mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 11:51:32 +03:00
2344 lines
83 KiB
2344 lines
83 KiB
:: :: %eyre, http servant
!? 164
|= pit=vase
=> =~
|% :: interfaces
++ bead ,[p=(set beam) q=cage] :: computed result
++ chop ,[p=@ud q=@da] :: see
++ gift :: out result <-$
$% [%thou p=httr] :: raw http response
[%thus p=@ud q=(unit hiss)] :: http request/cancel
[%veer p=@ta q=path r=@t] :: drop-through
[%vega p=path] :: drop-through
== ::
++ hasp ,[p=ship q=term] :: don't see %gall
++ hapt ,[p=ship q=path] :: do see %gall
++ kiss :: in request ->$
$% [%born ~] :: new unix process
[%crud p=@tas q=(list tank)] :: XX rethink
[%init p=@p] :: report install
[%them p=(unit hiss)] :: outbound request
[%they p=@ud q=httr] :: inbound response
[%this p=? q=clip r=httq] :: inbound request
[%thud ~] :: inbound cancel
[%wart p=sock q=@tas r=path s=*] :: urbit message
== ::
++ move ,[p=duct q=(mold note gift)] :: local move
++ note :: out request $->
$% $: %a :: to %ames
$% [%want p=sock q=path r=*] ::
== == ::
$: %b :: to %batz
$% [%hail ~] ::
[%line p=@t] ::
[%ling ~] ::
== == ::
$: %c :: to %clay
$% [%warp p=sock q=riff] ::
== == ::
$: %d :: to %dill
$% [%flog p=[%crud p=@tas q=(list tank)]] ::
== == ::
$: %e :: to %eyre
$% [%this p=? q=clip r=httq] ::
[%thud ~] ::
== == ::
$: %f :: to %ford
$% [%exec p=@p q=(unit silk)] ::
== == ::
$: %g :: to %gall
$% [%mess p=hapt q=ship r=cage] ::
[%nuke p=hapt q=ship] ::
[%show p=hapt q=ship r=path] ::
== == ::
$: %t :: to %temp
$% [%wait p=@da] ::
[%rest p=@da] ::
== == == ::
++ rave :: see %clay
$% [| p=moat] ::
== ::
++ riff ,[p=desk q=(unit rave)] :: see %clay
++ silk :: see %ford
$& [p=silk q=silk] ::
$% [%boil p=mark q=beam r=path] ::
[%cast p=mark q=silk] ::
[%done p=(set beam) q=cage] ::
== ::
++ sine ::
$? sign ::
$: %g ::
$% [%veer p=@ta q=path r=@t] ::
[%vega p=path] ::
== == == ::
++ sign :: in result $<-
$? $: %a :: by %ames
$% [%waft p=sock q=*] ::
[%went p=ship q=cape] ::
== == ::
$: %b :: by %batz
$% [%helo p=path q=prod] ::
[%talk p=tank] ::
[%tell p=(list ,@t)] ::
[%text p=tape] ::
[%warn p=tape] ::
== == ::
$: %c :: by %clay
$% [%writ p=riot] ::
== == ::
$: %e :: by %eyre
$% [%thou p=httr] ::
== == ::
$: %f :: by %ford
$% [%made p=(each bead (list tank))] ::
== == ::
$: %g :: by %gall
$% [%dumb ~] ::
[%mean p=ares] ::
[%nice ~] ::
[%rush p=mark q=*] ::
[%rust p=mark q=*] ::
== == ::
$: %t :: by %time
$% [%wake ~] :: timer activate
== == ::
$: @tas :: by any
$% [%crud p=@tas q=(list tank)] ::
== == == ::
-- ::
|% :: models
++ bolo :: eyre state
$: %0 :: version
gub=@t :: random identity
hov=(unit ship) :: master for remote
ged=duct :: client interface
ney=@uvI :: rolling entropy
dop=(map host ship) :: host aliasing
own=(map ship serf) :: domestic servers
fon=(map ship rote) :: foreign servers
ask=[p=@ud q=(map ,@ud ,[p=duct q=hiss])] :: outgoing by number
kes=(map duct ,@ud) :: outgoing by duct
lor=(map duct dual) :: incoming by duct
== ::
++ clue :: console
$: ino=@ud :: input sequence
ono=@ud :: (lent out)
voy=(map ,@ud (list ,@ud)) :: waiters (q.rey)
out=(list json) :: output commands
== ::
++ cyst :: client session
$: ced=cred :: credential
cow=(map ,@ud clue) :: consoles
cug=(list ,@t) :: unacked cookies
lax=@da :: last used
sok=(map ,@ud (pair ship sink)) :: live apps by reqno
rey=[p=@ud q=(map ,@ud pimp)] :: live requests
== ::
++ dual ,[p=@ud q=(each ,[p=ship q=hole] ship)] :: request handle
++ dude ,[p=@tas q=@] :: client identity
++ loco ,[p=? q=(unit ,@tas) r=path] :: logical construct
++ pest :: request in progress
$| $? %new :: virgin
%way :: waiting
== ::
$% [%err p=@ud q=(list tank)] :: error report
[%fin p=love] :: ready to send
[%fud p=(each bead (list tank))] :: function finished
[%haz p=riot] :: clay responded
[%raw p=hiss] :: wild url
[%who p=@tas q=@ta] :: awaiting auth
== ::
++ pimp :: traced request
$: ful=? :: | === HEAD
fur=(unit mark) :: type goal
hen=duct :: event trace
som=seam :: logical request
pez=pest :: request state
sip=marl :: injected scripts
== ::
++ rote :: remote server
$: cnt=@ud :: number served
sor=@p :: home sponsor
rem=[p=@ud q=(map ,@ud duct)] :: active requests
== ::
++ seam :: logical request
$% [%ape p=ship q=@ud r=@ud] :: subscribe pull
[%aph p=ship q=@ud r=@ud s=json] :: app heartbeat
[%apg p=term q=ship r=mark s=path] :: app get/start
[%apm p=ship q=@ud r=@ud s=hasp t=json] :: message send
[%app p=ship q=(unit ,@ud)] :: script by port
[%aps p=ship q=@ud s=hasp t=path] :: subscribe
[%apu p=ship q=@ud s=hasp t=path] :: unsubscribe
[%cog p=@ud q=@ud] :: console get
[%con p=@ud] :: console face
[%cop p=@ud q=@ud r=json] :: console put
[%det p=desk q=moat] :: load changes
[%fun p=term q=tube r=(list manx)] :: functional
[%lon p=seal] :: authentication flow
[%red p=purl] :: redirect
[%sil p=@ud q=silk] :: status and silk
== ::
++ serf :: local server
$: pef=@t :: server prefix
wup=(map hole cyst) :: secure sessions
cah=(map cash vase) :: compilation cache
== ::
++ sink :: page push system
$: bet=[wig=swig num=@ud tim=@da hen=duct] :: heartbeat
meg=[wig=swig num=@ud] :: messages
