ tx-result=(unit [=effects =^state]) (receive-tx state tx.i.roll)
?~ tx-result
%+ debug %l2-tx-failed
[[%tx i.roll `%tx-failed]~ state]
[[[%tx i.roll ~] effects.u.tx-result] state.u.tx-result]
=^ effects-3 state $(roll t.roll)
[:(welp effects-1 effects-2 effects-3) state]
++ increment-nonce
|= [=state =ship =proxy]
=/ point (get-point state ship)
?> ?=(^ point) :: we only parsed 4 bytes
=* own own.u.point
=^ nonce u.point
?- proxy
:- nonce.owner.own
u.point(nonce.owner.own +(nonce.owner.own))
:- nonce.spawn-proxy.own
u.point(nonce.spawn-proxy.own +(nonce.spawn-proxy.own))
:- nonce.management-proxy.own
u.point(nonce.management-proxy.own +(nonce.management-proxy.own))
:- nonce.voting-proxy.own
u.point(nonce.voting-proxy.own +(nonce.voting-proxy.own))
:- nonce.transfer-proxy.own
u.point(nonce.transfer-proxy.own +(nonce.transfer-proxy.own))
:- [%nonce ship proxy nonce]~
(put:orm points.state ship u.point)
:: Receive an individual L2 transaction
++ receive-tx
|= [=state =tx]
^- (unit [effects ^state])
?- +<.tx
%spawn (process-spawn +>.tx)
%transfer-point (w-point process-transfer-point ship.from.tx +>.tx)
%configure-keys (w-point process-configure-keys ship.from.tx +>.tx)
%escape (w-point-esc process-escape ship.from.tx +>.tx)
%cancel-escape (w-point-esc process-cancel-escape ship.from.tx +>.tx)
%adopt (w-point-esc process-adopt ship.tx +>.tx)
%reject (w-point-esc process-reject ship.tx +>.tx)
%detach (w-point-esc process-detach ship.tx +>.tx)
(w-point-spawn process-set-spawn-proxy ship.from.tx +>.tx)
(w-point process-set-transfer-proxy ship.from.tx +>.tx)
(w-point process-set-management-proxy ship.from.tx +>.tx)
++ w-point
|* [fun=$-([ship point *] (unit [effects point])) =ship rest=*]
^- (unit [effects ^state])
=/ point (get-point state ship)
?~ point (debug %strange-ship ~)
?. ?=(%l2 -.u.point) (debug %ship-not-on-l2 ~)
:: Important to fully no-op on failure so we don't insert an entry
:: into points.state
=/ res=(unit [=effects new-point=^point]) (fun u.point rest)
?~ res
`[effects.u.res state(points (put:orm points.state ship new-point.u.res))]
++ w-point-esc
|* [fun=$-([ship point *] (unit [effects point])) =ship rest=*]
^- (unit [effects ^state])
=/ point (get-point state ship)
?~ point (debug %strange-ship ~)
=/ res=(unit [=effects new-point=^point]) (fun u.point rest)
?~ res
`[effects.u.res state(points (put:orm points.state ship new-point.u.res))]
++ w-point-spawn
|* [fun=$-([ship point *] (unit [effects point])) =ship rest=*]
^- (unit [effects ^state])
=/ point (get-point state ship)
?~ point (debug %strange-ship ~)
?: ?=(%l1 -.u.point) (debug %ship-on-l2 ~)
=/ res=(unit [=effects new-point=^point]) (fun u.point rest)
?~ res
`[effects.u.res state(points (put:orm points.state ship new-point.u.res))]
++ process-transfer-point
|= [=point to=address reset=?]
