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module AmesTests (tests) where
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.List hiding (take)
import Data.Ord.Unicode
import Test.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.))
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import Test.Tasty.TH
import Urbit.Arvo
import Urbit.EventLog.LMDB
import Urbit.King.Config
import Urbit.Noun
import Urbit.Noun.Time
import Urbit.Prelude
import Urbit.Vere.Ames
import Urbit.Vere.Pier.Types
import Control.Concurrent (runInBoundThread)
import Data.LargeWord (LargeKey(..))
import GHC.Natural (Natural)
import Network.Socket (tupleToHostAddress)
import Urbit.King.App (HasKingId(..))
import qualified Urbit.EventLog.LMDB as Log
type HasAmes e = (HasLogFunc e, HasNetworkConfig e, HasKingId e)
-- Utils -----------------------------------------------------------------------
pid :: KingId
pid = KingId 0
turfEf :: NewtEf
turfEf = NewtEfTurf (0, ()) []
sendEf :: Galaxy -> Wen -> Bytes -> NewtEf
sendEf g w bs = NewtEfSend (0, ()) (EachYes g) bs
data NetworkTestApp = NetworkTestApp
{ _ntaLogFunc :: !LogFunc
, _ntaNetworkConfig :: !NetworkConfig
, _ntaKingId :: !Word16
makeLenses ''NetworkTestApp
instance HasLogFunc NetworkTestApp where
logFuncL = ntaLogFunc
instance HasNetworkConfig NetworkTestApp where
networkConfigL = ntaNetworkConfig
instance HasKingId NetworkTestApp where
kingIdL = ntaKingId
runNetworkApp :: RIO NetworkTestApp a -> IO a
runNetworkApp = runRIO NetworkTestApp
{ _ntaLogFunc = mkLogFunc (\_ _ _ _ -> pure ())
, _ntaKingId = 34
, _ntaNetworkConfig = NetworkConfig { _ncNetMode = NMNormal
, _ncAmesPort = Nothing
, _ncNoAmes = False
, _ncNoHttp = False
, _ncNoHttps = False
, _ncHttpPort = Nothing
, _ncHttpsPort = Nothing
, _ncLocalPort = Nothing
:: forall e
. HasAmes e
=> Word8
-> RAcquire e (TQueue EvErr, NewtEf -> IO ())
runGala point = do
env <- ask
que <- newTQueueIO
let enqueue = \p -> writeTQueue que p $> Intake
let (_, runAmes) = ames env (fromIntegral point) True enqueue noStderr
cb <- runAmes
io (cb turfEf)
pure (que, cb)
noStderr _ = pure ()
waitForPacket :: TQueue EvErr -> Bytes -> IO Bool
waitForPacket q val = go
go = atomically (readTQueue q) >>= \case
EvErr (EvBlip (BlipEvNewt (NewtEvBorn (_, ()) ()))) _ -> go
EvErr (EvBlip (BlipEvAmes (AmesEvHear () _ bs))) _ -> pure (bs == val)
_ -> pure False
runRAcquire :: RAcquire e a -> RIO e a
runRAcquire acq = rwith acq pure
sendThread :: (NewtEf -> IO ()) -> (Galaxy, Bytes) -> RAcquire e ()
sendThread cb (to, val) = void $ mkRAcquire start cancel
start = async $ forever $ do threadDelay 1_000
wen <- io $ now
io $ cb (sendEf to wen val)
threadDelay 10_000
zodSelfMsg :: Property
zodSelfMsg = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runNetworkApp . runTest)
:: (HasLogFunc e, HasNetworkConfig e, HasKingId e) => Bytes -> RIO e Bool
runTest val = runRAcquire $ do
env <- ask
(zodQ, zod) <- runGala 0
() <- sendThread zod (0, val)
liftIO (waitForPacket zodQ val)
twoTalk :: Property
twoTalk = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runNetworkApp . runTest)
runTest :: (HasLogFunc e, HasNetworkConfig e, HasKingId e)
=> (Word8, Word8, Bytes) -> RIO e Bool
runTest (aliceShip, bobShip, val) =
if aliceShip == bobShip
then pure True
else go aliceShip bobShip val
go :: (HasLogFunc e, HasNetworkConfig e, HasKingId e)
=> Word8 -> Word8 -> Bytes -> RIO e Bool
go aliceShip bobShip val = runRAcquire $ do
(aliceQ, alice) <- runGala aliceShip
(bobQ, bob) <- runGala bobShip
sendThread alice (Patp bobShip, val)
sendThread bob (Patp aliceShip, val)
liftIO (waitForPacket aliceQ val >> waitForPacket bobQ val)
tests :: TestTree
tests =
testGroup "Ames"
[ localOption (QuickCheckTests 10) $
testProperty "Zod can send a message to itself" $
-- TODO Why doesn't this work in CI?
-- , localOption (QuickCheckTests 10) $
-- testProperty "Two galaxies can talk" $
-- twoTalk
-- Generate Arbitrary Values ---------------------------------------------------
arb :: Arbitrary a => Gen a
arb = arbitrary
instance Arbitrary Ipv4 where arbitrary = Ipv4 <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Port where arbitrary = Port <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Wen where arbitrary = Wen <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Gap where arbitrary = Gap . abs <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Bytes where arbitrary = pure (MkBytes "wtfbbq")
-- MkBytes . take 100 <$> arb
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Patp a) where
arbitrary = Patp <$> arb
instance Arbitrary ByteString where
arbitrary = pack <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary Natural where
arbitrary = fromIntegral . abs <$> (arbitrary :: Gen Integer)
instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (LargeKey a b) where
arbitrary = LargeKey <$> arb <*> arb
genIpv4 :: Gen Ipv4
genIpv4 = do
x <- arbitrary
if (x == 0 || (x≥256 && x≤512))
then genIpv4
else pure (Ipv4 x)
instance Arbitrary Text where
arbitrary = pack <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Cord where
arbitrary = Cord <$> arb
instance Arbitrary BigCord where
arbitrary = BigCord <$> arb
instance Arbitrary AmesDest where
arbitrary = oneof [ EachYes <$> arb
, EachNo <$> arb
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Jammed a) where
arbitrary = Jammed <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary AmesAddress where
arbitrary = AAIpv4 <$> arb <*> arb
instance Arbitrary Ship where
arbitrary = Ship <$> arb
instance Arbitrary LogIdentity where
arbitrary = LogIdentity <$> arb <*> arb <*> arb