sub=[wig=swig num=@ud can=(map ,@ud stem)] :: subscriptions
== ::
++ stem :: subscription
$: hap=hasp ::
pax=path ::
hen=duct ::
num=(unit (each ,@ud ,@ud)) ::
== ::
++ swig :: update channel
$: cnt=@ud :: updates produced
toy=@ud :: updates sent
wan=(map ,@ud ,@ud) :: upno to reqno
red=(map ,@ud (unit (each cage cage))) :: ready for pickup
== ::
-- ::
++ coss :: cookie search
|= [nam=@t mah=math]
^- (unit hole)
=+ ^= cok ^- (list ,@t)
=+ cok=(~(get by mah) 'cookie')
?~(cok ~ u.cok)
|- ^- (unit hole)
?~ cok ~
=+ mar=`(unit (list ,[p=@t q=@t]))`(rush i.cok cock:epur)
?~ mar $(cok t.cok)
|- ^- (unit hole)
?~ u.mar ^$(cok t.cok)
?:(=(nam p.i.u.mar) [~ q.i.u.mar] $(u.mar t.u.mar))
++ ecca :: [hasp path]
|= [orx=oryx moh=moth]
^- (unit ,[hasp path])
=+ jun=(ecci orx moh)
:: ~& [%ecca jun]
?~ jun ~
=+ ^- (unit ,[his=term app=term pax=term])
%. u.jun
%- ot:jo
~[[%ship so:jo] [%appl so:jo] [%path so:jo]]
?~ - ~
=+ his=(slaw %p (cat 3 '~' his.u))
?~ his ~
=+ ^= pax
%+ rush pax.u
;~(pfix fas (more fas (cook crip (plus ;~(pose low nud hep)))))
?~ pax ~
`[[u.his app.u] u.pax]
++ ecce :: JS from moth
|= moh=moth
^- (unit json)
=+ ten=(~(get by q.moh) 'content-type')
?~ ten ~
?~ u.ten ~
?. =('text/json' (end 3 9 i.u.ten))
~| %ecce-content-type ~
?~ r.moh ~
`(unit json)`(rush q.u.r.moh apex:poja)
++ ecci :: ecce w/oryx
|= [orx=oryx moh=moth]
^- (unit json)
=+ jun=(ecce moh)
?~ jun ~
?. ?=(%o -.u.jun) ~
:: ?. =([~ %s orx] (~((get by p.u.jun) %oryx))
:: ~& [%oryx-sent ~(get by p.u.jun) %oryx)]
:: ~& [%oryx-good orx]
:: ~
~? !=([~ %s orx] (~(get by p.u.jun) %oryx))
[%oryx [%sent (~(get by p.u.jun) %oryx)] [%good orx]]
=+ nuj=(~(get by p.u.jun) %xyro)
?~(nuj [~ ~] [~ u.nuj])
++ ecco :: eat headers
|= hed=(list ,[p=@t q=@t])
=+ mah=*math
|- ^- math
?~ hed mah
=+ cus=(cass (rip 3 p.i.hed))
=+ zeb=(~(get by mah) cus)
$(hed t.hed, mah (~(put by mah) cus ?~(zeb [q.i.hed ~] [q.i.hed u.zeb])))
++ eccu :: [hasp json]
|= [orx=oryx moh=moth]
^- (unit ,[hasp json])
=+ jun=(ecci orx moh)
?~ jun ~& %no-ecci ~
=+ ^- (unit ,[his=term app=term jon=json])
%. u.jun
%- ot:jo
~[[%ship so:jo] [%appl so:jo] [%data |=(json (some +<))]]
?~ - ~& %no-json ~
=+ his=(slaw %p (cat 3 '~' his.u))
?~ his ~& %no-ship ~
`[[u.his app.u] jon.u]
++ lopo :: cage to love
|= cay=cage
^- love
?> ?=(%mime p.cay)
((hard love) [%mid q.q.cay])
++ loga :: tanks to manx
|= [til=tape mog=(list manx) tac=(list tank)]
^- manx
=+ ^= wol
|- ^- wall
?~ tac ~
(weld `wall`[~(ram re i.tac) ~] $(tac t.tac))
=+ ^= tax
|- ^- (list manx)
(turn wol |=(a=tape [/p ;"{a}"]))
;title: {til}
;* (weld tax mog)
++ lofa :: scripts in head
|= [mog=(list manx) luv=love]
^- love
?: =(~ mog) luv
?+ -.luv luv
?. =('<html' (end 3 5 q.q.luv)) luv
=+ scr=(roll mog |=([a=manx b=tape] (xmlt & a b)))
=+ ^= hed
|- ;~ pose
(cook trip (jest '<head>'))
;~(plug next (knee *tape ..$))
(easy ~)
=+ hop=(need q:(hed *hair (trip q.q.luv)))
?~ q.q.hop luv
=+ rep=:(welp p.hop scr q.q.hop)
[%mid p.luv (tact rep)]
++ loft :: love to response
|= luv=love
^- httr
?- -.luv
%mid [200 ~[content-type/(moon p.luv)] [~ q.luv]]
%ham [200 ~[content-type/'text/html'] [~ (tact (xmlt | p.luv ~))]]
%raw p.luv
%wan :+ 200
:- ~
%- taco
%+ rap 3
|- ^- (list ,@)
?~(p.luv ~ [i.p.luv 10 $(p.luv t.p.luv)])
%zap :+ p.luv
[~ (tact (xmlt | (loga "server error" ~ q.luv) ~))]
|% :: functions
++ ye :: per event
=| $: $: hen=duct :: event floor
$: now=@da :: event date
eny=@ :: unique entropy
sky=$+(* (unit)) :: system namespace
== ::
mow=(list move) :: pending actions
== ::
bolo :: all vane state
== ::
=* bol ->
++ abet
^- [(list move) bolo]
[(flop mow) bol]
++ adit
.(ney (mix eny ney))
++ axon
|= [tea=wire typ=type sih=sign]
^+ +>
?- -.+.sih
+>.$(mow [[hen %slip %d %flog +.sih] mow])
?(%dumb %mean %nice %rush %rust)
?> ?=([%hoop @ @ @ ?([%mess ~] [%show @ ~])] tea)
=+ ^= ouy
%- yolk:(gale (slav %p i.t.tea) i.t.t.tea)
(slav %ud i.t.t.t.tea)
?~ ouy
=* mab t.t.t.t.tea
=+ woy=(yule:u.ouy ?+(i.mab !! %mess %meg, %show %sub))
=< abet =< work =< abet
?- -.+.sih
=+ ^= jon
%- jobe
:- [%ok %b |]
?~ p.+.sih ~
:+ [%err %s p.u.p.+.sih]
:+ %res %s
%- crip
%+ slag 2
^- tape
%+ roll q.u.p.+.sih
|= [p=tank q=tape]
:(weld q "\\n" ~(ram re p))
?~ t.mab
(hear:woy ~ %& %json !>(jon))
=+ nap=(slav %ud i.t.mab)
=+ sem=(need (~(get by can.sub.siq:beat:u.ouy) nap))
=. jon
?. ?=(%show i.t.t.t.t.tea) jon
%- jobe
:~ [%ship %s (rsh 3 1 (scot %p p.hap.sem))]
[%appl %s q.hap.sem]
[%path %s (crip <pax.sem>)]
[%data `json`jon]
=+ huq=``[%json !>(jon)]
?~ num.sem (hear:woy huq)
?- -.u.num.sem
=+ yoo=abet:(busk:(yule:u.ouy %nil) p.u.num.sem 0 huq)
yoo(can.sub.siq (~(put by can.sub.siq.yoo) nap sem(num ~)))
=+ ^= yoo
=< abet
%^ busk:(yule:(hear:(yule:u.ouy %sub) huq) %nil)
`[%& %json !>((joba %ok %b &))]
yoo(can.sub.siq (~(put by can.sub.siq.yoo) nap sem(num ~)))
?. ?=(%mess i.mab)
(hear:woy ~ %& %json !>((joba %ok %b &)))
?(%rust %rush)
?< ?=(~ t.mab)
=+ nap=(slav %ud i.t.mab)
=+ sem=(need (~(get by can.sub.siq:beat:u.ouy) nap))
?: &(=(0 nap) =(~ num.sem))
(hear:woy ~ %& %json !>((joba %reload %b %&)))
=+ ^= cay ^- cage
?. ?=(%json p.+.sih)
