mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 11:51:32 +03:00
201 lines
7.1 KiB
201 lines
7.1 KiB
/? 310
/- hall
/+ old-zuse
[old-zuse .]
++ audience (map partner (pair envelope delivery)) :: destination+state
++ bouquet (set flavor) :: complete aroma
++ delivery :: delivery state
$? $pending :: undelivered
$received :: delivered
$rejected :: undeliverable
$released :: sent one-way
$accepted :: fully processed
== ::
++ envelope (pair ? (unit partner)) :: visible sender
++ flavor path :: content flavor
++ passport :: foreign flow
$% {$twitter p/@t} :: twitter
== ::
++ presence ?($gone $hear $talk) :: status type
++ speech :: narrative action
$% {$lan p/knot q/@t} :: local announce
{$exp p/@t} :: hoon line
{$non $~} :: no content (yo)
{$ext p/@tas q/*} :: extended action
{$fat p/torso q/speech} :: attachment
{$url p/purf} :: parsed url
{$ire p/serial q/speech} :: in-reply-to
{$lin p/? q/@t} :: no/@ text line
{$mor p/(list speech)} :: multiplex
{$app p/@tas q/@t} :: app message
$: $api :: api message
service/@tas :: service name
id/@t :: id on the service
id-url/purf :: link to id
summary/@t :: summary of event
body/@t :: body of event
url/purf :: link to event
meta/json :: other data for web
== ::
== ::
++ serial @uvH :: unique identity
++ partner (each station passport) :: interlocutor
++ statement (trel @da bouquet speech) :: when this
++ station (pair ship knot) :: domestic flow
++ telegram (pair ship thought) :: who which whom what
++ thought (trel serial audience statement) :: which whom what
++ torso :: attachment
$% {$name (pair @t torso)} :: named attachment
{$text (list @t)} :: text lines
{$tank (list tank)} :: tank list
== ::
++ from-json
=> [jo ..telegram]
|= a/^json ^- (list telegram:hall)
=- %- zing
%+ turn
(need ((ar (ot ship+(su fed:ag) thought+thot ~)) a))
++ of
|* a/(pole {@tas fist})
|= b/^json
%. ((of:jo a) b)
%- slog
?+ b ~
{$o *}
%+ murn `(list {@tas fist})`a
|= {c/term d/fist} ^- (unit tank)
=+ (~(get by p.b) c)
?~ - ~
=+ (d u)
?~ - (some >[c u]<)
++ op :: parse keys of map
|* {fel/rule wit/fist}
%+ cu malt
%+ ci
|= a/(map cord _(need *wit))
^- (unit (list _[(wonk *fel) (need *wit)]))
(zl (turn ~(tap by a) (head-rush fel)))
(om wit)
++ as :: array as set
|* a/fist
(cu ~(gas in *(set _(need *a))) (ar a))
++ ke :: callbacks
|* {gar/* sef/_|.(fist)}
|= jon/^json
^- (unit _gar)
=- ~! gar ~! (need -) -
((sef) jon)
++ lake |*(a/_* $-(^json (unit a)))
++ head-rush
|* a/rule
|* {cord *}
=+ nit=(rush +<- a)
?~ nit ~
(some [u.nit +>->])
++ thot
^- $-(^json (unit thought))
%- ot :~
serial+`$-(^json (unit serial))`(ci (slat %uv) so)
audience+`$-(^json (unit audience))`audi
statement+`$-(^json (unit statement))`stam
++ audi `$-(^json (unit audience))`(op parn memb)
++ auri (op parn (ci (soft presence) so))
++ memb ^- $-(^json (unit (pair envelope delivery)))
(ot envelope+lope delivery+(ci (soft delivery) so) ~)
++ lope (ot visible+bo sender+(mu (su parn)) ~)
++ parn
^- $-(nail (like partner))
%+ pick
;~((glue fas) ;~(pfix sig fed:ag) urs:ab)
%+ sear (soft passport)
;~((glue fas) sym urs:ab) :: XX [a-z0-9_]{1,15}
++ stam (ot date+di bouquet+(as (ar so)) speech+spec ~)
++ spec
%+ ke *speech |. ~+
%- of :~
lin+(ot say+bo txt+so ~)
url+(ot txt+(su aurf:urlp) ~)
exp+(ot txt+so ~)
app+(ot txt+so src+so ~)
fat+(ot tor+tors taf+spec ~)
ext+(ot nom+so txe+blob ~)
mor+(ar spec)
:: inv+(ot ship+(su fed:ag) party+(su urs:ab) ~)
++ tors
%+ ke *torso |. ~+
%- of :~
name+(ot nom+so mon+tors ~)
text+(cu to-wain:format so)
tank+(ot dat+(cu (hard (list tank)) blob) ~)
++ blob (cu cue (su fel:ofis))
++ convert-telegram
|= t/telegram
^- (list telegram:hall)
=+ aud=(convert-audience q.q.t)
%+ turn (convert-speech r.r.q.t)
|= s/speech:hall
[p.t p.q.t aud p.r.q.t s]
++ convert-audience
|= a/audience
^- audience:hall
%- sy
^- (list circle:hall)
%+ murn ~(tap in ~(key by a))
|= p/partner
^- (unit circle:hall)
?- -.p
$& :+ ~ p.p.p
?: ?| =(q.p.p 'porch')
=(q.p.p 'court')
=(q.p.p 'floor')
$| ~
++ convert-speech
|= s/speech
^- (list speech:hall)
?+ -.s ~&([%ignoring -.s] ~)
$lin [%lin !p.s q.s]~
$url [%url p.s]~
$exp [%exp p.s ~]~
$ire %+ turn (convert-speech q.s)
|= i/speech:hall
[%ire p.s i]
$app [%app p.s [%lin | q.s]]~
$fat ?: &(?=($exp -.q.s) ?=($tank -.p.s))
[%exp p.q.s +.p.s]~
=+ ses=(convert-speech q.s)
=? ses =(0 (lent ses)) [%lin | '']~
[[%fat p.s (snag 0 ses)] (slag 1 ses)]
$mor (zing (turn p.s convert-speech))