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synced 2024-12-17 11:51:32 +03:00
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436 lines
11 KiB
/+ tester
=, ford
=, tester:tester
:: +expect-schematic: assert a +schematic:ford is what we expect
:: Since Ford requests contain types, we can't do simple
:: equality checking. This function handles all the different
:: kinds of +schematic:ford, dealing with types as necessary.
++ expect-schematic
|= [expected=schematic actual=vase]
^- tang
?^ -.expected
:: specialize :actual's type to be an autocons
=. actual
%+ slap actual
^- hoon
:+ %wtbn
[%wtts [%base %cell] [%& 2]~]
[%wing [%& 1]~]
%+ weld
$(expected -.expected, actual (slap actual [%limb %head]))
$(expected +.expected, actual (slap actual [%limb %tail]))
=. actual (specialize-by-tag -.expected actual)
?- -.expected
%+ weld
^- tang
%+ expect-eq
`vase`[`type`[%atom %tas ~] `term`p.literal.expected]
`vase`(slap actual `hoon`[%wing ~[%p %literal]])
%+ expect-eq
((hard vase) q:(slap actual [%wing ~[%q %literal]]))
%+ weld
%+ expect-eq
[[%atom %da ~] date.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %date])
$(expected schematic.expected, actual (slap actual [%limb %schematic]))
=. actual (slap actual [%limb %choices])
=| res=tang
|- ^+ res
?~ choices.expected
:: make sure there aren't any extra :choices in :actual
=. actual (assert-null actual)
:: no more choices; produce any errors we got
:: :expected isn't empty yet; make sure :actual isn't either
=. actual (assert-not-null actual)
:: recurse on the first sub-schematic
=. res
%+ weld res
^$(expected i.choices.expected, actual (slap actual [%limb %i]))
:: recurse on the rest of the sub-schematics
$(choices.expected t.choices.expected, actual (slap actual [%limb %t]))
%+ weld
%+ expect-eq
[[%atom %tas ~] renderer.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %renderer])
%+ weld
%+ expect-eq
[-:!>(*coin) query-string.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %query-string])
%+ expect-eq
[-:!>(*rail) path-to-render.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %path-to-render])
%- expect-eq
:_ %+ slap actual
^- hoon
[%clhp [%limb %disc] [%limb %mark]]
^- vase
:_ [disc mark]:expected
^- type
:+ %cell
[%face %disc -:!>(*disc)]
[%face %mark -:!>(*term)]
%+ weld
$(expected gate.expected, actual (slap actual [%limb %gate]))
$(expected sample.expected, actual (slap actual [%limb %sample]))
;: weld
%+ expect-eq
[-:!>(*disc) disc.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %disc])
%+ expect-eq
[-:!>(*term) mark.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %mark])
$(expected input.expected, actual (slap actual [%limb %input]))
%+ expect-eq
[-:!>(*rail) source-path.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %source-path])
%+ weld
%+ expect-eq
[[%face %disc -:!>(*disc)] disc.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %disc])
%+ weld
$(expected start.expected, actual (slap actual [%limb %start]))
$(expected end.expected, actual (slap actual [%limb %end]))
=/ error-result=tank (error.expected)
%+ expect-eq
[-:!>(*tank) error-result]
(slap actual `hoon`[%kttr [%like ~[%error] ~]])
%+ expect-eq
[-:!>(*rail) source-path.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %source-path])
%+ weld
%+ expect-eq
[[%face %disc -:!>(*disc)] disc.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %disc])
%+ weld
%+ expect-eq
[[%face %mark [%atom %tas ~]] mark.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %mark])
%+ weld
$(expected first.expected, actual (slap actual [%limb %first]))
$(expected second.expected, actual (slap actual [%limb %second]))
=. actual (slap actual [%limb %schematics])
=/ schematics schematics.expected
=| res=tang
|- ^+ res
?~ schematics
:: make sure there aren't any extra :choices in :actual
=. actual (assert-null actual)
:: no more choices; produce any errors we got
:: :expected isn't empty yet; make sure :actual isn't either
=. actual (assert-not-null actual)
:: recurse on the first sub-schematic
=. res
%+ weld res
^$(expected i.schematics, actual (slap actual [%limb %i]))
:: recurse on the rest of the sub-schematics
$(schematics t.schematics, actual (slap actual [%limb %t]))
%+ weld
%+ expect-eq
[[%face %disc -:!>(*disc)] disc.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %disc])
%+ weld
%+ expect-eq
[[%face %mark [%atom %tas ~]] mark.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %mark])
%+ weld
%+ expect-eq
[[%face %disc-first -:!>(*disc)] disc.expected]