[p.+.sih (slot 3 (spec (slot 3 [typ +.sih])))]
:- %json
!> ^- json
%- jobe
:~ [%ship %s (rsh 3 1 (scot %p p.hap.sem))]
[%appl %s q.hap.sem]
[%path %s (crip <pax.sem>)]
[%data (json q.+.sih)]
=+ huq=`?:(?=(%rust -.+.sih) [%& cay] [%| cay])
?~ num.sem (hear:woy huq)
?- -.u.num.sem
=+ yoo=abet:(busk:(yule:u.ouy %nil) p.u.num.sem 0 huq)
yoo(can.sub.siq (~(put by can.sub.siq.yoo) nap sem(num ~)))
=+ ^= yoo
=< abet
%^ busk:(yule:(hear:(yule:u.ouy %sub) huq) %nil)
`[%& %json !>((joba %ok %b &))]
yoo(can.sub.siq (~(put by can.sub.siq.yoo) nap sem(num ~)))
?. ?=([%honk @ @ @ ~] tea)
%- galt
[(slav %p i.t.tea) i.t.t.tea (slav %ud i.t.t.t.tea) p.+.sih]
%thou :: remote return
?> ?=([@ @ *] tea)
(hajj (slav %p i.tea) (slav %p i.t.tea) t.t.tea p.+.sih)
?. ?=([%hork @ ~] tea)
(gosh q.p.+.sih (slav %ud i.t.tea) ((hard httr) q.+.sih))
?> ?=([%leep @ @ @ @ ~] tea)
=+ ^= ouy
%- yolk:(gale (slav %p i.t.tea) i.t.t.tea)
(slav %ud i.t.t.t.tea)
?~ ouy
?: (lth ~m2 (sub now tim.bet.siq:beat:u.ouy)) :: XX unnecessary
~& %bad-timer
?. ?=([%hoot @ @ @ ~] tea)
%- gout
[(slav %p i.t.tea) i.t.t.tea (slav %ud i.t.t.t.tea) p.+.sih]
?(%helo %tell %text %talk %warn)
?. ?=([%cons @ @ @ ~] tea)
%- goat
[(slav %p i.t.tea) i.t.t.tea (slav %ud i.t.t.t.tea) sih]
++ apex
|= kyz=kiss
^+ +>
?- -.kyz
%born +>.$(ged hen) :: register external
+>.$(mow [[hen %slip %d %flog kyz] mow])
%init :: register ownership
%_ +>.$
hov ?~(hov [~ p.kyz] [~ (min u.hov p.kyz)])
%+ ~(put by own)
^- serf
:* (cat 3 gub (rsh 3 1 (scot %p p.kyz)))
%them :: outbound request
?~ p.kyz
=+ sud=(need (~(get by kes) hen))
%= +>.$
mow :_(mow [ged [%give %thus sud ~]])
q.ask (~(del by q.ask) sud)
kes (~(del by kes) hen)
%= +>.$
mow :_(mow [ged [%give %thus p.ask p.kyz]])
p.ask +(p.ask)
q.ask (~(put by q.ask) p.ask hen u.p.kyz)
kes (~(put by kes) hen p.ask)
%they :: inbound response
=+ kas=(need (~(get by q.ask) p.kyz))
%= +>.$
mow :_(mow [p.kas [%give %thou q.kyz]])
q.ask (~(del by q.ask) p.kas)
%this :: inbound request
=* sec p.kyz :: ? :: https bit
=* heq r.kyz :: httq :: request content
=+ ryp=`quri`(rash q.heq zest:epur)
=+ mah=(ecco r.heq)
=+ ^= pul ^- purl
?- -.ryp
& ?>(=(sec p.p.p.ryp) p.ryp)
| =+ hot=(~(get by mah) %host)
?> ?=([~ @ ~] hot)
[[sec (rash i.u.hot thor:epur)] p.ryp q.ryp]
=. p.p.pul |(p.p.pul =([& /localhost] r.p.pul))
(hell pul +.kyz [p.heq mah s.heq])
%thud :: cancel request
=+ dul=(~(get by lor) hen)
?~ dul +>.$
=. lor (~(del by lor) hen)
?- -.q.u.dul
& =+ boy=(myth p.p.q.u.dul q.p.q.u.dul)
?~(boy +>.$ abet:(idle:u.boy p.u.dul))
| (hops p.q.u.dul p.u.dul)
%wart :: remote request
?+ q.kyz
~& [%strange-wart p.kyz q.kyz]
%pr (hare p.p.kyz r.kyz q.p.kyz s.kyz)
%pc (here p.p.kyz q.p.kyz s.kyz)
++ doss :: host to ship
|= hot=host
^- (unit ship)
=+ gow=(~(get by dop) hot)
?^ gow gow
?. &(?=(& -.hot) ?=(^ p.hot)) ~
(rush -:(flop p.hot) fed:ag)
++ fail :: request failed
|= [sas=@ud str=tape]
^+ +>
%- muff
:- %thou
^- httr
[sas ~[content-type/'text/plain'] [~ (tact str)]]
++ gale :: ya from response
|= [our=ship ses=hole]
=+ sef=(need (~(get by own) our))
=+ cyz=(need (~(get by wup.sef) ses))
~(. ya [our ses] sef cyz)
++ galt ::
|= [our=ship ses=hole num=@ud mez=(each bead (list tank))]
^+ +>
=+ suf=(~(get by own) our)
?~ suf +>.$
=+ cuz=(~(get by wup.u.suf) ses)
?~ cuz +>.$
abet:work:(~(inch ya [our ses] u.suf u.cuz) num mez)
++ goat :: console response
|= [our=ship ses=hole num=@ud sih=sign]
=+ suf=(~(get by own) our)
?~ suf +>.$
=+ cuz=(~(get by wup.u.suf) ses)
?~ cuz +>.$
abet:work:(~(dodo ya [our ses] u.suf u.cuz) num sih)
++ gosh :: receive %pr response
|= [him=ship num=@ud har=httr]
^+ +>
=+ ryt=(~(get by fon) him)
?~ ryt +>.$
=+ zur=(~(get by q.rem.u.ryt) num)
?~ zur +>.$
%_ +>.$
mow :_(mow [u.zur [%give %thou har]])
fon (~(put by fon) him u.ryt(q.rem (~(del by q.rem.u.ryt) num)))
++ gout :: receive %clay
|= [our=ship ses=hole num=@ud rot=riot]
^+ +>
=+ suf=(~(get by own) our)
?~ suf +>.$
=+ cuz=(~(get by wup.u.suf) ses)
?~ cuz +>.$
abet:work:(~(iota ya [our ses] u.suf u.cuz) num rot)
++ haji :: send %pc login
|= [our=ship him=ship ses=hole]
^+ +>
+>.$(mow :_(mow [hen %pass ~ %a [%want [our him] [%r %pc ~] ses]]))
++ hajj :: send %pr response
|= [our=ship him=ship tus=path har=httr]
^+ +>
+>.$(mow :_(mow [hen %pass ~ %a [%want [our him] [%r %pr tus] har]]))
++ hare :: receive request
|= [our=ship tus=path him=ship hor=*]
^+ +>
=+ hux=((hard (unit httx)) hor)
%_ +>.$
:_ mow
:- hen
:^ %pass [(scot %p our) (scot %p him) tus]
?~(hux [%thud ~] [%this u.hux])
++ here :: receive auth
|= [our=ship him=ship hez=*]
^+ +>
=+ boy=(myth our (need ((sand %ta) ((hard ,@) hez))))
?~(boy +>.$ abet:(auth:u.boy him))
++ hell :: request, no ship
|= [pul=purl hyx=httx moh=moth]
^+ +>
=+ hon=(horn pul q.hyx moh)
?^ hon (muff u.hon)
:: =^ wiq q.q.pul
:: ?~ q.q.pul [~ ~]
:: =+ nam=(cat 3 '~' i.q.q.pul)
:: =+ gow=(rush i.q.q.pul fed:ag)
:: ^- [(unit ship) (list ,@t)]
:: ?~(gow [~ q.q.pul] [gow t.q.q.pul])
:: =+ oar=`(unit ship)`?^(wiq wiq (doss r.p.pul))
=+ oar=(fall (doss r.p.pul) (need hov))
?. (home oar)
(hork oar hyx)
(huff oar q.hyx pul moh)
++ home :: do we own?
|= who=ship
^- ?
