Raymond Pasco bbc4d2c0ee Repository cleanup
mostly trailing whitespace removal
no new kernel because only changes there are whitespace removal
2016-12-15 22:36:45 -08:00

248 lines
6.2 KiB

:: ++down rendering arms
:::: /hoon/rend/down-jet/lib
/? 310
++ into-inner
|= {a/marl b/manx}
?~ c.b b(c a)
$(b i.c.b)
++ flat
|= a/marl
^- tape
?~ a ~
%+ weld
^- tape
?~ n.g.i.a
?>(?=(_;/(**) i.a) v.i.a.g.i.a)
?+ n.g.i.a $(a c.i.a)
%- zing ^- wall
%+ murn a.g.i.a |= {a/mane b/tape}
^- (unit tape)
?+ a ~
$alt [~ b]
$(a t.a)
++ sanitize
|= a/marl ^- tape
=- (zing `wall`(scan (flat a) fel))
=< fel=;~(sfix (star ;~(plug (cold '-' -) (plus +))) (star next))
[(star ;~(less aln prn)) ;~(pose nud low (cook |=(a/@ (add a ' ')) hig))]
++ sang :: tight item children
|= a/(list elem)
^- marl
?~ a ~
%+ weld
?. ?=($para -.i.a)
(sing i.a ~)
(sung p.i.a)
$(a t.a)
++ sing :: elem to manx
=* xml xml:eyre
=, js:eyre
=> |%
++ first-word
|= a/tape
=. a (trip (crip a)) :: XX valid tapes
^- (unit tape)
=. a q.q:(need q:((star ace) [1 1] a))
=+ vex=((plus ;~(less ace prn)) [1 1] a)
?~ q.vex ~
(some (wonk vex))
=+ [tig=| had=*(unit mane)]
|= lum/(list elem)
|^ ^- marl
=+ a=apex
?~ q.a
(weld p.a $(lum q.a))
++ apex
^- {p/marl q/_lum}
?~ lum
?~ had [~ ~]
(lose "unclosed {<u.had>}")
=> [ele=i.lum .(lum t.lum)]
?. ?=($html -.ele)
(push (reso ele) ~)
:: begin reparsing of html that the spec jankily lets through ::
=+ tex=(trip (role p.ele))
=^ mar lum (chomp tex (sear |=(a/marl ?~(a ~ (some a))) many:parse:xml))
?^ mar
(push u.mar)
=^ hed lum (chomp tex head:parse:xml)
?^ hed
=+ max=`marx`u.hed
(push(lum q) [max p] ~):[apex(had `n.max) .]
=^ tal lum (chomp tex tail:parse:xml)
?~ tal
=^ cha lum (chomp tex prn)
?^ cha
(push ;/([u.cha]~) ~)
(push ;lost:"{tex}" ~)
?: =(had tal)
[~ lum]
?^ had
=. lum [ele lum]
(lose "unclosed {<u.had>}")
(lose "close {<u.tal>}")
:: end reparsing of html that the spec jankily lets through ::
++ lose |=(a/tape [[;lost:"{a}"]~ lum])
++ chomp
|* {tap/tape fel/rule}
^- {(unit _(wonk *fel)) _lum}
=+ vex=(fel 1^1 tap)
?~ q.vex [~ lum]
:- [~ (wonk vex)]
?~(q.q.u.q.vex lum [[%html (lore (crip q.q.u.q.vex))] lum])
++ push
|= a/marl
^+ apex
?~ a apex
[[b p] q]:[b=i.a (push t.a)]
++ reso
|= a/elem
?^ -.a
=. tig ?.(?=($list -.p.a) tig p.p.a)
?: &(tig ?=($item -.p.a))
[/li (sang q.a)]
%+ into-inner ^$(lum q.a)
?- -.p.a
$bloq ;blockquote;
$item ;li;
$list ?@ q.p.a ;ul;
