mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 11:51:32 +03:00
171 lines
5.0 KiB
171 lines
5.0 KiB
:: Subtree match finder
:::: /hook/hymn/match
/= gas /$ fuel :: get request info
/= src /: /%/ /hook/ :: current source file
:::: ~sondel-forsut
++ conv $& [conv conv]
[%0 @ub]
++ expr $| @tas
(list expr)
=+ `nock`*conv :: extraneous typecheck
++ build-from
|= [hay=expr man=expr]
=| axe=(list ?(%0 %1)) :: axis acummulator
|- ^- (unit conv)
?: =(man hay)
[~ u=[%0 (join axe)]]
?@ hay ~ :: fail if hay is atom
=+ top=$(hay -.hay, axe [%0 axe])
?^ top
top :: cell is success
=+ bot=$(hay +.hay, axe [%1 axe])
?^ bot
?@ man :: descend unless atom
=+ car=$(man -.man)
?~ car
~ :: lost head is failure
=+ cdr=$(man +.man)
?~ cdr
[~ u=[u.car u.cdr]]
++ join
|= axe=(list ?(%0 %1))
^- axis
%+ reel axe |= [a=?(%0 %1) b=_1]
(add a (lsh 0 1 b))
++ fetch :: (unit expr) by term
;~ biff
~(get by qix.gas) :: get from query string
slay :: parse as coin
|= con=coin
^- (unit expr)
?- -.con
%$ :: single atom
?. ?=(%tas p.p.con) ~
[~ u=q.p.con] :: (some) if is term
%blob :: noun literal, ignore
%many :: list of coin
(zl:jo (turn p.con ..$)) :: when-for
++ print |=(a=expr ~(ram re (rend a)))
++ rend
|= a=expr
^- tank
?~ a [%leaf "()"]
?@ a [%leaf (trip a)]
[%rose [" " "(" ")"] (turn `(list expr)`a ..$)]
^- manx
=+ hay=(fall (fetch %hay) %bad-expr)
=+ man=(fall (fetch %man) %bad-expr)
=+ res=(build-from hay man)
;title: Match
;* =- (turn `wall`- |=(a=tape ;script(type "text/javascript", src a);))
:~ "//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"
;link(rel "stylesheet", href "//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/".
.CodeMirror {
height: 100%
.cm-s-default .cm-atom {color: #70f}
.cm-s-default .cm-operator {color: #097}
#err {
background: #fdd;
display: none;
;h3: Tree transform generator
; Problem and solution found
;a/"http://michaelblume.tumblr.com/post/97793328216": here
; .= ';{input#man(onchange "change()", value (print man))}
; .* ';{input#hay(onchange "change()", value (print hay))}
;- ?~ res "!! :: no route"
; Malformed expression: a-z and - in identifiers, whitespace, and
; matched () are allowed
;script(type "text/ls") ;- %- trip
encode = (exp)->
pars = (lev, str)->
| str is /^\s+/ => pars lev, str - /^\s+/
| str is /^[a-z-]+/
tail = pars lev, str - (term = /^[a-z-]+/)
if tail => {tail, tail.rest, lev, atom: str.match term .0 }
| str is /^\(/
head = pars lev+1, str - /./
if head?rest?
tail = pars lev, head.rest
if tail => {head, tail, tail.rest, lev}
| str is /^\)/ and lev > 0 => {lev, rest: str - /./}
| str is '' and lev is 0 => true
| _ => null
esc = (lev)->
unless lev > 1 => '_'
else '~' * (2 ^ (lev - 2)) + '-'
enc = (obj)->
cab = esc obj?lev
cabb = esc obj?lev + 1
| !obj => ''
| !obj.tail => cab
| obj.atom => obj.atom + cab + enc obj.tail
| obj.head => '.' + cabb + (enc obj.head) + cab + enc obj.tail
(enc pars 0 exp) - /__$/
@change = ->
hav = (encode hay.value); mav = (encode man.value)
if hav and mav
$ err .slideUp!
window.location =
(window.location + '') - /\?.*/ + "?hay=#hav&man=#mav"
else $ err .slideDown!
;script(src "//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/".
:: ;button(onclick "$(err).slideUp()");
;h3: Demo source
;textarea#src: {(trip src)}
CodeMirror.fromTextArea(src, {lineNumbers:true, readOnly:true})