?: (~(has by own) who) &
?: (~(has by fon) who) |
!=(~ (sky /a/(scot %p who)/buck/(scot %da now)))
++ hoot :: clay request
|= [our=ship num=@ud ses=hole rif=riff]
%_ +>
:_ mow
:+ hen %pass
[[%hoot (scot %p our) ses (scot %ud num) ~] %c [%warp [our our] rif]]
++ hone :: kill ford
|= [our=ship num=@ud ses=hole]
%_ +>
:_ mow
[hen %pass [%honk (scot %p our) ses (scot %ud num) ~] %f [%exec our ~]]
++ honk :: ford request
|= [our=ship num=@ud ses=hole kas=silk]
:: ~& [%honk our num ses -.kas]
%_ +>
:_ mow
[hen %pass [%honk (scot %p our) ses (scot %ud num) ~] %f [%exec our `kas]]
++ hops :: cancel remote
|= [him=ship num=@]
^+ +>
=+ mun=(scot %ud num)
=+ rot=(need (~(get by fon) him))
%_ +>.$
:_ mow
:- hen
:^ %pass [%hork (scot %p sor.rot) mun ~]
[%want [sor.rot him] [%q %pr %e %hork mun ~] ~]
++ hork :: remote request
|= [him=ship hyx=httx]
^+ +>
=+ ^= sur ^- (unit ship)
?^ hov hov
?^ own [~ p.n.own]
?~ sur (fail 500 "no vessel available to proxy {<him>}")
?. (gth (met 3 him) (met 3 u.sur)) :: very permissive
(fail 500 "{<u.sur>} cannot proxy for {<him>}")
=+ ^= rot ^- rote
=+ rut=(~(get by fon) him)
?^ rut u.rut
[0 u.sur [0 ~]]
=+ num=p.rem.rot
=+ mun=(scot %ud num)
%_ +>.$
lor (~(put by lor) hen num [%| him])
:_ mow
:- hen
:^ %pass [%hork (scot %p sor.rot) mun ~]
[%want [sor.rot him] [%q %pr %e %hork mun ~] [~ hyx]]
%+ ~(put by fon) him
%_ rot
cnt +(cnt.rot)
p.rem +(p.rem.rot)
q.rem (~(put by q.rem.rot) num hen)
++ horn :: irregular request
|= [pul=purl cip=clip moh=moth]
^- (unit gift)
=- ?: &(=(/favicon q.q.pul) ?=([~ ?(%ico %png)] p.q.pul))
:- ~
:- %thou
^- httr
[200 ~[content-type/'image/png'] [~ (taco fac)]]
?: &(=(/robots q.q.pul) ?=([~ %txt] p.q.pul))
:- ~
:- %thou
^- httr
[200 ~[content-type/'text/plain'] [~ (taco rob)]]
^= rob
%- roly
:~ 'User-agent: *'
'Disallow: /'
^= fac
++ huff :: request by ship
|= [our=ship cip=clip pul=purl moh=moth]
=* sec p.p.pul
=+ ^= sef ^- serf
=+ suf=(~(get by own) our)
?^ suf u.suf
=+ sef=*serf
sef(pef (cat 3 gub (rsh 3 1 (scot %p our)))) :: XX transitional
=+ ^= saw ^- [p=hole q=cyst]
=+ lig=(coss pef.sef q.moh)
?^ lig
=+ cyz=(need (~(get by wup.sef) u.lig))
[u.lig cyz(cug ~)]
=+ ses=(rsh 3 1 (scot %p (end 6 1 ney)))
:- ses
^- cyst
:* ^- cred
:* [sec q.p.pul r.p.pul]
(rsh 3 1 (scot %p (end 6 1 (shaf %oryx ses))))
=+ lag=(~(get by q.moh) %accept-language)
?~(lag ~ ?~(u.lag ~ [~ i.u.lag]))
:_ ~
%^ cat 3
(cat 3 (cat 3 pef.sef '=') ses)
:: (cat 3 '; HttpOnly' ?.(sec '' '; Secure'))
'; Path=/; HttpOnly'
[1 ~]
abet:work:(~(into ya [our p.saw] sef q.saw) pul moh)
++ muff :: return card
|= gef=gift
+>(mow :_(mow [hen %give gef]))
++ myth :: load session
|= [our=ship ses=hole]
=+ suf=(~(get by own) our)
?~ suf ~
=+ cuz=(~(get by wup.u.suf) ses)
?~ cuz ~
[~ u=~(. ya [our ses] u.suf u.cuz)]
++ noon :: login page
|= [our=ship whu=(unit ship) rul=tape ruf=tape]
^- manx
=+ ^= sic ^- manx
var seal = {
who: goal,
url: burl,
pas: null
var hist = []
var hind = 0
function() {
$input = $('#input .line')
$prompt = $('#input .prompt')
$output = $('#output')
$('body').click(function() { $input.focus() })
ctrl = false;
start = function(ship) {
$prompt.text('vessel: ~')
$input.attr('placeholder', 'ship-name')
if(ship) {
ident = function() {
seal.who = $input.val()
if( (seal.who.length != 13) &&
(seal.who.length != 6) &&
(seal.who.length != 3) )
$output.text('not a ship name - try again.');
return false;
if(seal.who !== host) {
var foreign = {oth: host, ses: session};
var all = $.extend({}, seal, foreign);
+ $.params(all);
return false;
$output.text($prompt.text() + " " + seal.who)
$input.attr('placeholder', 'ronber-bacnub-hanmev-labnyd')
$prompt.text('secret: ~')
return true;
login = function() {
seal.pas = $input.val()
output = $output.html()
$output.html(output.replace('sorry. please try again.<br>',''))
$.post(form, seal, function(data,xhr,status) {
if(data.ok == true) {
document.location = data.next;
} else {
$output.prepend('sorry. please try again.<br>')
steps = [ident,login]
step = 0
if(seal.who) {
$input.on('keydown', function(e) {
if(e.keyCode == 17) {
ctrl = true
if(e.keyCode == 68 &&
ctrl == true &&
step == 1) {
step = 0
if(e.keyCode == 13) {
if(steps[step]() && step < steps.length-1)
$input.on('keyup', function(e) {
if(e.keyCode == 17) {
ctrl = false
=+ ^= cof
; var host = '{(trip (rsh 3 1 (scot %p our)))}';
; var goal = '{?~(whu ~ (trip (rsh 3 1 (scot %p u.whu))))}';
; var burl = '{rul}';
; var form = '{ruf}';
=> .(+.sic (weld `marl`cof `marl`+.sic))
=+ jqu="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"
=+ ^= hed
;title: urbit login
;script(type "text/javascript", src jqu);
body {
margin: 60px 120px;
font: normal 12px "Menlo" monospace;
background-color: #000;
color: #fff;
#output {
#input .prompt {
display: inline-block;
margin-right: 12px;
#input .line {
outline: none;
width: 80%;
border: 0;
background-color: transparent;
color: #fff;
font: normal 12px "Menlo" monospace;
=+ ^= bod ^- manx
;input.line(type "text");
=. +.bod (weld `marl`+.bod `marl`~[sic])
;+ hed
;+ bod
++ ya :: session engine
=| [[our=ship ses=hole] serf cyst]
=* sef ->-
=* cyz ->+
++ abet :: resolve engine
^+ ..ya
%= ..ya
(~(put by own) our sef(wup (~(put by wup) ses cyz)))
++ auth :: remote authorize
|= him=ship
%_(+> aut.ced (~(put ju aut.ced) %$ (scot %p him)))
++ dodo :: console s->c
|= [con=@ud sih=sign]
^+ +>
=+ cal=(need (~(get by cow) con))
=+ ^= jon ^- json
?: ?=(%helo -.+.sih)
%+ joba %helo
%- jobe
:~ [%path [%a `(list json)`(turn p.+.sih |=(a=@ta [%s a]))]]
[%prod ~[%a [%s p.q.+.sih] (jape q.q.+.sih) (jape r.q.+.sih)]]
%+ joba %text
:- %a ^- (list json)
?+ -.+.sih ~|(-.+.sih !!)
%tell (turn p.+.sih |=(a=@t [%s a]))
%text [%s (crip p.+.sih)]~
%talk (turn (~(win re p.+.sih) [0 80]) |=(a=tape [%s (crip a)]))
%warn [%s (crip '!' p.+.sih)]~
=+ ^= yov ^- (list ,@ud)
=+ yov=(~(get by voy.cal) ono.cal)
?~(yov ~ u.yov)
=: voy.cal (~(del by voy.cal) ono.cal)
ono.cal +(ono.cal)
out.cal [jon out.cal]
=. cow (~(put by cow) con cal)
?~(yov +>.$ (dove ~[%a (jone ono.cal) (jone ino.cal) jon] yov))
++ iota :: fun change response
|= [num=@ud rot=riot]
^+ +>
=+ pup=(~(get by q.rey) num)
?~ pup
~& [%iota-lost ses num rot]
?> ?=(%way pez.u.pup)
+>.$(q.rey (~(put by q.rey) num u.pup(pez [%haz rot])))
++ dove :: console waiting
|= [jon=json yov=(list ,@ud)]
^+ +>
=+ noz=`pest`[%fin %mid /text/json (tact (pojo jon))]
|- ^+ +>.^$
?~ yov +>.^$
=+ pup=(~(get by q.rey) i.yov)
?~ pup $(yov t.yov)
?> ?=(%way pez.u.pup)
$(yov t.yov, q.rey (~(put by q.rey) i.yov u.pup(pez noz)))
++ duty |= [nap=@ud you=ship] :: interface script
^- cord
%^ cat 3
%- crip
=- "window.urb = {(pojo (jobe -))}\0a"
[%ship (jape |1:<our>)]
[%port (jone nap)]
[%oryx %s orx.ced]
[%auto %b %&]
[%user (jape |1:<you>)]
window.urb.seqn_u = 0
window.urb.seqn_h = 0
window.urb.dely = 0
window.urb.puls = 0
window.urb.cabs = {}
window.urb.perms = {
window.urb.req = function(method,url,params,json,cb) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
xhr.open(method.toUpperCase(), url)
xhr.setRequestHeader("content-type", "text/json")
_data = {}
if(params.data) { _data.data = params.data; }
if(params.ship) { _data.ship = params.ship; }
if(params.path) { _data.path = params.path; }
if(params.appl) { _data.appl = params.appl; }
__data = {oryx: window.urb.oryx, xyro: _data}
if(cb) {
xhr.onload = function() {
try {
err = null
res = {
data: JSON.parse(this.responseText)
res.reload = res.data.reload
} catch(e) {
err = {
message:"Failed to parse JSON",
res = null
xhr.onerror = function() {
window.urb.reqq = []
window.urb.qreq = function(method,url,params,json,cb) {
walk = function() {
qobj = {}
qobj.oargs = window.urb.reqq[0]
qobj.nargs = [].slice.apply(qobj.oargs,[0,4])
if(window.urb.reqq.length > 0)
l = window.urb.reqq.length
if(l == 0) { walk() }
window.urb.gsig = function(params) {
path = params.path
path = ""
return params.appl+","+
path.replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, "")+","+
window.urb.poll = function(params,cb) {
throw new Error("You must supply params to urb.poll.")
