mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 12:51:51 +03:00
* jb/motion: pill: solid zuse: remove %crud from vane-task arvo: full vane names in $sign aqua: build again (still broken) arvo: reform of the scry reform
408 lines
11 KiB
408 lines
11 KiB
:: http-client
|= our=ship
=, iris
:: internal data structures
=> =~
:: internal data structures that won't go in zuse
+$ move
$: :: duct: request identifier
card=(wind note gift)
:: +note: private request from light to another vane
+$ note
$% :: %d: to dill
$: %d
$% [%flog =flog:dill]
== == ==
:: more structures
+$ axle
$: :: date: date at which light's state was updated to this data structure
:: +state:client: state relating to open outbound HTTP connections
+$ state
$: :: next-id: monotonically increasing id number for the next connection
:: connection-by-id: open connections to the
connection-by-id=(map @ud [=duct =in-progress-http-request])
:: connection-by-duct: used for cancellation
connection-by-duct=(map duct @ud)
:: outbound-duct: the duct to send outbound requests on
:: +in-progress-http-request: state around an outbound http
+$ in-progress-http-request
$: :: remaining-redirects: http limit of number of redirects before error
:: remaining-retries: number of times to retry the request
:: response-header: the response headers from the %start packet
:: We send the response headers with each %http-progress, so we must
:: save them.
response-header=(unit response-header:http)
:: chunks: a list of partial results returned from unix
:: This list of octs must be flopped before it is composed as the
:: final response, as we want to be able to quickly insert.
chunks=(list octs)
:: bytes-read: the sum of the size of the :chunks
:: expected-size: the expected content-length of the http request
expected-size=(unit @ud)
:: +combine-octs: combine multiple octs into one
++ combine-octs
|= a=(list octs)
^- octs
:- %+ roll a
|= [=octs sum=@ud]
(add sum p.octs)
(can 3 a)
:: +per-client-event: per-event client core
++ per-client-event
|= [[eny=@ =duct now=@da rof=roof] =state]
:: +request: makes an external web request
++ request
|= [=request:http =outbound-config]
^- [(list move) ^state]
:: if there's already a request on this duct, abort
?: (~(has by connection-by-duct.state) duct)
~& %cant-send-second-http-client-request-on-same-duct
[~ state]
:: get the next id for this request
=^ id next-id.state [next-id.state +(next-id.state)]
:: add a new open session
=. connection-by-id.state
%+ ~(put by connection-by-id.state) id
=, outbound-config
[duct [redirects retries ~ ~ 0 ~]]
:: keep track of the duct for cancellation
=. connection-by-duct.state
(~(put by connection-by-duct.state) duct id)
:: start the download
:: the original eyre keeps track of the duct on %born and then sends a
:: %give on that duct. this seems like a weird inversion of
:: responsibility, where we should instead be doing a pass to unix. the
:: reason we need to manually build ids is because we aren't using the
:: built in duct system.
:: email discussions make it sound like fixing that might be hard, so
:: maybe i should just live with the way it is now?
:- [outbound-duct.state %give %request id request]~
:: +cancel: client cancels an outstanding request
++ cancel
^- [(list move) ^state]
?~ cancel-id=(~(get by connection-by-duct.state) duct)
~& %iris-invalid-cancel
[~ state]
:- [outbound-duct.state %give %cancel-request u.cancel-id]~
(cleanup-connection u.cancel-id)
:: +receive: receives a response to an http-request we made
:: TODO: Right now, we are not following redirect and not handling retries
:: correctly. We need to do this.
++ receive
|= [id=@ud =http-event:http]
^- [(list move) ^state]
:: ensure that this is a valid receive
?~ connection=(~(get by connection-by-id.state) id)
~& [%eyre-unknown-receive id]
[~ state]
?- -.http-event
:: TODO: Handle redirects and retries here, before we start dispatching
:: back to the application.
