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synced 2024-12-17 20:01:32 +03:00
283 lines
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283 lines
7.8 KiB
:: Three ways we interactg with this app
:: 1. .^(%gx /=gh=/endpoint)
:: 2. [%peer [our %gh] /endpoint]
:: 3. :gh &gh-poke %post /gists json-data
:: This is a driver for the Github API v3.
:: You can interact with this in a few different ways:
:: - .^(%gx /=gh=/read{/endpoint}) or subscribe to
:: /scry/x/read{/endpoint} for authenticated reads.
:: - subscribe to /scry/x/listen/{owner}/{repo}/{events...}
:: for webhook-powered event notifications. For event list,
:: see https://developer.github.com/webhooks/.
:: See the%github app for example usage.
/? 314
/- rfc, gmail-label, gmail-message
/+ http
/= rfctext /: /%/rfc /txt/
// /%/split
::/- gmail
:: /ape/gh/split.hoon defines ++split, which splits a request
:: at the end of the longest possible endpoint.
=> |% :: => only used for indentation
++ move (pair bone card)
++ subscription-result
$% {$arch arch}
{$json json}
{$null $~}
{$inbox (list {message-id/@t thread-id/@t})}
{$message from/@t subject/@t}
++ card
$% {$diff subscription-result}
{$hiss wire {$~ $~} $httr {$hiss hiss}}
++ easy-ot |*({key/@t parser/fist:jo} =+(jo (ot [key parser] ~)))
++ ofis-google :: XX broken
=- |=(a/cord (rash a fel))
=< fel=(cook |~(a/@ `@t`(swap 3 a)) (bass 64 .))
=- (cook welp ;~(plug (plus siw) (stun 0^2 (cold %0 tis))))
^= siw
;~ pose
(cook |=(a/@ (sub a 'A')) (shim 'A' 'Z'))
(cook |=(a/@ (sub a 'G')) (shim 'a' 'z'))
(cook |=(a/@ (add a 4)) (shim '0' '9'))
(cold 62 (just '-'))
(cold 63 (just '_'))
|_ $: hid/bowl count/@
web-hooks/(map @t {id/@t listeners/(set bone)})
received-ids/(list @t)
:: We can't actually give the response to pretty much anything
:: without blocking, so we just block unconditionally.
++ prep ~& 'prep' _`. ::
++ peek
|= {ren/@tas pax/path}
^- (unit (unit (pair mark *)))
++ peer-scry
|= pax/path
^- {(list move) _+>.$}
?> ?=({care ^} pax) :: assert %u
=> (help i.pax i.t.pax t.t.pax)
=> scry
%= make-move
count +(count)
++ poke-gmail-req
|= $: method/meth endpoint/path quy/quay
:: label-req:gmail-label
^- {(list move) _+>.$}
?> ?=(valid-get-endpoint endpoint)
:_ +>.$ :_ ~
^- move
:* ost.hid %hiss /poke/[method] `~ %httr %hiss
^- purl
:+ [& ~ [%& /com/googleapis/www]]
[~ gmail+v1+users+me+`valid-get-endpoint`endpoint]
`quay`[[%alt %json] ~]
:+ method `math`(malt ~[content-type+['application/json']~])
=+ hoon-json-object=(joba %raw s+(message-to-rfc822:rfc mes))
=+ request-body=(tact (pojo hoon-json-object))
(some request-body)
::(some (pojo label-req-to-json:gmail-label label-req:gmail-label ~)) XX
:: HTTP response. We make sure the response is good, then
:: produce the result (as JSON) to whoever sent the request.