var method, perm, url, $this
method = "get"
perm = params.type ? this.perms[params.type] : "gie"
json = false
if(perm[0] == "t") {
method = "put"
json = true
seqn = this.seqn_u
seqn = params.seqn()
url = [perm,this.user,this.port,seqn]
url = "/"+url.join("/")
this.puls = 1
$this = this
this.req(method,url,params,json,function(err,data) {
if (data.reload) {
return document.location.reload()
} else {
fn = $this.gsig(data.data)
if($this.cabs[fn]) {
{status: data.status, data: data.data.data})
dely = params.dely ? params.dely : $this.dely
dely = dely+Math.ceil(dely*.02)
else {
$this.dely = 0
setTimeout(function() {
if (window.urb.auto) {
var tries = 0
var cnt = 0
var param = {
window.urb.heartbeat = function() {
seqn:function() {
return window.urb.seqn_h
incs:function() {
window.urb.seqn_h = window.urb.seqn_h+1
},function() {
++ fape :: dispatch %ape
|= [fur=(unit term) you=@p paw=path]
^- (unit seam)
?> ?=(~ fur)
?> ?=([@ @ ~] paw)
:- ~
:* %ape
(slav %ui (cat 3 '0i' i.paw))
(slav %ui (cat 3 '0i' i.t.paw))
++ fapg :: dispatch %apg
|= [fur=(unit term) you=@p paw=path]
^- (unit seam)
=+ for=?^(fur u.fur %html)
?> ?=(^ paw)
:- ~
:* %apg
(need ((sand %tas) i.paw))
(turn t.paw |=(a=@ `@ta`(need ((sand %ta) a))))
++ faph :: dispatch %aph
|= [fur=(unit term) you=@p paw=path moh=moth]
^- (unit seam)
?> ?=(~ fur)
?> ?=([@ @ ~] paw)
:- ~
:* %aph
(slav %ui (cat 3 '0i' i.paw))
(slav %ui (cat 3 '0i' i.t.paw))
(need (ecci orx.ced moh))
++ fapm :: dispatch %apm
|= [fur=(unit term) you=@p paw=path moh=moth]
^- (unit seam)
?> ?=(~ fur)
?> ?=([@ @ ~] paw)
:- ~
:* %apm
(slav %ui (cat 3 '0i' i.paw))
(slav %ui (cat 3 '0i' i.t.paw))
(need (eccu orx.ced moh))
++ fapp
|= [fur=(unit term) you=@p paw=path]
?> ?=([~ %js] fur)
?> ?=(?([%hart ~] [@ %hart ~]) paw)
:- ~
:* %app
?~ t.paw
(some (slav %ui (cat 3 '0i' i.paw)))
++ faps :: dispatch %aps
|= [fur=(unit term) you=@p paw=path moh=moth]
^- (unit seam)
?> ?=(~ fur)
?> ?=([@ ~] paw)
:- ~
:* %aps
(slav %ui (cat 3 '0i' i.paw))
(need (ecca orx.ced moh))
++ fapu :: dispatch %apu
|= [fur=(unit term) you=@p paw=path moh=moth]
^- (unit seam)
?> ?=(~ fur)
?> ?=([@ ~] paw)
:- ~
:* %apu
(slav %ui (cat 3 '0i' i.paw))
(need (ecca orx.ced moh))
++ flea :: permissive decimal
|= txt=@t
^- (unit ,@ud)
=+ zac=(slay txt)
?: ?=([~ %$ %ud @] zac)
[~ q.p.u.zac]
=+ soc=(rush txt dim:ag)
?~(soc ~ [~ u.soc])
++ foal :: url from query
|= [nam=@t yaq=(map ,@t ,@t)]
^- (unit purl)
=+ uru=(~(get by yaq) %url)
?~ uru ~
(rush u.uru auri:epur)
++ folk :: seal from query
|= quy=quay
^- (unit seal)
=+ yaq=(~(gas by *(map ,@t ,@t)) quy)
=+ pyl=(foal %url yaq)
=+ wit==(%yes (fall (~(get by yaq) %wit) %no))
=+ huw=(~(get by yaq) %who)
=+ whu=?~(huw ~ (rush u.huw fed:ag))
=+ pus=(~(get by yaq) %pas)
=+ tuh=(~(get by yaq) %oth)
=+ thu=?~(tuh ~ (rush u.tuh fed:ag))
=+ sus=(~(get by yaq) %ses)
=+ foy=?~(sus ~ ?~(thu ~ [~ u.thu u.sus]))
?~ pyl ~
?: &(wit |(=(~ whu) =(~ ses))) ~
:: ~& [%folk-quay whu u.pyl wit foy pus]
[~ whu u.pyl wit foy pus]
++ fool :: domestic login get
|= quy=quay
^- (unit seam)
(bind (folk quy) |=(a=seal [%lon a]))
++ foom :: domestic login post
|= moh=moth
^- (unit seam)
?. ?& ?=(^ r.moh)
:: .= [~ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ~]
:: (~(get by q.moh) 'content-type')
== ~
=+ yuq=(rush q.u.r.moh yquy:epur)
?~(yuq ~ (fool u.yuq))
++ flub :: console request
|= [paw=(list ,@t) muh=(unit moth)]
^- (unit seam)
?: ?=([@ ~] paw)
?^ muh ~
=+ fee=(flea i.paw)
?~ fee ~
[~ %con u.fee]
?. ?=([@ @ ~] paw) ~
=+ [fee=(flea i.paw) fum=(flea i.t.paw)]
?. &(?=(^ fee) ?=(^ fum)) ~
?: |(?=(~ muh) ?=(~ r.u.muh))
[~ %cog u.fee u.fum]
?. =([~ 'text/json' ~] (~(get by q.u.muh) 'content-type'))
=+ jun=`(unit json)`(rush q.u.r.u.muh apex:poja)
?~ jun
[~ %cop u.fee u.fum u.jun]
++ flux :: credential caboose
|= [nyp=path quy=quay]
^- coin
:* %many
[%many (turn nyp |=(a=span [%$ %ta a]))]
[%blob ced]
|- ^- (list coin)
?~ quy ~
[[%$ %t p.i.quy] [%$ %t q.i.quy] $(quy t.quy)]
++ foin :: version request
|= [fur=(unit term) you=@p paw=(list ,@t) quy=quay]
^- (unit seam)
=. aut.ced (~(put ju aut.ced) %$ (scot %p you)) :: XX backwards
?. ?& ?=(~ fur)
?=(~ quy)
?=([@ @ ~] paw)
((sane %tas) i.t.paw)
== ~
%+ bind
^- (unit moat)
=+ soy=(slay i.paw)
?~ soy ~
?+ u.soy
[%$ ?(%da %ud %tas) @]
[~ (case p.u.soy) (case p.u.soy) /]
[%many [%$ ?(%da %ud %tas) @] [%$ ?(%da %ud %tas) @] ~]
[~ (case i.p.u.soy) (case i.t.p.u.soy) /]
|= mot=moat
`seam`[%det i.t.paw mot]
++ funk :: functional request
|= [nep=@tas fur=(unit term) you=@p paw=(list ,@t) quy=quay]
^- (unit seam)
=. aut.ced (~(put ju aut.ced) %$ (scot %p you)) :: XX backwards
=+ won==(%n (rsh 3 2 nep))
%+ bind
^- (unit ,[mark tube])
=+ ^= zac ^- (unit ,[p=@ta q=path])
?: won
[~ (scot %da now) paw]
?~ paw ~
=+ zac=(slay i.paw)
?. ?=([~ %$ ?(%ud %da %tas) *] zac) ~
[~ i.paw t.paw]
?: ?| ?=(~ zac)
?=(~ q.u.zac)
!(levy t.q.u.zac (sane %ta))
== ~
:+ ~ ?~(fur %html u.fur)
^- tube
:* (scot %p our)
|= [for=mark toe=tube]
^- seam
=+ nyp=?.(=(%i (cut 3 [1 1] nep)) /[nep] /[nep]/(rsh 3 1 (scot %p you)))
:^ %fun for
toe(s (weld s.toe `path`[~(rent co (flux nyp quy)) %web ~]))
?. won ~
:_ ~
=- =+ pey="{(scag 2 (trip nep))}v"
=. pey %+ weld pey
?. =(%i (snag 1 pey))
"/{(slag 1 (scow %p you))}"
=+ ven=+((,@ (need (sky %cw p.toe q.toe r.toe ~))))
=+ ^= cal :/
"/{(scow %ud ven)}".
