2016-09-20 19:56:32 -07:00

971 lines
34 KiB

!: :: /van/jael
:: :: %orthodox
!? 150
:: ::::
:::: # 0 :: public structures
:: ::::
|= pit/vase
:: ::::
:::: # 1 :: private structures
:: ::::
=> |%
++ jael-state :: all crypto state
$: ver/$0 :: %jael version
nav/jael-objective :: all objective state
nix/jael-subjective :: all subjective state
== ::
++ jael-subjective :: indexes / observers
$: sub/jael-subjective-urbit :: urbit subjective
sew/jael-subjective-web :: web subjective
== ::
++ jael-subjective-urbit :: urbit metadata
$: $= dev :: indexes
$: dad/ship :: our parent
pyr/(set ship) :: peers
kid/(set ship) :: children
ast/(map ship jael-purse) :: assets from
== ::
$= vew :: all trackers
$: lat/(set duct) :: rights
hin/(set duct) :: channel, all
yon/(map ship (set duct)) :: channel by ship
== == ::
++ jael-subjective-web :: web metadata
$~ ::
++ jael-objective :: all universal state
$: urb/jael-urbit :: all urbit state
web/(map site jael-web-domain) :: all web state
== ::
++ jael-web-domain :: per foreign app
$: sec/(map @t jael-web-app) :: client per api key
usr/(map @ta (unit @t)) :: user/password
== ::
++ jael-web-app :: local app
$: key/(unit (pair @da @)) :: API key
tok/(map @t (pair @da @)) :: token by username
== ::
++ jael-web-user :: per-user secrets
$: pas/(unit @t) :: password
dey/(unit @t) :: display name
== ::
++ jael-ship :: per relationship
$: lab/(map ship jael-purse) :: promises to
== ::
++ jael-urbit :: objective urbit
$: pug/gree :: all public state
pry/(map ship jael-ship) :: all specific state
== ::
++ jael-gift :: output
$? {$cash jael-report-cash} :: account report
{$paid jael-report-paid} :: asset update
{$self jael-report-self} :: self dump
== ::
++ jael-right :: urbit commitment
$% {$email p/(set @ta)} :: email addresses
{$final p/(map ship @uvG)} :: ticketed ships
{$fungi p/(map term @ud)} :: fungibles
{$guest $~} :: refugee visa
{$hotel p/pile} :: reserved block
{$jewel p/(map life ring)} :: private keyring
{$lived p/life} :: PKI knowledge
{$token p/(map hand (pair @da code))} :: symmetric keys
== ::
++ jael-purse :: rights set
(tree jael-right) ::
:: ::
++ jael-delta :: rights change
$: mor/jael-purse :: grow rights
les/jael-purse :: lose rights
== ::
++ jael-task :: operations on
$% {$give p/ship q/jael-purse} :: add rights
{$line p/ship q/@da r/code} :: outbound symkey
{$link p/ship q/@da r/code} :: inbound symkey
{$meet p/ship q/gree} :: integrate pki from
{$nuke $~} :: cancel as tracker
{$over p/ship q/jael-task} :: mirror operation
{$pall p/ship q/life} :: our life acked
{$ping p/ship} :: empty contact
{$step p/lamp q/ring} :: update private key
{$take p/ship q/jael-purse} :: subtract rights
{$vein $~} :: watch private keys
{$vest $~} :: watch balances
{$view p/ship} :: watch secure channel
{$vile p/site} :: watch website
{$vine $~} :: watch balance log
{$west p/ship q/path r/*} :: remote request
{$wink p/site q/@t r/(unit bill)} :: set web API key
{$wish p/site q/@t r/(unit @t)} :: set web login