:: record data from the http response that only comes from %start
=. connection-by-id.state
%+ ~(jab by connection-by-id.state) id
|= [duct=^duct =in-progress-http-request]
=. expected-size.in-progress-http-request
?~ str=(get-header:http 'content-length' headers.response-header.http-event)
(rush u.str dum:ag)
=. response-header.in-progress-http-request
[duct in-progress-http-request]
?: complete.http-event
(send-finished id data.http-event)
(record-and-send-progress id data.http-event)
?: complete.http-event
(send-finished id data.http-event)
(record-and-send-progress id data.http-event)
:: we have received a cancel from outside; pass it on to our requester
:_ (cleanup-connection id)
^- (list move)
:_ ~
:* duct.u.connection
:: +record-and-send-progress: save incoming data and send progress report
++ record-and-send-progress
|= [id=@ud data=(unit octs)]
^- [(list move) ^state]
=. connection-by-id.state
%+ ~(jab by connection-by-id.state) id
|= [duct=^duct =in-progress-http-request]
:: record the data chunk and size, if it exists
=? chunks.in-progress-http-request
?=(^ data)
[u.data chunks.in-progress-http-request]
=? bytes-read.in-progress-http-request
?=(^ data)
(add bytes-read.in-progress-http-request p.u.data)
[duct in-progress-http-request]
=/ connection (~(got by connection-by-id.state) id)
:_ state
^- (list move)
:_ ~
:* duct.connection
(need response-header.in-progress-http-request.connection)
:: +send-finished: sends the %finished, cleans up the session state
++ send-finished
|= [id=@ud data=(unit octs)]
^- [(list move) ^state]
=/ connection (~(got by connection-by-id.state) id)
:: reassemble the octs that we've received into their final form
=/ data=octs
%- combine-octs
%- flop
?~ data
[u.data chunks.in-progress-http-request.connection]
=/ response-header=response-header:http
(need response-header.in-progress-http-request.connection)
=/ mime=@t
?~ mime-type=(get-header:http 'content-type' headers.response-header)
:_ (cleanup-connection id)
:~ :* duct.connection
?:(=(0 p.data) ~ `[mime data])
== ==
++ cleanup-connection
|= id=@ud
^- ^state
?~ con=(~(get by connection-by-id.state) id)
%_ state
connection-by-id (~(del by connection-by-id.state) id)
connection-by-duct (~(del by connection-by-duct.state) duct.u.con)
:: end the =~
. ==
:: begin with a default +axle as a blank slate
=| ax=axle
:: a vane is activated with current date, entropy, and a namespace function
|= [now=@da eny=@uvJ rof=roof]
:: allow jets to be registered within this core
~% %http-client ..part ~
++ call
|= [=duct dud=(unit goof) wrapped-task=(hobo task)]
^- [(list move) _light-gate]
=/ task=task ((harden task) wrapped-task)
:: XX handle error notifications
?^ dud
=/ moves=(list move)
[[duct %slip %d %flog %crud [-.task tang.u.dud]] ~]
[moves light-gate]
:: %trim: in response to memory pressure
?: ?=(%trim -.task)
[~ light-gate]
:: %vega: notifies us of a completed kernel upgrade
?: ?=(%vega -.task)
[~ light-gate]
=/ event-args [[eny duct now rof] state.ax]
=/ client (per-client-event event-args)
?- -.task
:: create a cancel for each outstanding connection
:: TODO: We should gracefully retry on restart instead of just sending a
:: cancel.
=/ moves=(list move)
%+ turn ~(tap by connection-by-duct.state.ax)
|= [=^duct @ud]
^- move
[duct %give %http-response %cancel ~]
:: reset all connection state on born
=: next-id.state.ax 0
connection-by-id.state.ax ~
connection-by-duct.state.ax ~
outbound-duct.state.ax duct
[moves light-gate]
=^ moves state.ax (request:client +.task)
[moves light-gate]
=^ moves state.ax cancel:client
[moves light-gate]
=^ moves state.ax (receive:client +.task)
[moves light-gate]
:: http-client issues no requests to other vanes
++ take
|= [=wire =duct dud=(unit goof) sign=*]
^- [(list move) _light-gate]
?< ?=(^ dud)
++ light-gate ..$
:: +load: migrate old state to new state (called on vane reload)
++ load
|= old=axle
^+ ..^$
~! %loading
..^$(ax old)
:: +stay: produce current state
++ stay `axle`ax
:: +scry: request a path in the urbit namespace
++ scry
^- roon
|= [lyc=gang car=term bem=beam]
^- (unit (unit cage))
=* ren car
=* why=shop &/p.bem
=* syd q.bem
=* lot=coin $/r.bem
=* tyl s.bem
?. ?=(%& -.why) ~
=* his p.why
?: &(=(ren %$) =(tyl /whey))
=/ maz=(list mass)
:~ nex+&+next-id.state.ax
[~ ~]