"/{(trip q.toe)}';"
[-.sac [cal +.sac]]
^= sac
; tries = 0;
; call = function() {
; xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
; xhr.open('GET', path, true);
; xhr.addEventListener('load', function() {
; if(this.status !== 200) {
; return keep();
; }
; document.location.reload();
; });
; xhr.addEventListener('error', keep);
; xhr.addEventListener('abort', keep);
; xhr.send();
; }
; keep = function() {
; setTimeout(call,1000*tries);
; tries++;
; }
; call();
++ holt :: login redirect
|= [whu=(unit ship) pul=purl]
^- (unit seam)
:+ ~
:: :+ [& q.p.pul r.p.pul]
%+ earl our
:+ [p.p.pul q.p.pul r.p.pul]
[~ /gul]
:- [%url (crip (urle (earn (earl our pul))))]
?~ whu ~
[%who (rsh 3 1 (scot %p u.whu))]~
++ holy :: structured request
|= [pul=purl moh=moth]
^- (unit seam)
?: &(=(%get p.moh) ?=([~ [@ ~]] q.pul)) :: app shortcut
:: XX use credential to figure out gog/gig
$(q.pul [`%html [%gog i.q.q.pul ~]])
?~ q.q.pul ~
=* nep i.q.q.pul
=+ paw=t.q.q.pul
=+ [one=(end 3 1 nep) two=(cut 3 [1 1] nep) tri=(cut 3 [2 1] nep)]
?. ?& ?- p.moh
%conn | :: connect
%delt | :: delete
%get =(%g one) :: get
%head =(%g one) :: head
%opts | :: options
%post =(%p one) :: post
%put =(%t one) :: put
%trac | :: trace
?+ two |
%e & :: stranger
%u p.p.pul :: guest
%i p.p.pul :: neighbor
%o p.p.pul :: identified
?= $? %g :: app get
%c :: console
%e :: app update
%f :: functional
%v :: functional version
%l :: local login
%m :: app message
%r :: app response
%s :: app subscribe
%h :: app heartbeat
%p :: app script by port
%n :: now
%u :: app unsubscribe
%z :: app version
!&(=(%c tri) !=(%o two))
=(3 (met 3 nep))
=^ yun paw
?+ two ~
?(%e %u) [`@`(shaf %fake ses) paw]
%i ?~ paw ~
[(slav %p (cat 3 '~' i.paw)) t.paw]
%o [our paw]
:: ?: &(=(%i two) =(~ aut.ced))
:: (holt ~ pul)
:: ?: &(=(%o two) !(~(has ju aut.ced) %$ (scot %p our)))
:: (holt [~ our] pul)
?+ one ~
?+ tri ~
?(%f %n) (funk nep p.q.pul yun paw r.pul)
%v (foin p.q.pul yun paw r.pul)
%c (flub paw ~)
%l (fool r.pul)
%g (fapg p.q.pul yun paw)
%e (fape p.q.pul yun paw)
%p (fapp p.q.pul yun paw)
?+ tri ~
%l (foom moh)
%m (fapm p.q.pul yun paw moh)
%s (faps p.q.pul yun paw moh)
%u (fapu p.q.pul yun paw moh)
?+ tri ~
%c (flub paw [~ moh])
%h (faph p.q.pul yun paw moh)
%m (fapm p.q.pul yun paw moh)
%s (faps p.q.pul yun paw moh)
%u (fapu p.q.pul yun paw moh)
++ idle :: cancel request
|= num=@ud
^+ +>
=+ pup=(~(get by q.rey) num)
?~ pup +>.$
=. q.rey (~(del by q.rey) num)
?. ?=(%way pez.u.pup) +>.$
?: ?=(%det -.som.u.pup)
+>.$(..ya (hoot our num ses `riff`[p.som.u.pup ~]))
?: ?=(%fun -.som.u.pup)
+>.$(..ya (hone our num ses))
++ bush :: error response
|= [cod=@ud msg=@t num=@ud]
^+ +>
=+ pup=(~(get by q.rey) num)
?~ pup +>.$
%= +>.$
%+ ~(put by q.rey) num
%= u.pup
`pest`[%fin %raw cod ~[content-type/'text/plain'] `(taco msg)]
++ bust :: no-content response
|= [cod=@ud num=@ud]
^+ +>
=+ pup=(~(get by q.rey) num)
?~ pup +>.$
:: ?> ?=(%way pez.u.pup)
%= +>.$
%+ ~(put by q.rey) num
u.pup(pez [%fin %raw cod *mess `*octs])
++ inch :: function built
|= [num=@ud mez=(each bead (list tank))]
^+ +>
=+ pup=(~(get by q.rey) num)
?~ pup
~& [%inch-lost ses num mez]
?> ?=(%way pez.u.pup)
+>.$(q.rey (~(put by q.rey) num u.pup(pez [%fud mez])))
++ into :: introduce
|= [pul=purl moh=moth]
^+ +>
=+ num=p.rey
%= +>.$
lor (~(put by lor) hen num [%& our ses])
p.rey +(num)
%+ ~(put by q.rey) num
^- pimp
:* !?=(%head p.moh)
`pest`[%raw pul moh]
++ iota :: change response
|= [num=@ud rot=riot]
^+ +>
=+ pup=(~(get by q.rey) num)
?~ pup
~& [%iota-lost ses num rot]
?> ?=(%way pez.u.pup)
+>.$(q.rey (~(put by q.rey) num u.pup(pez [%haz rot])))
++ lass :: load secret
^- @ta
%^ rsh 3 1
(scot %p (,@ (need (sky %a (scot %p our) %code (scot %da now) ~))))
++ step :: step in work
|- ^+ +
=^ zib +.$
=+ yub=q.rey
|- ^- [(list ,[p=@ud q=pimp]) _+.^$]
?~ yub [~ +.^$]
=^ sid +.^$ $(yub l.yub)
=^ dex +.^$ $(yub r.yub)
=^ top +.^$ (wink n.yub)
=+ pot=`(list ,[p=@ud q=pimp])`?~(top ~ [[p.n.yub u.top] ~])
[:(weld pot dex sid) +.^$]
+.$(q.rey (~(gas by `_q.rey`~) zib))
++ wink :: advance request
|= [num=@ud pip=pimp]
^- [(unit pimp) _+>]
?- pez.pip
%way [[~ pip] +>.$]
?- -.som.pip
%ape :: stream update
:: ~& :~ %eyre-ape
:: [%owner our]
:: [%requester num]
:: [%app p.som.pip]
:: [%user q.som.pip]
:: [%instance r.som.pip]
:: [%stream s.som.pip]
:: [%request t.som.pip]
:: ==
[`(fall +< -(pez %way)) +>]:[pip (yoke num +.som.pip)]
%apg :: simple get
:: ~& :~ %eyre-apg
:: [%owner our]
:: [%requester num]
:: [%app p.som.pip]
:: [%user q.som.pip]
:: [%logo r.som.pip]
:: [%path s.som.pip]
:: ==
:- [~ pip(pez %way)]
(yokg num p.som.pip q.som.pip s.som.pip)
%aph :: heartbeat
:: ~& [%wink-aph +.som.pip]
(yokh num +.som.pip)
%apm :: message
:: ~& [%wink-apm +.som.pip]
:- [~ pip(pez %way)]
(yokm num +.som.pip)