{$wonk p/site q/@t r/@t s/(unit bill)} :: set web API token
== ::
++ jael-report-them :: report on neighbor
$: gur/grue :: certificate
lab/jael-purse :: our promises to
own/jael-purse :: our promises from
== ::
++ jael-report-self :: report on self
$: gur/grue :: certificate
war/(map life ring) :: private keys
== ::
++ jael-report-cash :: neighbors/assets
$: has/(map ship jael-purse) ::
== ::
++ jael-report-paid :: asset diff
$: dif/(list (trel ship ? jael-purse)) :: who, +/-, what
== ::
++ jael-note :: out request $->
$% {$x $mess p/ship q/path r/*} :: send message
== ::
++ jael-message :: p2p message
$% {$hail p/jael-purse} :: reset rights
{$ping p/gree} :: propagate
== ::
++ jael-grow :: unit of learning
$% {$sign p/ship q/life r/@} :: add/update signature
{$step p/lace} :: add whole deed
== ::
++ jael-edit :: urbit change
$% $: $fact :: certificate change
rex/ship :: owner
via/(unit ship) :: made/heard from
lyf/life :: deed added/modified
gan/jael-grow :: info gained
== ::
$: $rite :: rights change
rex/ship :: issuer
pal/ship :: issued to
del/jael-delta :: change
== ::
== ::
++ jael-move :: output
{p/duct q/(wind jael-note jael-gift)}
:: ::::
:::: # 2 :: static data
:: ::::
=> |%
:: :: zeno
++ zeno :: boot signatures
|= :: who: galaxy (0-255)
^- pass
:: ::::
:::: # 3 :: stateless functions
:: ::::
:: (++pu: rights tool)
:: we store the various kinds of ++jael-right in
:: a binary tree, sorted by ++gor on the tag,
:: balanced by ++vor on the tag. this tree, a
:: ++jael-purse, is also a valid ++map. but
:: unlike a ++map, it has heterogeneous type.
:: this design is pretty generalized and should
:: probably be promoted deeper in the stack. its
:: goal is to make it extremely easy to add new
:: forms of ++jael-right, without invalidating
:: existing purse nouns.
:: rights operations always crash if impossible;
:: the algebra has no concept of negative rights.
:: (imagined improvements)
:: more rights: reputation stuff, foreign accounts...
:: blocked on hoon: if equality to constant informed
:: typed inference, ++expose could specialize.
=> |%
:: :: up
++ up :: rights engine
|_ pig/jael-purse
:: :: differ:up
++ differ :: delta pig->gob
|= gob/jael-purse
^- jael-delta
:: :: expose:up
++ expose :: typed extract
|= tag/@tas
^- (unit jael-right)
?~ pig ~
?: =(tag -.n.pig)
[~ u=n.pig]
?:((gor tag -.n.pig) $(pig l.pig) $(pig r.pig))
:: :: insert:up
++ insert :: pig plus gob
|= gob/jael-purse
^- jael-purse
:: :: remove:up
++ remove :: pig minus gob
|= gob/jael-purse
^- jael-purse
:: :: update:up
++ update :: arbitrary change
|= del/jael-delta
^- jael-purse
(remove(pig (insert mor.del)) les.del)
:: ::::
:::: # 4 :: reactors
:: ::::
=> |%
:: ## 4.a :: of
++ of :: main reactor
=| moz/(list jael-move) ::::
=| $: :: sys: system context
$= sys
$: :: now: current time
:: eny: unique entropy
:: all vane state
:: lex: all durable state
:: moz: pending actions
=* lex ->
:: :: abet:of
++ abet :: resolve
[(flop moz) lex]
