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synced 2024-12-21 13:51:50 +03:00
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155 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
module Data.Noun.Pill where
import ClassyPrelude
import Data.Noun
import Data.Noun.Atom
import Data.Noun.Jam
import Data.Flat
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Lens
import Data.Either.Extra (mapLeft)
import GHC.Natural
import Data.Bits
import GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals
import qualified Data.Primitive.ByteArray as Prim
import qualified Data.Vector.Primitive as VP
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
stripTrailingZeros :: ByteString -> ByteString
stripTrailingZeros buf = BS.take (len - go 0 (len - 1)) buf
len = length buf
go n i | i < 0 = n
| 0 == BS.index buf i = go (n+1) (i-1)
| otherwise = n
unpackWord :: ByteString -> Word
unpackWord buf =
case length buf of
0 -> 0
1 -> i 0 0
2 -> i 0 0 .|. i 1 8
3 -> i 0 0 .|. i 1 8 .|. i 2 16
n -> i 0 0 .|. i 1 8 .|. i 2 16 .|. i 3 24
i :: Int -> Int -> Word
i idx off = shiftL (fromIntegral $ BS.index buf idx) off
words2Nat :: [Word] -> Natural
words2Nat [] = 0
words2Nat [w] = fromIntegral w
words2Nat ws =
if off /= 0 then error "words2Nat bad vec" else
NatJ# (BN# buf)
VP.Vector off len (Prim.ByteArray buf) = VP.fromList ws
unpackWords :: ByteString -> [Word]
unpackWords =
\case buf | length buf <= 4 -> [unpackWord buf]
| otherwise -> go [] buf
go :: [Word] -> ByteString -> [Word]
go acc buf | null buf = reverse acc
go acc buf | otherwise = go (unpackWord buf : acc) (BS.drop 4 buf)
unpackAtom :: ByteString -> Atom
unpackAtom = MkAtom . words2Nat . unpackWords . stripTrailingZeros
loadFile :: FilePath -> IO Atom
loadFile = fmap unpackAtom . readFile
loadJam :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Noun)
loadJam = fmap cue . loadFile
-- dumpJam :: FilePath -> Noun -> IO ()
-- dumpJam pat = writeFile pat . packAtom . jam
-- packWord :: Word -> ByteString
-- packWord buf = undefined
-- packAtom :: Atom -> ByteString
-- packAtom = undefined
dumpFlat :: Flat a => FilePath -> a -> IO ()
dumpFlat pat = writeFile pat . flat
loadFlat :: Flat a => FilePath -> IO (Either Text a)
loadFlat pat = do
bs <- readFile pat
pure $ mapLeft tshow $ unflat bs
/* u3i_bytes():
** Copy `a` bytes from `b` to an LSB first atom.
u3i_bytes(c3_w a_w,
const c3_y* b_y)
/* Strip trailing zeroes.
while ( a_w && !b_y[a_w - 1] ) {
/* Check for cat.
if ( a_w <= 4 ) {
if ( !a_w ) {
return 0;
else if ( a_w == 1 ) {
return b_y[0];
else if ( a_w == 2 ) {
return (b_y[0] | (b_y[1] << 8));
else if ( a_w == 3 ) {
return (b_y[0] | (b_y[1] << 8) | (b_y[2] << 16));
else if ( (b_y[3] <= 0x7f) ) {
return (b_y[0] | (b_y[1] << 8) | (b_y[2] << 16) | (b_y[3] << 24));
/* Allocate, fill, return.
c3_w len_w = (a_w + 3) >> 2;
c3_w* nov_w = u3a_walloc((len_w + c3_wiseof(u3a_atom)));
u3a_atom* nov_u = (void*)nov_w;
nov_u->mug_w = 0;
nov_u->len_w = len_w;
/* Clear the words.
c3_w i_w;
for ( i_w=0; i_w < len_w; i_w++ ) {
nov_u->buf_w[i_w] = 0;
/* Fill the bytes.
c3_w i_w;
for ( i_w=0; i_w < a_w; i_w++ ) {
nov_u->buf_w[i_w >> 2] |= (b_y[i_w] << ((i_w & 3) * 8));
return u3a_to_pug(u3a_outa(nov_w));