%app :: script by port
:: ~& [%wink-app +.som.pip]
(yokp num +.som.pip)
%aps :: subscribe
:: ~& [%wink-aps +.som.pip]
:- [~ pip(pez %way)]
(yoks num +.som.pip)
%apu :: unsubscribe
:: ~& [%wink-apu +.som.pip]
(yoku num +.som.pip)
:- [~ pip(pez %way)]
+>.$(..ya (hoot our num ses [p.som.pip ~ [%| q.som.pip]]))
:- [~ pip(pez %way)]
=+ bem=`beam`(need (tome q.som.pip))
=+ kas=`silk`[%cast %mime `silk`[%boil p.som.pip bem ~]]
+>.$(..ya (honk our num ses kas))
?^ pus.p.som.pip
?. =(lass u.pus.p.som.pip)
:_ +>.$
:- ~
%= pip
[%fin %mid /text/json (tact (pojo (jobe [%ok [%b |]]~)))]
=. aut.ced (~(put ju aut.ced) %$ (scot %p (need whu.p.som.pip)))
?~ foy.p.som.pip
=+ ^= jon
%- jobe
:~ [%ok [%b &]]
[%next (jape (earn pul.p.som.pip))]
:_(+>.$ [~ pip(pez [%fin %mid /text/json (tact (pojo jon))])])
=. ..ya (haji our u.foy.p.som.pip)
=+ ^= lup ^- purl
:+ ^- hart
:+ & ~
[%& ~[%org %urbit (rsh 3 1 (scot %p p.u.foy.p.som.pip))]]
^- pork
[~ /gul]
^- quay
:~ [%who (rsh 3 1 (scot %p (need whu.p.som.pip)))]
[%url (crip (earn pul.p.som.pip))]
[%wit %yes]
=+ jon=(jobe ~[[%ok [%b &]] [%next (jape (earn lup))]])
:_(+>.$ [~ pip(pez [%fin %mid /text/json (tact (pojo jon))])])
:_ +>.$
?: wit.p.som.pip
[~ pip(pez [%who %$ (scot %p (need whu.p.som.pip))])]
=+ rul=(earn pul.p.som.pip)
=+ ruf=(earn (earl our pul.p.som.pip(q.q /pul, r ~)))
=+ ham=(noon our whu.p.som.pip rul ruf)
[~ pip(pez [%fin %ham ham])]
:_ +>.$
:- ~
%= pip
:- %fin
:- %raw
:+ 301
[%location (crip (earn p.som.pip))]~
:- [~ pip(pez %way)]
+>.$(..ya (honk our num ses q.som.pip))
[%err *]
[~ +>.$(..ya (muff(hen hen.pip) [%thou (loft `love`[%zap +.pez.pip])]))]
[%fin *]
=+ har=(loft p.pez.pip)
=. q.har (weld (turn cug |=(a=@t ['set-cookie' a])) q.har)
[~ +>.$(..ya (muff(hen hen.pip) [%thou har]))]
[%haz *]
:_ +>.$
[~ pip(pez [%fin %wan 'Hello, world' ~])]
[%fud *]
=+ ^= mog ^- (list manx)
?: ?=(%fun -.som.pip)
(weld r.som.pip sip.pip)
:_ +>.$
:- ~
%= pip
^- pest
?- -.p.pez.pip
| =+ mad=(loga "server error" mog p.p.pez.pip)
:- %fin
:- %raw
^- httr
:+ 500
[~ (tact (xmlt | mad ~))]
& [%fin (lofa mog (lopo q.p.p.pez.pip))]
[%raw *]
:_ +>.$
^- (unit pimp)
:- ~
=+ hoy=(holy p.pez.pip)
?~ hoy
pip(pez [%err 404 [[%leaf "invalid request"] ~]])
pip(som u.hoy, pez %new)
[%who *]
:_ +>.$
?.((~(has ju aut.ced) p.pez.pip q.pez.pip) [~ pip] [~ pip(pez %new)])
++ work
|- ^+ +
=+ sez=step
?: =(rey.sez rey) sez
$(+ sez)
++ yoke :: long poll
|= [num=@ud you=ship nap=@ud cnt=@ud]
^- [(unit pimp) _+>]
=+ yon=(yolk nap)
?~ yon `(bust 204 num)
=. +>.$ abet:(hire:(yule %sub):u.yon cnt num)
:_ +>.$
=+ pup=(~(get by q.rey) num)
?~ pup ~
?. ?=(%sil -.som.u.pup) ~
++ yokg :: main call
|= [num=@ud app=term you=ship pax=path]
^+ +>
?< (~(has by sok) num)
abet:(~(self yo num you *sink) app pax)
++ yokh :: heartbeat
|= [num=@ud you=ship nap=@ud cnt=@ud jon=json]
^- [(unit pimp) _+>]
=+ yon=(yolk nap)
?~ yon [~ (bust 204 num)]
[- abet:+]:(beat:u.yon cnt num jon)
++ yokm :: message
|= [num=@ud you=ship nap=@ud cnt=@ud hap=hasp jon=json]
^+ +>
=+ yon=(yolk nap)
?~ yon (bust 204 num)
abet:(post:u.yon cnt num hap jon)
++ yokp :: script by port
|= [num=@ud you=ship nup=(unit ,@ud)]
^- [(unit pimp) _+>]
?~ nup
$(nup [~ num], +> ~(harp yo num you *sink))
=+ yon=(yolk u.nup)
?~ yon
=+ err=(bust 204 num)
[`(need (~(get by q.rey.err) num)) err]
[- abet:+]:(hark:u.yon num)
++ yoks :: subscribe
|= [num=@ud you=ship nap=@ud hap=hasp pax=path]
=+ yon=(yolk nap)
?~ yon (bust 204 num)
abet:(scud:u.yon num hap pax)
++ yoku :: unsubscribe
|= [num=@ud you=ship nap=@ud hap=hasp pax=path]
^- [(unit pimp) _+>]
=+ yon=(yolk nap)
?~ yon [~ (bust 204 num)]
[- abet:+]:(scad:u.yon num hap pax)
++ yolk :: yo by instance
|= nap=@ud
=+ suy=(~(get by sok) nap)
?~ suy ~
(some ~(. yo nap u.suy))
++ yo :: app instance
|_ $: nap=@ud :: instance number
you=ship :: client identity
siq=sink :: instance state
++ abet :: resolve
%_ ..yo
sok (~(put by sok) nap [you siq])
++ amok :: demolish
^+ ..yo
=+ wuh=(~(tap by can.sub.siq))
|- ^+ ..yo
?~ wuh
%= ..yo
sok (~(del by sok) nap)
%= $
wuh t.wuh
(pass(hen hen.q.i.wuh) `p.i.wuh [%g %nuke [- + ~]:hap.q.i.wuh you])
++ beat
|= [cnt=@ud num=@ud jon=json]
^- [(unit pimp) _+>]
?. =(cnt num.bet.siq)
[~ +>.$(..yo (bust 204 num))]
=. +>.$ hast
=. bet.siq bet.siq(num +(num.bet.siq), tim now, hen hen)
=. +>.$ hawa
=. +>.$ (hire:(yule %bet) cnt num)
=. +>.$ (hear:(yule %bet) ~ %& %json !>((joba %a-ok %b %&)))
[`(need (~(get by q.rey) num)) +>.$]
++ hark
|= num=@ud
^- [(unit pimp) _+>]
=. +>.$ abet:(busk:(yule %nil) num _@ ~ %& %js !>((duty nap you)))
[`(need (~(get by q.rey) num)) +>.$]
++ harp
%* abet hawa
tim.bet.siq now
num.sub.siq 1
++ hast
%_ .
:_ mow
:- hen.bet.siq
:^ %pass
[%leep (scot %p our) ses (scot %ud nap) (scot %ud num.bet.siq) ~]
:- %rest (add ~m2 tim.bet.siq)
++ hawa
%_ .