:: :: call:of
++ call :: invoke
|= $: :: hen: event cause
:: tac: event data
^+ +>
?- -.tac
:: add rights
:: {$give p/ship q/jael-purse)}
(cure abet:(~(give ur sys urb.nav) our [p q]:tac))
:: outbound symmetric key
:: {$link p/ship q/@da r/code}
=* ryt `jael-right`[%token [[(shaf %hand r.tac) q.tac r.tac] ~ ~]]
%- cure
abet:(~(give ur sys urb.nav) our p.tac [ryt ~ ~])
:: inbound symmetric key
:: {$line p/ship q/@da r/code}
=* ryt `jael-right`[%token [[(shaf %hand r.tac) q.tac r.tac] ~ ~]]
%- cure
abet:(~(give ur sys urb.nav) p.tac our [ryt ~ ~])
:: public-key update
:: {$meet p/ship q/gree}
(cure abet:(~(meet ur sys urb.nav) `p.tac q.tac))
:: cancel tracking from duct
:: {$nuke $~}
:: learn as other ship
:: {$over p/ship q/jael-task}
$(our p.tac, tac q.tac)
:: remote version acknowledgment
:: {$pall p/ship q/life}
::(cure abet:(~(pall ur sys urb.nav) our p.tac q.tac))
:: request incidental contact
:: {$ping p/ship}
:: (cure [%ping p.tac ~]~)
:: extend our certificate with a new private key
:: {$step p/lamp}
:: (cure abet:(~(step ur sys urb.nav) our p.tac))
:: remove rights
:: {$take p/ship q/jael-purse}
:: (cure abet:(~(give ur sys urb.nav) our [p q]:tac))
:: watch private keys
:: {$vein $~}
:: monitor assets
:: {$vest $~}
:: monitor secure channel
:: {$view $~}
:: monitor website
:: {$vile p/site}
:: monitor all
:: {$vine $~}
:: execute remote request
:: {$west p/ship q/path r/*}
?> =(~ q.tac)
=+ mes=((hard jael-message) r.tac)
?- -.mes
:: reset remote rights
:: {$hail p/jael-purse}
:: (cure (~(hail ur urb.nav) p.tac our p.mes))
:: share certificates
:: {$ping p/gree}
:: (cure (~(meet ur urb.nav) p.tac p.mes))
:: set/clear web API key
:: {$wink p/site q/@t r/(unit bill)}
:: set/clear web password
:: {$wish p/site q/@t r/(unit @t)}
:: set/clear web API token
:: {$wonk p/site q/@t r/@t s/(unit bill)}
:: :: curd:of
++ curd :: subjective moves
|= {moz/(list jael-move) sub/jael-subjective-urbit}
+>(sub.nix sub, moz (weld (flop moz) ^moz))
:: :: cure:of
++ cure :: objective edits
|= {hab/(list jael-edit) urb/jael-urbit}
^+ +>
(curd(urb.nav urb) abet:(~(apex su urb sub.nix) hab))
:: ## 4.b :: su
++ su :: subjective reactor
=| moz/(list jael-move) ::::
=| $: jael-urbit
:: moz: moves in reverse order
:: urb: objective urbit state
:: sub: subjective urbit state
=* urb -<
=* sub ->
:: :: abet:su
++ abet :: resolve
[(flop moz) sub]
:: :: apex:su
++ apex :: apply changes
|= hab/(list jael-edit)
?~ hab +>
$(hab t.hab, +> (pano:(repo:(echo i.hab) i.hab) i.hab))
:: :: echo:su
++ echo :: update indexes
|= led/jael-edit
^+ +>
?- -.led
:: new certificate state
:: {$fact rex/ship via/(unit ship) lyf/life gan/jael-grow}
:: new deed
:: {$step p/lace}
?. ?=($step -.gan.led) +>
=+ dad=dad.doc.dat.p.gan.led
:: if self update, update cached parent state
?: =(our rex.led)
+>.$(dad.dev dad)
:: if first meeting, add to child/peer sets. children
:: have us as a parent; peers have the same rank as us
?. =(1 lyf.led) +>.$
?: =(our dad)
+>.$(kid.dev (~(put in kid.dev) rex.led))