++ sigh-httr
|= {wir/wire res/httr}
^- {(list move) _+>.$}
:: ~& wir+wir
?. ?=({care @ @ @ *} wir)
:: pokes don't return anything
~& poke+res
[~ +>.$]
=+ arg=(path (cue (slav %uv i.t.t.wir)))
:: ~& ittwir+i.t.t.wir
:_ +>.$ :_ ~
:+ ost.hid %diff
?+ i.wir null+~
?~ r.res
json+(jobe err+s+%empty-response code+(jone p.res) ~)
=+ jon=(rush q.u.r.res apex:poja)
?~ jon
json+(jobe err+s+%bad-json code+(jone p.res) body+s+q.u.r.res ~)
?. =(2 (div p.res 100))
json+(jobe err+s+%request-rejected code+(jone p.res) msg+u.jon ~)
:: Once we know we have good data, we drill into the JSON
:: to find the specific piece of data referred to by 'arg'
|- ^- subscription-result
?~ arg
=+ switch=t.t.t.t.wir
?+ switch [%json `json`u.jon]
{$messages $~}
=+ new-mezes=((ot messages+(ar (ot id+so 'threadId'^so ~)) ~):jo u.jon)
::%+ turn new-mezes
::|= id
::?< ?=($~ new-mezes)
::=. received-ids [new-mezes received-ids]
::~& received-ids
::=. received
[%inbox (need new-mezes)]
{$messages @t $~}
:: =+ body-parser==+(jo (ot body+(ot data+(cu ofis-google so) ~) ~)) :: (ok /body/data so):jo
:: ~& %.(u.jon (om (om |=(a/json (some -.a))):jo))
:: ~& %.(u.jon (ot headers+(cu milt (ar (ot name+so value+so ~))) ~))
=+ ^- $: headers/{from/@t subject/@t}
~| u.jon
=- (need (reparse u.jon))
^= reparse
=+ jo
=+ ^= from-and-subject
|= a/(map @t @t) ^- {@t @t}
[(~(got by a) 'From') (~(got by a) 'Subject')]
=+ ^= text-body
|= a/(list {@t @t}) ^- wain
%- lore
%- ofis-google
(~(got by (~(gas by *(map @t @t)) a)) 'text/plain')
%+ easy-ot %payload
%- ot :~
headers+(cu from-and-subject (cu ~(gas by *(map @t @t)) (ar (ot name+so value+so ~))))
:: parts+(cu text-body (ar (ot 'mimeType'^so body+(ot data+so ~) ~)))
:: =+ parsed-headers==+(jo ((ot payload+(easy-ot 'headers' (ar some)) ~) u.jon)) ::
:: =+ parsed-message==+(jo ((ot payload+(easy-ot 'parts' (ar body-parser)) ~) u.jon)) ::
::~& [headers body-text]
::=+ body==+(jo ((ot body+(easy-ot 'body' (easy-ot 'data' so))) parsed-message))
[%message headers]
=+ dir=((om:jo some) u.jon)
?~ dir json+(jobe err+s+%no-children ~)
=+ new-jon=(~(get by u.dir) i.arg)
`subscription-result`$(arg t.arg, u.jon ?~(new-jon ~ u.new-jon))
:: redo with next argument
?~ r.res
~& [err+s+%empty-response code+(jone p.res)]
=+ jon=(rush q.u.r.res apex:poja)
?~ jon
~& [err+s+%bad-json code+(jone p.res) body+s+q.u.r.res]
?. =(2 (div p.res 100))
~& [err+s+%request-rejected code+(jone p.res) msg+u.jon]
:: Once we know we have good data, we drill into the JSON
:: to find the specific piece of data referred to by 'arg'
|- ^- subscription-result
=+ dir=((om:jo some) u.jon)
?~ dir
[%arch `(shax (jam u.jon)) ~]
?~ arg
[%arch `(shax (jam u.jon)) (~(run by u.dir) $~)]
=+ new-jon=(~(get by u.dir) i.arg)
$(arg t.arg, u.jon ?~(new-jon ~ u.new-jon))
++ sigh
|= a/*
~& a+a
:_ +>.$ ~
++ help
|= {ren/care style/@tas pax/path}
=^ query pax
=+ xap=(flop pax)
?~ xap [~ ~]
=+ query=(rush i.xap ;~(pfix wut yquy:urlp))
?~ query [~ pax]
[u.query (flop t.xap)]
=^ arg pax ~|(pax [+ -]:(split pax))
~| [pax=pax arg=arg query=query]
=| mow/(list move)
:: Resolve core
++ make-move
^- {(list move) _+>.$}
[(flop mow) +>.$]
++ endpoint-to-purl
|= endpoint/path
^- purl
%+ scan
:: Send an HTTP req
++ send-http
|= hiz/hiss
^+ +>
=+ wir=`wire`[ren (scot %ud count) (scot %uv (jam arg)) style pax]
=+ new-move=[ost.hid %hiss wir `~ %httr [%hiss hiz]]
+>.$(mow [new-move mow])
++ scry
^+ .
?+ style ~|(%invalid-style !!)
$read read
:: $listen listen
:: Standard GET request
++ read (send-http (endpoint-to-purl pax) %get ~ ~)
:: Subscription request
:: ++ listen
:: ^+ .
:: =+ events=?>(?=([@ @ *] pax) t.t.pax)
:: |- ^+ +>.$
:: ?~ events
:: +>.$
:: ?: (~(has by web-hooks) i.events) :: if hook exists
:: =. +>.$ (update-hook i.events)
:: $(events t.events)
:: =. +>.$ (create-hook i.events)
:: $(events t.events)