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synced 2024-12-19 12:51:51 +03:00
298 lines
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298 lines
6.6 KiB
:: eth-sender: utility for signing & sending eth-txs
:: usage:
:: sign txs for gasses of 2 and 11 gwei; (~ for default gwei set)
:: store at path
:: :eth-sender [%sign %/txs %/txs/eth-txs %/pk/txt ~[2 0]]
:: read nonce range from signed transactions at path
:: :eth-sender [%read %txs/txt]
:: send all but first 50 txs from path to mainnet,
:: waiting for confirms every 4 txs
:: :eth-sender [%send %/txs/txt 4 `index+50 ~]
/+ ethereum, default-agent, verb
++ state-0
$: %0
+$ tx-range
$: how=?(%nonce %index) :: tx nonce / index in file
wat=$@(@ud [start=@ud end=@ud]) :: inclusive. end optional
+$ command
$% [%sign out=path in=path key=path gweis=(list @ud)]
[%read =path]
$: %send
range=(unit tx-range)
nodes=(list [id=@tas url=@t])
+$ card card:agent:gall
=| state-0
=* state -
%+ verb |
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
do ~(. +> bowl)
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl)
++ on-init on-init:def
++ on-save !>(state)
++ on-load on-load:def
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card _this)
?. ?=(%noun mark) [~ this]
=/ =command !<(command vase)
?- -.command
~& (read-transactions:do +.command)
[~ this]
:_ this
(sign-transactions:do +.command)
:_ this
(send-transactions:do +.command)
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:gall]
^- (quip card _this)
?. ?=([%send *] wire)
(on-agent:def wire sign)
?- -.sign
?~ p.sign
[~ this]
%- (slog leaf+"{(trip dap.bowl)} couldn't start thread" u.p.sign)
:_ this
[(leave-spider:do wire our.bowl)]~
?~ p.sign
[~ this]
=/ =tank leaf+"{(trip dap.bowl)} couldn't start listen to thread"
%- (slog tank u.p.sign)
[~ this]
[~ this]
?+ p.cage.sign (on-agent:def wire sign)
=+ !<([=term =tang] q.cage.sign)
%- (slog leaf+"{(trip dap.bowl)} failed" leaf+<term> tang)
[~ this]
~& ['all submitted to' t.wire]
[~ this]
++ on-peek on-peek:def
++ on-watch on-watch:def
++ on-leave on-leave:def
++ on-arvo on-arvo:def
++ on-fail on-fail:def
|_ =bowl:gall
++ poke-spider
|= [=path our=@p =cage]
^- card
[%pass path %agent [our %spider] %poke cage]
++ watch-spider
|= [=path our=@p =sub=path]
^- card
[%pass path %agent [our %spider] %watch sub-path]
++ leave-spider
|= [=path our=@p]
^- card
[%pass path %agent [our %spider] %leave ~]
++ start-txs-send
|= [[node-id=@tas node=@t] step=@ud txs=(list @ux)]
^- (list card)
=/ tid=@ta
:((cury cat 3) dap.bowl '--' node-id '--' (scot %uv eny.bowl))
=/ args
:^ ~ `tid %eth-send-txs
!>([node step txs])
:~ (watch-spider /send/[tid] our.bowl /thread-result/[tid])
(poke-spider /send/[tid] our.bowl %spider-start !>(args))
++ get-file
|= =path
~| path
.^ (list cord)
(scot %p our.bowl)
(scot %da now.bowl)
++ write-file-wain
|= [=path tox=(list cord)]
^- card
?> ?=([@ desk @ *] path)
=- [%pass [%write path] %arvo %c %info -]
:- i.t.path
=- &+[t.t.t.path -]~
=/ y .^(arch %cy path)
?~ fil.y
++ write-file-transactions
|= [=path tox=(list transaction:rpc:ethereum)]
^- card
?> ?=([@ desk @ *] path)
=- [%pass [%write path] %arvo %c %info -]
:- i.t.path
=- &+[t.t.t.path -]~
=/ y .^(arch %cy path)
?~ fil.y
++ read-transactions
|= =path
^- tape
=+ tox=.^((list cord) %cx path)
=+ [first last]=(read-nonces tox)
%+ weld
"Found nonces {(scow %ud first)} through {(scow %ud last)}"
" in {(scow %ud (lent tox))} transactions."
++ read-nonces
|= tox=(list cord)
|^ ^- [@ud @ud]
?: =(~ tox) ::NOTE tmi
[0 0]
:- (read-nonce (snag 0 tox))
(read-nonce (snag (dec (lent tox)) tox))
++ read-nonce
|= tex=cord
^- @ud
%+ snag 0
%- decode-atoms:rlp:ethereum
(tape-to-ux (trip tex))
++ sign-transactions
|= [out=path in=path key=path gasses=(list @ud)]
^- (list card)
%+ turn
?. =(~ gasses) gasses
:: default gwei set
~[4 8 12 20 32]
|= gas=@ud
%+ write-file-wain
:: add gas amount to path
=+ end=(dec (lent out))
=- (weld (scag end out) -)
?: =(0 gas) [(snag end out) /txt]
:_ /txt
(cat 3 (snag end out) (crip '-' ((d-co:co 1) gas)))
%- sign
:+ in key
:: modify tx gas if non-zero gwei specified
?: =(0 gas) ~
`(mul gas
++ sign
=, rpc:ethereum
|= [in=path key=path gas=(unit @ud)]
^- (list cord)
?> ?=([@ @ @ *] key)
=/ pkf (get-file t.t.t.key)
?> ?=(^ pkf)
=/ pk (rash i.pkf ;~(pfix (jest '0x') hex))
=/ txs .^((list transaction) %cx in)
=/ enumerated
=/ n 1
|- ^- (list [@ud transaction])
?~ txs
[[n i.txs] $(n +(n), txs t.txs)]
%+ turn enumerated
|= [n=@ud tx=transaction]
~? =(0 (mod n 100)) [%signing n]
=? gas-price.tx ?=(^ gas) u.gas
(crip '0' 'x' ((x-co:co 0) (sign-transaction:key:ethereum tx pk)))
++ send-transactions
|= [=path step=@ud range=(unit tx-range) nodes=(list [id=@tas url=@t])]
^- (list card)
=? nodes =(~ nodes)
:~ geth+'http://eth-mainnet.urbit.org:8545'
~& 'loading txs...'
=/ tox=(list cord) .^((list cord) %cx path)
=? tox ?=(^ range)
(txs-in-range tox u.range)
=/ txs=(list @ux)
%+ turn tox
(cork trip tape-to-ux)
~& ['sending txs:' (lent txs)]
%- zing
%+ turn nodes
|= node=[@tas @t]
(start-txs-send node step txs)
++ txs-in-range
|= [tox=(list cord) =tx-range]
^+ tox
=* ran wat.tx-range
?- how.tx-range
?@ ran
(slag ran tox)
%+ slag start.ran
(scag end.ran tox)
=+ [first last]=(read-nonces tox)
?: !=((lent tox) +((sub last first)))
~| ['probably non-contiguous set of transactions' -]
?@ ran
(slag (sub ran first) tox)
%+ slag (sub start.ran first)
(scag (sub +(end.ran) first) tox)
++ tape-to-ux
|= t=tape
(scan t ;~(pfix (jest '0x') hex))