?. =((clan rex.led) (clan our))
+>.$(pyr.dev (~(put in pyr.dev) rex.led))
:: new rights
:: {$rite rex/ship pal/ship del/jael-delta}
:: track all promises made to us
?. =(our pal.led) +>.$
=* haz (fall (~(get by ast.dev) rex.led) *jael-purse)
=/ nex (~(update up haz) del.led)
%= +>.$
?: =(~ nex)
(~(del by ast.dev) rex.led)
(~(put by ast.dev) rex.led nex)
:: :: pano:su
++ pano :: update network
|= led/jael-edit
^+ +>
?. ?=($fact -.led) +>
?- -.gan.led
:: new signature
:: {$sign p/ship q/life r/@}
:: new deed
:: {$deed p/lace}
:: ::
:: :: if newborn child, send all star and galaxy wills
:: ::
:: =. moz
:: ?. &(=(1 lyf.led) (~(has in kid.dev) rex.led))
:: moz
:: :_ moz
:: =* rug ^- gree
:: %- ~(gas by *gree)
:: %+ skim (~(tap by pug.urb))
:: |=({who/ship *} (lth who 65.536))
:: [%pass %x ~ %mess rex.led /x %ping rug]
:: ==
:: ::
:: :: propagate this specific update
:: ::
:: =- %= +>
:: moz
:: %+ weld
:: (turn lat |=(ship [%pass %x ~ %mess +< /x %ping gur.led]))
:: moz
:: ==
:: ::
:: :: lat: ships to target, not including self or source
:: :: tag: set of ships to target
:: :: jad: list of ship sets to target
:: ::
:: ^= lat ^- (list ship)
:: =- (~(tap by (~(del by (~(del by tag) via.led)) our)))
:: ^= tag ^- (set ship)
:: =- |-(?~(jad ~ (~(uni in i.jad) $(jad t.jad))))
:: ^= jad ^- (list (set ship))
:: ?. &(=(our via.led) !=(our rex.led))
:: [rex.led ~ ~]
:: ::
:: :: if we signed a will for someone else, send it home
:: ::
:: ?: &(=(our via.led) !=(our rex.led))
:: [rex.led ~ ~]
:: ::
:: :: if our will has changed, send to parents and kids;
:: :: if a new deed has been added, also to pals
:: ::
:: ?: =(our rex.led)
:: :* [dad.dev ~ ~]
:: kid.dev
:: ?.(=(%new way.led) ~ [pal.dev ~])
:: ==
:: ::
:: :: propagate star and galaxy updates to parents and kids
:: ::
:: ?. (lth rex.led 65.536)
:: ~
:: :* [dad.dev ~ ~]
:: kid.dev
:: ~
:: :: repo:su
++ repo :: update trackers
|= led/jael-edit
^+ +>
?- -.led
:: new certificate state
:: {$fact rex/ship via/ship lyf/life way/?($new $old) gur/gree}
:: new rights
:: {$paid p/ship q/jael-delta}
:: ## 4.c :: ur
++ ur :: urbit reactor
=| hab/(list jael-edit) ::::
=| $: :: sys: system context
$= sys
$: :: now: current time
:: eny: unique entropy
:: all vane state
:: urb: all urbit state
:: hab: side effects, reversed
=* urb ->
:: :: abet:ur
++ abet :: resolve
[(flop hab) `jael-urbit`urb]
:: :: give:ur
++ give :: grant rights
|= {rex/ship pal/ship lab/jael-purse}
^+ +>
:: :: meet:ur
++ meet :: calculate merge
|= $: :: via: authenticated source
:: cod: transmitted certificates
via/(unit ship)
^+ +>
=+ lec=(~(tap by cod))
|- ^+ ..meet
?~ lec ..meet
%= $
lec t.lec
..meet abet:(grow:~(able ex p.i.lec) via cod q.i.lec)
:: :: ex:ur
++ ex :: server reactor
:: shy: private state
:: rug: domestic will
=| $: shy/jael-ship
=| :: rex: server ship
:: :: abet:ex:ur
++ abet :: resolve
%_ ..ex
pry (~(put by pry) rex shy)
pug (~(put by pug) rex rug)
:: :: able:ex:ur
++ able :: initialize
%_ .