(slap actual [%wing ~[%disc %first]])
%+ weld
%+ expect-eq
[[%face %mark-first -:!>(*disc)] disc.expected]
(slap actual [%wing ~[%mark %first]])
%+ weld
%_ $
expected schematic.first.expected
actual (slap actual [%wing ~[%schematic %first]])
%+ weld
%+ expect-eq
[[%face %disc-second -:!>(*disc)] disc.expected]
(slap actual [%wing ~[%disc %second]])
%+ weld
%+ expect-eq
[[%face %mark-second -:!>(*disc)] disc.expected]
(slap actual [%wing ~[%mark %second]])
%_ $
expected schematic.second.expected
actual (slap actual [%wing ~[%schematic %second]])
%+ weld
$(expected subject.expected, actual (slap actual [%limb %subject]))
=/ mutations mutations.expected
=. actual (slap actual [%limb %mutations])
=| index=@ud
=| res=tang
|- ^+ res
?~ mutations
:: make sure there aren't any extra :choices in :actual
=. actual (assert-null actual)
:: no more choices; produce any errors we got
:: :expected isn't empty yet; make sure :actual isn't either
=. actual (assert-not-null actual)
:: recurse on the first sub-schematic
=. res
%+ weld
%+ weld
%+ expect-eq
[[%face (cat 3 'wing-' (scot %tas index)) -:!>(*wing)] p.i.mutations]
(slap actual [%wing ~[%p %mutations]])
^$(expected q.i.mutations, actual (slap actual [%wing ~[%q %mutations]]))
:: recurse on the rest of the sub-schematics
$(mutations t.mutations, actual (slap actual [%limb %t]))
%+ weld
%+ expect-eq
[[%face %disc -:!>(*disc)] disc.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %disc])
%+ weld
$(expected start.expected, actual (slap actual [%limb %start]))
$(expected diff.expected, actual (slap actual [%limb %diff]))
%- expect-eq
:_ %+ slap actual
[%cnls [%limb %disc] [%limb %prefix] [%limb %raw-path]]
^- vase
:_ [disc prefix raw-path]:expected
^- type
:+ %cell
[%face %disc -:!>(*disc)]
:+ %cell
[%face %prefix [%atom %tas ~]]
[%face %raw-path [%atom %tas ~]]
%+ weld
%+ expect-eq
[[%face %path-to-render -:!>(*rail)] path-to-render.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %path-to-render])
%+ weld
%+ expect-eq
[[%face %query-string -:!>(*coin)] query-string.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %query-string])
%+ expect-eq
[[%face %scaffold -:!>(*scaffold)] scaffold.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %scaffold])
%+ expect-eq
[[%face %disc -:!>(*disc)] disc.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %disc])
%+ weld
%+ expect-eq
[[%face %formula -:!>(*hoon)] formula.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %formula])
$(expected subject.expected, actual (slap actual [%limb %subject]))
$(expected schematic.expected, actual (slap actual [%limb %schematic]))
%+ expect-eq
[[%face %resource -:!>(*resource)] resource.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %resource])
%+ weld
%+ expect-eq
^- vase
:- -:!>(*?)
^- ?
=< -
%+ ~(nets wa *worm)
q:(slap actual [%limb %subject-type])
%+ expect-eq
[[%face %formula -:!>(*hoon)] formula.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %formula])
%+ weld
%+ expect-eq
((hard vase) q:(slap actual [%limb %gate]))
%+ expect-eq
((hard vase) q:(slap actual [%limb %sample]))
?(%vale %volt)
%+ weld
%+ expect-eq
[[%face %disc -:!>(*disc)] disc.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %disc])
%+ weld
%+ expect-eq
[[%face %mark -:!>(*term)] mark.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %mark])
%+ expect-eq
[[%face %input -:!>(**)] input.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %input])
%+ weld
%+ expect-eq
[[%face %disc -:!>(*disc)] disc.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %disc])
%+ weld
%+ expect-eq
[[%face %source -:!>(*term)] source.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %source])
%+ expect-eq
[[%face %source -:!>(*term)] target.expected]
(slap actual [%limb %target])
:: +specialize-by-tag: specialize a $% vase's type to a particular :tag
:: Vase equivalent of:
:: ```
:: ?> ?=(<tag> -.value) value
:: ```
++ specialize-by-tag
|= [tag=@tas =vase]
^+ vase
%+ slap vase
^- hoon
:+ %wtbn
[%wtts [%leaf %tas tag] [%& 2]~]
[%wing [%& 1]~]
:: +assert-null: specialize a vase to have a null type, crashing if invalid
:: Vase equivalent of:
:: ```
:: ?> ?=(~ value) value
:: ```
++ assert-null
|= =vase
^+ vase
%+ slap vase
^- hoon
:+ %wtbn
[%wtts [%base %null] [%& 1]~]
[%wing [%& 1]~]
:: +assert-not-null: specialize a vase to non-null type, crashing if invalid
:: Vase equivalent of:
:: ```
:: ?< ?=(~ value) value
:: ```
++ assert-not-null
|= =vase
^+ vase
%+ slap vase
^- hoon
:+ %wtld
[%wtts [%base %null] [%& 1]~]
[%wing [%& 1]~]