2020-06-08 17:53:16 +10:00

278 lines
6.2 KiB

/- *pull-hook
/+ default-agent, resource
+$ card card:agent:gall
+$ config
$: store-name=term
+$ state-0
$: %0
tracking=(map resource ship)
++ default
|* [pull-hook=* =config]
|_ =bowl:gall
++ on-pull-nack
|= [=resource =tang]
=/ =tank leaf+"subscribe failed from {<dap.bowl>} for {<resource>}"
%- (slog tank tang)
[~ pull-hook]
++ on-pull-kick
|= =resource
*(unit path)
++ pull-hook
|* config
$_ ^|
|_ bowl:gall
++ on-init
*[(list card) _^|(..on-init)]
++ on-save
++ on-load
|~ vase
*[(list card) _^|(..on-init)]
++ on-poke
|~ [mark vase]
*[(list card) _^|(..on-init)]
++ on-watch
|~ path
*[(list card) _^|(..on-init)]
++ on-leave
|~ path
*[(list card) _^|(..on-init)]
++ on-peek
|~ path
*(unit (unit cage))
++ on-agent
|~ [wire sign:agent:gall]
*[(list card) _^|(..on-init)]
++ on-arvo
|~ [wire sign-arvo]
*[(list card) _^|(..on-init)]
++ on-fail
|~ [term tang]
*[(list card) _^|(..on-init)]
:: +on-pull-nack: handle failed pull subscription
:: This arm is called when a pull subscription fails.
++ on-pull-nack
|~ [resource tang]
*[(list card) _^|(..on-init)]
:: +on-pull-kick: produce any additional resubscribe path
:: If non-null, the produced path is appended to the original
:: subscription path. This should be used to encode extra
:: information onto the path in order to reduce the payload of a
:: kick and resubscribe.
:: If null, a resubscribe is not attempted
++ on-pull-kick
|~ resource
*(unit path)
:: ::
++ agent
|* =config
|= =(pull-hook config)
=| state-0
=* state -
^- agent:gall
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
og ~(. pull-hook bowl)
hc ~(. +> bowl)
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl)
++ on-init
^- [(list card:agent:gall) agent:gall]
=^ cards pull-hook
[cards this]
++ on-load
|= =old=vase
^- [(list card:agent:gall) agent:gall]
=/ old
!<(state-0 old-vase)
=^ cards pull-hook
(on-load:og inner-state.old)
[cards this(state old)]
++ on-save
^- vase
=. inner-state
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- [(list card:agent:gall) agent:gall]
?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl)
?. =(mark %pull-hook-action)
=^ cards pull-hook
(on-poke:og mark vase)
[cards this]
=^ cards state
(poke-hook-action:hc !<(action vase))
[cards this]
++ on-watch
|= =path
^- [(list card:agent:gall) agent:gall]
?> (team:title our.bowl src.bowl)
?. ?=([%tracking ~] path)
=^ cards pull-hook
(on-watch:og path)
[cards this]
:_ this
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:gall]
^- [(list card:agent:gall) agent:gall]
?. ?=([%helper %pull-hook @ *] wire)
=^ cards pull-hook
(on-agent:og wire sign)
[cards this]
?. ?=([%pull %resource *] t.t.wire)
(on-agent:def wire sign)
=/ rid=resource
(de-path:resource t.t.t.t.wire)
?+ -.sign (on-agent:def wire sign)
=/ pax=(unit path)
(on-pull-kick:og rid)
?^ pax
:_ this
~[(watch-resource:hc rid u.pax)]
=. tracking
(~(del by tracking) rid)
:_ this
?~ p.sign
[~ this]
=. tracking
(~(del by tracking) rid)
=^ cards pull-hook
(on-pull-nack:og rid u.p.sign)
:_ this
[give-update cards]
?. =(update-mark.config p.cage.sign)
=^ cards pull-hook
(on-agent:og wire sign)
[cards this]
:_ this
~[(update-store:hc q.cage.sign)]
++ on-leave
|= =path
^- [(list card:agent:gall) agent:gall]
=^ cards pull-hook
(on-leave:og path)
[cards this]
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
^- [(list card:agent:gall) agent:gall]
=^ cards pull-hook
(on-arvo:og wire sign-arvo)
[cards this]
++ on-fail
|= [=term =tang]
^- [(list card:agent:gall) agent:gall]
=^ cards pull-hook
(on-fail:og term tang)
[cards this]
++ on-peek on-peek:def
|_ =bowl:gall
+* og ~(. pull-hook bowl)
++ poke-hook-action
|= =action
^- [(list card:agent:gall) _state]
?- -.action
%add (add +.action)
%remove (remove +.action)
++ add
|= [=ship =resource]
?< (~(has by tracking) resource)
=. tracking
(~(put by tracking) resource ship)
:_ state
~[(watch-resource resource /)]
++ remove
|= =resource
:- ~[(leave-resource resource)]
state(tracking (~(del by tracking) resource))
++ leave-resource
|= rid=resource
^- card
=/ =ship
(~(got by tracking) rid)
=/ =wire
(make-wire pull+resource+(en-path:resource rid))
[%pass wire %agent [ship push-hook-name.config] %leave ~]
++ watch-resource
|= [rid=resource pax=path]
^- card
=/ =ship
(~(got by tracking) rid)
=/ =path
(welp resource+(en-path:resource rid) pax)
=/ =wire
(make-wire pull+path)
[%pass wire %agent [ship push-hook-name.config] %watch path]
++ make-wire
|= =wire
^+ wire
%+ weld
++ give-update
^- card
[%give %fact ~[/tracking] %pull-hook-update !>(tracking)]
++ update-store
|= =vase
^- card
=/ =wire
(make-wire /store)
[%pass wire %agent [our.bowl store-name.config] %poke update-mark.config vase]