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synced 2024-12-19 04:41:37 +03:00
117 lines
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117 lines
7.6 KiB
:::: /hook/core/sole/sur
++ sole-action :: sole to app
$% :: [%abo ~] :: reset interaction
[%det sole-change] :: command line edit
[%ret ~] :: submit and clear
== ::
++ sole-buffer (list ,@c) :: command state
++ sole-change :: network change
$: ler=sole-clock :: destination clock
haw=@uvH :: source hash
ted=sole-edit :: state change
== ::
++ sole-dialog :: standard dialog
|* out=$+(* *) :: output structure
$+(sole-input (sole-result out)) :: output function
:: ::
++ sole-result :: conditional result
|* out=$+(* *) :: output structure
$|(@ud (sole-product out)) :: error position
:: ::
++ sole-product :: success result
|* out=$+(* *) ::
%+ pair (list tank) ::
%+ each (unit out) :: ~ is abort
(pair sole-prompt (sole-dialog out)) :: ask and continue
:: ::
++ sole-so :: construct result
|* pro=* ::
[p=*(list tank) q=[%& p=[~ u=pro]]] ::
:: ::
++ sole-yo :: add output tank
|* [tan=tank res=(sole-result)] ::
?@ res res ::
[p=[i=tan t=p.res] q=q.res] ::
:: ::
++ sole-lo :: construct prompt
|* [pom=sole-prompt mor=(sole-dialog)] ::
[p=*(list tank) q=[%| p=pom q=mor]] ::
:: ::
++ sole-no :: empty result
[p=*(list tank) q=~] ::
:: ::
++ sole-go :: parse by rule
|* [sef=_rule fun=$+(* *)] ::
|= txt=sole-input ::
=+ vex=(sef [0 0] txt) ::
?: |(!=((lent txt) q.p.vex) ?=(~ q.vex)) ::
q.p.vex ::
(fun p.u.q.vex) ::
:: ::
++ sole-clock ,[own=@ud his=@ud] :: vector clock
++ sole-edit :: shared state change
$% [%del p=@ud] :: delete one at
[%ins p=@ud q=@c] :: insert at
[%mor p=(list sole-edit)] :: combination
[%nop ~] :: no-op
[%set p=sole-buffer] :: discontinuity
== ::
++ sole-effect :: app to sole
$% [%bel ~] :: beep
[%blk p=@ud q=@c] :: blink/match char at
[%clr ~] :: clear screen
[%det sole-change] :: edit command
[%err p=@ud] :: error point
[%mor p=(list sole-effect)] :: multiple effects
[%nex ~] :: save, clear command
[%pro sole-prompt] :: set prompt
[%sag p=path q=*] :: save to jamfile
[%sav p=path q=@] :: save to file
[%tan p=(list tank)] :: classic tank
:: [%taq p=tanq] :: modern tank
[%txt p=tape] :: text line
== ::
++ sole-command :: command state
$: pos=@ud :: cursor position
say=sole-share :: cursor
== ::
++ sole-prompt :: prompt definition
$: vis=? :: command visible
tag=term :: history mode
cad=tape :: caption
== ::
++ sole-input tape :: prompt input
++ sole-share :: symmetric state
$: ven=sole-clock :: our vector clock
leg=(list sole-edit) :: unmerged edits
buf=sole-buffer :: sole state
== ::
++ dill-belt :: sole input
$% [%aro p=?(%d %l %r %u)] :: arrow key
[%bac ~] :: true backspace
[%cru p=@tas q=(list tank)] :: echo error
[%ctl p=@] :: control-key
[%del ~] :: true delete
[%met p=@] :: meta-key
[%ret ~] :: return
[%rez p=@ud q=@ud] :: resize, cols, rows
[%txt p=(list ,@c)] :: utf32 text
[%yow p=gill] :: connect to app
== ::
++ dill-blit :: sole output
$% [%bel ~] :: make a noise
[%clr ~] :: clear the screen
[%hop p=@ud] :: set cursor position
[%mor p=(list dill-blit)] :: multiple blits
[%pro p=(list ,@c)] :: show as cursor/line
[%qit ~] :: close console
[%out p=(list ,@c)] :: send output line
[%sag p=path q=*] :: save to jamfile
[%sav p=path q=@] :: save to file
== ::
++ gill (pair ship term) :: general contact