?: =(1 p.q.p.a) ;ol;
=+ num=(pojo (jone p.q.p.a))
;ol(start num);
?- -.a :: ;/("unimplemented {<p.a>}")
$html !! :: handled earlier XX do type stuff
$para [/p (sung p.a)]
=+ [hed=(add %h0 (lsh 3 1 p.a)) kid=(sung q.a)]
[[hed id+(sanitize kid) ~] kid]
$hrul ;hr;
$meta ?: =(~ p.a) ;/(~)
=+ jon=`json`o+(~(run by p.a) |=(cord s++<))
;meta(value "{(pojo jon)}", name "frontmatter", urb_front "");
:: %html
::=+ tex=(role (turn p.a crip))
::=+ (parse:xml tex)
::?^ - u.-
::=+ (rush tex (star ;~(pose gah comt:parse:xml)))
::?^ - ;/(~)
::;lost: {<p.a>}
:: ;/([(role (turn p.a crip))]~) :: XX haaaaaaack
$defn ;/(~)
$code =+ lan=?~(p.a ~ (first-word r.u.p.a))
=+ tex=(trip (role q.a))
?~ lan ;pre:code:"{tex}"
;pre:code(class "language-{u.lan}"):"{tex}"
++ sung
=, url:eyre
|= lim/kids
=+ had=*(unit mane)
|^ ^- marl
=+ a=apex
?~ q.a
(weld p.a $(lim q.a))
++ apex
^- {p/marl q/_lim}
?~ lim
?~ had [~ ~]
(lose "unclosed {<u.had>}")
=> [ele=i.lim .(lim t.lim)]
?. ?=($htmt -.ele)
?: &(?=($$ -.ele) ?=({{$$ *} *} lim))
apex(p.i.lim (weld p.ele p.i.lim))
(push (reso ele) ~)
=+ tex=(trip p.ele)
=^ emo lim (chomp tex empt:parse:xml)
?^ emo
=+ man=`manx`u.emo
(push man ~)
=^ hed lim (chomp tex head:parse:xml)
?^ hed
=+ max=`marx`u.hed
(push(lim q) [max p] ~):[apex(had `n.max) .]
=^ tal lim (chomp tex tail:parse:xml)
?~ tal
(push ;lost:"{tex}" ~)
?: =(had tal)
[~ lim]
?^ had
=. lim [ele lim]
(lose "unclosed {<u.had>}")
(lose "unopened {<u.tal>}")
++ lose |=(a/tape [[;lost:"{a}"]~ lim])
++ chomp
|* {tap/tape fel/rule}
^- {(unit _(wonk *fel)) _lim}
=+ vex=(fel 1^1 tap)
?~ q.vex [~ lim]
:- [~ (wonk vex)]
?~(q.q.u.q.vex lim [[%htmt (crip q.q.u.q.vex)] lim])
++ push
|= a/marl
^+ apex
?~ a apex
[[b p] q]:[b=i.a (push t.a)]
++ urly
|= a/tape ^- tape
?~ a ~
?: ?| [?=(^ q)]:(alp 1^1 a)
(~(has in (silt "#!*'();:@&=+$,/?/%.~_")) i.a) :: XX reparse
[i.a $(a t.a)]
(weld (urle (trip i.a)) $(a t.a))
++ reso
|= b/inline
^- manx
?@ -.b
?- -.b
$$ ;/(p.b)
$line ;br;
$code ;code:"{p.b}"
$htmt !! ::p.b :: handled earlier :: XX do type stuff
?: ?=($blot -.p.b)
=+ res=`manx`;img(src (urly p.p.b), alt (flat (turn q.b ..$)));
:: ;img@"{p.p.b}";
?~ q.p.b res
res(a.g (welp a.g.res title+u.q.p.b ~))
=+ kid=(sung q.b)
%+ into-inner kid
?- p.b
{$emph ?} ?.(p.p.b ;em; ;strong;)
{$delt $~} ;del;
{$link ^} =+ url=(urly p.p.b)
=. url ?^(url url "#{(sanitize kid)}")
?~ q.p.b ;a/"{url}";
;a/"{url}"(title u.q.p.b);