shy (fall (~(get by pry) rex) *jael-ship)
rug (fall (~(get by pug) rex) *grue)
:: :: grow:ex:ur
++ grow :: merge wills
|= $: :: via: data source
:: cod: merge context
:: gur: input will
via/(unit ship)
?: |(=(~ q.gur) =(gur rug)) ..grow
|^ ^+ ..grow
:: wap: ascending list of new certs
:: nem: previous life
:: pre: previous deed
=/ wap
^- (list (pair life lace))
%+ sort (~(tap by q.gur))
|= {a/{life *} b/{life *}}
(lth -.a -.b)
=/ nem
^- (unit life)
?~(wap ~ ?:(=(1 p.i.wap) ~ `(dec p.i.wap)))
=/ pre
^- (unit lama)
(bind nem |=(life dat:(~(got by q.rug) +<)))
:: merge each life
|- ^+ ..grow
?~ wap ..grow
?> |(?=($~ nem) =(p.i.wap +(u.nem)))
:: lub: merged deed and changes
=+ lub=(grow-mate p.i.wap q.i.wap pre)
%= $
wap t.wap
nem `p.i.wap
pre `dat.q.lub
q.rug (~(put by q.rug) p.i.wap q.lub)
hab (weld (flop p.lub) hab)
:: :: grow-leak/ex:ur
:: :: get private key
++ grow-leak
|= {who/ship lyf/life}
^- @
:: lab: promises by who
:: par: promises by who, to who
:: jel: private key by life
=* lab lab:(~(got by pry) who)
=* par (~(got by lab) who)
=/ jel `jael-right`(need (~(expose up par) %jewel))
?> ?=($jewel -.jel)
(~(got by p.jel) lyf)
:: :: grow-lick/ex:ur
++ grow-lick :: check signature
|= {pub/pass ash/@ val/@}
^- ?
=+ ver=(sure:as:(com:nu:crub pub) *code val)
?~ ver |
=(ash u.ver)
:: :: grow-like/ex:ur
++ grow-like :: verify signature
|= {myn/mind ash/@ val/@}
^- ?
=: ..able able(rex who.myn)
gur (fall (~(get by cod) who.myn) *grue)
(grow-lick (grow-look lyf.myn) ash val)
:: :: grow-look/ex:ur
++ grow-look :: load public key
|= lyf/life
^- @
:: cascade search over old and new, new first
|^ %- (bond |.((need grow-look-find)))
grow-look-find(rug gur)
:: :: grow-look-find:ex:ur
++ grow-look-find ::
^- (unit @)
:: crash if this life is revoked
?> =(p.rug lyf)
%+ biff (~(get by q.rug) lyf)
|=(lace `pub.dat)
:: :: grow-mate/ex:ur
++ grow-mate :: merge lives
|= $: :: num: life we're merging
:: new: new deed
:: pre: previous deed
:: eld: old deed
pre/(unit lama)
=+ :* eld=`(unit lace)`(~(get by q.rug) num)
^- (pair (list jael-edit) lace)
:: enforce artificial scarcity in lives
?> (lte num 9)
:: if no new information, do nothing
?: |(=(eld `new))
?> ?=(^ eld)
[~ u.eld]
:: ash: hash of deed content
:: def: our default parent
:: dad: our declared parent
:: mir: our rank
=/ ash (sham %urbit rex num dat.new)
=/ def (sein rex)
=* dad dad.doc.dat.new
=/ mir (clan rex)
?> ?: |(=(num 1) =(%earl mir) =(%pawn mir))
:: first parent must be default;
:: comets and moons may not migrate
=(def dad)
:: all others may migrate to parent of same rank
=((clan def) (clan dad))
:: if we have an old deed at this life, merge new signatures
?: ?=(^ eld)
:: deed data must be identical
?> =(dat.new dat.u.eld)
:: sow: all new signatures
