2015-12-20 13:16:39 -08:00

321 lines
8.4 KiB

:::: /hoon/talk-telegrams/mar
/? 314
/- talk
/+ talk
=+ talk
|_ gam/(list telegram)
++ grab-work-duty => [jo work-stuff]
|^ dute
++ as
:: |*(a/fist (cu sa (ar a))) :: XX types
|* a/fist
%- cu :_ (ar a)
~(gas in *(set _(need *a)))
++ ot
|* a/(pole {@tas fist})
|= b/json
%. ((^ot a) b)
%- slog
?+ b ~
{$o *}
%+ murn `(list {@tas fist})`a
|= {c/term d/fist} ^- (unit tank)
=+ (~(get by p.b) c)
?~ - (some >[c (turn (~(tap by p.b)) head)]<)
=+ (d u)
?~ - (some >[c u]<)
++ of
|* a/(pole {@tas fist})
|= b/json
%. ((of:jo a) b)
%- slog
?+ b ~
{$o *}
%+ murn `(list {@tas fist})`a
|= {c/term d/fist} ^- (unit tank)
=+ (~(get by p.b) c)
?~ - ~
=+ (d u)
?~ - (some >[c u]<)
++ id (ci (slat %uv) so)
++ ship (su fed:ag)
++ dute
%- of :~
create+task change+(ot id+id meat+uppd ~)
archive+id update+(ot id+id version+ni her+(su fed:ag) meat+uppd ~)
++ task
%- ot :~
id+id 'date_created'^di
version+ni 'date_modified'^di
creator+ship doer+(mu ship)
tags+(as so) 'date_due'^(mu di)
done+(mu di) title+so
description+so discussion+(ar (ot date+di ship+ship body+so ~))
++ audi (as stan)
++ stan (su ;~((glue fas) ;~(pfix sig fed:ag) urs:ab))
++ uppd
%- of :~
set-doer+(mu (su fed:ag))
set-date-due+(mu di)
set-tags+(as so)
add-comment+(ot ship+(su fed:ag) com+so ~)
++ grow-work-duty
=> work-stuff
=+ jope=|=(a/ship [%s (rsh 3 1 (scot %p a))])
=+ jove=|=(a/@uvI [%s (scot %uv a)])
=< |= duty
%+ joba +<-
?- +<-
$create (task tax)
$archive (jove id)
$change (jobe id+(jove id) meat+(flesh meat) ~)
%- jobe :~
id+(jove id)
version+(jone version)
her+(jope her)
meat+(flesh meat)
++ tags
|= a/(set @t)
[%a (turn (sort (~(tap in a)) aor) |=(b/cord s+b))]
++ task
|= ^task
%- jobe :~ id+[%s (scot %uv id)]
tags+(^tags tags)
doer+?~(doer ~ (jope u.doer))
title+[%s title]
creator+(jope creator)
version+(jone version)
'date_created'^(jode date-created)
'date_modified'^(jode date-modified)
description+[%s description]
=< discussion+[%a (turn discussion .)]
|=(comment (jobe date+(jode date) ship+(jope ship) body+[%s body] ~))
'date_due'^?~(date-due ~ (jode u.date-due))
done+?~(done ~ (jode u.done))
++ flesh
|= ^flesh
%+ joba +<-
?- +<-
$set-doer ?~(her ~ (jope u.her))
$set-date-due ?~(wen ~ (jode u.wen))
$set-tags (tags tag)
$set-title [%s til]
$set-description [%s des]
$set-done [%b don]
$add-comment (jobe ship+(jope who) com+[%s com] ~)
++ grab
++ noun (list telegram)
++ mime |=(^mime (json (rash q.q apex:poja)))
++ json
=> [jo ..telegram dute=grab-work-duty]
|= a/json ^- (list telegram)
=- (need ((ar (ot ship+(su fed:ag) thought+thot ~)) a))
++ of
|* a/(pole {@tas fist})
|= b/json
%. ((of:jo a) b)
%- slog
?+ b ~
{$o *}
%+ murn `(list {@tas fist})`a
|= {c/term d/fist} ^- (unit tank)
=+ (~(get by p.b) c)
?~ - ~
=+ (d u)
?~ - (some >[c u]<)
++ op :: parse keys of map
|* {fel/rule wit/fist}
%+ cu mo
%- ci :_ (om wit)
|= a/(map cord _(need *wit))
^- (unit (list _[(wonk *fel) (need *wit)]))
(zl (turn (~(tap by a)) (head-rush fel)))
++ as :: array as set