:_ mow
^- move
:- hen.bet.siq
:^ %pass
[%leep (scot %p our) ses (scot %ud nap) (scot %ud num.bet.siq) ~]
:- %wait (add ~m2 now)
++ hoop :: request path
|= can=(unit ,@ud)
^- path
:* %hoop
(scot %p our)
(scot %ud nap)
?~ can
[%mess ~]
[%show (scot %ud u.can) ~]
++ pass :: pass
|= [can=(unit ,@ud) noh=note]
^+ +>
+>(mow [[hen %pass (hoop can) noh] mow])
++ post :: transmit
|= [cnt=@ud num=@ud hap=hasp jon=json]
^+ +>
=. +>.$
?. =(cnt num.meg.siq) +>.$
%+ pass(num.meg.siq +(num.meg.siq)) ~
`note`[%g %mess [- + ~]:hap you [%json !>(jon)]]
?. =(+(cnt) num.meg.siq)
+>.$(..yo (bust 204 num))
(hire:(yule %meg) cnt num)
++ scad
|= [num=@ud hap=hasp pax=path]
^- [(unit pimp) _+>]
=. +>.$
%+ ~(rep by can.sub.siq) +>.$
|= [p=[p=@ud q=stem] q=_+>.$]
?. =([hap pax] [hap.q.p pax.q.p]) q
=. q q(can.sub.siq (~(del by can.sub.siq:q) p.p))
([-(hen +)]:[pass:q hen.q.p] `p.p %g %nuke [- + ~]:hap you)
=+ huq=[~ %& %json !>((joba %ok %b %&))]
=. +>.$ abet:(busk:(yule %nil) num 0 huq)
[`(need (~(get by q.rey) num)) +>.$]
++ scud :: subscribe
|= [num=@ud hap=hasp pax=path]
=. can.sub.siq
(~(put by can.sub.siq) num.sub.siq [hap pax hen `[%| num]])
=. +>.$ (pass `num.sub.siq `note`[%g %show [- + ~]:hap you pax])
=. num.sub.siq +(num.sub.siq)
++ self :: request main
|= [app=term pax=path]
^+ +>
=. tim.bet.siq now
=. can.sub.siq
(~(put by can.sub.siq) 0 [[our app] pax hen `[%& nap]])
=. num.sub.siq +(num.sub.siq)
=. hen.bet.siq hen
=. +>.$ hawa
(pass `0 [%g %show [our app ~] you pax])
++ yule
|= pla=?(%bet %meg %sub %nil)
%~ . yu :- pla
=< wig
?-(pla %bet bet.siq, %meg meg.siq, %sub sub.siq, %nil [wig=*swig ~])
++ yu :: swig state
|_ [pla=?(%bet %meg %sub %nil) wig=swig]
++ abet
^+ ..yu
?- pla
%bet %_(..yu wig.bet.siq wig)
%meg %_(..yu wig.meg.siq wig)
%sub %_(..yu wig.sub.siq wig)
%nil ..yu
++ busk :: seam result
|= $: num=@ud
huq=(unit (each cage cage))
^+ +>
=+ pup=(~(get by q.rey) num)
?~ pup +>.$ :: XX a hack
=. wig ?: ?=(%nil pla) wig
?. =(toy.wig cnt)
?>(=(toy.wig +(cnt)) wig)
%= wig
toy +(toy.wig)
?: =(0 toy.wig) red.wig
:: ~& [%busk [%sent cnt] [%lost (dec toy.wig)]]
(~(del by red.wig) (dec toy.wig))
=+ pip=u.pup
=+ ^= sip
?. ?=(%apg -.som.pip) sip.pip
=* his q.som.pip
=+ mef=?:(=(our his) "gop" "gip/{|1:<his>}") :: e.g. "gip/zod"
=+ hat="/{mef}/{(pojo (jone nap))}/hart.js"
[;script(src hat); ;meta(charset "utf-8"); sip.pip]
?~ huq +>.$(..yo (bust 404 num))
%= +>.$
%+ ~(put by q.rey) num
^- pimp
%= pip
pez %new
sip sip
som ^- seam
:+ %sil
?:(-.u.huq 200 203)
=+ don=`silk`[%done ~ `cage`p.u.huq]
^- silk
:+ %cast %mime
?~ fur.pip don
`silk`[%cast u.fur.pip don]
++ dumb :: reset
^+ ..yu
=+ dum=(~(tap by wan.wig) ~)
|- ^+ ..yu
?~ dum ..yu :: XX drop stream
$(dum t.dum, ..yo (bust 404 q.i.dum))
++ hear :: produce
|= huq=(unit (each cage cage))
^+ ..yu
=< abet
=+ cnt=cnt.wig
=+ dul=(~(get by wan.wig) cnt)
:: ~& :~ %yu-hear
:: [%instance nap]
:: [%produced cnt]
:: ?~(dul %unrequested [%requester u.dul])
:: ==
=: cnt.wig +(cnt.wig)
wan.wig ?~(dul wan.wig (~(del by wan.wig) cnt.wig))
red.wig (~(put by red.wig) cnt.wig huq)
?~(dul +>.$ (busk u.dul cnt huq))
++ hire :: consume
|= [cnt=@ud num=@ud]
^+ ..yu
=< abet
:: ~& :~ %yu-hire
:: [%instance nap]
:: [%produced cnt.wig]
:: [%request cnt]
:: [%dispatched toy.wig]
:: [%requester num]
:: ==
?: |((lth +(cnt) toy.wig) (gth cnt toy.wig))
~& [%hire-improper [%request cnt] [%dispatched toy.wig]]
+>.$(..yo (bust 204 num))
?: (gte cnt cnt.wig)
:: ~& %hire-wait
=+ old=(~(get by wan.wig) cnt)
=. wan.wig (~(put by wan.wig) cnt num)
+>.$(..yo ?~(old ..yo (bust 204 u.old)))
=+ rud=(~(get by red.wig) cnt)
?~ rud
:: ~& %hire-bust
+>.$(..yo (bust 204 num))
:: ~& %hire-send
(busk num cnt u.rud)
. ==
=| bolo
=* bol -
|= [now=@da eny=@ ski=sled] :: activate
^? :: opaque core
|% ::
++ call :: handle request
|= $: hen=duct
hic=(hypo (hobo kiss))
=> %= . :: XX temporary
^- kiss
?: ?=(%soft -.q.hic)
((hard kiss) p.q.hic)
?: (~(nest ut -:!>(*kiss)) | p.hic) q.hic
~& [%eyre-call-flub (,@tas `*`-.q.hic)]
((hard kiss) q.hic)
^- [p=(list move) q=_..^$]
=+ ska=(slod ski)
=+ sky=|=(* `(unit)`=+(a=(ska +<) ?~(a ~ ?~(u.a ~ [~ u.u.a]))))
=. ney (shax :(mix (shax now) +(eny) ney)) :: XX!! shd not need
^- [p=(list move) q=_..^$]
=. gub ?.(=(0 gub) gub (cat 3 (rsh 3 1 (scot %p (end 6 1 eny))) '-'))
=^ mos bol
abet:(apex:~(adit ye [hen [now eny sky] ~] bol) q.hic)
[mos ..^$]
++ doze
|= [now=@da hen=duct]
^- (unit ,@da)
++ load
|= old=bolo
^+ ..^$
..^$(+>- old)
++ scry
|= [our=(unit (set monk)) ren=@tas who=ship syd=desk lot=coin tyl=path]
^- (unit (unit (pair mark ,*)))
++ stay `bolo`+>-.$
++ take :: accept response
|= [tea=wire hen=duct hin=(hypo sine)]
^- [p=(list move) q=_..^$]
?: ?=(%veer +<.q.hin) :: vomit
[[hen %give +.q.hin]~ ..^$]
?: ?=(%vega +<.q.hin) :: vomit
[[hen %give +.q.hin]~ ..^$]
=+ ska=(slod ski)
=+ sky=|=(* `(unit)`=+(a=(ska +<) ?~(a ~ ?~(u.a ~ [~ u.u.a]))))
=. ney (shax :(mix (shax now) +(eny) ney)) :: XX!! shd not need
^- [p=(list move) q=_..^$]
=. gub ?.(=(0 gub) gub (cat 3 (rsh 3 1 (scot %p (end 6 1 eny))) '-'))
=^ mos bol
=< abet
%^ axon:~(adit ye [hen [now eny sky] ~] bol) tea
(~(peek ut p.hin) %free 3)
[mos ..^$]