=+ sow=`(list (trel ship life @))`(~(tap by syg.new))
|- ^- (pair (list jael-edit) lace)
?~ sow [~ u.eld]
:: mor: all further edits
:: och: old signature for this signer
=+ mor=$(sow t.sow)
=+ och=(~(get by syg.q.mor) p.i.sow)
:: ignore obsolete/equivalent signature
?. |(?=($~ och) (gth q.i.sow p.u.och))
:: verify and merge added signature
?> (grow-like [p q]:i.sow ash r.i.sow)
:_ q.mor(syg (~(put by syg.q.mor) p.i.sow [q r]:i.sow))
:_ p.mor
`jael-edit`[%fact rex via num `jael-grow`[%sign i.sow]]
:: non-initial deeds must be signed by previous
?> ?| ?=($~ pre)
=+ laz=(~(got by syg.new) rex)
?> =(p.laz (dec num))
(grow-lick pub.u.pre ash q.laz)
:: check the parent has signed, if necessary
?> ?| ::
:: no parent signature for existing, non-moon urbits
?& ?=(^ pre)
=(dad.doc.u.pre dad)
!=(%earl mir)
:: initial fingerprint for galaxy is hardcoded
?& =(%czar mir)
?=($~ pre)
=((shaf %zeno pub.dat.new) (zeno rex))
:: the deed is made by us or sent by owner
|(?=($~ via) =(u.via rex))
:: check valid parent signature
=+ par=(~(got by syg.new) dad)
(grow-like [dad p.par] ash q.par)
=- [[%fact rex p.- num %step q.-]~ q.-]
^- (pair (unit ship) lace)
:: the new deed is complete; report it
?: (~(has by syg.new) dad)
[via new]
:: the new deed needs a signature; try to add it
:- ~
:: lyf: life of parent
:: rig: secret key of parent
:: val: new signature
=* lyf p:(~(got by pug) dad)
=* rig (grow-leak dad lyf)
=* val (sign:as:(nol:nu:crub rig) *@ ash)
new(syg (~(put by syg.new) dad [lyf val]))
:: :: unto:ex:ur:of
++ unto :: client reactor
|= :: pal: client ship
:: cly: client state
:: =+ (fall (~(get by rel) pal) *jael-friend)
=* cly -
:: :: abet:unto:ex:ur
++ abet :: resolve
^+ ..unto
:: :: give:unto:ex:ur
++ give :: credit
|= pig/jael-purse
^+ +>
:: ::::
:::: :: preamble
:: ::::
:: lex: all durable %jael state
=| lex/jael-state
|= $: ::
:: now: current time
:: eny: unique entropy
:: ski: namespace resolver
:: ::
:::: :: interface
:: ::::
:: :: call
++ call :: request
|= $: :: hen: cause of this event
:: hic: event data
hic/(hypo (hobo jael-task))
=> .(q.hic ?.(?=($soft -.q.hic) q.hic ((hard jael-task) p.q.hic)))
^- {p/(list jael-move) q/_..^$}
=^ did lex abet:~(call of [now eny] lex)
[did ..^$]
:: :: doze
++ doze :: await
|= $: :: now: current time
:: hen: cause (XX why we need this?)
^- (unit @da)
:: :: load
++ load :: upgrade
|= $: :: old: previous state
^+ ..^$
..^$(lex old)
:: :: scry
++ scry :: inspect
|= $: :: fur: event security
:: ren: access mode
:: why: owner
:: syd: desk (branch)
:: lot: case (version)
:: tyl: rest of path
fur/(unit (set monk))
^- (unit (unit cage))
:: :: stay
++ stay :: preserve
:: :: take
++ take :: accept
|= $: :: tea: order
:: hen: cause
:: hin: result
hin/(hypo sign-arvo)
^- {p/(list jael-move) q/_..^$}
[~ ..^$]