:: |*(a/fist (cu sa (ar a))) :: XX types
|* a/fist
%- cu :_ (ar a)
~(gas in *(set _(need *a)))
++ ke :: callbacks
|* {gar/* sef/_|.(fist)}
|= jon/json
^- (unit _gar)
=- ~! gar ~! (need -) -
((sef) jon)
++ lake |*(a/_* $+(json (unit a)))
++ head-rush
|* a/rule
|* {b/cord c/*}
=+ nit=(rush b a)
?~ nit ~
(some [u.nit c])
++ thot
^- $+(json (unit thought))
%- ot :~
serial+(ci (slat %uv) so)
++ audi (op parn memb) :: audience
++ auri (op parn (ci (soft presence) so))
++ memb (ot envelope+lope delivery+(ci (soft delivery) so) ~)
++ lope (ot visible+bo sender+(mu (su parn)) ~)
++ parn
^- $+(nail (like partner))
%+ pick
;~((glue fas) ;~(pfix sig fed:ag) urs:ab)
%+ sear (soft passport)
;~((glue fas) sym urs:ab) :: XX [a-z0-9_]{1,15}
++ stam (ot date+di bouquet+(as (ar so)) speech+spec ~)
++ spec
%+ ke *speech |. ~+
%- of :~
lin+(ot say+bo txt+so ~)
url+(ot txt+(su aurf:urlp) ~)
exp+(ot txt+so ~)
tax+(ot xat+dute ~)
app+(ot txt+so src+so ~)
fat+(ot tor+tors taf+spec ~)
ext+(ot nom+so txe+blob ~)
:: inv+(ot ship+(su fed:ag) party+(su urs:ab) ~)
++ tors
%+ ke *torso |. ~+
%- of :~
name+(ot nom+so mon+tors ~)
text+(cu lore so)
tank+(ot dat+(cu (hard (list tank)) blob) ~)
++ blob (cu cue (su fel:ofis))
++ grow
++ mime [/text/json (taco (crip (pojo json)))]
++ json
=> +
:- %a
%+ turn gam
|= telegram
(jobe ship+(jope p) thought+(thot q) ~)
++ jove
|= {a/envelope b/delivery}
%- jobe :~
envelope+(jobe visible+[%b p.a] sender+?~(q.a ~ s+(parn u.q.a)) ~)
delivery+[%s b]
++ jope |=(a/ship (jape +:<a>)) ::[%s (crip +:(scow %p a))])
++ joke |=(a/tank [%s (role (turn (wash 0^80 a) crip))])
++ jode |=(a/time (jone (div (mul (sub a ~1970.1.1) 1.000) ~s1)))
++ jome :: stringify keys
|* {a/_cord b/_json}
|= c/(map _+<.a _+<.b)
(jobe (turn (~(tap by c)) (both a b)))
++ both :: cons two gates
|* {a/_* b/_*}
|=(c/_[+<.a +<.b] [(a -.c) (b +.c)])
++ thot
|= thought
(jobe serial+(jape <p>) audience+(audi q) statement+(stam r) ~)
++ audi (jome parn jove)
++ bouq
|= a/bouquet
a+(turn (~(tap in a)) |=(b/path a+(turn b |=(c/span s+c))))
++ parn
|= a/partner ^- cord
?- -.a
$& (stat p.a)
$| %- crip
?- -.p.a
$twitter "{(trip -.p.a)}/{(trip p.p.a)}"
++ stat
|= a/station ^- cord
(crip "{<p.a>}/{(trip q.a)}")
++ stam
|= statement
(jobe date+(jode p) bouquet+(bouq q) speech+(spec r) ~)
++ spec
|= a/speech
%+ joba -.a
?+ -.a ~|(stub+-.a !!)
$lin (jobe txt+[%s q.a] say+[%b p.a] ~)
$url (joba txt+(jape (earf p.a)))
$exp (joba txt+[%s p.a])
$tax (jobe txt+(jape (rend-work-duty p.a)) xat+(grow-work-duty p.a) ~)
$app (jobe txt+[%s q.a] src+[%s p.a] ~)
$fat (jobe tor+(tors p.a) taf+$(a q.a) ~)
$ext (jobe nom+[%s p.a] txe+(jape (sifo (jam +.a))) ~)
$non ~
:: $inv (jobe ship+(jope p.a) party+[%s q.a] ~)
++ tors
|= a/torso
%+ joba -.a
?- -.a
$text [%s (role +.a)]
$tank (jobe txt+[%a (turn +.a joke)] dat+(jape (sifo (jam +.a))) ~)
$name (jobe nom+s+p.a mon+$(a q.a) ~)
++ grad
++ form %talk-telegrams
++ diff |=((list telegram) +<)
++ pact |=((list telegram) +<)
++ join |=({(list telegram) (list telegram)} `(unit mime)`~)