=* ship ship.from.tx
:: Assert from owner or transfer prxoy
?. |(=(%own proxy.from.tx) =(%transfer proxy.from.tx))
(debug %bad-permission ~)
:: Execute transfer
=/ effects-1
~[[%point ship %owner to] [%point ship %transfer-proxy *address]]
=: address.owner.own.point to
address.transfer-proxy.own.point *address
:: Execute reset if requested
?. reset
`[effects-1 point]
=^ effects-2 net.point
?: =([0 0 0] +.keys.net.point)
=/ =keys [+(life.keys.net.point) 0 0 0]
:- [%point ship %keys keys]~
[rift.net.point keys sponsor.net.point escape.net.point]
=^ effects-3 rift.net.point
?: =(0 life.keys.net.point)
:- [%point ship %rift +(rift.net.point)]~
=/ effects-4
:~ [%point ship %spawn-proxy *address]
[%point ship %management-proxy *address]
[%point ship %voting-proxy *address]
[%point ship %transfer-proxy *address]
=: address.spawn-proxy.own.point *address
address.management-proxy.own.point *address
address.voting-proxy.own.point *address
address.transfer-proxy.own.point *address
`[:(welp effects-1 effects-2 effects-3 effects-4) point]
++ process-spawn
|= [=ship to=address]
^- (unit [effects ^state])
=/ parent=^ship (sein ship)
:: Assert parent is on L2
=/ parent-point (get-point state parent)
?~ parent-point ~
?. ?=(?(%l2 %spawn) -.u.parent-point) ~
:: Assert from owner or spawn proxy
?. ?& =(parent ship.from.tx)
|(=(%own proxy.from.tx) =(%spawn proxy.from.tx))
(debug %bad-permission ~)
:: Assert child not already spawned
?^ (get:orm points.state ship) (debug %spawn-exists ~)
:: Assert one-level-down
?. =(+((ship-rank parent)) (ship-rank ship)) (debug %bad-rank ~)
=/ [=effects new-point=point]
=/ point=(unit point) (get-point state ship)
?> ?=(^ point) :: only parsed 4 bytes
:: If spawning to self, just do it
?: ?| ?& =(%own proxy.from.tx)
=(to address.owner.own.u.parent-point)
?& =(%spawn proxy.from.tx)
=(to address.spawn-proxy.own.u.parent-point)
:- ~[[%point ship %dominion %l2] [%point ship %owner to]]
u.point(address.owner.own to)
:: Else spawn to parent and set transfer proxy
:- :~ [%point ship %dominion %l2]
[%point ship %owner address.owner.own.u.parent-point]
[%point ship %transfer-proxy to]
%= u.point
address.owner.own address.owner.own.u.parent-point
address.transfer-proxy.own to
`[effects state(points (put:orm points.state ship new-point))]
++ process-configure-keys
|= [=point crypt=@ auth=@ suite=@ breach=?]
=* ship ship.from.tx
?. |(=(%own proxy.from.tx) =(%manage proxy.from.tx))
(debug %bad-permission ~)
=^ rift-effects rift.net.point
?. breach
[[%point ship %rift +(rift.net.point)]~ +(rift.net.point)]
=^ keys-effects keys.net.point
?: =(+.keys.net.point [suite auth crypt])
=/ =keys
[+(life.keys.net.point) suite auth crypt]
[[%point ship %keys keys]~ keys]
`[(welp rift-effects keys-effects) point]
++ process-escape
|= [=point parent=ship]
=* ship ship.from.tx
?. |(=(%own proxy.from.tx) =(%manage proxy.from.tx))
(debug %bad-permission ~)
?. =(+((ship-rank parent)) (ship-rank ship))
(debug %bad-rank ~)
:+ ~ [%point ship %escape `parent]~
point(escape.net `parent)
++ process-cancel-escape
|= [=point parent=ship]
=* ship ship.from.tx
?. |(=(%own proxy.from.tx) =(%manage proxy.from.tx))
(debug %bad-permission ~)
:+ ~ [%point ship %escape ~]~
point(escape.net ~)
++ process-adopt
|= [=point =ship]
=* parent ship.from.tx
?. |(=(%own proxy.from.tx) =(%manage proxy.from.tx))
(debug %bad-permission ~)
?. =(escape.net.point `parent) (debug %no-adopt ~)
:+ ~ [%point ship %sponsor `parent]~
point(escape.net ~, sponsor.net [%& parent])
++ process-reject
|= [=point =ship]
=* parent ship.from.tx
?. |(=(%own proxy.from.tx) =(%manage proxy.from.tx))
(debug %bad-permission ~)
?. =(escape.net.point `parent) (debug %no-reject ~)
:+ ~ [%point ship %escape ~]~
point(escape.net ~)
++ process-detach
|= [=point =ship]
=* parent ship.from.tx
?. |(=(%own proxy.from.tx) =(%manage proxy.from.tx))
(debug %bad-permission ~)
?. =(who.sponsor.net.point parent) (debug %no-detach ~)
:+ ~ [%point ship %sponsor ~]~
point(has.sponsor.net %|)
++ process-set-management-proxy
|= [=point =address]
?. |(=(%own proxy.from.tx) =(%manage proxy.from.tx))
(debug %bad-permission ~)
:+ ~ [%point ship.from.tx %management-proxy address]~
point(address.management-proxy.own address)
++ process-set-spawn-proxy
|= [=point =address]
?. |(=(%own proxy.from.tx) =(%spawn proxy.from.tx))
(debug %bad-permission ~)
?: (gte (ship-rank ship.from.tx) 2)
(debug %spawn-proxy-planet ~)
:+ ~ [%point ship.from.tx %spawn-proxy address]~
point(address.spawn-proxy.own address)
++ process-set-transfer-proxy
|= [=point =address]
?. |(=(%own proxy.from.tx) =(%transfer proxy.from.tx))
(debug %bad-permission ~)
:+ ~ [%point ship.from.tx %transfer-proxy address]~
point(address.transfer-proxy.own address)
:: State transition function
|= [=verifier chain-id=@ud =state =input]
^- [effects ^state]
?: ?=(%log +<.input)
:: Received log from L1 transaction
(receive-log state event-log.input)
:: Received L2 batch
:: %+ debug %batch
(receive-batch verifier chain-id state batch.input)